Spike The Spinjitzu Master

by Dragonfan101

1: Rise of the Snakes

We open to a small narration of the creation of this new world Spike had found himself in a few days back.

"Long before time had a name, the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, using four elemental weapons. But when he passed, a dark presence sought out to collect them all, Lord Garmadon. So i Sensei Wu, sought out four ninja to collect them first. And now, it seems to be we have a new ninja as well, a young dragon named Spike, who's come from a world called Equestria. And He and the 4 ninja are now what stands between Garmadon and the destruction of Ninjago." Wu narrated as we see the four elemental weapons and a shadow of Garmadon over the screen, followed by a vortex appearing and a small dragon falls from it..

It's been a few days since Spike fell into this strange new world, this.. Ninjago. He's been doing what he can to handle himself here, Wu and the others have been treating him with the best respect he could get, and he's been doing what he can in terms of training to learn Spinjitzu. When Spike thought he would have potential within him, he didn't expect him to have to be sucked into the Crystal Mirror and separated from his friends to begin his journey.

Spike still wished he had listened to the others who told him to stop, he had the chance to still be with them and this may not have happened, but now, Spike is in this new world, and he needs to adapt in the best way he can and become a real ninja.

Spike was training in the Monastery's courtyard, it was secretly built with training equipment as they were made within the place, Spike did find that really cool, but he needs to learn to get through this obstacle first, he's been at this for a few days now, and each of the ninja has tried helping him. He still doesn't trust them all fully, but maybe that's because he just needs time to open up with them.

Spike was trying to run across the obstacle course, he was jumping across the pillars that rose and fell, Spike had gotten a better hang on flips and backflips within the past few days, which meant he was getting better. Spike was about to reach to last one until he accidently slipped and failed again. Spike groaned in annoyance as he got up.
"Failed again.." Spike said as Wu came out and saw him.

"Yes, but you've gotten faster, it takes time to learn these things Spike. The others needed their time to learn as well, you just need to keep trying." Wu instructed as Spike went back to the start.
"Yeah, just keep trying.." Spike told himself as he got ready again.
"By the way, do you know where the other ninja are?" Wu asked curious.
"I think they're playing video games and eating pizza in the other room over there." Spike said pointing at another door, Wu sighed and walked to it. Spike took a deep breath and proceeded to try again.

Wu went into the room and saw Kai and the other ninja playing games.
"Fantastic! I'm out of lives!" Jay said annoyed.
"But the lesson lives on, and i am getting the hang of it!" Zane replied as they kept playing them, but the screen turned off and all of them groaned as they saw Wu had plugged the cord.

"Aw man!" Cole said annoyed.
"It took us 3 hours to get there!" Kai said annoyed as well.
"Why did you do that?! Why?!" Jay asked frustrated.

"Just because Garmadon escaped through a vortex, doesn't mean he won't return one day for the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu!" Wu said with anger.
"But Sensei Wu, ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has had nothing but peace." Zane pointed out.
"Yeah, peace is boring. There's no one to save, there's nothing to do." Jay said feeling bored.
"We can train tomorrow." Cole said laying down.

"Never put of until tomorrow for what can be done today. Spike is still in training, and i had expected at least one of you to be watching over him by now." Wu said annoyed at their laziness.
"How's he coming along by the way? It's only been a few days since he's started training with us." Kai asked as Cole was about to eat some pizza before Wu knocked it away.

"No pizza for you! Spike has been making more progress then you all have now, he like all of you have yet to reach your full potential. And in order to reach it you must train!" Wu said in a stern voice.
"Uh.. remember when we did that little thing called the Tornado of Creation? I thought that was pretty insane." Kai said still amazed at that.
"Oh you four have merely scratched the surface of your full potential. There are so many secrets you have yet to unlock. You haven't even begun to tap into what power your Golden Weapons hold." Wu said as Kai's sword was heating up a pizza slice.

"You wanna talk secret powers, check this out." Cole said as he used his Scythe and plugged back in the Tv resuming the game they were on( Wouldn't that have reset they're progress when it was turned off?). All the ninja cheered as they quickly got back to playing much to Wu's frustration.
"Don't worry master, we will be ready when Lord Garmadon returns." Zane assured, just at that moment, Nya had ran into the room looking worried.

"Guys! Lord Garmadon! He's returned! He was spotted approaching Jamanakai Village!" Nya said with worry. All the ninja quickly freaked out and started getting ready to go.
"Take Spike with you on this, it's only best he starts learning alongside you." Wu instructed.
"But Wu, Spike has barely had time to train, and Lord Garmadon is too powerful for him!" Zane said worried on that.
"And that's why you'll stay close to him, go!" Wu ordered and Zane immediately ran out.

Spike had just finished up the obstacle course, finally making his way through it.
"At least i made it through it that time.." Spike said a little tired, the door suddenly opened and he saw all the ninja running out in their suits.
"Guys, what's going on?" Spike asked worried as Zane came up to him.
"Lord Garmadon has returned, he's approaching a nearby village, Wu told me to take you with us." Zane explained which shocked Spike.
"What? But i'm not ready! I don't even have a weapon!" Spike said as the ninja were ready to move.
"We'll pick out a weapon for you later, come on!" Kai said as they all quickly ran down the stairs.

They ran down the side and opened down some doors which had four elemental dragons inside.
"You guys have dragons here?!" Spike asked shocked as all of them noticed Spike and had a look of interest.
"Yes, they guarded the Elemental weapons, and we've earned they're trust." Zane explained as he helped Spike onto his and they held onto the chains.

"Um.. can i help?" Nya asked as Kai got onto his dragon.
"Sorry sis, where we go, danger abounds, this is a job for the ninja! Uh.. a little help?" Kai asked as he couldn't reach his chains. Nya helped him reach them and they all started to take off.
"Hang on Spike!" Zane shouted as Spike held on close as Wu and Nya watched them leave.

"Will they ever reach they're full potential?" Nya asked walking up to Wu.
"In Time, maybe a long time, but in time." Wu replied.
"What about Spike? How come he gets to go with them?" Nya asked a little jealous of him.
"I feel great potential within Spike, he's only just begun his training. It's best he starts getting experience to be a fighter, and i must figure out what weapon will suit him best.." Wu said trying to think of something.
"Well, he's young, not even a teen right now from what we know, just makes me wonder what he'll be like when he's over, or if he'll even have powers." Nya suggested which interested Wu as well.
"All will be revealed in time.." Wu said thinking about what he can do in the future..

Spike and the ninja flew through the skies on their dragons, Spike was still shocked to know dragons existed here, and wondered what they're history is like. Different world, means different kinds of history he'd like to learn.
"You guys believe what sensei said about unlocking our full potential?" Kai asked which interested all of them.
"He may be onto something, i mean ever since we got these Golden Weapons it's not like we've ever had to use them. I wonder what they do. " Jay said taking out his nunchuks

"I for one look forward to the future, if there is more to accomplish, let it be." Zane said interested in this.
"Yeah, but it makes me wonder what i could be like, i mean, you ever wonder what kind of powers i might have?" Spike asked which interested them too.
"Yeah, we don't know much about you. If Wu wants you to fight alongside us, maybe it's a way for you to start finding out." Cole suggested which could be true.

"Perhaps our dragons could be the first step to unlocking them?" Zane suggested and the dragons roared in response.
"I think they're thinking the same thing, guess i'm gonna need some time with them maybe?" Spike asked curiously.
"Maybe, you still don't know Spinjitzu yet, let's just focus on taking down Garmadon, then helping you unlock your potential." Cole said as they started arriving at the village.
"Sounds good to me." Spike said on board with this.
"First ninja to the village wins!" Kai announced and all of them flew down at fast speeds.

They all landed down at once and they all got up.
"Ugh.. gotta work on the landing huh?" Spike asked looking at the dragons who nodded in response. They all heard people screaming and saw the villagers quickly running into their houses boarding them up. They all saw a large shadow emerge before them and took out they're weapons while Spike got into a fighting stance that Wu taught him.

They heard evil laughing as the shadow came closer which spooked them.
"Stay sharp fellas, whatever happens, we do this together." Kai said seriously as the shadow came down and it was revealed to be.. a kid..
"Oh.. it's just a kid.." Spike said a little relieved and disappointed.
"It is I Lloyd Garmadon! I demand all the candy in town! Or else!" Lloyd said evilly jumping onto a large fountain.

"Lloyd Garmadon? I thought we were supposed to be facing Lord Garmadon?" Jay asked confused on this.
"It's his son, looks like he escaped his Boarding school for Bad Boys again." Cole said annoyed and Jay groaned in response.
"Keep your expectations low, and you'll never be disappointed." Spike said in a deep voice.
"Where'd you learn that line?" Zane asked curious.
"I've had my own experience." Spike responded as they walked up to the boy.

"Uh.. give me your candy! Or else i'll release the Serpentine on you!" Lloyd threatened and all the citizens booed him in response and began throwing vegetables at him.
"No wait! I demanded candy, not vegetables! I hate vegetables!" Lloyd shouted as all of them threw more at him.
"He's gonna have to do a lot better then use old bedtime stories to scare people.." Kai said as he launched a rubber snake away.

"Serpentine?" Spike asked confused on that name.
"The Serpentine are real, they are not something to be messing around with." Zane warned and Kai scoffed in response.
"Serpentine, real? We're talking about the ancient race of snake people, who once ruled Ninjago and were supposedly locked underground?" Kai asked wanting clarification.
"Uh.. sealed in 5 different tombs, to separate the tribes, to ensure they don't unify to exact revenge on those who put them there!" Jay said in fear which interested Spike.

"It was an old wives tail, to teach kids not to poke they're noses where they don't belong. Don't you think it's a little suspicious that no one's ever found the tombs?" Kai asked curious.
"That's because you'd be a fool to look for one. If there was anything i hated more then dragons, it was snakes." Cole said which offended Spike.
"Hey!" Spike said annoyed slapping his arm in response.
"Sorry!" Cole apologized quickly while Spike was upset at that remark.

Spike and the others picked the kid up and carried him together.
"Don't worry folks, we'll take care of this, nothing to see here." Cole assured as they were carrying him off.
"Bow down to me, or suffer my wrath!" Lloyd shouted in annoyance.
"You have a lot to learn about life kid.." Spike said shaking his head as they carried him off.

We cut to Lloyd being hung in the air by a part of the village with the others looking up at him.
"You just made me your nemesis! Even if you have a talking dragon with you, mark my words!" Lloyd shouted with anger as the ninja and citizens laughed at him with Spike shaking his head feeling bad for him. Zane went over and purchased some candy for all of them. Spike was given some of it along with the other ninja much to his delight.
"Hmm, the candy is nice here at least." Spike said eating some of it.

"Next time, try purchasing for you candy." Cole advised.
"Crime doesn't pay kid, you can take that to the bank." Kai teased as Jay had his.
"Mmm Cotton Candy." Jay mocked and Lloyd groaned in annoyance before giving up finally, Spike did feel bad for him right now though, but he hoped he could help him stop this nonsense in the future.

Spike and the others made they're way back to the dragons who were waiting for them, Kai jumped on his but knocked over a bag which dropped a strange scroll inside of it which Zane picked up.
"Huh? I don't remember putting this here." Kai said as he landed down and looked at it.
"That's sensei's bag, you must have accidentally took it in the rush." Zane said looking at it.
"When did you grab it exactly?" Spike asked confused on that as Kai opened it up.

"What is it?" Jay asked curious.
"It's a scroll windbag." Kai said a little annoyed.
"I know it's a scroll, but what does it say? It's all written in chicken scratch." Jay asked as they looked at the language.
"Not chicken scratch, the ancient language of our ancestors." Zane corrected.
"Interesting.." Spike said in awe looking at it.

"Let's see here.. This symbol means prophecy.." Zane said as he pointed to one of them.
"Prophecy?" Jay asked confused.
"It means it tells the future." Kai explained quickly with Spike nodding in agreement. they all saw the scrolls pictures and saw 5 ninja on it, and there was a 6th ninja in a green GI striking a pose.
"One ninja, will rise above the others, and become.. the Green Ninja, the ninja destined to defeat the dark lord." Zane translated which amazed them.

"Ooh look a picture!" Jay said amazed looking at it.
"Why are there 6 ninja? There's only four of you guys?" Spike asked confused on that.
"Wait a minute.. is that us?! Is anyone else thinking what i'm thinking.." Kai asked as they all realized it was them on the picture.

"Like how good i'm gonna look in green?" Jay joked.
"Isn't it obvious i'm gonna be the Green ninja?" Kai asked annoyed at that.
"The color obviously suits me!" Jay replied.
"Well technically i am the best." Zane added.
"How do we know it's any of you? It could be me right? I must've come here for a special purpose, what if this is it?" Spike asked which interested them and could be true.

"Everyone stop it, remember why sensei brought us together. We weren't meant to see this and obviously for a good reason. Come on, let's head back home, we got training to do." Cole said as he took the scroll.
"It's about time i get a weapon of my liking." Spike said as he and Zane hoped on the ice dragon.
"And i could use some exercise." Zane said in agreement.
"Yeah, i've gotta work on some new moves." Cole said hoping on his as they all started to fly off.
Spike was thinking to himself as they flew back home, Spike's been wanting to be able to do something special that makes him his own person for a while. He never really got to really prove himself around his friends, when they've all proved themselves. And with him in this new world, and training to be a ninja, maybe even this.. Green ninja, could he finally get the chance he's wanted?

Spike and the others flew back to the Monastery and landed back on the ground, Spike petted the dragons heads as he already had a trust with them and they seemed to trust him too already.
"So then we all agree, the prophecy states that one of us is the Green ninja, and none of us will rest until it is decided." Jay said as they walked up the cliffside.
"May i suggest a tournament? Last ninja standing is the best." Zane suggested.
"And will be declared the Green ninja, i love it!" Kai said really liking this.

"Guys, it doesn't matter who it is. But if we want to prove that we are the Green ninja, we need to prove it, through our actions and achievements. What have we accomplished so far after you got those weapons?" Spike asked which interested them.
"Uh.. does beating Jay's high score count?" Cole suggested.
"You did what?! How?!" Jay asked annoyed at that.
"No, that's something that anyone can do. What i'm saying is that we need to do something that pushes past our personal struggles, you all may not know what it is, but whatever problems you have with yourself, or questioning your reasons for why you want to protect others. It all just matters on how you see the world, and if you don't understand why everything is like this." Spike explained which interested them more.

"So a tournament won't do it? What we need to do is push past anything personal we're going through that we.. may not want to be talking about?" Jay asked looking at him.
"Exactly, i still don't know why i'm here, and it's a struggle i need to push past and find answers to, and all of you need to do is push past what's blocking your real goals" Spike explained again.
"Interesting choice of words, that could be the real reason for us to start this journey, great idea Spike." Zane said patting his shoulder.
"Thanks." Spike said smiling at that.
"Well for what it's worth, a tournament still sounds fun, it's time we get you a weapon too." Kai said as the doors opened and they saw Nya training in the yard.

"Uh hey Nya, closer to beating your brothers speed record?" Jay asked nervously helping her up.
"I'm getting there, heard what happened in town, just a false alarm?" Nya asked hopefully.
"Yeah, uh but we're gonna need the space to help train Spike, sorry sis." Kai apologized.

Spike went over to a shelf full of different weapons for him to choose from, there were basic things like swords, staffs, shuriken's and other weapons the ninja used.
"So, what are you gonna pick Spike?" Cole asked walking up to him. Spike looked over to pick one that suited him best, he found a good looking spear that looked sharp, but light enough for him to use, and next to it was a metal bow and some metal arrows for long ranged attacks.
"How about these?" Spike asked as he picked the spear up and tried twirling it around.
"I think it suits you, you ready to try it out?" Cole asked as he took out his weapon.
"Sure, let's go." Spike said as he grabbed the arrow as well and walked over to the ring.

"Hey Nya, you wanna stay and watch us help Spike out?" Kai asked readying some armor they all got out.
"Maybe later, i think i'll visit Jamanakai village, don't go to hard with him." Nya said as she started to leave.
"Don't worry, we'll be fine!" Spike assured as he readied his new spear.
"Alright guys 2 matches with eachother, Spike will be fighting with us as well to gain skill, it's time we see what these babies can do.

"Alright first up, Kai vs Spike vs Jay, if Kai or jay go down, the one standing moves on." Cole instructed.
"Sounds good." Spike said as they all stood against eachother.
"Ninja go!! ah!" Cole screamed as the three instantly slashed against eachother.

Spike twirled around his spear and blocked a lightning blast from Jay, Spike saw Kai swinging his sword and him and quickly backflipped off of it. Jay twirled his weapons around at fast speeds which caused them to shock himself. Kai and Spike both clashed against Jay and were trying to knock him down, Spike twirled his spear even faster as Kai jumped onto the higher ledges and clashed swords, Jay readied his chucks again and was about to attack until Kai suddenly shot a fire blast at his armor and Spike finished him off by sweeping his legs. Spike and Kai looked at eachother and high fived eachother and laughed a little.
"Not bad kid, your getting better." Kai complimented.
"I think we found my weapon." Spike said confidently.

We cut to the next round where Jay was on a bench as Kai was facing against Cole and Zane next.
"Next up, Cole vs Zane vs Spike." Kai announced as all of then had their armor on.
"Ninja go!!" Kai announced and they all began they're fighting.

Cole swung his scythe around and slashed at Spike, Spike slid right under the attack as it sliced one of their training equipment apart, and Spike took out his arrows and fired them at the two, Zane blocked the arrows he fired away and threw both his shuriken's at they're feat, but while one froze below Cole's feat, Spike caught it which surprised them all. Spike felt something inside him trigger as he held out the weapon, Spike's hand suddenly started to feel very cold as it flowed into his spear surprising them all, Spike made a battle cry and delivered a strong swing at Zane which caused spikes of ice to emerge from the ground and knock him down, making him and Cole the winners.

"Whoa! What was that?!" Jay shouted in amazement as Spike held the golden weapon.
"I think this.. triggered something in me.. i just felt something grow within me and it.. wanted to be unleashed.." Spike said in amazement.
"It appears our Golden Weapons awakened something inside of you, and if my shuriken's can give you these ability's, i'm sure the other's Golden Weapons can too if you held them as well." Zane suggested which amazed them all.
"I have powers?!" Spike asked in complete shock and amazement finding this out.
"Oh! We have got to try this out! Next match guys!" Kai said excitedly and we cut to Spike facing off against the remaining two.

"Winner gets the title of best ninja blah blah ninja go." Jay said ready to get this going.
They all clashed eachother, Cole swung his scythe on the ground creating a large quake, Spike jumped in the air to avoid it and did a new move and twirled his spear with his tail, he clashed with Kai's sword and Cole joined in.
"Spike! catch!" Cole shouted as he tossed Spike his scythe. Spike caught it and almost fell over with how heavy it was. But Spike quickly got his balance and readied himself. Like Zane predicted, he felt the power of Earth flow inside him too, Spike felt his strength growing as he started handling the Scythe a lot easier. Kai swung his sword at Spike now and Spike began blocking the attacks, Spike decided to finish this off by slamming the Scythe down like Cole did which knocked Kai down.

"Great job dude!" Cole said high fiving him while Spike gave his Scythe back while the others cheered for them both.
"Thanks for letting me try it out, i think Zane was right! I have powers!" Spike said in amazement. Kai growled with anger and wasn't having any of it anymore, but he started to move around too fast and his sword started catching fire.
"It's.. too hot!" Kai shouted as he could barely control his powers.
"It's burning/ fire!" Zane and Jay said with worry. Kai suddenly did Spinjitzu and spun around incredibly fast before he dropped his sword and it started making a massive fire around the area.
"Kai! what did you do?!" Spike shouted with worry as he tried putting it out.
"I don't know!" Kai shouted just as Wu came out and saw the fire around the place.

He picked up Zane's Shuriken's and tossed them over the place, they spun around in the air and released a ton of snow which flew over all the fire in the area putting it out and they went to Wu's hands.
"What were you thinking?!" Wu asked furious with them.
"Uh.. we were trying to figure out who was the Green ninja.. ow!" Jay said in pain as Zane hit his head for telling that away.
"You didn't hear that!" Spike said putting his hands up.

"You were not supposed to see this.." Wu said upset at them as he gave Zane his weapons back.
"But sensei, we wanna know, which one of us is the chosen one?" Kai asked curiously.
"None of you. If you don't unlock your full potential." Wu said turning around them.
"But my sword was so bright, is this what you meant by unlocking our weapons?" Kai asked again.
"You are only at the beginning., and the road is long and windy but yes, this is what i meant. If this is what it takes you to train then so be it, but none of you are near the level of what it takes to be the Green ninja." Wu instructed.

"Sensei.. when we were training, i was able to hold onto the weapons and i think.. it awakened powers within me, i felt one that relates to all of them when i held they're weapons." Spike said trying to find out what all that was, this interested Wu greatly and he turned around to him.
"You used the powers of the other ninja?" Wu asked curiously.
"Yes, when we were training, when i held they're weapons, i felt Ice and Earth within me, like it was.. always there.." Spike said looking at himself while Wu listened with interest.

"Hmm.. interesting, do you have any ideas on how you could have these powers? Perhaps when you fell to this world?" Wu asked which did remind Spike the strange feeling he felt when being transported here.
"Yeah actually, when i was sucked into the Crystal Mirror, as i traveled through the portal, i felt strange things fly into me, maybe they were the ninja's respective elements.. followed by even more.." Spike said trying to find out an explanation.
"That could be true, i've felt great potential within you, not the Green ninja's potential, but something just as important." Wu said as he rubbed his beard.
"Really? You think i can be just as great as him?" Spike asked hopefully.
"With training and time, you could be. I want all of you to lend Spike your weapons from time to time, if this is true, then we must be closer to finding out his own potential, and he could help unlock yours.." Wu instructed as he began walking inside.
"Yes sensei." They all said respectfully as Wu left with Spike just left to think on how this all could be happening..

Nya made it back to the village and was purchasing some food until she heard people screaming.
"What now?" Nya asked in annoyance. She looked around and saw Lloyd coming out with a crate of candy.
"Take the candy, take it all!" Lloyd ordered as he made another evil laugh, Nya gasped in shock as she saw real Serpentine behind him, followed by an army of them. Nya hid behind a crater as she overheard the general talking with someone.
"This makes no sense General! Raiding an entire town, for sweets?!" The soldier asked upset at this.
"You will do as i command! Because i hold the staff!" The general said holding it out.

Spike and the others were training again in the courtyard, Spike was getting a better hang on his weapon and was using it more naturally now. Wu was meditating inside a room with some smoke in front of him, he started to have a vision where he could see the village being attacked by Serpentine and he looked worried opening his eyes.
"The Serpentine are back! Everyone in Jamanakai village is in danger!" Wu said worried as he came out and alerted all of them.
"What?" Spike asked shocked as all of them came to him.

"Calm down sensei, we were just there. It was some kid who says he's.." Cole said before Wu stopped it.
"The Spirit smoke does not lie, an ancient evil has been released!" Wu said once more.
"Nya's there right now!" Kai said in realization
"Nya?" Jay asked worried hearing this.
"Come on, let's go!" Spike shouted as all of them quickly made they're way to the dragons again and hopped onto them.
"Stay close, stay together." Kai instructed as they began to fly off.
"Would we do it any other way?" Cole asked as they took off quickly.

The citizens were running away from Lloyd as he held the wheel of candy. Spike and the others hopped in front of him looking upset at him.
"Sorry to bust your buzz little Garmadon." Cole said towering over him.
"But it's already past your bedtime." Jay finished with Spike growling at him.
"Give up now kid! Your making things worse for you and everyone here!" Spike warned drawing his spear.
"Get them!" Lloyd shouted to the general who hissed at them.
"Cease them!" The general ordered and all the snakes ran to them.

"Serpentine? They're Real?!" Kai asked shocked as they could see more of the controlled citizens around them too.
"It's not just them we have to worry about, the whole village has been hypnotized!" Cole said with worry as they began to back up.
"No, our weapons our too unstable, we could do more harm then good!" Zane warned stopping Jay from attacking.
"I'm guessing that leaves us with.. Run!!!" Jay screamed and they all hopped over to the higher grounds.

They all jumped through the rooftops before jumping down and hiding behind another carriage.
"There's to many of them, what do we do?" Spike whispered to the others, they were about to suggest something until Nya landed down next to them.
"Nya? Your okay!" Jay said in huge relief.
"Barely, they've hypnotized everyone in town." Nya said worried on this.
"Mind control? How is that even possible?" Jay asked shocked at this.
"Believe me Jay, i've seen a few ways how it is.." Spike said as he's dealt with these things before.

"When you hear them rattle they're tails, don't look them in the eyes, that's how they get you!" Nya warned.
"Well what are we supposed to do? We can't use our weapons, and now we gotta fight with our eyes closed? Heh, perfect." Jay said sarcastically.
"The snake with the staff is the leader, he's the general. If we can get this staff, it has the anti venom, and if we get that we can save everyone." Nya said seriously.

"Look guys, forget about the Green ninja thing, let's make sensei proud, the five of us. We're a team!" Kai said determined.
"Now your talking!" Cole said ready to go.
"Let's do this!" Spike said drawing his spear.
"Oh and Nya, you can be our honorary member." Jay said turning to her.
"Gee, thanks.." Nya said sarcastically.

They all went through the rooftops again and headed to the general, Kai landed down and saw more snakes behind him.
"You wanna play? Ninja go!" Kai shouted as he used Spinjitzu, but his powers weren't stable right now and that caused him to spiral straight into a wall.
"Okay, we're really out of shape." Jay said shaking his head.
"And i just got here." Spike added as he jumped down and drew his weapon, Spike growled at them before shooting fire from his mouth which shocked them all.
"Kai, come on!" Spike shouted as he helped him up.
"Thanks!" Kai said as he punched two of them behind him without even looking. Spike twirled his spear around and sweeped they're legs before shooting more fire at them.

Lloyd was running away with the candy in tow.
"Ha! Consider this a warning ninja!" Lloyd shouted as he made another laugh. Spike and Zane saw this and threw they're weapons at the cart, Spike's spear hit the cart's wheel which caused it to spin out of control, and Zane's ice made it tip over.
"Ninja go!" Zane shouted as he used Spinjitzu to speed up to him, Spike jumped over more snakes heads and landed next to Zane.
"My candy!" Lloyd said in horror as the two came in front of him.
"Sensei was right, never put off tomorrow for what can be done today! We should've dealt with you the first time around." Zane said seriously.
"It's over kid!" Spike said with anger getting ready to fight.
"Retreat!" Lloyd shouted to the snakes.

"Retreat!" The general shouted as all the snakes started to flee, Cole jumped into the air and kicked down the generals staff.
"Go ahead, give me a reason!" Cole warned ready to fight, the general quickly decided to flee and slithered off fast. Cole went ahead and picked up the staff and looked at it until he saw the soldier in front of him.
"Look into my eyes... i control you.." He told Cole as he used hypnosis on him.
"You.. control.. me..." Cole said almost under his control.
"Cole!" Nya shouted with worry which regained his focus, Nya quickly came in and knocked the soldier away and turned to Cole.

"You have the anti venom!" Nya shouted which made him realize he had the staff.
"By golly your right!" Cole said in realization.
"Quick, the fountain!" Nya shouted pointing at it.
"Great idea!" Cole shouted as he quickly ran over to it and slammed it inside it, this caused it to release a mist through the water which freed all the controlled people.

"We did it." Spike said in shock as he couldn't believe he did something without Twilight or the others here..
"I'm sorry sensei, if we dealt with Lloyd before he became a problem, none of this would've happened.." Kai said with regret as he held out the staff.
"Even lessons learned the hard way are lessons. Hmm.. a great evil has been released.. I fear troubling times are coming, this is only the beginning." Wu said with worry rubbing his beard again as the others walked up to him.

"Then we will train, and be ready for the Serpentine." Zane said confidently.
"It may not be Lord Garmadon, but that doesn't mean we won't bring our A game!" Cole said seriously.
"If i have powers inside me waiting to be unlocked, then i want to train to use them." Spike said clutching his spear.
"Help us train, help us realize our potential." Kai begged.
"Yeah, teach us the weapons behind the secrets of Spinjitzu, heck, help Spike learn Spinjitzu." Jay said pointing at him who still couldn't do it.
"Hmm... there is much to teach, we must return to the Monastery." Wu said as they all began to leave and Nya sighed sadly.
"When am i gonna get my own dragon?" Nya asked sadly.
"Patience Nya, your time will come.." Wu assured as they all left to train for they're next fight..

Within the Icy Serpentine Tomb Lloyd had found, he was really upset at losing all the candy still.
"The boy set us free." The general said to the soldier once more.
"He is a child! He is not one of us!" The soldier hissed which angered him.
"I may not have the staff, but i am still your general, stand down!" The general ordered which made him frustrated as he went over to another soldier.
"You coward, we all know he is under Lloyd's spell, you are second in command, and still you do nothing?!" The soldier asked upset at this.
"Now is not the time, i still hold the key to destroying the ninja.. and everyone will see that it is i who should be in control.." He replied as he made an evil laugh, he could see through Cole's eyes as he had some control on him as he saw the ninja and Spike in the Monastery discussing on what to do next...