All righty, I watched Equestria Girls: Dance Magic (spoilers) · 6:48pm Jun 24th, 2017
Ah, man, I can’t even---what can I say?
For one thing, this totally has potential to be a series! I mean, holy hell there is so much material they can go over in this series!
G.M. Berrow was just fantastic in the writing. I think they tapped into a lot of stuff, and I dunno know about you, but I want to see more interaction between the Crystal Preppies (I’m calling them that because it’s the only way I remember them, ha) and the Rainbooms.
Thank you very much for the faves!
My pleasure 😊
Hey again! Thank you for adding Times We Cherish to your favorites! I still think you're awesome!
2317177 Ah, you're welcome, dude!
Hey! Thank you for adding Epiphany to your favorites! You're awesome!