• Published 22nd May 2024
  • 455 Views, 7 Comments

Text Logs - Stagehands

Last Rainbow Dash heard, Sunset was on a date with some dude she'd never heard of, so she decided to follow up on it over Discord and see how it went.

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Text Logs

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 3:43 PM
hey how’s the date go
if you’re getting married I better be invited

SunShim yesterday at 3:44 PM
Not something we’re gonna need to worry about

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 3:44 PM
well that doesn’t sound great

SunShim yesterday at 3:44 PM

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 3:44 PM
you good?

SunShim yesterday at 3:45 PM
Been better

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 3:46 PM
tf happened

SunShim yesterday at 3:48 PM
He never showed up

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 3:48 PM

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 3:53 PM
where you at rn

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 3:58 PM
where you at

SunShim yesterday at 4:01 PM
Don’t want to talk

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 4:03 PM
ok cool but where you at rn

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 4:11 PM
yo if youre gonna be bummed out, ok, but just tell me where youre at
i wanna make sure youre doing ok

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 4:19 PM

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 4:32 PM
hey im worried, just lemme know whats up alright?
i mean i know whats up you know what i mean

SunShim yesterday at 7:58 PM

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 7:59 PM

SunShim yesterday at 8:00 PM
Just kinda crashed when I got home
I’m alright

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:01 PM
so whats this guys name again
asking for a friend

SunShim yesterday at 8:01 PM
Please don’t go after him

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:02 PM

SunShim yesterday at 8:02 PM
It might have been something important

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:03 PM
fat fucking chance
no fr i didn’t like the vibes on this guy

SunShim yesterday at 8:03 PM
You say that every time I find a guy

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:03 PM
cuz your taste in dudes is shit
where’d you even find this guy anyway?

SunShim yesterday at 8:04 PM

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:04 PM
are you using dating apps or something
cuz those never work

SunShim yesterday at 8:05 PM

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:05 PM
girl cmon

SunShim yesterday at 8:05 PM
That's what they’re for

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:06 PM
yeah and if they worked thatd be great
those things are full of losers who wanna get laid but are too bad with people to get any

SunShim yesterday at 8:07 PM
Well if they don't work, why are they so popular?

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:09 PM
youre killing me rn

SunShim yesterday at 8:09 PM
Well deal with it, you’re not the one who got stood up

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:10 PM
mfer youre out here on dating apps when half this town wants a piece of that
tf you doing
seriously tf you doing, i dont get it

SunShim yesterday at 8:11 PM
I wanted to try something

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:11 PM
try what, get dumped?

SunShim yesterday at 8:11 PM
Fuck off

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:11 PM
im serious

SunShim yesterday at 8:12 PM
So am I. Fuck off

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:12 PM
no fr like what are you trying to do
half our class would probably date you at this point

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:39 PM
hey i wanna help

SunShim yesterday at 8:42 PM

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:43 PM
idk i wanna help

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:49 PM
this whole thing is fucking with me

SunShim yesterday at 8:51 PM
It is what it is

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:52 PM
yeah well what it is is fucking with me
are you good?

SunShim yesterday at 8:54 PM
I guess

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:54 PM
like in general
dont ‘i guess’ me
gimme something decisive
sound sure of yourself

SunShim yesterday at 8:56 PM
Not feeling very sure of myself so I don’t know what to tell you

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:56 PM
im worried youre going through some shit rn and idk how to help

SunShim yesterday at 8:57 PM
I appreciate the concern
I don’t know how to talk about this

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 8:59 PM
see there’s these letters on the screen that you touch and they become words and phrases

SunShim yesterday at 8:59 PM

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:00 PM

SunShim yesterday at 9:02 PM
I’m not sure what I’m doing
Idk I get worried about things
I worry that people local are going to come in with these expectations about me
I’ve kind of got a history

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:04 PM
of being awesome

SunShim yesterday at 9:04 PM
And being a turbo-bitch who tried to invade a foreign nation using their magically shanghaied children

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:05 PM
are you still on about that even now?

SunShim yesterday at 9:05 PM
It’s kind of a big deal

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:06 PM
people in this town aren’t resentful

SunShim yesterday at 9:06 PM
You don’t have to be resentful to be rightfully cautious of the mare who tried to kidnap an entire generation for child soldier purposes
As a demon
Using magic
I blew up the front of the school with a fireball

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:07 PM
shit happens
we fixed it
everyone knows youre cool

SunShim yesterday at 9:07 PM
Sometimes I feel like you guys really undersell what I did. Just because you’re over it doesn’t mean anyone else is or that it’s any less fucked up

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:07 PM
theyre gonna find out eventually dude
the guys you date i mean

SunShim yesterday at 9:08 PM
Not if they’re not from around here

xX_Rainboomer_Xxyesterday at 9:08 PM
so what youre just gonna hope they don’t find out?
this seems like an awful lot of extra work when you could pick from half the town who are already cool with you
also why dudes?? since when do you date dudes?

SunShim yesterday at 9:08 PM
I dated Flash

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:08 PM
that doesnt count

SunShim yesterday at 9:08 PM
He’s a dude

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:09 PM
are you trying to tell me that was legit

SunShim yesterday at 9:09 PM
He’s a dude though
It counts

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:09 PM
you’re gay af, just own it

SunShim yesterday at 9:10 PM
I wanted to try dating a guy

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:10 PM
and again
youre one of the hottest girls in the school
just pick one

SunShim yesterday at 9:10 PM
You make it sound so easy

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:10 PM
fr im convinced you could have that entire school around your finger at any time
but like by being sexy
not evil
though idk evil’s kinda sexy

SunShim yesterday at 9:11 PM
Tell me you have a type without telling me you have a type

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:11 PM
my hair is a damn rainbow
my NAME is rainbow
yeah i have a type it’s BABES

SunShim yesterday at 9:14 PM
So what you’re saying is you want a turn

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:14 PM

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:18 PM
still there?

SunShim yesterday at 9:19 PM

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:19 PM
im here if you need me

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:22 PM

SunShim yesterday at 9:24 PM
I need the silence rn I think

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:24 PM

SunShim yesterday at 9:38 PM
Feeling gross

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:38 PM
yeah well thats stupid
youre not gross

SunShim yesterday at 9:39 PM
Are you sure? Cuz guys seem to think so

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:39 PM
I told you
dont use those apps
theyre crap
thats the kind of stuff Fluttershy’s brother would be really into
mfer probably has a grindr account and everything

SunShim yesterday at 9:40 PM
Never met her brother

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:40 PM
keep it that way
hes the dude they warn girls about when they’re getting into the dating scene
hes got so many red flags im p sure he lives in a tent made of them

SunShim yesterday at 9:40 PM
Guess Fluttershy got all the sweetness genes

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:40 PM
could get cavities from that girl

SunShim yesterday at 9:42 PM
Have you asked her out yet?

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:42 PM
i don’t wanna make things weird
and idk if she’s into girls

SunShim yesterday at 9:43 PM
I’m surprised you haven’t asked yet

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:43 PM
bro I can’t just ask
thats so obvious

SunShim yesterday at 9:43 PM
Alright miss rainbow hair, you tell me how that subtlety is going

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:43 PM
ok that’s one thing alright
but I can’t just ask the person what they’re into
when im trying to figure out if they’d be into me
i may as well just ask her if she’s into me at that point
and that could make it really weird
you gotta be smooth

SunShim yesterday at 9:44 PM
Rainbow Dash, I love you, but you’re about as smooth as a gravel road

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:44 PM
i can be smooth

SunShim yesterday at 9:44 PM
In your dreams maybe
I think it adds to the charm tbh, everyone loves a little Failgirl energy

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:44 PM
bitch im awesome

SunShim yesterday at 9:45 PM
You can be awesome and be a massive dork

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:45 PM

SunShim yesterday at 9:45 PM

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:48 PM
brb gonna slap dinner together

SunShim yesterday at 9:48 PM
It’s kinda late for dinner

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:49 PM
yeah well I got distracted
cuz SOMEONE was having a real shit day and needed someone to rescue them
you feeling any better btw

SunShim yesterday at 9:49 PM
A little
I want to talk more

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:49 PM
I got you
brb real quick

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 10:08 PM

SunShim yesterday at 10:10 PM

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 10:10 PM
how you feeling

SunShim yesterday at 10:11 PM
Pent up

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 10:11 PM

SunShim yesterday at 10:11 PM
You know

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 10:11 PM
need help?

SunShim yesterday at 10:12 PM
Would it be weird to say yes

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 10:12 PM

SunShim yesterday at 10:12 PM
Then yes

xX_Rainboomer_Xx started a call that lasted 3 hours 42 minutes. 5/22/2015 1:55 AM

Author's Note:

I really enjoyed writing this. I had entirely too much fun replicating the Discord message format in FimFiction's text editor. I'm not entirely sure how well this works for a cohesive narrative, but this feels to me like it was ripped straight out of a Discord chat, which was the point, so I'm happy with it. Very fun departure from my usual writing style.

Comments ( 7 )

Hey dude, so I have to ask. Did you know that someone is making a Discord vs. Discord Rap Battle (App vs. My Little Pony)? And did you use the cover art on purpose because Epic Rap Battles of Nostalgia (The person who's making it) just announced it yesterday? Weird coincidence if it wasn't on purpose.

Nope, I got the idea of using a Discord Discord symbol for the story of a Discord chat log more or less minutes before I hit the Submit button, googled it, and found a few versions on Reddit. I don’t follow events or have any real connection to the fandom at all outside of this site.

Damn, then it's a huge coincidence.

xX_Rainboomer_Xx yesterday at 9:45 PM f_is_for_fuckyou.gif


That was awesome.

I absolutely adore this whole concept
It feels so real

I do love this story

And I have now downloaded this story, so I can read it after it is deleted. I'm glad that it was allowed to stay up until after the contest was over. 🔥 :rainbowdetermined2: :yay:

Too bad there's not a Sunset Shimmer emoji.:twilightangry2:

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