• Member Since 10th Jul, 2022
  • offline last seen 48 minutes ago


When you want to write but procrastination is winning | A Starlight fan since 2020 | Christ is King!


After Spike destroyed the rarest and most precious books in the library, Twilight gets instantly livid by it, despite it being an accident. But then we suddenly know why.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Haha, I guess she finally has a good reason to freak out over books. Cute read!

Sorry. But Twilight did not take nearly as much accountability as she should have. Cute story and I’m glad you made Starlight into a minor role for this.

Starlight Fan's right.

Twilight even used the "dragon" card in regards to that "hy did I even make a dragon by assistant" comment and not even an apology?

I'm hoping for a continuation or something at this point please~


I'm hoping for a continuation or something at this point please~

Hm... yeah I'll consider it 👍

(Why did I not comment on this earlier ;_;) Thank you. I'm thinking about writing a sequel for it... once I have an idea on how it plays out

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