• Published 5th Apr 2023
  • 620 Views, 44 Comments

How Much Do You Love Starlight Glimmer - Starlight Fan

Eight creatures are asked how much Starlight Glimmer means to them. They of course, decide to answer.

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Chapter 5: Thorax

Starlight huh? Well in all honesty, I haven’t really seen her in a good while. I guess that stuff happens when you’re a king of your entire species.

Although… when I think about it. I kinda owe that all to her now don’t I?

Starlight and I weren’t exactly the closest when we first met. Mostly because I was bonding with Spike at the time and Starlight was stuck in a mob mentality thinking that I was evil. I’m not mad at her for that, considering all the sins Chrysalis committed in the past, it’s tough for anybody to assume I’m a bad guy.

Though Spike may be my best friend, Starlight’s one of the reasons I got so far in my life.

While I did have all the knowledge of the Changeling Hive, Starlight was the one who was keeping the group together when we were all going after Chrysalis to save her friends… well and my friends after all. Twilight, Spike, Shining Armor, Cadence, and Flurry Heart were definitely my friends. The others are more of her friends than mine though.

Back to my point, the moment the Changelings or my future subjects in this case were even close to finding us, I was PANICKING, I was beyond rational thought at that moment. The only reason we were able to save ourselves was because Starlight was able to make the plan to use my shapeshifting and Trixie’s smoke-bombs.

Discord and Trixie definitely made their contributions to the group, but without Starlight leading us, we probably would have been caught from the beginning of our journey.

Facing Chrysalis was likely the scariest moment of my life, I apparently “betrayed the hive” by getting the idea to share love instead of feeding on it and like I said, I couldn’t really think rationally or comprehend any way to get me out of the situation I found myself in. Yet somehow, Starlight was able to pull a gambit to share love that worked to everyone’s benefit and because she was able to come up with the idea to share love, Chrysalis’ tyrannical rule was finally abolished.

So I’m the King Of The Changelings now, and that’s because of Starlight and I couldn’t be anymore grateful.

We didn’t get to speak much after I was crowned. I had to deal with my subjects and some renegade Changelings, but we still remained good friends so seeing her and Trixie come by for a visit was a pleasant surprise and I really admired how much Starlight had tried to help me out during the whole Pharynx situation, even if it wasn’t in the best way, I knew she really did care about trying to help my kingdom grow.

I do have to acknowledge that Starlight’s plan to lure the Maulwurf to the Hive was a very dangerous move on her part and that I was definitely really upset when she revealed that she did that. I can see that she wanted to help Pharynx come out of his shell and show his more caring side but I still found what she did really stupid. It was really disappointing as I did expect better of her.

We didn’t really talk much after that day, I heard from Spike that Starlight was too guilty about driving Pharynx away from the Hive and leading the Maulwurf to said Hive to face me and figured I’d want some space for a while.

After a while, Starlight and I did meet up again and she apologized while explaining to me everything about the Maulwurf situation and how she thought Pharynx would be able to defeat it and show the more loving and caring side of him to solve two problems at once and how she and Trixie had no idea Pharynx overheard their conversation about their former allegations about kicking him out of the hive before I told them about our childhood together.

It was easier to see where Starlight was coming from after being able to talk about the whole ordeal so I did forgive her but warn her never to do something like that again.

Overall, what I love about Starlight is how compassionate she is, how level headed she can be, and how she can be very smart. Because of her, the Changelings are in a very good spot.

Author's Note:

Like Maud, Thorax was a bit hard to come up with ideas for, but I think I managed to make it work.