Love?! Love may be an emotion that ponies share with each other but I am the Lord Of Chaos. I don’t feel love for anypony, and if that lovesick dragon Spike told you otherwise, he is a fool.
Well… I suppose I have some love in my heart. Fluttershy would obviously be at the top of the list, Spike and Big Mac would be tied for second… wait, ranking how much I love my friends seems wrong. Is this how friendship works? I really have no clue.
Either way, Starlight is actually a pony I grew to care about the more time I got to know her. I first met her after spending my first guys night with Spike and Big Mac. She seemed at awe to be in the presence of one of Equestria’s most feared enemies… well past tense of course, given my reformation and all. We talked for a bit and she seemed to like me, but I felt she wouldn’t really interact with me again. After all, anypony who was under Twilight’s wing would not be so willing to hang out with me.
When all the most beloved ponies in Equestria were kidnapped by Changelings, Starlight was the one pony to jump at my defense when Trixie and Thorax were both doubting me. Despite all my whining and moaning about not being able to use my magic, Starlight wanted me with the group anyway. For some odd reason Starlight trusted me, and even though she never said it outright, she made it clear she had enough faith in me to help in the quest.
That actually really touched me, no one other than Fluttershy was willing to put full trust in my efforts. Even though Twilight saved me from Tirek’s wrath, she only did it because she saw me as a friend, not because of any trust. Heck, even after Starlight saved Equestria and reformed the Changelings, she still stuck around and even hung out with me. I think she figured that being in the same rescue group brought us closer or something. In any case, she certainly seemed to enjoy my antics and actually appreciate my company. Fluttershy’s friends are nice to me and all, but I don’t get the sense that I truly clicked with them like I did with Starlight.
That’s why I made it known to Twilight that she was ready to set out on her own path. Knowing her, she would never let her precious “student” go until it was made clear to her that Starlight no longer needed friendship lessons. Notice how I put student in quotation marks? Yes, I’m aware of Twilight’s deeper connection with Starlight, I’m not an idiot.
I’m getting off topic, in any case I was HOPING Twilight would send Starlight to my realm but I knew how unlikely that would be, but that didn’t stop me from trying to bring her to my corner after she graduated. Ultimately, she still stuck with Twilight. Fine by me, I still had Starlight as my friend and I guess I could respect her choice.
Then again; after all I did to her, can Starlight truly call me a friend?
I still remember how I treated her when she got to be in charge as Headmare, I was horrible to her and constantly made her time there a living Tartarus. I literally made the entire school a safety hazard and ignored her when she got upset with me. She had every right to banish me that day, but yet she still apologized and was willing to be understanding about my abandonment and jealousy issues. Even after it was revealed I sent her friends on a fake quest, she still accepted my apology when Fluttershy made me realize what I did wrong.
I couldn’t grasp it, no one is that forgiving. How could she stand to be near me after all the harm I caused her, the students, her friends, and her precious Twilight? It didn’t make sense. Starlight just explained that she knew what it was like to lose control of your emotions and knew with that combined with all powerful magic it could definitely cause problems. Simply put, she understood what it was like to have trouble with being a good friend and how to control emotions.
That’s probably what I… love… about Starlight. She’s trusting, fun, and can actually grow to understand creatures like me.
But don’t you dare tell any creature that.
Funny, you struggled with this one, but I think it might be my favorite thus far.
Convincing Discord and reasoning.
Good job!
How is it your favorite?
Convincing Discord and reasoning.
It felt like he wrote this.
Is it just me or does Discord seem a bit jealous of Twilight here?
How do you gather that?