Something was off about Grogar. That’s what the former queen of the changeling armies, Chrysalis, the pegasus filly, Cozy Glow, and the magic consuming centaur, Tirek all thought in unison. He sent them to grab the bewitching bell only a few moons ago. Grogar’s presence felt familiar, it wasn’t like one of theirs, it was more chaotic. Tirek took notice of this. “I don’t see what all the fuss was about.” He snarled. “He makes us do all this work, and I recognize something about him.” He said to Chrysalis and Cozy Glow.
“Hm, good thought, Tirek.” Chrysalis stated.
“It’s Lord Tir-“ Tirek tried to intervene, but Chrysalis cut him off before he could finish.
“I won’t call you by that ridiculous title. Don’t even bother, Tirek. But your comment about Grogar, you might be onto something.”
Chrysalis snickered. She gestured over to the bewitching bell. “We already have what he wanted; what creature says we need to give it to him.”
“Nopony does!” Cozy Glow intervened. “But what do you mean he feels different? It’s not like you’ve met him before now.” She exclaimed.
“I don’t know about that.” Tirek muttered, looking stern. He walked around the hollow cave, his clicking hooves echoing off the brown walls. “He doesn’t seem like the GREATEST sorcerer. He doesn’t even seem like a competent one at that.” His voice bellowed through the empty cave. Not the echo of a yell, but that of a simple statement. As if it held some sort of value.
“Why I agree, I’d say I hold a greater amount of magical expertise than that belittling idiot of a ram does.” Chrysalis griped. “I say what’s the point of following his idiotic orders.” Afterwards Chrysalis settled on letting out a sigh, despite her want to yell at the two inferior creatures in her view.
“Golly! It seems like you haven’t ever liked this guy, Chrysalis!” Cozy said with her usual cheerful, yet condescending tone. “You seem to not like ANY of us Chryssi! Come on! Cheer up a little!” Cozy flew up to Chrysalis’ level, forcing her to smile by stretching her cheeks.
“Hooves off me, filly.” Chrysalis let out a low hiss. “I don’t have time for your games at the moment. Tirek, what do you mean about Grogar’s presence?” Chrysalis sassed.
“Well, I feel like I’ve known him, felt him before.” Tirek growled. “Like I’ve known his power.” He said.
“You’ve said that like 8 times!” Cozy shouted, flying up to the centaur’s crimson face. “Okay! Golly, you recognize him! So what? If you have information and do NOTHING with it, it’s useless!” She yelled in Tirek’s face. “And as far as anypony knows, it could be anypony under that disguise, what are we supposed to even do!?” She ranted.
“Well.” Chrysalis took the bewitching bell from Tirek’s grasp. Floating it in her face. “If we just TAKE their magic, what’ll they do about it?” She chuckled, a nightmarish grin spreading across her face. “They’ll be POWERLESS. Ripe for execution, to even think of deceiving US.” She started laughing, Tirek joining after, and Cozy finally finishing off the chain.
“Wowie!” Cozy cheered, flying back to Chrysalis. “That sounds perfect, Chryssi! Oh golly!” She chimed, seeming as happy as ever.
“If it’s one of those dastardly ponies, somehow using magic to transform, it’s no doubt that Twilight.” Tirek smirked with his words.
“Or that… Starlight glimmer.” Chrysalis growled, clenching her teeth together. “That nuisance. That… That VILE CREATURE. STEALING MY HIVE.” Chrysalis took a deep breath. “I’d love to see the life leave her eyes.” She grinned.
“Or! It could be a changeling, like Thorax! Oh golly, that wouldn’t provide much power.” She thought out loud.
“I’d still love to crush him.” Chrysalis smiled wider, until Tirek grabbed the bell.
“Enough, Grogar should be arriving.” He muttered. “Chrysalis, cast an invisibility spell on the bell.” He said.
“You don’t tell me what to do, centaur.” She scoffed and cloaked the bell in a transparent magic glow. “Good plan, though.” She mumbled.
The trio walked towards the cave’s opening, eight hooves clicking on the ground with each step, and the soft flapping of a filly’s wings following them. All those sounds echoing through the cave. All until they saw the blue ram in the center of the cave’s entrance.
“Why hello minions.” The three grimaced at that comment. “Have you fetched the bewitching bell?” He began, “I doubt you could all get it anyways, even if you MANAGED to actually cooperate.” He snickered, smirking at the three creatures in front of him.
“We did.” Tirek interjected.
“Well where is it?” Grogar circled the three, eying them up and down. “I don’t SEE a bewitching bell.” He snarled. “If you all lie to me you know what’ll happen!” He yelled.
“Oh golly, we don’t wanna be hurt! I swear we got the bell!” Cozy said condescendingly. “Maybe you just need to look harder, mister Grogar!” She took one of Grogar’s horns and spun him around. “Do you think this will help?”
“DO NOT DO THAT TO THE GREATEST SORCERER IN EQUESTRIA!” Grogar roared in a state of pure rage.
Chrysals smirked, decloaking the bewitching bell. “Well, it’s right here Grogar, all for you.” She said, her eyes wide and her grin even wider. “You just need to pay attention!” She chatted.
Tirek grappled Grogar by his horns, holding him still. “So, you did get it, but what’s the meaning of all this!?” The three villains chuckled, the bell glowed and started absorbing a dark purple magic from Grogar’s slowly transforming body, turning into that of a certain draconequus. The brown hoof, the scaly green foot, the red dragon tail, the long brown body, it was Discord. His body turning monochrome, and he fell limp to the floor.
“I knew I was suspicious for good reason.” Tirek grabbed discord by the neck, squeezing with his giant fist. “How does it feel, to have this happen a second time.” Tirek snickered, tightening his grasp. “Are you proud of yourself?” He chuckled, squeezing even harder, taking joy in Discord’s shallow breaths. “But don’t worry, this bell will make you of use to all of us, Discord.” Tirek held the bell in Discord’s pale face.
“You…” Discord coughed. “F-Fluttershy…” He begged with the few breaths he had left. “Pl-“ Tirek threw the draconequus’ body to the hard, rocky floor. He raised a hind hoof, and stomped on his head, over and over.
“Enough having your own fun, Tirek. Other creatures were deceived as well.” Tirek let up and nodded, stepping away from the slightly conscious body. “So, was all this worth it?” She smiled and lifted Discord’s face up, making him stare at her directly. “Don’t worry about that Fluttershy, she’ll be a nice addition to the future changeling army.” She grinned as Discord snarled, using all his strength remaining to get back on his feet.
“Now slow down there!” Cozy held Discord up with her hooves. “You’re in no place to be standing up!” She exclaimed. “Don’t worry mister! Everything will be okay!” She pushed Discord to the floor. “Grogar’s plan worked! We’re going to take over Equestria! Isn’t that what you wanted?” She flew above Discord, beaming down a smile. She slapped around Discord’s face with her hooves, pushing her hoof against his bruised muzzle. “Golly, if you didn’t that’d just be HORRIBLE! Cause it’d be all your fault that your friends are gonna be under our control!” Cozy giggled, stomping on Discord’s chest, making him cough.
“So truly, thank you.” Tirek said, grabbing Discord again and slamming him on the ground repeatedly.
Discord’s body was on the ground, lifeless and grey.
“Step out of the way.” Chrysalis said, Tirek and Cozy obliging, her horn glowed, illuminating the room with a green light, she lowered her head and a giant beam of energy out of her horn, obliterating what was left of the supposedly immortal being. The trio grinned, the first casualty of what will become their world.
yess today discord tomorrow soon chrysalis shall have her hive back as well her changeling then she kill thorax and his brother to reclaim her home again then tirek and cozy can have what ever they want with these ponies then celestia luna mane 6 cadence armor and flurry will face their doom
Great story but discord should've suffered more
The beginning of the chapter felt rushed like it seemed that the writer wanted to get Discord's death over with instead of slowing down so the reader can have time to adjust to the scenario, and then the characters can explain their suspicions about Grogar.
And even then, Discord's death felt like whiplash to me. It felt so sudden that when I finished reading it, I was sitting there like "What just happened...?"
Despite this criticism, I do love these what-ifs when it comes to the Legion of Doom, and I won't be too negative about it. So once new chapters come, I would be happy to read it.
Maybe slow down the pacing next time, but whatever. It may just be me.
ty for yr criticism! u actually made a good point thank u, im a little bad with pacing so in the next chapter ill try better!! ty for reading and commenting :3
You're welcome. Happy to help 👍
You've got me all excited for what comes next.
Killing Discord off so quickly is a interesting narrative choice, one that indicates this may turn into a entirely darker kind of story.
I'm interested in seeing more.