• Published 5th Apr 2023
  • 617 Views, 44 Comments

How Much Do You Love Starlight Glimmer - Starlight Fan

Eight creatures are asked how much Starlight Glimmer means to them. They of course, decide to answer.

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Chapter 4: Maud Pie

I only loved two things in my life. My family and rocks. The family thing was pretty much a given, like they’re with you for life and as long as you’re on good terms with them, you are going to love them, it’s just basic logic.

Rocks are a different story to me, I always found them fascinating with how many different types of them they are and what type of minerals they were made out of. They were unique but somehow, they made me feel as if I was never being judged. Not a lot of ponies can really get past my demeanor, but I really can’t help it, it suits me and I was fine with that. I didn’t really need friends, all my decisions were rock-based.

But then I met Starlight for the first time when she and I bumped into each other at Ponyville.

Okay, maybe I didn’t meet her the first time, our actual first meeting was when she asked me about a powerful stone that could contain the cutie marks of an entire village. Honestly I didn’t really understand what she was talking about, so I just shrugged it off and told her about the cave nearby.

I did not expect that to be the reason why she was able to enslave a village, but it was easy to satiate any guilt I was feeling. I didn’t know that she was enslaving a village, and she was already reformed so it was safe to say my small actions didn’t lead to any long lasting harm.

I didn’t care for Starlight’s past, what she did was very wrong, but turning away somepony who’s actually repentant for their actions tends to be worse for all involved, so I left it alone. Besides, they let Discord walk free, she’s practically a petty criminal in comparison.

It was surprisingly easy to bond with Starlight, her odd nature made her a pretty open book and I did find myself liking her mischievous side. Something about me you might not know, I do enjoy the occasional mischief.

Starlight’s odd fascination with kites was a bit strange, but it was something harmless she enjoyed so it was an easy activity to do together.

Just sitting in silence as the kites flap against the breeze was honestly enjoyable. I’m not a big fan of big crowds or boisterous activities, so just doing something simple and relaxing is a treat.

I liked how Starlight is generally just an accepting pony overall. She doesn’t judge me for my stone faced demeanor while not overhyping it like Pinkie does, she takes an interest in the things I enjoy, rocks especially. You know, I didn’t think I’d find anypony who understood my fascination for rocks as much as I did.

What drew me to Starlight was how she understood what it was like to be judged by everypony who meets you. I’m aware she has a lot of quirks that she needs to work on, but being judged by those around you is never a good feeling, justified or not. In all honesty, I feel really bad for her. Starlight does try to be better than she used to be, and she does largely succeed but by the stories she tells me, there are moments where her emotional decisions can somehow lead to large amount of chaos and sometimes it leads to consequences she can’t control such as when she had to bottle up her magical storm cloud caused by her anger(how did she even do that?) or when she closed the School Of Friendship ten minutes earlier to go to the Spring Break party I was hosting. Who really could have expected that one of her students would go to the Everfree Forest, I certainly wouldn’t expect that.

I’m aware she can make some stupid decisions, but the fact she makes them from good intentions do make me feel some sympathy.

Overall, I guess I love Starlight for just being a good friend to have around in Ponyville and being able to connect with her. I know it’s a bit simple, but that’s how me and Starlight are, we’re simple and I’m glad for it.

Author's Note:

Yeah, Maud was a tough cookie to write for. She’s a bit simple as a character so I had to grasp at straws when it came to her and Starlight.