• Member Since 17th Jul, 2012
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All Stories Canceled · 4:31am Aug 22nd, 2019

Hello everyone, I apologize for not being as active on this sight anymore as I was long ago. But I figured by the title a lot of panicked comments are already being formed but please read the entire post before making those comments as I will address the most obvious questions at the end.

So it is with a heavy heart that I am declaring that I will no longer be writing on this website as of 2019.

Equestria Noir, and Guardians will no longer be updating for the definite future.

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Hey I'm alive! · 2:58pm Jan 10th, 2017

I suppose an explanation is in order of what the hell has been going on with me. Well, to be frank college didn't work out and I ended up moving down south with my family. The hectic nature of moving to a new place has put a damper on my writing and made it difficult to motivate myself to write. So I kept putting off writing as I've tried to get my real life in order. I can't say it's completely in order but it is in better order than it was months ago.

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Any artists out there?! · 6:30pm Dec 17th, 2015

I figure after going several months, Equestria Guardians and some of my stories could use cover art. I can't pay for them because, college, but I will credit any artist who provides cover art. Please, either contact me on PM or tell your friends who can draw about an oppurtunity. I really want to help get Guardians up there.

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I'm not dead fellas! · 2:37pm Jul 10th, 2015

Gosh, I never thought I'd actually get to say that, guess I can cross that off my internet bucket list. Anyways, here's what's going on guys, I've been sick, out of school and just depressed for so long I've honestly lost interest in writing all together. My confidence was totally shot for the longest time. So, I gave you guys a huge hiatus that nobody asked for. For that I truly apologize and promise to try and do better. Expect the next side story to come real soon, and then I plan to move

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Future Side Stories to think on. · 11:31am Apr 10th, 2015

Hey guys, with another case done I feel like we can look forward to the future. Honestly though, the biggest thing for new ideas I'm looking for are side stories. I have a handful in mind though, so check it out.

Welcome to Ponyville.
Evenstar tries to adjust to life in Ponyville, but finds it quite difficult between crazy party ponies, a trolling god of chaos, and a purple unicorn who can't seem to get out of his head.

Wobniar is Best Pony!

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Final Cases for Noir · 11:04pm Nov 16th, 2014

Hey guys, I really want to apologize, with the way this semester has been going, I'm surprised I managed to get ONE case done. Honestly though, I really felt I let you down with last case, the real reason is that I honestly hit a spot of writers block with that case. I honestly just decided to make it a breather episode before things get really crazy. And let me tell you, things are only going to get crazier from here. I have finally managed to nail down the last eleven cases of Noir.

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Where things Stand · 10:37pm Oct 23rd, 2014

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating in a while. My laptop has been having serious issues and I had to wait for maintenance to take a swing at it. It'll be out of commission until about next week, at the earliest. On the plus side, I'm on break and do have access to an older desktop, so I'll try my best to write this weekend for you guys, since it's fall break, I won't have to worry about being swamped in school work. Thank you all for your patience.

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New Story and News · 11:18pm Aug 23rd, 2014

Hey guys! Jacoboby1 here! I'm fully recovered from my Wisdom teeth being pulled and I'm ready and raring to get things started with Noir. I'm back in college now, so I may not be as active as before. But hopefully, we can get some awesome stories uploaded! Aside from that, not a lot of other news, but just know that the story list is still in flux and isn't set in stone. Hopefully I can nail down the last 11 cases for Noir.

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News of what's ahead. · 5:35pm May 10th, 2014

Hey everybody, sorry there haven't been updates lately, I just have been caught in a total slump. With exams, school life, and well, life in general being an absolute pain, I haven't been as active in updating as I should have. So, I'd like to make clear I am making an effort to give out chapters as best I can. I do hope to see this case done, and done soon. But with finals, don't expect updates super quick.

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News and Potential Spin off! · 3:41am Apr 10th, 2014

Hey Guys, I am officially back from tour and will be writing more regularly, I apologize for not being frequent but life gets in the way at the worst of times. Now, I have some things I need to address.

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