• Published 5th Apr 2023
  • 615 Views, 44 Comments

How Much Do You Love Starlight Glimmer - Starlight Fan

Eight creatures are asked how much Starlight Glimmer means to them. They of course, decide to answer.

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Chapter 1: Sunburst

Author's Note:

These all take place before the timeskip in The Last Problem.

I found myself liking Sunburst a little more as I wrote this chapter. I can’t explain it, I just did. I don’t ship Starburst though. TwiStar’s my OTP

Well… I wouldn’t exactly say that I LOVE her. You know, not in that way at least. Starlight’s the first friend I ever made back in Sire’s Hollow, the only friend for that matter.

She always had this odd vibe to her, the good odd. I admired our shared interest in magic, and we quickly bonded over that. Not a lot of unicorns there were really interested in magic like me and Starlight, so being able to share that with her was a treat.

Though even outside of magic, we definitely had a decent connection. We just felt comfortable around each other, and while truth be told, I didn’t hold our childhood to the same regard as she did, it was a good experience for me growing up as it brought some spice to my life.

Going to magic school was rough on me. I originally did want to get in touch with Starlight, I really did, but it was pretty difficult. For one thing, we didn’t exactly have dragons with magic fire breath to send us letters(no offense to Twilight and Spike, but they do have an easy communication system). On top of that, I was really struggling with magic school, until I eventually flunked out. No matter how hard I tried to understand the spells, and no matter how much effort I put in, it just wasn’t good enough. I felt like a failure when that happened to me, no matter how much my mother tried to convince me otherwise, I grew into a funk.

Seeing Starlight again in the Crystalling on my porch definitely was a pleasant surprise, hearing how she was Twilight’s protege definitely was a shock and when I heard about it, I felt horrible. Not because I was jealous of Starlight, I wished her the best after all, but it was because she was actually going somewhere with her life and all I had was my cottage full of books.

So when she assumed I was this great wizard, I went along with it, because I didn’t want my old friend to see me as a pathetic loser. Looking back, that probably made things worse because she was clearly feeling the same way I was feeling about her. I knew in my heart that I could not keep lying to Starlight about my career in life, so I eventually did confess about the fact that I flunked magic school, and I was surprised that she didn’t cast me aside because of it.

When she finally came clean about her dark past, I was definitely shocked. She probably seemed surprised that I didn’t treat her like a freak after hearing about how she stole cutie marks but I just couldn’t do that to her. She may have been a villain, but she actually regretted what she did. That says a lot more about her than I can say for most other ponies.

Honestly, I owe my thanks to her, it was because of her I was able to realize I’m not a loser and as such, I saved the Crystal Empire thanks to trusting my instincts and became the Crystaller to Flurry Heart, with so many happy memories to come.

That would not have happened if I had not reunited with Starlight nor if she didn’t care about me as much as she did.

I definitely had to admit, I took her for granted too much at times. When I first visited Ponyville, I was so focused on bonding with her other friends that I completely neglected her existence. Yes, I’m aware you can have more than one friend, it’s not like the rules of dating, but it’s not okay to ignore your other friends, especially when they hold you to such high regard like Starlight did for me.

I didn’t seem to learn my lesson after that day though, because I pretty much disregarded her worries about the Pony Of Shadows situation: both with bringing back the Pillars to mine and Twilight’s idolizing and when Starswirl rejected Starlight’s idea of reforming Stygian.

I know Twilight was the one who she was upset with, but I was guilty too. I ignored the fact she was being neglected AGAIN, and I blindly followed Starswirl when in Starlight’s defense, she did have a sound backup plan.

I don’t know how a pony can be as forgiving as her. Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve it at times, but then Starlight reassured me that if she held a grudge, she would have said something. I could tell that she was a little uneasy around Twilight however. I kinda felt a little bad for Twilight, not because she didn’t deserve Starlight’s uneasiness, but because I was able to dodge Starlight’s mistrust just because Twilight held more responsibility and power over the whole situation than I did but given Starlight and Twilight were able to patch things up pretty quickly and the fact Starlight didn’t hold much of a grudge anyway, I was able to look past it.

Our bond pretty much increased after those missteps we had however, and we grew much better at communicating with each other.

To say I was honored when she called on me to be Vice Headmare of the School Of Friendship was definitely an understatement, and in all honesty, I’m glad she gave me such a chance.

As it stands today, me and Starlight are pretty close friends, and our bond only increased since I moved to Ponyville. Thanks to the both of our efforts, the School Of Friendship has been a major success and our lives are better than ever. What I love about Starlight is how kind and understanding she is about other creatures, she may sometimes doubt that about herself but she has that quality and it’s a great one.

A day does not go by where I don’t thank Princess Twilight for being able to save Starlight from her inner darkness and her troubled past, because I cannot imagine a life without my oldest and closest friend.