• Member Since 10th Jul, 2022


When you want to write but procrastination is winning | A Starlight fan since 2020 | Christ is King!

One Shots (My stories) 8 stories
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Every night, Starlight Glimmer has nightmares about her former life as a dictator of Our Town, and of the time she time travelled and created disastrous timelines.

It seemed like there was no end.

Deciding that enough was enough, Luna intervenes and tries to console the distraught mare. However, she soon realizes that the damage is more severe than she realized.

A slight AU where she doesn't meet Starlight in The Crystalling.

Special thanks to 6-D Pegasus for seemingly unintentionally coming up with the idea in the FimFiction Discord Server.

If this story needs a T rating please point it out in the comments section.

Chapters (1)

After Spike destroyed the rarest and most precious books in the library, Twilight gets instantly livid by it, despite it being an accident. But then we suddenly know why.

Chapters (1)

Starlight is handed a diary to help express her thoughts, but on paper. Of course, you won't expect the prettiest of thoughts from a struggling former villain.

Written for A Thousand Words Contest II

Audiobook done by Pony&Wolf Productions

Chapters (1)

Wanting to spend more time with her friends, Trixie invites Starlight and Maud on a night together where they do wild and cool things together to build up memories. But some of Trixie's ideas for a good night might not be the best decisions...

Chapters (1)

Enraged that her plan had been foiled by Twilight and her old followers, Starlight retreats inside a tunnel inside a big mountain.

However, little did she know that she had a new problem in her hooves. One that she didn't even consider before running off: how will she find food and water in a dark, gloomy cave?

Chapters (1)

Cheerilee and her new acquaintance, Starlight Glimmer, decide to talk about themselves in the café when they run into each other on a nice day.

Written for the May Pairings Contest 2023

Chapters (1)