• Member Since 17th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago



While Twilight and her friends venture to the Crystal Empire, Private is tasked by Voidera to investigate a nearby nation of Snowponies. These ponies have closed their borders for many years, and only recently has the truth been discovered. The land is ruled by a cruel dictator who seeks to "Level the playing field with the races". Private teams up with several of his friends in order to find a way to bring peace to the land. What starts as simple reconnaissance quickly turns into a fight for the very fate of the land. Private and his team must find the lost heir to the throne before the revolution gets out of hoof. But does this heir want to be found? And will peace truly be gained from her victory?

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 159 )

Holy carp a Fallout 3 reference in the first paragraph!

Big Mac is already strong enough to drag a house with minimal strain. Increased TENFOLD? *faints*

Including these guys on Private's mission?

:rainbowdetermined2: : Best. Idea. EVER!!!


i thought it was ringing a bell:trixieshiftright:


Huzzah!! New case and it's already promising to be.epic!

2242589Expect a lot of these going forward...

Huh, the B Team entering Lenin controlled USSR.
This can't go well.

Great start to the chapter cant wait for the next one. :twilightsmile::eeyup::yay:

“What were you expecting?” I asked. “That Voidera would give him a machine gun that shoots grenades?”
Raiden’s jaw dropped and he said slowly, “Best, weapon idea, EVER!!!”


Just an observation here, this isnt the B team...this is the freaking A TEAM!!

2243789 this isnt the B Team...this is the freaking A-TEAM! i am now expecting much destruction, ingenuity, and a great many large explosions in coming chapters...

2245390Oh I'm just getting started my friend...

2245390 Sing it with me!

Bom bom bom! bom bom bom...

Wait... how is the chemical formula for sugar a reaction?

2246038Blame Google, I just typed in chemical formula for sugar and that's what I got.

Thing is that sugar is a generalized term for several carbonhydrates, kind of like how the word salt is also very general. Mono- and disaccharides are most commonly what you refer to as sugar. The reaction you wrote describes a reaction between two monosaccharides to create a disaccharide and a water molocule, or two small carbonhydrates that slam together to create a bigger one.
Perhaps Private could ask for the formula for glucose instead? (C6H12O6 no plusses, reaction arrows or the like).

Sorry for nitpicking at a rather insignificant thing, but for whatever reason stuff like this bugs me to no end. Whoever out there better at chemistry, feel free to nitpick on this, I've never been that good at it.

2246119Neither have I, that's why it's there in the first place. Me being dumb when it comes to the basic way everything works. :twilightsheepish:

great chapter like the song from Anastasia great idea cant wait for the next chapter. :eeyup::yay::pinkiehappy:

I knew i was seeing Anastasia references! And I was right. Mwhahaha

Well of course there would be Anastasia references.

2252407It would've been a crime not to put it there :twilightsmile:

2252412 Well you've, essentially, got the story of Anastasia, going on here, along with the Bolshevik Revolution. The stories about Anastasia persisted for years.

2252432Yeah, but the situation is going to be a bit more complicated then just an anastasia rip off...

2252444 I didn't say it was a rip-off, old boy. It's an homage, not a rip-off, because you were inspired by the story, if not the film, of Anastasia. As long as you don't have an undead Rasputin expy, and a weird albino bat, you should be fine.

Nice start to a new case and good that Private has backup on this, loved the part when Celestia was just watching the horizon for the overreaction from Twilight.

Opens up more mystery of Tenacity in this and I wish I knew what the Anastasia thing everyone is mentioning in the comments is.

2252953What everybody is reffering to is the fox created disney rip off Anastasia. You can find it on youtube somewhere, it isn't half bad but you can clearly tell it was a disney rip off but it was a good disney rip off. It's based around the mysterious romanov family member of the same name. She disapeared after the attack on Tsar Nicholas II and his family. Nobody knows what happened to her and a number of theories and charlatans have come over the years. I'd go into detail but I don't want a history buff to shoot me down.

2252922The closest thing I have to anything remotely supernatural in this story are Sombra and a substance I think you will recognize from case 13...

I for one welcome our new evil overlord: Darth Sid- er... I mean Darth Sombra. :pinkiecrazy:

Something tells me that taking the princess won't be such a good idea...

Because it's only chapter 2, silly!

2254118*Waves hand in front of face* You will turn from the dark side...

Ever time some one says Private, the first thing that comes in mind is Private Ryan

Bolshevik Russia.
Damn, Equestrian history! Why you have to be so muddled up?

Really enjoyed this chapter, and this case! Getting pretty interesting now... in fact, I might need some help with the conspiracy board...
Psycho Me! I'm releasing you from the cage! Start pinning up these pictures!

Things are getting interesting and intense. Now Raidan has a suit like Iron Man, the moment i saw the words "mana reactor" I just knew what was coming but I was not expecting this.

2266825If you think that's interesting, wait till you see what other secrets the Bolt family has.

Like what an entire nation that only they know about or some other knowledge or item that only they have access to or perhaps they control more of the world than we suspect.
Sorry about this but with a response like that it can lead to speculation even crazy ones.


2268519You need to check your update box I don't know :rainbowhuh:

Iron Pegesus for the win!

meh, Raidens little tin suit is nothing compared to some of the armour and weapons systems ive come up with, admittedly, those were all of draconian manufacture, not pony, but...details...

2270983So the question is...are you Iron Man? :trixieshiftright:

2270993no, merely the Great One, or leader, of my Clan. i have a lot of resources to draw upon and my Clan, the Dark Claw, has been at war for several Generations now...as such, we have had to push our weapons technology to the highest pinnacle. as we dragons live for many a ponys lifetime, we get plenty of chances to work all the bugs out of our tech...

2271627oh dont u give me the Trixie eyes...these developments in weapons technology came from a desire to protect the eggs, hatchlings and Younglings of the Clan...i am the Great One, the pillar of the household. these children r precious to me...they r my family, even those with whom i do not share blood...

2271690Okay...I'm gonna leave now...:unsuresweetie:

Steelhooves machine gun!!!!!! Nice FO:E references.:rainbowlaugh:

2272449There are going to be a lot of them coming up :twilightsmile:

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