Why so serious all the time? If you can't chill, read a good book, or just put in some music that you like to jam to then what's the point in putting in all that effort? Just share happiness, ya know?
The Evening SonataWhen Sunset Shimmer hears strange sounds outside her apartment, she finds an old enemy who seems down on her luck. Can Sunset Shimmer help Sonata Dusk to cope with her life as a normal teenage girl?by Daniel-Gleebits
134,567 words
· 1,529 · 60
Do Changelings Dream of Twinkling Stars?It's no easy job, tracking down changelings on the cold city streets, but I'm good at what I do. These days though, things are different. Something's rotten in the city of Canterlot and I intend to get to the bottom of it. Even if it kills me.by Sharp Spark
40,455 words
· 198 · 3
We are our HabitsNurse Redheart pulls a Pegasus back from death's grip. Only time will tell what your future holds.by Agarwaen
63,297 words
· 598 · 20
Stop me if you've heard this one. Three pegasi walking through the woods find a mansion and are about to be raped by a changeling. No? Then you're in for a treat!
2956896 I’ve been meaning to read it for a while now and it was well worth the wait. That dnd bit at the end really knocked it out of the park for me. Hope to see a conclusion for It’s A Lonely Cause in the future too!
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
I’ve been meaning to read it for a while now and it was well worth the wait. That dnd bit at the end really knocked it out of the park for me. Hope to see a conclusion for It’s A Lonely Cause in the future too!
Hey! Thanks for checking out my story Semi-Charmed Life! I'm really glad you liked it!
Ah yes, Charles, let’s hope he hits something today.
My money is on 38 meters.
I thought myself more of a Radar, but there is go chasing dreams again.