• Member Since 4th May, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Element of Malice

One day my heart felt heavy so I set it down. Then I lost it, someone stole it because it was made of gold. Yours looks heavy, can I borrow a piece? I'll return it when I find mine.


A former antagonist has been offered new possibilities and has opened pathways to a brand-new life with the help of advanced technology. This simple operation has opened doors for the reformed villain, providing fresh opportunities for a better future.

This is my submission for the Cyberpunk Equestria Story Contest.
I would like to give my thanks to Mocha Star for all the editing they provided.

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds something mysterious in her room, and she's not sure what it is or how it got there. She begins to speculate that it could possibly be a new species or advanced technology, but it proves difficult to communicate with. It appears to have characteristics similar to a Changeling but is unlike anything Twilight has ever seen. As Twilight becomes overjoyed at a potential discovery little does she realize the brevity of her excitement.

I want to give a solid thank you to Mokoma for writing this story. It was a commission request I made on one of a few ideas I’ve had for some time. Hope you enjoy it and let them know how well they did.

Chapters (1)

When Diamond Tiara wants something, she expects to have it before she’s finished saying she does. Don’t you know that’s how it always works? She’s never wrong and everything always goes her way or else.

Silver Spoon’s lateness for a teenage girl’s day out obliterates that reality turning it up… side… down.

Chapters (1)

Autumn Hearth absolutely loves this time of year, but all good things come to an end, and it’s time to retire for the night. Little does she know, there is about to be the most frightening encore when she gets home and finds a busted window. Things get real when she finds herself in a horror story come to life.

Revised version thanks to ‘The Fan Without a Face’ and apologizes for neglecting to credit ‘Brony 1337’ on the on the original editorial assistance.

New cover art made by Uz naimat.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo is pushed to her limits and driven to achieve her goal of flying with Rainbow Dash. Due to the methods that are chosen, Rainbow Dash is left with some emotional scars.

This story was inspired by two videos I saw, which I will credit at the end. It’s also experimental seeing as I know they would work great together, so I’m challenging myself to do just that.

Chapters (1)

Have you ever felt cheated out of your destiny? Felt like greatness should have been yours? 

I have - no, I do - or I was. 

It's my destiny to be great. I know that now. Or maybe I've always known and just kept holding myself back. The worst - no, the best - part is that nobody knows who I am. That almost makes it too easy. 

But I'm going to change that. You'll see. Soon everyone will know who I am. They will see that I'm extraordinary

I will finally be recognized for the greatness I deserve.

A big thanks to Uz Naimat, Brony1337, TOA, and Fan Without a Face for their help with editing and providing the cover art.

And be sure to check out the sequel Paralysis a commissioned request I made for Novelle Tale to write.

Chapters (7)

The sky is perfect, the resort has five-star service and no pony can possibly not enjoy it here... well except maybe that pony over there, they look hot.

This story has nothing to do with COVID-19 whatsoever.

(Cover art provided by Uz Naimat)

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle wants revenge for something the school bully did to her but later learns that all actions have their consequences.

This story is staged way back in the early episodes of season one (Episode 8: Look before You Sleep) it is also my semi-first attempt at a grimdark. I would love to hear your feedback.

(Picture provided by Zachmoviefan who has also done a reading!:pinkiecrazy:)

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy is told by one of her robins that there is a pony who's lost in the Forest; and because it’s getting dark, she decides to help him. Come to find out, he’s lost not only physically, but mentally as well. She has to tread carefully to gain his trust. Especially when she finds out how scared he is that she, Fluttershy, and her friends might hurt him. What will the mane six have to go through to figure out where this mystery stallion came from?

Chapters (9)

A crystal guard pegasus goes mad after following an unknown creature into the artic glacier field, the changelings cut themselves off from the rest of the world for no apparent reason, and the danger is unavoidable even in the human world. A new enemy has arrived and he will test the limits of how powerful friendship really is. Will Twilight and her friends overcome this new adversary or will they fall victim to his tyrannical methods?
You can also read this at Archive of our own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18675481/chapters/44289397 please check it out

with many thanks to the editor versaceseok, chapter one has been improved and updated.

*The editing of all chapters have been completed with the help of The Fan Without a Face and four days worth of me applying said edits. (like I stated before I'm a little slow:raritydespair:)

Chapters (12)