It's been another few days since Jay had unlocked his True potential after he and Nya confessed to eachother, Spike is glad that both Jay and Nya had something to relate to eachother here, and her being Samurai X is really awesome to him, Spike's only been gone from his home for around 2 months by now, but he's been handling things on his own pretty well to say the least.
Though Spike has had a lot of his time filled with having to raise Allison, she's a bit of a handful but she's only a few days old by now, she's really cute for a baby Anacondrai and Spike feels proud to get to raise her, he's gonna get some experience with being a parent for sure with this and he may see how Twilight was able to handle him when he was a child.
But for now, Spike and the rest of the group were trying to figure out where the next Fang Blade is, they have 3 more they need to find, and if they get 1, they could stop all of this.
"Though they got the first one there are 3 more, and we only need 1 to stop Pythor, they have a map and we don't, so how are we gonna find them first?" Nya asked while she and the others were in the deck and trying to find out where the next one is.
"Heh, I still can't believe you were the mysterious samurai! Is anyone else blown away like I am?" Jay asked gleefully still being amazed with her being Samurai X.
"We all were then Jay, but now that's not the time alright?" Spike asked while he was giving Allison some milk to keep her happy.
"Spike's right Jay, we're ready to move on." Kai said impatiently which Jay and the others did notice.
"Oho, someone's a little hot under the cover huh?" Jay teased which confused Kai.
"It appears it's impatience because he has not found inner peace and hasn't unlocked his True potential." Zane observed which was pretty obvious.
"Great observation Mr. Roboto. But Cole hasn't found it either." Kai said in defense before Cole realized something.
"I got it!" Cole shouted with shock which worried Kai.
"You've unlocked it?! Oh Why am I the only one?!" Kai shouted with fear which worried Spike a bit.
"Hey, clam down Kai, I haven't unlocked my true potential yet either, I still don't know how I can do it, but something tells me you all will tie into it somehow." Spike assured which relieved Kai a bit.
"Oh.. yeah.. right.." Kai said a bit relieved to hear it.
"It's not just that, I figured out where I recognized the Fangblade from, I have a picture of it." Cole added while he ran off to get something to help them.
Spike held Allison in his arms and wondered what he had until Cole came back in with a picture.
"I got it." Cole reported while he opened up the book and they saw a Fangblade in a trophy of sorts.
"Oh, that's it!" Jay said amazed as that was what they're looking for.
"Back where I grew up, there's this pretty big competition where everyone gets, the Blade Cup, my dad's won us multiple times." Cole explained while everyone was interested to know.
"You never told us your dad was an athlete." Zane said interested with this.
"At least we get more news on where to get it." Spike said with a smile while feeling good about this.
"What sport is he in?" Kai asked which made Cole a bit nervous.
"He's a.. blacksmith.." Cole admitted which wasn't the full story.
"Nothing wrong with that, my father was a blacksmith too." Kai said trying to keep the mood up.
"Uh.. he's not a blacksmith, blacksmith. he's a.. Royal Blacksmith." Cole finished while he showed them a picture of his dad winning the blade cup which most people snickered seeing.
"That's your dad?" Jay asked chuckling a bit before Spike punched his arm to stop that.
"That's really rude Jay." Spike said annoyed with them mocking him.
"But how'd the Fangblade become a trophy?" Kai asked confused with how that's possible.
"Well supposedly, this trophy was made by a guy who collected priceless artifacts, his name was something like uh.. Dutch.. no, Clutch! Clutch Powers! Anyway, it gets passed onto each years winner." Cole answered which made Spike interested.
"Why do I feel like he's more interesting in story's then in real life?" Spike asked himself and Allison hissed in response.
"Who has it now?" Zane asked wondering where they can get it.
"I don't know, I haven't talked to my dad in years." Cole said sadly which was true given what Cole told Spike sometime back.
"Well we'll call him up." Kai suggested which made Cole backpedal a bit
"No! You can't! He thinks I'm off training at the Marty Openheimer School of performing arts. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps, but when I couldn't sing and dance I.. ran away..." Cole said with guilt which made the others feel bad hearing that.
"And if he sees I can't dance he'll know I've been lying with all the letters I've sent him." Cole finished while he was steering the ship for a bit.
"He doesn't know your a ninja?" Zane asked shocked to hear that news.
"What? You gonna crack a joke that my old man wears a tutu?" Cole asked a bit upset if that's what they're planning.
"No, but if we're gonna have a chance to get the next Fangblade before they do, we better get our own act in tune." Kai said to the others who thought that was a good idea.
"So am i gonna be able to meet him Cole? Will he be alright with a.. talking dragon with a baby snake being friends with his son?" Spike asked while looking at Allison again.
"I think it's best we be safe here, we'll let you know what we find out when we see him, for now though, you just wait close by with Allison alright?" Cole asked which Spike thought was a good idea.
"Alright, I'll be there when I'm needed." Spike said proudly while he held out his Trident and it was glowing brightly like all the others.
Back with Wu and Garmadon, they were still climbing the Mountain of Madness and were only getting started with it all.
"I had hoped we reached the summit before the moon had risen, the Craglins never miss a midnight snack." Garmadon said worried as he saw the red moon in the distance.
"Craglins? What is this place? This is nothing like Ninjago." Wu said worried with the world they're in now.
"They're a horde like nothing you've ever seen. Not all places are meant to be found brother, sometimes, one must revel in the shadows to truly see the light." Garmadon advised while some rocks were starting to move around.
The rocks were starting to move past Wu and Garmadon and they watched with shock as they began to form into large monsterous rock monsters and they were surrounded with a large horde of them. Garmadon made a battle cry and drew out 4 swords with his arms, he jumped into the air and delivered a strong ground pound which knocked them down for a bit, Wu took out his own weapon and the two brothers charged through the horde, one was about to attack Wu from behind, but Garmadon was able to see it.
"Watch out brother!" Garmadon warned before he jumped in and sliced the Craglin to bits to help Wu.
"Thanks." Wu said gratefully while they both stayed close to eachother as the Craglins surrounded them.
"Just like old times." Wu said eagerly while they got ready to fight.
"Just like old times." Garmadon replied while he twirled his swords around.
"Ninja go!!" They both shouted at once while they used they're Spinjitzu to fight back.
Meanwhile with Spike and the others, they flew they're way to a nearby village in order to see Cole's father, everyone jumped off the roof again and formed they're Elemental Vehicles while Spike rode in Jay's jet again, he kept Allison close to her who was surprised with the sudden rush, but she seemed to enjoy it and it was thrilling to her. Everyone landed down with swift skill and Cole held out a case for them all.
"Alright, hand em over." Cole encouraged while he held out the case.
"A ah, but no mortal can hold all four." Jay joked while he put his weapons in.
"You mean all 5, there isn't enough room for my weapon, I'll be standing guard alright?" Spike asked while the others put theirs in too.
"Sounds good." Cole replied while he closed the case for now.
"You wanna remind me why we can't keep our weapons for now?" Kai asked interested with this.
"I told you, my dad doesn't know I'm a ninja, and I don't feel like making up excused when I'm carrying a giant scythe around with me." Cole replied while everyone walked up to the door.
"Well, good luck guys, hope you get the info you need." Spike encouraged while he flipped over to the roof to wait things out with Allison.
Cole knocked on the door and hoped his dad was home.
"Just a moment!" Lou said from the inside before he came out to see Cole, but he looked upset for something.
"Hey! Dad! How long has it been?" Cole asked pretending to be excited while he didn't look happy.
"What? You too good to ring the doorbell?" Lou asked upset before he slammed the door on them which was surprising.
"Wow.." Spike said with shock while he was looking down from above.
"Use, the bell son." Lou said from inside which made Cole nervously press the doorbell which had a musical like ring to it before Lou opened up the door and now looked happy to see him.
"Come in son! It's been forever! What did you bring, a quartet? Come in! Come in! I've got a kettle of lemon honey tea on the stove right now!" Lou greeted while Spike watched the ninja go into the house and he was left alone for a bit.
Spike held Allison close to him while he looked up at the sky again, he had been thinking a lot on how he can handle being a ninja, he has 4 elemental powers right now, and something tells him he's gonna be getting more in the future, but hopefully not too much.
"Hard to believe I'm able to raise a gem like you, huh Allison?" Spike asked looking at her who cooed in response which made Spike chuckle hearing how cute she sounded.
"I don't deserve something as precious as you, wait till you meet Twilight and everyone else, while they'll be surprised to see you, I'm sure they'll be more then happy to have you with us, especially as my cute daughter." Spike said while he hugged her to his chest.
"Daddy.." Allison said calmly which Spike smiled at even more.
"I have a lot to do with raising you, and I look forward to every bit of it." Spike assured her while he waited for the others he decided to sneak down for a moment to peak through the window, he made sure no one was here so he could see what the others are doing with Lou right now.
And just inside the room, Spike could see Cole was upset with the others about something, and that was because Kai insisted to Lou that he can train them to dance so they could win the Blade Cup.
"What are you doing?" Cole asked upset with this insistence
"Look, we enter this competition so we can get close enough to the Blade Cup. Once we get the Blade Cup, we leave town, how hard can this be?" Kai asked wondering what he can do with them, and Cole sighed hearing this and knew it would be rough for all of them.
"Must be something important going on there, wish I could help out." Spike told himself before he quickly snuck back to the roof before another person could see him.
It didn't take long for Lou to start his teaching classes for Cole and the group, Spike watched from the window again and tried seeing if they could do anything, Spike was a pretty good singer and dancer to say the least, but he wondered how the others can handle it.
"Okay, let's take it from the top1 Five, six, seven, eight!" Lou counted down before he started playing on a piano.
"Bop till you drop!" Kai sang poorly while the others stood besides him.
"Shake it till you break it!" Jay said poorly as well.
"Move it till you lose it!" Zane sang as well.
"Spin it till you win it!" Cole sang which Lou didn't like at all.
"Stop, stop! Ugh, if my ears weren't attached to my head they'd be running away!" Lou ordered while he went to each of the ninja.
"Kai, love the energy, hate the hair." Lou said whacking Kai with his head which did hurt him a bit.( Anyone else believe his hair looks like Cloud's or Sora's)
"Jay, your giving a lot, but I need more!" Lou continued facing him before going to Zane.
"Zane, your like a machine, don't change anything." Lou complimented which Zane was glad to hear.
"And Cole, try to act like you wanna be here." Lou finished looking at him which made Jay comment on something.
"He's worse then Sensei Wu." Jay whispered to Kai while he went back to the piano.
"Okay, let's move forward, let's take a look at the big show stopping climax! Cole, we can't have history repeat itself." Lou said turning to him who was upset hearing that.
"Dad, it was the Triple Tiger Sashay, I was 7!" Cole said upset at that awful memory.
"What's the Triple Tiger Sashay?" Kai asked as he hasn't heard of that move before.
"Only the most difficult dance move ever created." Cole said bluntly not wanting to remember that moment.
"It's true. Many professionals from years on have tried it, but it's never been completed." Lou added while Cole turned to him with an upset look.
"Hence my father thought A SEVEN YEAR OLD could! But I ended up falling on my face and humiliating myself and letting my quartet down." Cole finished upset with having to explain that.
"If your going to win, you have to go big! Alright time for a break, take 5." Lou instructed while he left the room and Spike sighed hearing all of this and knowing how much pressure Cole must've felt.
"Uh, I'm starting to see why Cole kept things closed off, because Mr Twinkle Toes here could never deliver the goods. Is that why you ran away?" Jay asked looking at Cole who was upset hearing this.
"Oh I can deliver the goods! Look I'll deal with my father, let's stick with the plan. All we have to do is keep this charade up long enough till we get our hands on the trophy." Cole advised while Jay smirked at him.
"I don't know, I'm starting to think we can win this thing." Jay joked which made Cole scoff at him.
"Okay, okay, we'll stick to the plan." Jay said while crossing his arms, Spike was able to overhear all of this and didn't know how he could help with winning the cup.
However, at another part of town, Pythor and some Serpentine had made they're way here after getting reports about the competition which rewards the Fangblade, and they weren't gonna sit around and do nothing about it.
"It's here, I feel it!" Scales hissed while Pythor looked around the place.
"Calm down, there's no need to draw unwanted attention." Pythor advised before Scales saw someone.
"Look, the ninja!" Scales said pointing at the group who were practicing with singing, Spike was alongside them and they saw he still had Allison with him and Pythor didn't know how to feel about that.
"Ugh, now there's no chance to take the Fangblade, or that child right now." Scales said annoyed to see them here.
"Patience, we're snakes remember? They'll never see us coming." Pythor assured while he held out the ad that showed the Fangblade.
"Open for audition?" Pythor asked while he chuckled sinisterly before they went down underground again to come up with a plan.
Back with Wu and Garmadon, they had just finished up the Craglins after a long and tough fight, and we're finally able to start heading up the mountain again.
"The vortex to Ninjago is just over that bluff. Please, you first." Garmadon insisted as the area was glowing bright blue around them.
"Though we live in two different worlds, I still see good in your heart brother." Wu replied while they looked at the cliff just ahead of them.
They kept climbing up the mountain until they finally reached the summit, and Wu looked down and saw there was a glowing blue vortex that must lead back home.
"The battle between our worlds is inevitable, you put too much trust in me." Garmadon said sinisterly before he suddenly pushed Wu off the ledge and Wu almost fell into it before he quickly grabbed onto a rock.
"But I came for your help to save your son! Did you lead me here to destroy me?!" Wu reminded while he was hanging off the ledge.
"See you on the other side." Garmadon mocked before he crushed the rock holding Wu's hand and he screamed before he fell into the blue vortex and began to vanish from the realm, Garmadon laughed sinisterly and jumped in the portal after him and they both headed back to Ninjago together.
Some farmers were working in a field late at night and were minding they're own business, but they all gasped with shock when the vortex opened up before them and they had a look of shock seeing it before it burst open and Wu fell onto the ground with flames surrounding him, Wu groaned as he was getting back up from all that traveling, but Garmadon had traveled here and had a sinister look with seeing the villagers.
"I'm back, Ninjago." Garmadon said before he laughed like a maniac and began to march towards the villagers to frighten them with his presence.
Back in Ninjago City, Spike and the others made they're way to the Talent show that was about to happen, Spike wore a disguise to blend in with the other crowd and he could see a ton of other people here and were waiting to perform.
"Man, this place is really amazing! I wish I could've done something like this back home!" Spike said amazed while Allison was in his arms again, Cole and the others were practicing with their dance moves, but Kai and Jay bumped into eachother once they did the jumping move.
"Ow! You were supposed to follow me!" Jay said annoyed with his bad move.
"Follow you? You were 2 beats off!" Kai said in defense before Zane corrected him.
"2.72 off of the beat actually." Zane calculated while Cole went in front of the group.
"Guys listen up, let's stick to the plan! We'll just keep up this charade, and wait until the trophy's revealed! Once we steal the blade cup, we can argue all we want when we get back home." Cole advised while Spike didn't like that idea at all.
"Cole, I know you and your father have struggled a lot, but I really don't think it's a good idea to steal something like this, I may be a dragon, but I was raised not to steal stuff like this, If I wanted it, I had to earn it, Like how I was able to unlock Spinjitzu!" Spike reminded while Allison hissed at Cole a bit who could understand this.
"Sorry Spike, but the only dance I wanna perform is" Get me out of this nuthouse, and let's burn these memories from my head."" Cole said annoyed which Lou heard completely.
"What?" Lou asked shocked while he had just walked in the room and Cole turned around to see him, and felt guilty saying that.
"Dad.. I.." Cole was trying to explain what he just said, and Lou couldn't understand it.
"You were going to steal it?" Lou asked really shocked to hear this, and Cole sighed and knew he couldn't hide it anymore.
"Dad, I didn't mean for you to hear that, but.. I'm glad you did, there's something I've been wanting to tell you. All these years, I haven't been training to be a dancer, I found something I'm really good at!" Cole said before he used Spinjitzu to change into his ninja outfit.
"I'm a ninja." Cole revealed which made him gasp in shock seeing this.
"And I'm.. a dragon.." Spike revealed as well while he took off his disguise and Lou saw Cole was friends with a talking dragon, who had a Serpentine with him.
"You friends with a talking dragon?" Lou asked shocked to see Spike, even if he hadn't met him earlier, this was shocking for him to hear too.
"Yes dad.. and the truth is, if we don't steal that Fangblade, I mean.. the blade cup. There's other people that will, bad people, the Serpentine. And we need it to save the world, I know that sounds ridiculous, but I'm proud of who I am, and I want you to be too. " Cole explained hoping he would understand, but he didn't look happy about this one bit.
"I can't be proud of any son who thinks stealing is right. And I'm not going to wait around, and watch you make a mockery of our family's legacy!" Lou said really upset at this while he was backing up.
"Dad, I.." Cole tried to explain himself more, but Lou had left them all with an upset look and he sighed sadly knowing how upset he made his father.
"I'm sure he didn't mean that." Kai assured while the others went up to him too.
"Maybe if he saw you in action.." Jay suggested before Cole brushed it off for now.
"No, it's okay." Cole assured until they heard some music playing.
They looked ahead of them and saw that there were Serpentine who disguised themselves as participants to take the Blade Cup and they saw the name of the group.
"Stay close Allison." Spike warned while he hid her away from them to keep her safe.
"Trouble Makers? Wait a minute, what are they doing here?" Jay asked shocked that they're all here to participate.
"I can't help it if I offend anyone! My job will only be to tell the truth!" Pythor said off screen until they looked past the curtains and saw Pythor disguised himself as a judge.
"You don't look like your photo." Another judge said not liking where this is going.
"Oh sadly, the camera put on a few pounds. I'm just happy to have the opportunity to judge this prestigious competition!" Pythor said sinisterly until someone else could be heard.
"Wait a minute! I'm still here! He swallowed me! He's not a judge!" A man said inside Pythor's stomach and they gasped with horror seeing this.
"Quiet! Or else I won't let you out!" Pythor warned which made him be quiet.
"My apologies!" The man said quietly until they all looked over and they could see the Blade Cup being presented to the audience.
Spike groaned in disgust seeing him here and he went back to the others to talk things out with them.
"I'm never teaching Allison to eat another person, that's a fact!" Spike swore while Allison hissed a bit again.
"This complicates things guys." Zane said worried on how they can do this now.
" We can't losing another one again! I say we steal it!" Jay suggested which Cole didn't like the sound of at all.
"We're not gonna steal it, we're gonna win this competition, but we're gonna do it in our own way!" Cole said confidently which confused the others a bit.
"Does this mean I'll get to sing along too?!" Spike asked eagerly to hear that.
"Of course buddy, just don't get Allison hurt alright?" Cole asked while Spike smiled widely hearing this.
"Don't worry, I won't, this is gonna be awesome!" Spike said amazed while he raised a fist in the air.
Spike and the others got in their ninja suits once again and had they're weapons on they're backs like normal, they had they're team name changed to Spin Harmony to help express themselves, and the announcer had announced to the audience that they were up next now.
"If we're gonna do this, I want everyone to see who we are!" Cole encouraged while Spike smiled eagerly at this.
"Oh this is gonna be awesome! Allison is gonna see her first dance contest!" Spike said eagerly while he held her still and she cooed happily hearing that.
"I.. think I have butterflies in my stomach." Zane said nervously about this.
"Aw come on, that's just nerves." Jay assured until Jay opened his hatch open.
"No, I really do have butterflies." Zane corrected before everyone saw butterflies came out somehow which was surprising.
"Okay.. uh glad he got that out of his system." Jay said surprised seeing this.
"Last call for.. Spin Harmony!" The announcer asked again hoping they would come out.
"Let's do this, for Cole!" Jay said confidently while they all got ready.
"If we go with the Tornado of Creation, we'll score perfect 10's out there!" Kai suggested eagerly.
"I can say anything, and it will only go to elevate our team unity!" Zane said eager to do this as well.
"I'm glad you guys are my friends. Let's do the Whip!" Cole announced.
"Ninja go!!" Spike and the others screamed while they used they're Spinjitzu once again.
People were getting impatient for the group to show up and thought they weren't gonna show.
"Well, looks like the last act is no longer gonna show. That means I can give this to the winners.." Pythor said looking at the Blade Cup before something was announced once again.
"Ladies and gentlemen! Spin Harmony!" The announcer said once again which made people cheer as they all had come onto stage finally.
The Weekend Whip begins to play and the spotlights go onto Spike and the others who began to dance in complete union, Spike had Allison wrapped around his neck to keep her safe and she hissed with joy seeing them dance, some of the snakes began to go up on stage to hopefully put them out, but they weren't gonna stop there. Spike ducked under one of the snakes punches and he grabbed his arm before he threw him into another group with great skill, Cole grabbed Kai and he twirled him around to take down some more while Zane punched one down to the ground and the lights flash up while everyone jumps into the air.
"Jump up, kick back, whip around and spin! And then jump back do it again! Ninja go!" The song sings while Spike and the others do Spinjitzu on stage, and they help eachother out to stop any bad accidents from happening because of the snakes. Spike flipped in the air and he used his Earth powers to knock more snakes far away from the group while also dancing still, Cole sees three snakes approaching him next and he decides to do the ultimate move. Cole jumps in the air and he slowly flips around while he kicks one snake in the head, followed by a fist to the face, and a headbutt on the last one before he landed down on the ground perfectly while he made a tiger roar and everyone gasped with amazement seeing this.
"The Triple Tiger Sashay!" Zane said amazed that he actually pulled it off.
The audience cheered for them all and everyone feels so great to have entertained everyone here.
"Oh, he did it! The Triple Tiger Sashay! He's danced the impossible!" The announcer said while he bowed in respect with Cole's amazing move, Pythor tried to make the ninja get a 0 score compared to the rest of the judges 10's, but the real judge was able to draw a 1 next to the zero without him noticing for the moment.
"Wha.. wait! I didn't write that!" Pythor said surprised with this as he finally realized it.
"It's a perfect score! Spin Harmony wins, the Blade Cup!" The announcer said proudly as the Blade Cup is presented to all of them and they all smile with joy knowing they won, but Cole looked out to his dad's chair and saw he wasn't here, and felt upset to know if he didn't show up to see this..
Spike and the others went backstage again and felt so amazed with winning the blade cup together.
"I've never felt more alive!" Zane said amazed with what's happened.
"Haha! We did it!" Jay cheered in victory at this too.
"That was amazing! Wait until Twilight hears about this!" Spike said amazed with this too.
"No, Cole did it, because of you, Ninjago will sleep safely tonight!" Kai assured while he walked next to them and still felt upset about this.
"Thanks, but go on and celebrate without me.. winning this without my dad being able to..." Cole said sadly right before they heard someone come in from behind.
"Cole!" Lou announced which got everyone's attention.
"Dad?!" Cole asked shocked that he was here for this.
" I saw it all son, I saw it all." Lou said proudly while he came up to give Cole a hug.
"You.. saw me dance?" Cole asked while he took off his mask.
"More importantly, I saw you fight, those Serpentine were up to no good, trying to steal the show and I saw you stand up for what is right! And.. I was wrong, I shouldn't have pushed you so hard to follow in my footsteps. Everyone is born with a special talent inside that is just waiting to get out. And you were born to be a ninja." Lou said proudly while Spike and the others walked up to him with smiles as well.
"Your not mad?" Cole asked hoping he wasn't.
"How could I be? My son's a hero!" Lou said proudly until someone familiar interrupted this touching moment.
"Oh sorry to interrupt your little family reunion, but did you know.. it's me? Pythor!" Pythor hissed while he revealed himself to everyone.
"You couldn't keep us fooled Pythor." Cole said upset that he was here to ruin this.
" I didn't want you to miss our big show stopper!" Pythor announced while he looked up to the higher areas of the room, and everyone gasped with horror while they saw some Constrictai push some rubble out of the way which began to fall to Lou.
"Dad!" Cole screamed before he dropped the Blade Cup and went over and jumped in to save him just as the rubble fell onto all of them.
"Cole!" Spike shouted with horror while he heard Pythor laughing evilly, and they saw him take off with the Fangblade.
"They took the Fangblade!" Jay said annoyed at this while they brushed the dust away.
Everyone went up to the fallen rubble that had landed on them both and they tried getting them out of it, but they saw a bright golden light coming from Cole's weapon and realized what that must mean..
"He found his true potential!" Zane said amazed as a bright light began appearing from the rubble before them, they hear Cole made a loud grunt of anger while the rubble is finally lifted out from them and they watch in awe as they see his body glow brightly from unlocking his own power.
"Wh.. what? How did we survive that?" Lou asked confused until he finally saw Cole glowing brightly.
"Son?" Lou asked amazed with his huge power that they all could see.
"Cole's found his true potential! His relationship with his father must've been holding him back!" Zane said once again while he was floating in the air.
"He's become indestructible!" Jay said amazed while Spike and Kai watched this from the distance.
"Oh great.. now me and you are the only one's who haven't unlocked it yet.." Kai said sadly while Spike tried comforting him.
"It's alright buddy, we'll find our True Potential soon, no matter what." Spike said proudly while they look at Cole who finally powered down after all of that.
"Is everyone alright? What just happened?" Cole asked as he didn't know what he did.
"We're all okay son." Lou assured while he patted his back.
After that amazing display of power, everyone had went back to Lou's home to say their goodbye's for now.
"I can't believe how amazing that night was, I haven't felt so alive!" Spike said amazed while he was playing with Allison still.
"But I guess this means the scorecard reads: Pythor 2 Fangblades, Ninja: Zero. " Jay reminded while still being upset about that.
"Yeah, but we need only one, and there's still two left to find." Cole said trying to keep things positive.
"Who knows, when Spike and I unlock our true potential, one of us will become the destined Green Ninja." Cole said confidently which made the others laugh at that.
"I'm cool with just being a father thank you very much!" Spike said proudly while Allison coiled around his arm to play with him.
"The only thing that your destined for is more ego." Cole joked while patting his back still until they saw Lou come into the room with a picture.
"It may not be the trophy, but it sure will look good on my wall." Lou said proudly while everyone got up to see the photo, and it was a picture of Spike and the others all winning the Blade Cup together.
"This world is so cool!" Spike said amazed with all of this too.
"As far as I'm concerned, your all family now." Lou assured while everyone came in for a group hug.
"Thanks Lou, that means a lot to all of us." Spike said proudly while he and the others stood together.
"Yeah." Cole said in agreement as they all took in this moment together, even with 2 Fangblades left, they know they'll be a able to stop this all one day..
I think he should unlock his Full Potential in the finale of Season 2.
Would be awesome in seeing Spike's true potential being unlocked.
Wonder what stuff he can get too from the Temple of Light when the Ninja got the Elemental Blades?
I can't wait to see how the Brown Ninja ( I that because I don't know how to spell his name) reacts to Spike and his daughter. I know it's going to be funny.
It's spelled out as Dareth to help you if you need it.
Thanks I remember him as the Brown Ninja, so thanks for reminding me.