• Member Since 26th Nov, 2020
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Starlight Fan

I am a big fan of Starlight Glimmer most of my stories center around her. I do crossovers as well.


Starlight Glimmer is mostly known as the former pupil of Princess Twilight Sparkle, and the guidance counselor of the School Of Friendship, but to eight creatures of Equestria. She means the world to them, and today we’re going to find out how much they love Starlight.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 44 )

Aww that ending was sweet

After the whole Vice Headmare ordeal, I strived to become a better friend to Starlight. I ended up buying her some flowers, and even going out to dinner with her.


Ooh romantic... normally I wouldn't see this in your stories since you are a TwiStar shipper. This took me by surprise.

Another good chapter. Can't wait to see Twilight's chapter whenever it comes out

Eventually, Starlight would die, and I’ll be alone, and I’m not sure I will be able to handle that.

You and me both

Yeah Sunburst of you don't love Starlight you got a problem my friend lol.

Fun concept, I like it.

I'm the furthest thing from a Trixie fan but man this part...

I doubt she’ll ever give me the time of day, and why should she? She deserves better than an egotistical stage magician who never shuts up about how great she is.

Makes me feel for the mare. I definitely can see her loving Starlight and I really do see it being one way as Starlight is absolutely phenomenal and Trixie is... well a stage performer.

I liked this chapter even though it's pretty sad.

Holy crow this chapter ended somberly.

I'm glad that you seem to be as mad as I am at that whole pillars debacle. Starlight was the only one with a brain in those episodes and NOBODY listened to her. It made me so mad.

Depressing chapter, but I liked it.

How come you feel this chapter ended on a depressing note?

Also yeah, I was infuriated at how insensitive everyone was acting towards Starlight, even going as far to make her believe she would’ve been sent to limbo if things were different, and as much as I hate it, her feelings are totally warranted. Twilight sure wasn’t acting like Starlight was wrong(even though I know she is).

Because of stuff like this....

I want her to be happy no matter what, even if I can’t be the one who gives that to her.

What the heck Twilight? No, you fight for that mare and you make her happy like noone else can. I hate the I just want them to be happy mentality it's so freaking depressing when you want a couple to happen.

How‘s that mentality so wrong? It’s a very respectful mindset and she doesn’t know how Starlight feels.

It's not wrong per se, it's annoying to me. I'm very much a fixated person. I can be very yandere-ish for lack of a better term when it comes to my pairings so I get miffed when I see stuff not work out.

In the relationships I've had I've been very dedicated and loyal and have had my heart stomped on and never once did I "wish they were happy with someone else." I just couldn't. It's not who I am.

So in turn my views on others relationships are pretty much the same. And if in this Twilight doesn't know how Starlight feels then it's even more the reason to find out and not resign herself to being a background player. Lack of confidence is a killer for attractiveness from my experiences.

Pretty good. I really liked the Discord line cause uhh yeah he's done a lot worse things than Starlight and nobody judges him.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

I mean, Maud has a good point with Discord

Will you be doing one with Spike? The 2 had good chemistry together in the show! :moustache:

I only make half of my stories center around them so… OF COURSE.

Maud is rather cold fish compared to most ponies

Good good. Like what you wrote that could justify Starlight and Thorax's reasoning for not meeting each other.

Now I shall wait for the day Spike's chapter gets posted. Very excited

Ah Thorax, my literal least liked character in all of g4.

He owes EVERYTHING to Starlight. He'd be nothing without what she did for him and all of Equestria.

Solid chapter, even if I can't stand this... reindeer thing.

I liked the changelings and felt they could've been redeemed as they were. Thorax changed them completely and I feel like that's a missed opportunity for a really important lesson.

Actually Starlight’s the one who reformed them. Plus from what the show is telling us, if they stayed that way, they would still need to feed and that’s bad.

Right I don't really buy the shows explanation that far in on anything. The new writers they got clearly didn't care about the show at all.

With Starlight being the one to reform them, it wouldn't have worked if Thorax hadn't "shown" them a definite change. They wouldn't have turned on Chrysalis just cause Starlight told them there was another way.

And I disagree whole heartedly and I said it in my Chrys story. How could you hold their needs against them? If they still needed to feed find a way to work it out. Some people can't just change their physiology.

Also when I said changed them I meant physically, as in their design.

Whatever. Starlight did nothing wrong at the end of the day since her friends were being kidnapped and she did help the Changelings find a better life.

Oh I don't blame Starlight at all. Like I said I blame Thorax. He's a poorly written plot device to reform the changelings in a very lazy way.

Also that whatever seems very... Uh not happy? I hope I'm not making you mad or offending you as that's definitely not my intention.

Sorry, but I don’t enjoy seeing Chrysalis be treated like a victim as it just seems like a crappy way to make Starlight out to be in the wrong for doing a genuinely good thing that benefits everyone. So it doesn’t benefit one creature? Oh well, that sucks for them, Chrysalis chose to be a menace and so she shall be treated like one.

Lol I agree with that. My sympathy in this case is for the changelings as a whole. I think that they could've been redeemed much like Discord. Chaos is bad. It is inherently not a good thing, but he got to keep his chaotic side and be redeemed.

The changelings were forced to become something different just because their primary food was hard to deal with.

Chrys did get what she deserved in canon. She was an absolute monster I agree.

Funny, you struggled with this one, but I think it might be my favorite thus far.

Convincing Discord and reasoning.

Good job!

Convincing Discord and reasoning.

It felt like he wrote this.

Getting into spikes feelings more than a recap of episodes would've worked out better here I think. Not a bad chapter at all, but could've been more intimate.

More intimate? Isn’t Spike too young for Starlight?


Marked by a warm friendship developing through long association

LOL, I was teasing you. But fair enough, I might edit this chapter.

Ah, sorry. I mean poor Spike I guess that would mean he's also too young for Rare.

Starlight has been a big impact on my life, and I am happy to have met her. Despite the rough patches and her flaws I'm happy to have met her and I can't imagine a life without her. She's like a sister to me and I'm happy she's in my life.


Very sweet chapter. Nice

Trixie, just tell Starlight the truth! You never know, she might feel the same way about you especially now that Twilight is up in Canterlot and is growing into a Celestia re-color!


I agree with you on this. Why should Twilight, who obviously is in love with Starlight, want her to just be happy with somepony else. Twilight should fight for her, SHE should be the one Starlight is happy with, not Trixie or anypony else. If you truly love someone, you show them and you do what it takes to get them to see your love. With as much as those two hug in the series, it is obvious they are very close and I doubt they'd hug so much if BOTH of them didn't feel more.

Is it just me or does Discord seem a bit jealous of Twilight here?

She's like a sister to me and I'm happy she's in my life.

This is the type of love I like to see between them, brother and sister. A sister who has a younger brother that she can confide in, the same goes with a younger brother who has an older sister he can confide in.

Twilight’s canonically selfless. Also, didn’t you want Trixie to confess as well?

You want a love triangle, don’t you?


I did want both to confess and a love triangle would be fun but after what happened in "All Bottled Up" and "Road to Friendship" I could see her picking Twilight. There are alternate endings that I can think of that would be so much better than what we got in canon....such as a head-mare and her guidance counselor falling madly in love and becoming a canon couple.

Regarding Discord being jealous, anypony who would say something along the lines of "precious Twilight" is obviously jealous. Even draconeqqui can be jealous!

I never did care for Sunburst, at all. To be honest, for quite some time I truly despised him in the same way that so many people despised Flash Sentry after the first EqG movie. That hatred endured until the very end when it turned out the writers did not hook them up in the same way they did Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich. I don't care what a lot of people say but I will never buy into the whole "Luster Dawn is their daughter" nonsense. I do still view Sunburst as an inferior though, not even remotely good enough for Starlight....well that and Starlight belongs with a mare to start with.

There is one pony I do ship Sunburst with though, Flash Sentry!

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