• Published 5th Mar 2013
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My Little Caboose II: Friendship is Fragmented! - DarkWing

Church, finally freed from his stone prison after a month of having Discord trapped in his mind along with him, must readjust to the pony world with nothing but twisted memories, as well a group of equally twisted friends.

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Chapter 81 - "Simply Strolling"

"I'm think I'm already liking this place," Doc said firmly as he and Donut entered town. They had left from Applejack's twenty minutes ago, deciding they wanted to start off their new adventure on a good and simple route by meeting ponies and making friends. During that walk, Doc and Donut took in the bright scenery, feeling optimistic about their situation. "Something about the air is just nice. Not like the smell of dust in the old canyon."

"I know!" Donut agreed quickly, eyes darting from place to place, trying to catch every detail as much as possible. "That place smelled pretty bad, now that I think about it, but Sarge always just blamed Grif for that."

"To be fair, Grif probably didn't help a lot with the smell," Doc muttered jokingly. "But I could get used to this. I just hope that when we meet others they're as nice as the girls back at Applejack's farm."

"Pinkie said there was nothing to worry about! She said it was just as simple as walking up to the first pony we find and introducing ourselves!" Looking up ahead, Donut saw a mare trotting along the edge of the town, bobbing her head lightly side-to-side as if enchanted by a song. She had a simple music symbol on her fank, spiky, multi-hue blue hair and was donning a pair of bright glasses."Oh look, there's one now! Hey, you!"

The mare stopped instantly in her tracks and looked around side-to-side. She quickly saw the pair trotting towards her and smiled lightly.

"Can I help you?" she asked simply.

"Oh, I hope so! My friend and I are new to town and we're trying to meet new ponies. My name is Donut! What's yours?" Donut inquired, hoof shooting forward in greeting.

"Heh, just getting right to the introductions, huh? I like that," she replied with a small grin, shaking his hoof warmly. "Name's Vinyl. Vinyl Scratch. I'm the local DJ in town."

"Ohh, there's clubs here? This place suddenly sounds more fun!"

"No real clubs in Ponyville. Most of 'em are in Las Pegas and Canterlot, but I don't really get hired a lot to go up there," she sighed, then shrugged lightly. "But whatever, I DJ for fun anyways." She nodded at the purple stallion standing next to Donut. "What's your name?"

"Uh, most people call me Doc," the purple stallion said slowly, flashing her an awkward smile.

"Doc, huh? So you're a doctor? Did you transfer to Ponyville hospital from one of the neighboring towns? Heard the hospital was looking to hire a few nurses and doctors, is all. They're a little short-hooved right now."

"Well, I'm not really a doctor. I'm a medic for..." he stopped and thought for a second. "I was just a medic. Nothing fancy. I mostly just treat minor wounds and stuff like that... And most people I know don't think I'm very good at it."

"Oh, Doc, you don't have to be so modest. I think you're great!" Donut chipped, throwing his foreleg around his buddy as he looked from Doc to Vinyl. "Doc saved my life a few months ago!"

"Really?" Vinyl asked with a curious smirk, thinking he was simply joking or over exaggerating. Nodding at him to continue, she looked from Doc to Donut. "Sounds like a fun story."

"Oh boy, I never get to tell this story!" he said instantly. He licked his lips and cleared his throat. "Okay, so, there I was, standing with a few friends when suddenly these two guys come out of nowhere! At first I thought they were friends, but it turns out they weren't. One of them hurt our friend Lopez, then he shot me. And so there I was, laying in my armor in a pool of my own blood, thinking I was going to die. It hurt a lot, but the most painful part was definitely my boots getting stained with blood. Anyway-"

"Woah, woah, woah. Armor and blood?" Vinyl began, lifting her glasses over her eyes in surprise. "Are you two in the army?"

"Yup! Well... no. I don't even remember what it was anymore. Anyways I was shot in the chest by another guy!" Donut said as if it was nothing and a mere everyday occurrence. Being on the red team, of course, it was. Vinyl, however, did not know that, and gasped lightly, suddenly more intrigued by the pair. "So there I was, bleeding a lot, when suddenly this guy comes in the nick of time and patches me up as best as he can. Seeing as I'm still standing here and not dead, I'd say he's a pretty good doctor!"

"I'll say. You seem to be more than okay," she commented dryly with a small grimace, thinking by shot he meant either by a thrown spear or a bolt of magic. "What happened to the guy that shot you?"

"He's actually staying in the castle up on that mountain right now!" he said, pointing off into the distance.

"Wait, you mean he's in Canterlot?"

"I think that's the name..."

"Canterlot Canterlot?" she asked again. From her experience, ones who are in Canterlot are either posh high class ponies, lucky low class that manage to snag an invite to one of their balls or they're locked up in the dungeons.

"Yup. The Princess asked that he stay back with another one of our friends."

"Is he a member of the Royal Guard?" she asked, then squinted slightly and thought of what that implied. She began to wonder if they were a pair of soldiers that tried to storm Canterlot or something and ended up failing.

"No, I don't think so," Donut replied thoughtfully, rubbing his chin lightly. "He used to be--"

"I don't think we should be talking about the past this much," Doc coughed. He wasn't sure on the details, but he had a feeling that the Reds and Blues, as well as the other ponies for that matter, would like them blabbering about their past accomplishments, if more than a few could even be called that. "No offense."

"It's cool. Lotta ponies these days have secrets," Vinyl chuckled, deciding that if they had been in trouble, they wouldn't be walking around Ponyville. "One of my newer friends that I met a few months ago is a pretty huge example of secrets. She's a really good fighter, but she won't tell anyone where she learned her skills and stuff. I assumed she was trained by the Royal Guard, but I've never heard of soldiers fighting like her."

"Huh, that sounds a lot like a girl we know," Doc said with a nervous laugh.

"You mean Tex?" Donut asked innocently.

"You guys know Tex?" she asked dubiously. "Jeez, small world. You guys know where she's from?"

"Yup! We've known her for years."

"Cool. Guess any friend of Tex is a friend of mine," Vinyl said with a smile. She glanced up at the sun and bit her lip briefly. "Listen, sorry to cut this short but I gotta trot. Gotta set up for my gig tonight over at the cider bar. Starts at seven. You guys should totally come for a listen. We can talk more after."

"Oh, sounds like fun!" Donut said instantly, jumping once happily.

"And if you see Tex, tell her to come too, alright?" she said as she turned around and began to walk into town. "Haven't seen her in a few weeks and I wanna catch up with her."

"Aw, thank you!" Donut said, smiling at her. "And we will!"

Vinyl gave a half wave and then picked up her pace, disappearing behind a building within a few seconds.

"She seems nice!"

"Yeah, she did," Doc agreed with a small nod.

"Hey guys, what are you doing out here?" a voice called out from behind them. Turning around, Doc and Donut saw Junior and Spike walking towards them.

"Oh, hey Spike! We're just out here trying to meet new people. And if I know anything, the two best places to meet people are in small towns and at truck stops," Donut replied. "What are you guys doing out here?"

"Just coming out for a bite to eat and introduce Junior to some ponies. You know, convince them he's a dragon so people don't get too scared of him since he basically towers over anything in the nearby area. But I figure it shouldn't be too hard since he's with me. Ponies will just think we're cousins or something," Spike laughed.

"I can see that," Doc said approvingly. "Why, I remember when I first met Junior! For a few seconds I thought he was a dragon. Then I remembered the whole alien thing. Must have been the scales."

"That's the idea," Spike chuckled. With a look of deep thought, Spike snapped his claws and smiled widely. "Hey, you guys should tag along. You can help me convince others he's a dragon, and I can help you guys meet others easier. Maybe show you where to buy things like food and stuff, and maybe show you a few fun places to go."

"Sounds like fun!" Donut exclaimed excitedly as they began walking into town together. "Speaking of fun, you wouldn't happen to know of any truck stops around here, would you?"

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