• Member Since 19th Aug, 2023
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago



Spike awakens within the Realm of Ninjago after being sucked into the Crystal Mirror after it's been behaving strangely, as a result after he and the Mane 6 investigate it, he is sucked into the Mirror upon hearing a strange voice, and the Mirror is broken which prevents him from coming back in any known way.

Spike awakens on the doorsteps of an old Monastery and is found by a man named Master Wu, who takes him in and lets him join a team of Ninja who all have cool Elemental powers, despite not having any powers.. yet, he's trained as a ninja to unlock his own potential and find his calling. And now Spike's life is being a part of a team who can be a new family with him, and hopefully he can find a way home one day..

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 53 )

Awesome story! Ninjago is my favorite series next to mlp! Awesome

Or Equestria could be part of the merged realms.

I love it and I hope you make more of it

So, Lego Ninjago now?

Hmm, you did say you're going to do the whole thing with all 15 Seasons and even Dragons Rising.

But, you didn't even sent Spike to the time frame of the very first "Prologue" Arc Episodes with the full introduction of Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, and Zane.

Getting the Golden Weapons, meeting the Elemental Dragons, the Skulkin/Skeleton Army, and finally the first meeting of Lord Garmadon?

Nope, just straight to the First Season with Kid Lloyd and the Serpentine?

The reason I didn't start with the prologue episodes is because A: Spike wouldn't have much to add to the table if he was in those shorts considering how fast everything moves along, I wanted to have Spike bond with characters like Lloyd more in season 1 because they both know how they feel about having no parents, having a sudden destiny thrown onto them when they didn't expect it, and so Spike could have time to develop more over the show.
And B:.. It's a 16 plus season long show, on top of what other stuff I'm gonna add here, it's gonna be WAY longer then any of my other stories, they're just the prologues, And I think Spike starting off in season 1 and developing more over the show, learning Spinjitzu when the time is right, gaining his powers, and properly bonding with the characters like how I've done with Zane so far, it's how I'm gonna do it, and remember dude.. 15 plus seasons that add in to over 60 hours in total watch time.

Will spike get a girlfriend end what about his parents will they show up

scarred you mean scared 😏:ajbemused:

Oh snap, didn't know this got posted.
Just got back from work.

If you plan on having Smolder show up too(as a love interest, sister or best friend), maybe she could be similar to Samurai X(with a ninja mode) with some kickass gadgets and often shenanigans.

Awesome idea on Spike's powers there and also using a spear and a bow/arrows.

Maybe more scenes of him interacting with the four dragons and probably learning from them.
Maybe hearing what they are speaking too since he himself is a dragon too

Hey, no profanity. Children could be reading these

Surprised about the Serptentine egg there

It's to help make this story not 1 to 1 with the main one, help Spike feel like an inclusion, and giving him more stuff to do, so raising a serpentine child is one of the changes I'm gonna add to the story.

Uh.. no offense but you are gonna be in a rude awakening since some cursing happened before in the other fics.

Also, seriously? You ignored what thought I brought up just because "oooo you said a bad word!"?
Its not cool as ignoring what thought a comment brought up because of a grammar/spelling mistake.

Sorry if I sound rude but just felt a bit agitated at this.

Meh, Dragon is a buddy of mine. He told me he's got a lot of surprises plan other than love interested

Especially when the show got away with the " Whoa, Lloyd's gone through puberty!" Joke in season 5, I know it may be a small joke, but that is way more hilarious to me then most things in the show.

Loid just doesn't learn does he?

So pretty much nothing I mentioned can happen in any form?

I think Ninjago snuck in other jokes too.
Sadly haven't remember exact details since its been a long time.

But my pal has a plan. Don't worry

"Thanks for helping my friends, even though you did knock them out, I can handle things from here, you have stuff to do I'm sure, thanks for saving me and my friends, I'll handle it from here." Spike assured while he walked up to the others with the egg in hand, the warrior understood this and pressed on a button that brought him back to his mech.

Not to be rude or anything but... Didn't you use the same line in the sentence twice? Just wanted to point that out.

No, that was intentional, though I should change that line up to make it feel like a proper thank you.

Had a thought on what-if much later down the line, Spike's Trident can sort of morph into different forms of long-weapons when he wants to tap in deeper to one of the 4 main Elemental powers.

Honestly the show had Samurai X be pretty awesome.
Both Nya variant and P.I.X.A.L.

Kind of wonder if the ninja aren't gonna "forget" they can do stuff such as Airjitzu, Tornado Of Creation, Elemental Dragons.
The show kind of have a nasty habit of them forgetting stuff.

I love it my friend, I hope you keep making more of it

It was pretty awesome

It was epic my friend and I hope you work more of it

Kind of wonder what a Anacondrai egg is doing in Venomari territory there

I love it and keep up the good work my friend

What if Spike’s gi was lavender?

It kinda feels like Spike is going to be overpowered if you give him four elements. Maybe he should get an element that has traits of the other elements, like magic maybe?

"Lloyd Garmadon! You come here right now!" Wu ordered upset at the trouble he's caused. "I got em!" Jay said as he picked up Lloyd over his shoulder making him really scarred. "Hey, let me go!" Lloyd whined as the ninja got to the rooftop. "What should we do with him? Wash his mouth out with soap, for a year?" Cole suggested. "Ground him indefinitely?" Kai suggested as well. "Have him sit in a corner for a century?" Zane suggested too, but Spike didn't like that, as he knew Lloyd was very young. "Guys, that's to harsh even for you, what should we do with him sensei?" Spike asked looking at Wu. "I know exactly what we must do Spike." Wu replied while Lloyd was looking scarred.

You forgot his middle name.

Subtitles couldn't properly spell it out, like how sometimes the Netflix subs says Skylor as Skyler, or Morro as Moro, and plus it's not like it's been fully said in the show much anyway, I know it's just a middle name, but he's mainly just known as Lloyd Garmadon.

Maybe the four elements thing could be that his true potential is related to all four of the others elements?

I think he should unlock his Full Potential in the finale of Season 2.

Everyone went into another part of the room, they were all really upset about what's happened, and they didn't know Lloyd was watching this from a hidden area.

"You couldn't just be happy with the top score, you had to rub it in my face!" Kai said upset about Cole beating Kai's score.

"Do you know how long it took me to make that, three day! Three days!" Cole said really mad about Jay ruining Cole's food.

"It's an honest said law okay? You don't just touch another man's robot!" Jay said upset with what Zane did.

"How are Spike and I supposed to strike fear in our enemy's?! Our suits are pink!" Zane said as he and Spike raised they're suits.

"Pink, freaking pink!!" Spike shouted really furious with what's happened.

For the spike bit, this should've been said.
"Our dignity will go up in flames thanks to you!"

Would be awesome in seeing Spike's true potential being unlocked.

Wonder what stuff he can get too from the Temple of Light when the Ninja got the Elemental Blades?

I can't wait to see how the Brown Ninja ( I that because I don't know how to spell his name) reacts to Spike and his daughter. I know it's going to be funny.

It's spelled out as Dareth to help you if you need it.

Thanks I remember him as the Brown Ninja, so thanks for reminding me.

"It was given to me by a strange figure who I met not too long after we found the bounty, he said it's only meant for me to use, so if you have any ideas on stealing this, you'll have to think again." Spike said while he drew it out and twirled it around a bit.
"Interesting, I'll at least respect your boundaries, but why do you have an Anacondrai with you?" Garmadon asked glaring at Allison who was still asleep.
"I found her egg during one of our missions before Wu left, she was all alone and didn't have anyone with her, I didn't want anything bad to happen to it, so I took it in and when she hatched, I took the role as her father." Spike explained with a small smile and he hugged her close.
"You are an interesting one already Spike, but be weary of these snakes, some can never be trusted, my brother and I have experienced that first hand when we were very young." Garmadon warned which Spike sighed at and Wu shook his head.
"Please don't remind me of her.." Wu asked not wanting to remember that huge mess.

Wu's ex Serpentine friend

I felt bad for Garmaddon on this episode.

This is mainly how everyone feels when Wu doesn't tell the ninja about villains who he knows about and just lets be entombed before they become a threat or some stupid reason like that. ( Sorry if some may not like this but i found it hilarious with how intense things escalate in just a few minutes)

Sweet story my friend and I hope you make more of it

I do plan on having Spike get his own Element by the end of Season 2 to make him stand out a bit, the Elemental power of Crystal, he'll be able to use the other's powers and can form weapons of his own choice out of crystal, and the respective element will be the Crystal's color. I honestly think Spike having just 5-6 elements is enough( Nya's water power included), because if Spike were to have the powers of ALL the Elemental Masters from season 4, he would be WAY too overpowered. And if Spike were to have those powers, it would create tons of situations that just make people ask" Why doesn't he use this power to escape this?", I think Spike sharing the other's elements and getting his own one to help him focus his power is more then enough, believe me, it's one of the reasons people keep asking" Why don't the ninja use Airjitzu anymore?", so keeping Spike grounded to those 6 powers may be more then enough, I hope that's a good reason to have, or let me know what you think please.

I kinda assumed it would be a rainbow.

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