Taking Forever · 7:20am Sep 6th, 2014
So, I have said multiple times and the gaps between my chapters have attested to it that I am a slow writer. I sometimes wish this were my only obstacle to writing Blackened Hearts. Most everyone reading this has been graciously (and very likely forgetfully) waiting for me to post chapter four. I really am sorry it hasn't come out yet (both for your sake and my own) but life went hectic for me since my last chapter came out. I have gotten a job. This is the biggest thing stopping me from having
thanks for the fave!
Woo, thanks for the love on Flux's tale! I shall try my best to keep you entertained.
I knew I'd known you from somewhere.
And they really did. Comments are even more important for that than getting into Twilight's Library or the Popular Box.
871681 Yes, you have. I posted a few nice comments on Adopt-A-Couple and (to my glee) you said those had made your day.
Thank you much

For the Watch
Though I can't shake the feeling that I've seen your name before...