How much do I love Starlight? That’s a very odd question to be honest, I honestly expected this question to be directed towards Rarity, though that could just be my fantasies talking. Love doesn’t have to exactly be romantic, after all. Well, to be honest I love her like a sister, we've always been there for each other when we needed it, especially since we’re not as close with Twilight’s friends as we’d like to be.
I have to admit, when she first reformed, I didn't quite trust her, I mean she did try to destroy Twilight's friendship with an ancient time travel spell, that IS pretty extreme. However, I was quickly able to tell she truly changed and I even regret not trusting her at first.
One of her first big tasks was to reconnect with Sunburst, and I was assigned… okay more like I got myself to help her with that. She was crazy nervous and it didn't go well at first, and admittedly, that was probably my fault. I constantly said things that scared her more often than actually helped her. After we reconciled and had to deal with Flurry Heart and the Crystal Heart breaking down, her and Sunburst were finally able to reconnect and Sunburst even got to make a name for himself by becoming Flurry Heart’s Crystaller.
Her next thing of note wasn't the best thing she ever did after reforming. She brainwashed Twilight's friends to make her friendship lessons easier. From what I heard, they were no saints themselves, they were putting a ton of pressure on her, but that doesn't excuse her actions. After everything was said and done, Rarity told me how Starlight gave one of the most heartfelt apologies she’s ever seen, and even though they had all the reasons Equestria not to, they forgave her. They even have a pretty strong bond in spite of that. How Starlight handled her mistake only made me respect her more.
I think my trust in her solidified after she saved all of Equestria from the Changelings and even got all of them to reform… except Chrysalis but it proved to me she truly did change and learned from her mistakes in the past. When I heard Twilight would potentially send her away, I wasn’t really happy about it. Sure I was calm about it for Twilight’s sake but I definitely would miss her. Speaking of Twilight, I know how much Starlight means to her, seeing those scenarios she came up with could be seen as her being paranoid, but I’ve been by her side to know that she truly was scared to have Starlight leave her. I could somewhat relate, I didn’t want her to go either so I was happy when she made it clear she wasn’t ready to leave.
Another mistake she made involves how she controlled her anger. She didn't do it in the most healthy way and literally bottled it up, since her anger actually manifests as a red storm cloud. The object of that anger was her friend Trixie. For whatever reason on that day she felt like being extra irritating and everything she did just made Starlight angrier. Heck, Trixie even made the map table disappear, which also stressed Starlight out a lot, and Trixie didn't care in the slightest. I know all of this because Starlight trusted me enough to tell me. Honestly, the fact she was able to sometimes confide in things with me that she couldn’t always do with Twilight did warm my heart a bit.
Everything worked out in the end and Starlight learned to talk about what's making her mad. After that incident she became a bit more level headed and wasn't afraid to tell me or anypony else if we were stressing her out or angering her.
Though sometimes I do worry about her, Starlight has a tendency to be reckless and I know she never means any harm but it doesn’t stop her from making rash decisions, like leading the Maulwurf to the Changeling Hive to get rid of it and to help Pharynx reform, switching the Royal Sisters’ cutie marks, or even banishing Discord from the School Of Friendship. I’m aware that the first thing I mentioned was more harmful than the other two(I’ll never tell Discord this, but I do understand why Starlight banished him), but even then, Starlight just doesn’t seem to realize at times that she can get herself really hurt.
Sometimes I’m afraid that one day, Starlight would make some reckless decision and I will not be able to talk her out of it. That she could die because of it.
It’s not that I think Starlight’s an idiot, as I have mentioned earlier, she is very smart but she’s still a creature with flaws like everyone is. Her flaw is that she can sometimes take action before thinking.
Me and Starlight have had our own rough patches as well. For example when the school of friendship put on a play to celebrate Princess Celestia and her ones-versary and a lot of chaos went on that kept the play from starting on time.
The crowd was getting angry and seemed like they were going riot or something like that. Someone needed to entertain the crowd and Starlight joined in with Twilight's friends in forcing me to go on stage. The crowd wasn't real open to anything but the actual play so I was heckled quite a bit. Starlight did feel bad about that and we made after the play happened, but I was still pretty scared.
But in the end, Starlight has achieved some wonderful things as well. When the Friendship School opened, she was made the guidance counselor in a matter of seconds and got Twilight to never give up on it. It took her some time to really get into the role, but once she did, the students loved her and always valued her advice. She definitely definitely did well at that job because Twilight chose her to be the next headmare after she took over for Celestia and Luna. After a bout of Trixie being Trixie, Starlight also chose Sunburst to be the vice headstalion. The school is doing just as good now as it was under Twilight, so it's safe to say Starlight really understands friendship.
Starlight has been a big impact on my life, and I am happy to have met her. Despite the rough patches and her flaws I'm happy to have met her and I can't imagine a life without her. She's like a sister to me and I'm happy she's in my life.
Getting into spikes feelings more than a recap of episodes would've worked out better here I think. Not a bad chapter at all, but could've been more intimate.
More intimate? Isn’t Spike too young for Starlight?
Marked by a warm friendship developing through long association
LOL, I was teasing you. But fair enough, I might edit this chapter.
Ah, sorry. I mean poor Spike I guess that would mean he's also too young for Rare.
Very sweet chapter. Nice
This is the type of love I like to see between them, brother and sister. A sister who has a younger brother that she can confide in, the same goes with a younger brother who has an older sister he can confide in.
I did want both to confess and a love triangle would be fun but after what happened in "All Bottled Up" and "Road to Friendship" I could see her picking Twilight. There are alternate endings that I can think of that would be so much better than what we got in canon....such as a head-mare and her guidance counselor falling madly in love and becoming a canon couple.
Regarding Discord being jealous, anypony who would say something along the lines of "precious Twilight" is obviously jealous. Even draconeqqui can be jealous!