//------------------------------// // 2: Home // Story: Spike The Spinjitzu Master // by Dragonfan101 //------------------------------// Wu was meditating in his room again until he heard speaking again. "My turn!" Kai shouted from somewhere which woke him up. "Uh, it's my turn!" Cole shouted as well which interested him. "Focus guys, come on we can do this." Spike said as he could hear battle cry's. Wu went and grabbed an ancient looking flute and put it away and peaked into the room where he thought the ninja were playing games, but the room was empty meaning one thing. Wu opened the doors to the courtyard and saw Spike and the others were training confidently. Spike was twirling his spear around really fast as he's gotten a great hang on it now, Spike slashed at some more dummy's and sliced them apart and it showed he was improving a lot, Jay was deflecting arrows with his weapons and Cole was going through the course, Kai was practicing Spinjitzu too and was getting a better hang of it. Zane suddenly opened his eyes and flipped in front of Jay. "Hey.. huh?" Jay asked confused as he had an arrow in his chucks, Zane went over to Cole and took his weapon. "Hey.. what?" Cole asked shocked as he sliced a dummy apart. "Ninja go!!" Zane shouted as he used Spinjitzu and created a bunch of ice that froze over the floor and almost slipped them all. "Zane, what are you doing?" Spike asked confused as he quickly got out of the way and went over to the others. "This roof isn't big enough for the five of us." Kai said annoyed at this. "Correction, this roof isn't big enough for him." Cole said as Zane froze over the entire course. "Did he not even notice us?" Spike asked putting his spear away. "I know right? It's like he's in his own world. I be the can't even hear us!" Jay said as they all looked at him, Zane didn't respond and just went to training himself as Wu walked up to them all. "Sensei, Zane's weird." Kai said turning to him. "What is weird? Someone who is different, or someone who is different from you?" Wu asked curious. "It's not that, he's just.." Spike said trying to find proper words. "We mean he's like.. really weird." Cole finished as we cut to some flashbacks. Cole was currently in the restroom minding his own business and looking at a newspaper until Zane came in to comb his hair without even noticing Cole. "Do you mind?!" Cole asked annoyed that he didn't even notice him. Jay, Nya and Zane were watching a romance drama and the two were crying.. while Zane just laughed at it finding it funny somehow. Kai and Spike yawned as they were feeling tired. "Late night snack Kai?" Spike asked tiredly. "You know it.." Kai replied as they opened the doors but freaked out in seeing something. "Ah! Holy baloney!" Kai shouted in fear. "What the heck?!" Spike shouted confused as well as they could see Zane INSIDE the fridge somehow. "I'm sorry, i consumed all the deli meat, cheese?" Zane offered holding out some cheese for them, they both looked at eachother confused on this and Spike shrugged his shoulders. We cut back to now as Zane just did a bow at a dummy and hit his head accidentally. "We like the guy he's really smart, he's just uh.. a little off sometimes." Kai answered while Spike kept looking at him interested. "Zane is a brother, and brother's are often different. You should know, even Spike is one now, and we all should respect eachother." Wu said looking at him who nodded in understanding. "Yeah, i guess that's true, i'll clean this mess up." Spike said as Kai lent him his sword to use fire to melt the ice. "At least Spike's handling our weapons better." Jay said as they watched him thaw out the floor. "Yeah, for a dragon, i can see he's got great potential as a ninja." Cole added looking at this happen. "But will we ever find out how Spike is able to use powers like ours soon? That's what i wanna know." Jay asked interested on this. "Who knows, maybe Spike will get his own Golden Weapon someday." Kai said as Spike finished up fixing the training yard. Outside of the Monastery, a mailman was traveling up the LONG stair case that led to the top, the mailman looked up and saw the entrance looked even farther then he thought and sighed in exhaustion. He soon finally reached the top of the place and rung the doorbell which made a loud gong which surprised him. "Mail!" Kai and the others shouted in excitement but confused Spike and Zane. "That's how mail is traveled here?" Spike asked walking up to the door with them. "Alright, let's see, a letter from Jay's parents." He said handing Jay one letter. "A fan letter for Kai." He said which Kai gladly took. "Oh something from Cole's father." He said handing Cole out the next one. "What no package? I'm expecting something from Creatures Beats and Beyond." Cole pointed out. "Hmm.. no.. nothing from uh.. ah! Here it is!" He said finally finding the package and handing it to him. "Heh, Rocky's gonna love this!" Cole said excitedly which interested Spike. "Is that some kind of dragon food here?" Spike asked curious. "Yeah, but i don't think you'd like it, Rocky's diet is different from ours." Cole explained which Spike understood. "Alright, thanks for letting me know that." Spike said gratefully as Cole left himself. The ninja opened up their letters and looked over to Zane who didn't have a letter which worried them. "Hey Zane, how come you never hear from your parents?" Jay asked curiously. "I don't remember my parents, i have been an orphan all of my life." Zane said sadly which surprised them all, but felt a little relatable to Spike. "You too huh? I never knew my birth parents either, sure i was raised by Twilight and her family, but i never knew them, and it made me wonder if they even cared about me.." Spike said looking down sadly which Zane felt sorry for as well. "At least i have someone who understands, i may not be the best at advice, but i don't think they'd want you to feel down like this." Zane encouraged patting his back. "Don't worry Spike, even if you can't find a way back, know that the Monastery is you and Zane's home now." Wu said trying to help him too. "Yeah.. thanks.." Spike said still unsure from all of this as he and Zane went into the building to think about this. Cole went up to his dragon to feed him a special treat. "Levering toads Rocky, your favorite!" Cole announced holding the treat out for him, Cole tossed it to the dragon and it ate it nicely. "Mmm mmm!" Cole said in delight as the vision shifts and we see the serpentine known as Scales seeing this after Cole was almost hypnotized. "I can't believe you hypnotized one of the ninja! Does the general know?" A soldier asked worried as they were on a tree house being built as a fortress. "Course not! He's been put under the spell of Lloyd! And i plan to use it for my best interest." Scales answered just before the general slithered up to them. "Everyone works while you two slack! As my second in command, i expect more from you Scales!" He said upset with him. "Yes General. But General, you know how loyal i am to you, but i must question this childish agenda, the ninja have stolen the staff, and yet you instruct the army to build this playhouse for Lloyd?" Scales countered looking over the place. "You know snakes don't belong in trees." Scales said again which annoyed him. "You know better then to question judgement Scales! I'll pretend you didn't ask that!" He said upset at him before Lloyd shouted to them. "Hey! If we plan to rule Ninjago from here, this elevator needs a trap door! I want more booby traps!!" Lloyd shouted in a bratty tone. "As you wish young Garmadon." The general said motioning Scales to leave. "As you wish general.." Scales said annoyed as he went to get back to work as the camera shows the shot of the poorly built treehouse. We cut back to the Monastery where the sun was setting again and Spike and the others are in the Dinning room to eat. "Mmm, oh i love it when it's Zane's night to cook." Jay said in delight as Spike was having some delicious shrimp. "I gotta admit, he knows how to cook, just imagine what me and him can do together." Spike said taking another bite of his. "You know how to cook?" Kai asked curiously. "Yeah, one of the best i know, i spent quite a long time learning to cook. You'd be surprised on what i know." Spike said proudly which interested them. "I'd like to see what recipes you have from your home, if it's as delicious as this, let it be!" Jay encouraged eating some more appetizers. "Hey just because he can cook doesn't mean i can't, i didn't hear any complaining about my Duck Chowder last night." Cole added looking at them. "That's because it glued our mouths shut, you really think Jay was speechless all throughout dinner?" Kai pointed out which shocked him and Spike had a look of disgust. "No offense Cole, but you need more cooking lessons." Spike said as the door opened with more food. "Yeah Spike's right, please don't make that again. " Jay begged crossing his arms as Zane walked in with some turkey. "Dinner is served!" Zane announced gladly, but all of them saw he was wearing a pink piece of clothing on him which made all the ninja start laughing at him, even Spike was a chuckling at this. "What is so funny?" Zane asked confused as they kept laughing at this. "Zane! Your wearing a.. even i wouldn't wear that!" Nya said chuckling at his pink clothing. "You laugh because i ensure i am clean after cooking?" Zane asked confused looking at them. "No! We laughed because you came out wearing that ridiculous outfit!" Kai answered still chuckling at him. "I guess we don't share the same sense of humor." Zane suggested still not getting this. "Well, how about.. this?" Cole said playfully as he took his plate and splashed it on Kai's face. This even made Spike laugh as all the ninja found this hilarious. "How could you not find that funny?! AH!!" Cole screamed as Wu splashed more food on Cole's head as payback. "Now you are brothers!" Wu said making a wink which made all of them laugh even more, but Spike could see Zane was upset and still didn't understand all of this and decided to help him out when dinner was over. Spike helped Zane out of the room to finish cleaning up the mess from dinner. "You alright Zane?" Spike asked worried looking up at him. "I.. don't know, i do not understand they're type of humor. It's one of the things that's made me feel isolated from everyone else." Zane said sadly which concerned him more. "Hey, it's alright, everyone has different ways of humor. We may just need to find yours, even if they can't help you, i will, alright?" Spike asked looking up at him. "I.. think that will help, thank you Spike." Zane said gratefully which Spike smiled at. They were about to head back in until they heard a hawk sound, they turned around and saw a strange looking hawk looking down at them. "What?" Spike asked confused as they moved they're heads a little to look at it better, but the hawk seemed to mimic they're moves which interested them. Zane shook his head around and the falcon shook his head in response, Spike and Zane got the same idea and moved they're bodies around in a strange way, and like before, the falcon mimicked they're movements which meant something strange was from it. "What are you doing here?" Spike asked looking at it, the falcon didn't respond, and instead it started flying off to somewhere, Spike and Zane looked at eachother and both decided to follow it. Zane kept his hood up as they ran through the night sky following it to where it was flying, even if Spike didn't have a ninja outfit yet, he was still doing his best to keep up. "Where are you taking us?" Spike asked curious as they kept following the bird through the forest quite a good distance away from the Monastery. But they started to hear sound within the woods and followed it, and what they were greeted with was something they didn't expect, they saw the Serpentine seemingly building a treehouse as a supposed fortress, and they could hear Lloyd ordering the snakes around. "Well at least we got the surprise on the enemy." Spike said crossing his arms upset that Lloyd didn't learn his lesson. They heard the falcon again and looked up at it once more. "Thank you our mysterious friend." Zane said gratefully. "Come on, let's get the others, they need to see this." Spike said as they started heading back to warn the others about what's happening. We cut to daytime again as Spike and Zane were running ahead through the forest with the ninja following behind. "How do we know Zane and Spike know where they're going?" Kai asked feeling tired from all the running. "Can you two tell us how you stumbled upon Lloyd's secret headquarters?" Kai asked curious with them. "We followed the bird." Zane answered simply. "Why did you follow a bird?" Jay asked confused at this. "Because it was strange, it didn't feel normal, so we followed it, and it led us here." Spike answered looking at them too. "He's right, and we're not to far behind." Zane said as they started moving again and the ninja followed them, it was only a bit longer until they came back to Lloyd's new treehouse and heard him ordering the snakes around. "Holy Cannoli, Frosty and dragon boy were right!" Cole said surprised on all of this. "Told ya so." Spike said smugly crossing his arms. "We can't let that brat and those snakes get a foothold on Ninjago, we gotta destroy that thing before it becomes operational." Kai said seriously ready to fight already. "Whoa, are you sure? It looks like a pretty cool treehouse, there's a ropes course, and a tree swing!" Jay said playfully looking at the thing. "Hey, remember who's team your on. Alright guys, what do we do?" Cole asked ready to go. "It looks like the place is held together by those 3 trees, once we separate them, the whole place will come tumbling down like a house of cards!" Kai explained as they saw all of them. "Not good defensive support if you ask me." Spike added as this was honestly easy from how it sounded. "But why would one make a house of cards? Such construction would be careless." Zane asked confused which made Spike chuckle. "It's a type of game Zane, not a place to actually live in. Guys ready to go?" Spike asked drawing his bow and arrows. "Travel in shadows boys!" Cole said confidently as they all went to do their job. Spike and Kai snuck nearby a rope and Kai used his sword to cut it up to send them onto the top of the place, Spike kept his guard up making sure not to be seen by any snakes as they kept moving. Cole hid himself under an elevator some snakes were using, and Zane and Jay hopped up the trees to get to the top until they all came together to see what Lloyd was doing. "Heh heh, it's almost finished. Soon, my evil fortress will be complete! You! Hold up that sign for me!" Lloyd shouted to a random soldier and he picked up a sign that said " No girls or ninja". Lloyd smirked as he pulled a lever and pulled out a trap door that was right under him making him scream in fear. "Booby traps!" Lloyd mocked as the snake went falling all the way down to the bottom of the place. "Alright, come on guys." Spike whispered as he and Zane went to one of the ropes with the others doing the same. "Ninja go!!" Jay shouted as he used his Spinjitzu to cut one of the ropes which started making the house tip over making tons of snakes scream in fear. "Ninja go!" Zane shouted as he used Spinjitzu too to cut the next rope making the treehouse even more unstable. Lloyd was barely hanging onto the place and looked up and saw Kai was at the very top of the place. "I said no ninja! Attack!!" Lloyd shouted with anger to all the snakes. "Everyone, retreat!" Scales ordered all the snakes too, and that made them make the logical decision and they all quickly started to run away from the place. "Cole, wait till we're off the Treehouse, then cut the line!" Kai instructed to Cole who understood the orders. Scales looked above him and saw Cole right at the top. "You! You will obey.. my every command.." Scales said to Cole as he was finally hypnotized. "I will obey your every command." Cole repeated as he was in control. Spike and the other ninja landed on the treehouse as it was crumbling. "Where's Cole? This whole place is coming down!" Kai said worried as the ground shook roughly. They got they're answer when Cole landed down before them, his eyes were in a controlled state which shocked them all. "No one goes anywhere, till you deal with me!" Cole said with anger as he drew his Scythe at all of them as the place shook even more. "What's gotten into him?!" Kai asked worried on what's happening. "He's under they're control!" Zane said with worry seeing this. "Aw come on! Of all the times! Why now?!" Spike asked really frustrated with this. "Yeah but he better snap out of it quickly, this place looks like it's about to go down!" Jay said worried looking at the place as Lloyd tried stopping the snakes. "Don't go! We have to protect my treehouse fortress!" Lloyd begged sounding really worried. "Your treehouse?! It's about time we did this!" Scales hissed as he pulled on a specific lever. "What?" Lloyd asked confused right before a trap door opened and he screamed as he fell down into a cage. "Now to get the staff!" Scales ordered as they all started to escape. Spike got out his spear and blocked a slice from Cole. "Cole! Snap out of it! This isn't what you want!" Spike shouted trying to push him back. "Cole come on! Stop this!" Kai begged as Cole jumped at them and kicked Jay in the face. "AW.. okay i'm.. i'm gonna ignore that.." Jay said in pain rubbing his face. Cole screamed with anger as he swung his Scythe around, Spike jumped over the weapon and kicked him in the head and tried holding the weapon down. "Cole stop! Don't make us do this!" Spike begged trying to stop him. "Jay use your lightning! Try to shock him out of the trance!" Zane ordered as Spike was thrown back to the edge. "Oh, sorry Cole. This is gonna hurt you a lot more then it's gonna hurt me!" Jay said regretfully as he took out his weapons and twirled them around at fast speeds before shocking a powerful blast at him which knocked him down for a moment. "Did it work?" Jay asked hopefully, but when Cole opened his eyes, he was still hypnotized and looked even more furious. "Guess not!" Spike said in fear as Cole rushed over to Jay and punched him off the house. "Jay!!" They all shouted with horror right before he caught a rope that stopped his fall. "This place has a serious safety hazard!" Jay said annoyed as this place was almost down. Cole growled with rage and took off to the last rope that hasn't been cut yet. "Cole don't! Stop!!" Spike screamed as he was about to cut it with the other ninja trying to stop him. But a strange flute sound was played over the whole place which snapped Cole out of it, they looked up and saw Wu with a flute as he and Nya were riding on Kai's dragon. "What? Where am i? What are we doing here?" Cole asked confused on what was happening. "We're getting out of here because this whole place is coming down!" Nya shouted to all of them as Cole landed on it's back. "Come on! Let's go!!" Spike shouted as he and the others slid down to the dragon and hopped onto it right before they saw the place collapse behind them leaving it nothing but rubble. "That is such a relief.." Spike said holding on tight. "That flute, it cancels they're powers!" Jay said amazed looking at Wu's special flute. "It's as old as the Serpentine themselves! The Monastery is unguarded! Quickly!" Wu said worried as they all tried getting back home fast. But once they got back, they saw the home they had was burnt up in flames, even if Spike was only here for a few days, it still was awful to see. "No.." Spike said in horror as the wind blew past all of them. "We're too late.." Kai said in horror as they saw the other dragons trapped inside. "They're trapped! We have to help them!" Spike said worried as he jumped off and quickly went to help them, Spike pulled open the levers that freed them as the fire was around the whole place. Kai looked around the place with sadness as it was burnt up badly. "Shard! Put this out!" Zane ordered to his dragon, the dragon shot it's ice breath to the place and it cooled down all of the fire that was surrounding the place, leaving it nothing but old rubble. "The training equipment.. gone.." Zane said with horror as nothing was left. "Our video games.. gone!" Jay said even more worried at all of this. "This was our only home.." Spike said with sadness as the place was ruined. "What do we do now?" Cole asked all of them as he tried comforting his dragon. Kai picked up a speck of rubble and crushed it feeling really upset at this. "If you and Spike didn't follow that stupid bird none of this would've happened!" Kai accused upset at both of them. "Kai.." Wu warned not wanting this to get worse. "No! Kai's right, because of you two my high score has been deleted!" Jay added really upset with them too. "We we're trying to stop them, they might've come back with more weapons if we didn't stop them in time!" Spike said in defense getting close to Zane. "Spike's right, this should be a teaching moment, we must learn from this." Zane said not understanding this still. "A teaching moment? What's wrong with you? Don't you see it? Everything is gone!!" Cole shouted to both of them. "Enough!! We are all at fault, Zane is your brother, Spike is younger then all of you, you shouldn't accuse him of stuff like this, apologize at once." Wu ordered stopping all of them and they realized what they just said was wrong. "Look Spike, Zane i'm sorry guys i.." Kai said right before they saw they were both gone, even Spike wasn't here too. "Zane? Spike?" Jay asked shocked as they heard a noise nearby and saw Spike and Zane were on the ice dragon and flying off somewhere.. Spike looked back at the Monastery as it faded away in the distance, he felt awful they had to leave suddenly, but they were following a certain falcon once again. "Zane, do you really think we should've left them like that? I know they yelled at us and all, but i know it's because they were just upset at losing our home." Spike asked worried looking at him. "The loss of something affects people in many ways Spike, especially a home. I know they needed time to process this." Zane said as they flew through the clouds. "Yeah, but i was only there for a week, and now it's gone.. if i couldn't protect that place.. how can i protect this entire world? Without my friends?" Spike asked looking down sadly. "You are just beginning to be a ninja Spike, we all make many mistakes, you are young, maybe even Lloyd's age, there is always a lesson that needs to be learned, even if it's in a harsh way." Zane said in wise words which sounded like something Wu or Celestia would say. "Yeah, but how will i be a ninja if i can't protect someone? I don't even know how to use these new powers of mine without using one of your weapons." Spike said trying to make a spark of fire from his hands. "Training takes time young Spike. It never comes easily, you will get your powers soon, maybe even be this Green ninja we all learned about recently." Zane suggested as they started moving into a desert. "Zane, you said you never knew your parents, i never knew mine either and was adopted, first it was Twilight, then taken in by you and the others after being transported here. Do you think they even loved us if we were abandoned? Or were we just.. meant to never know?" Spike asked looking at the setting sun on the horizon. "I don't think there is ever a world where our parents wouldn't love us, they must've had they're reasons. And i'm sure we'll find out about it one day. No matter how long it takes. I just want you to know Spike, i'm glad you trusted me, you may be the one person that understands what i'm trying to process." Zane said looking at him who smiled lightly. "Your welcome Zane.. i'm just glad to have friends, maybe one day we'll find them.. " Spike prayed as they followed the falcon to a new place, what they found shocked both of them, they found an old ship that was in the desert that looked ancient. It was extremely old yet nice looking at the same time, it had a dragon head at the very front, and looked like it could be a home. "Holy Celestia.. this place is amazing.." Spike said in awe as they landed down at the newly discovered ship. "This could be a new home for us all. Care to assist me in making some dinner as a surprise for the others?" Zane offered as they looked through the old place. "That's if this place still works, let's see what we can make." Spike said positively as they went to make a little surprise dinner for the ninja. Speaking of the ninja, they all were doing very poorly right now, they barely had any shelter after the Monastery was burned down, and barely had food to eat. "W.. what are we eating again?" Kai asked curious as they had some strange food on sticks. " Ugh.. Mud nute.. not bad for something that lives underground." Cole answered which disgusted Jay greatly. "What?! Ugh!" Jay said in disgust throwing the food away before he tossed a rock into a can like it was a game with the dragons looking really tired. "Yeah. New high.. s.. score!" Jay said shivering at the cold wind. "Remember, we must be grateful for what we still have. " Wu encouraged trying to lighten the mood. "What do we have? Our home is gone" Cole asked trying to eat. "You know, i don't really miss our home, what i do miss is Zane and Spike, the kids barely started training with us, he must think we're big jerks for what we said back there.." Kai said regretfully sitting down. "Yeah, i miss Zane and Spike, the kids already going through a rough time, we could've made it worse now.." Jay said regretfully as well. "Zane and Spike?" Nya asked in a shocked tone as she saw something nearby. "Yea, Zane and Spike. The white ninja and talking dragon? The dragon that's from a land of magical creatures?" Jay asked trying to remind her in case she forgot. "No, Zane and Spike!" Nya shouted in joy as they all saw them finally making it back to them. "Zane! Spike!!" They all said in relief as they all came up to the two of them. "Oh guys, we're so sorry for everything we said back there, we're a team! And that means we all should be responsible." Jay said just glad to see them both. "It's alright guys, i know you we're going through a rough time, we all are right now. I can understand this kind of action." Spike replied as this was something he can brush off. "But what about those awful things we said to you two? Isn't that why you left?" Kai asked confused. "Of course not, we saw the falcon again and followed him." Zane replied which interested them. "And it led us somewhere really cool!" Spike said still amazed at what they found which made them chuckle. "Well just know we're happy to have you two back." Nya said gratefully as they all hugged them. "Why? Is it our turn to make dinner?" Zane joked which made them all laugh. "Yes Zane, we would love for you two to make dinner." Wu said smiling at the two. "But we already have, come, let's show you what we found." Zane said moving ahead. "It's a really cool place!" Spike said excitedly which made them more interested on what they found. Spike and Zane led the ninja through the desert as the sun was setting giving the sky a beautiful red looking look to it. "I can't explain it, but i think i have a strange connection with the falcon, and i think he's trying to show us the path we need to take." Zane said moving along some more. They led them just a bit further until they finally came upon the ship they found. "Our new home.." Zane announced which made all of them gasp in amazement. "The Destiny's Bounty." Spike said proudly as all of them were so amazed seeing this new ship. "Do i smell pie?!" Jay asked excitedly. "Surprise!" Spike said dramatically which made them all laugh. "I hope you all like it." Zane said as Jay had tears of joy. "We love it!" Jay shouted as they all ran over to their new base to have a great dinner. "I am proud of you both Zane and Spike, i promise we will find your family's one day." Wu assured looking at the two of them. "But, we've already found them." Zane replied as the others ran onto the ship. "One day we'll find out, but now, we should just enjoy things as they are." Spike said proudly. "Spike, Zane, i feel there is more to you both then meets the eye, there is something special about you two." Wu said proudly which interested them. "Sensei, could me or Spike become the Green Ninja?" Zane asked curiously with Spike eager to know as well. "It's to early to tell, but if it's in your path, one of you will know. Come now, it would be a shame to let them eat all of that pie." Wu said as they started walking to the ship with Spike laughing at that. "Yeah, it would, let's have a good night!" Spike said gladly as they all went to have a good dinner. Spike and the others were laughing as they started playfully throwing food at them like before. "It's great to have friends." Spike said laughing with all of them as the camera zooms out of the ship, but we see a sad sight of Lloyd standing at the sight alone seeing the ninja have fun, Scales had managed to defeat the last general and took control, and now he was alone, he sighed to himself sadly as he walked away through the desert holding a strange looking map..