• Published 23rd May 2024
  • 652 Views, 53 Comments

Spike The Spinjitzu Master - Dragonfan101

Spike is sent to the Realm of Ninjago after a strange force causes an error within the Crystal Mirror which sucks him into it, he is found and taken in by Master Wu and joins a team of Ninja to become a Master of Spinjitzu.

  • ...

3: Snakebit

The sun was rising once again in Ninjago, it had only been since last night that Spike and Zane found this ship called the Destiny's bounty, and it had become their main base of operation, they were looking to make upgrades for it soon, but it was a sitting ship for now.

Spike and the others were sleeping in their new room which had a few bunk beads that they all can use, they were sleeping soundly until Wu came in to wake up, hitting a loud gong repeatedly to wake them up.
"Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you!" Wu shouted which annoyed them all, Spike tried putting his pillow on his head to block out the noise, but it barely did much while the other's groaned as well.
"In order to reach your full potential, you must take each day as an opportunity!" Wu declared banging the gong even louder.

"Okay okay, we're up. But if you want us to reach our full potential couldn't we at least get a full night's rest" Kai asked tiredly getting out of his bed.
"And is it necessary to have a gong like that? We barely got 5 hours last night, the mattress barely helped at all .." Spike said yawning from the lack of sleep they got while stretching his back.
"Seriously, i think my back has more lumps then the mattress." Cole said in agreement popping his back too.
"We were up so late, talking about how cool it is to have a new headquarters i guess we lost track of time." Jay said as he went over to a sink and turned the knob which put dust on the brush but Jay didn't notice it yet.
"Since the Serpentine burned down the Monastery i'm just glad we have a roof over our heads.." Jay said right before he realized the dust in his mouth and spat it out in disgust while Zane was stretching out.

"What is our lesson today sensei? Mastering the strike of the Scorpion? Or perhaps three great.. gah!" Zane screamed as the ground collapsed beneath him.
"This place needs renovations.." Spike said annoyed helping him out.
"Spike is right, today's lessons should be chores." Wu declared which surprised all the ninja.
"Chores?!" They all asked at once in shock.
"Ninja fight sensei, we do not clean." Cole argued not liking this suggestion.
"In order to respect ourselves, we must respect our home, and where we are from. This place is a long way from becoming a ninja headquarters, i expect things to be spotless by the time i return, and put your backs into it!" Wu instructed banging the gong one last time before leaving.

"Ugh this place is gonna take forever to fix and clean up." Kai said annoyed looking at the dusty place.
"Unless we put more then our backs into it, eh?" Jay asked with a smirk which gave them all a great idea.
"This is gonna be fun." Spike said stretching his arms ready to go.

We cut to a cool montage of how Spike and the other's cleaned up the Bounty while Wu was gone, first off, Cole used his Spinjitzu to take out a bunch of old stuff they didn't need, and put it a good distance away from the ship and put it as a Garage Sale. Next up, Kai Zane and Spike cleaned up the rest of the room by Zane using his ice to freeze over the entire room, and Spike and Kai used their fire to melt it all away to make it good as new. Jay was seeing Kai and Cole trying to get the power working on this ship, and Jay saw a large looking generator which was powered down, and like you thought, he used his powers of lightning to transfer enough power into the ship and get all the power working properly. They all then opened up the sail to clear out more dust on the ship and Jay used his powers to send it far off the ship making the place seemingly brand new.
"A job well done guys!" Spike said proudly high fiving the ninja who were proud this was done as well.

Wu and Nya had finally gotten back from their little trip and saw Spike and the other's playing games on the Tv which was working perfectly now.
"What took you so long?" Kai asked turning his head to them.
"We got done a couple hours back." Spike added playing the game with them too.
"Wow! This place looks.. amazing! You guys did all of this?" Nya asked amazed looking around the place.
"Ninja don't just fight Nya, we clean!" Cole said positively taking his words back from earlier.
"Oh, you have exceeded my expectations. But can you keep it up?" Wu asked rubbing his beard until Nya heard something.

Nya looked out the window and saw a strange looking car driving at fast speeds to them with an old couple in it.
"Looks like we're about to have some visitors. And loud ones at that." Nya said which started to worry Jay.
"Oh it's my parents! Please if they start yapping, just don't get em going okay? They don't know when to quit, and if you start talking they'll start talking and it's like the day is gone before you know it!" Jay said worried while they all understood it already.
"We get it! They talk a lot, a cherry doesn't fall far from it's blossom." Kai said quietly a little worried himself.
"I'm sure it'll be alright Jay, come on, let's go see them." Spike said hanging up his controller and heading out the room with the others.

The couple known as Ed and Edna parked up to the front of the ship and saw the old junk Cole had put out from earlier and bumped into it.
"Oh, take a note Edna, either better brakes or a better bumper. Oh! Look at all this great stuff! They can't just get rid of it! We should've brought the trailer Edna." Ed said looking at the old stuff that was there.
"This ain't a flea market Ed, we're here for Jay." Edna replied which made him shake his head.
"Oh what was that? Did you take the note?" Ed joked not pretending to hear it.
"I'm taking the note now Ed." Edna said writing something down as Spike and the others came out to greet them.

"Mom! Dad! What are you doing here?" Jay asked nervously walking up to them.
"Oh look it's my baby boy! It's been so long since we've heard from you!" Edna said gleefully looking at him.
"Mom, i called you two days ago. " Jay replied a little annoyed right now.
"Well, it's not soon enough for us, when are ya.. coming out to the Junkyard? You say your coming and yet ya don't?" Ed asked curiously which made Spike look at Jay who was embarrassed.

"Dad, do we have to talk about the Junkyard in front of my friends?" Jay asked worried looking at all of them.
"He hates it when we tell people he was born in a junkyard. Oh! And who are you two! You are so cute!" Edna asked gleefully looking at Spike and Nya who were smiling back at them.
"I'm Spike, a new friend to the ninja, nice to meet you." Spike introduced shaking their hands.
"A talking dragon in Ninjago? I've seen many things in my life, but this may take the cake!" Ed said playfully shaking his next.
"Pleased to meet you, if you want, Jay can give you the tour if you wish? He worked very hard on it" Nya offered motioning to him.
"We'd love a tour!" They both said excitedly which made Jay sigh a little annoyed still.

Jay brought his parents around the Bounty to show them what they all had, Spike already liked these two, as they just seemed like really kind people, it just makes Spike wonder what his parents were ever like..
"And this is the bridge. This extends into a periscope. This tells us what's going on in Ninjago." Jay said going over to a device and looked through it before spinning it around.
"And this, if the Serpentine aren't giving answers we want, and we're up late at night.." Jay said now going over to a drinking machine.
"An audio appliance to make them talk?" Ed suggested amazed at this.
"No, it's a cappuccino machine." Jay corrected pouring a glass for himself.
"Haha amazing son! We're so proud of you!" Ed said really proud of him.

"Why don't you tell em about the button?" Cole asked moving over to a special looking one.
"Heh heh, it's not ready yet." Jay said a little annoyed with Cole.
"Ooh, what does it do?" Edna asked excitedly.
"He's working on a special defense system." Zane explained as Spike stood next to him and the others.
"Something every ninja headquarters needs!" Kai said confidently which amazed them even more.
"It's still unfinished, but it'll soon be something awesome." Spike said as he knew what this was.
"Really? What does it do? Can i help?" Ed asked curiously looking at it.

"Uh no, it's okay i don't need your help dad, let's just leave it alone. Hey look at the time! Don't you need to get back before it get's dark?" Jay asked pretending to have a watch.
"We told you, there's dangerous Serpentine out there." Jay warned bringing them to the door.
"Oh well.. i suppose we could get back.." Ed said a little said they had to go.
"Ed and Edna, it was a pleasure meeting you and hearing about Jay's first potty time." Cole teased patting Jay's back.
"It was nice meeting you too, glad we had this time." Spike said with a smile coming up as well.
"Oh if you think that's good, wait until you hear the time i caught him kissing his pillow!" Edna teased which made Jay groan even more with Spike snickering at that thought.
"Ugh, snakes mom, snakes!" Jay warned really wanting them to go now.
"Okay okay, we're going, we're going.." Edna said as the two began to walk out.

The sun was now setting outside again and the two were about to leave.
"You promise to come to the junkyard and visit your mother and father?" Edna asked as they were starting to back up.
"Yes, i promise, only if you leave. It's getting dark, and i don't want you to get hurt. Uh, your headlight's are working right?" Jay asked curiously, they got their answer when the headlights came on and it nearly blinded all of them.
"hehe, like em? Got them to use a little extra juice! Bye son, couldn't be more proud!" Ed shouted as they were beginning to drive off.
"Oh and bring Nya with you too, i can see why you like her. And Spike is just as cute, feel free to bring him too!" Edna shouted which made him embarrassed even more.
"Mom.." Jay said embarrassed as they finally left.
"Now that they have left, perhaps Jay can teach us the art of... kissing pillows.." Wu joked before all of them started laughing hard with Jay being more annoyed again.

Ed and Edna were driving through the long road leading far away from them.
"Uh i don't think he's coming dear.." Ed said a little worried on this.
"Stop it Ed, he's coming." Edna assured having hope that he would.
"Well, i'm sure he doesn't need us anymore.. We just have to remember that.. write it down for me would ya?" Ed asked looking at her.
"Okay dear, don't forget the lights. It's getting dark." Edna advised as the sun was setting making a beautiful orange and red sky.
"Right, thanks Edna.." Ed said as they turned on the headlights again and drove off to their home.

We cut to a strange dark looking forest where Lloyd was currently walking through, trying to find the next Serpentine Tomb.
"It's not scary, um.. maybe just a little scary, but.. i like scary yeah, that's it. I'm the son of the Dark Lord, i love the dark! I.. I eat this stuff for breakfast.. ah!!" Lloyd screamed as he saw a creepy looking tree within a dark graveyard but soon sighed in relief.
"I'm gonna make those Hypnobrai pay for betraying me, i have to find the Fangpyre's, if there's anything a snake doesn't like, it's another snake." Lloyd declared looking at the map once more before seeing a strange looking tomb.
"Here! by the mutated tree! I found it! Soon the Serpentine will know who they're master is, it will be I Lloyd Garmadon!" Lloyd said evilly before lightning flashed over him which scarred him once more.

Lloyd then bent down and pressed on a switch which opened up the tomb. Lloyd screamed in fear as dozens of red and white colored snakes jumped out of the tomb and was towered over by a 2 headed snake with another staff.
"And who.. might i say.. released us from our captivity?" The general asked with his 2 heads speaking each word separately.
"Uh Lloyd? I released you to make the Hypnobrai pay for betraying me." Lloyd said nervously as dozens of snakes looked at him.
"The Hypnobrai?.. Those hypnotizing deceivers.. it'll be.. our pleasure.." The 2 heads said once again.
"Oh, good, i'll lead the way. Then after that, there's ninja and a talking dragon i want dealt with." Lloyd said clutching his hand.
"Sounds like.. you know.. what you want. But the Hypnobrai are strong.. and we are few in numbers.. we need.. reinforcements.." The general hissed which interested Lloyd.
"What did you have in mind?" Lloyd asked curiously while the general hissed again knowing what to do.

Spike was trying to sleep back with the ninja once again, Spike's mind was still very clouded upon what's happening, he still doesn't know how to get home, and even if he finds a way, if he somehow has powers, he has to find a way to unlock them. Spike groaned as he tossed and turned in his bed, the other's were sleeping normally like nothing was wrong, but Spike couldn't sleep, and opened his eyes again not being able to sleep.

" Maybe i need some air.." Spike said to himself as he quietly got out of his bed and went out of the room. Spike carefully went through the halls of the Bounty, it was a really nice place to stay, even for a pirate ship, it had so many things the ninja could use for a base and home, definitely beats out the Monastery right now. Spike went out to the deck of the ship to look at the night sky.

Spike could see the moon shinning down upon the cold desert that could be seen for miles. It was a beautiful sight to be seen, even in other worlds.
"Luna? Are you watching over me like all the other's?" Spike asked as he knew Loona always was out for the night, it was said that she often looked down to people from the moon, it was only a legend, but Spike just liked to pray that she was watching over him within this strange world..
"How am i gonna train to be a ninja? My weapon isn't as strong as the ninja's, and i can't even do Spinjitzu yet. What does it take to become one?" Spike asked himself as he walked off the board, he decided to pay the dragons a little visit to make sure they're okay. They may be dragons from this world, but they were still dragons, his own kind.

Spike walked to a small custom staple the ninja made for the dragons, it wasn't as nice looking as the little home they had back at the Monastery, but it was something that could help them.
"Hey guys, you doing alright?" Spike asked looking at the tired dragons, they were stirred from trying to sleep, and saw Spike below them, he was tiny compared to them, but they were much different then what Garble and his crew were.
"Sorry to disturb you guys, but i just needed to think, all of this is just a lot to process you know?" Spike asked sitting down next to Jay's dragon, which put it's wing over Spike for comfort which Spike smiled at.
"Thanks, even if i'm from another world, dragons still care for the young right?" Spike asked them, they all made a small roar in response which could mean yes.

"Glad to know. I'm still not used to all of this, i may be training to be a ninja and all, and i definitely got more skill. But i can't just shake the feeling off, it makes me wonder how i even got powers like the others, and if i'll be of use to the team, it was like how i felt back home honestly.. i may have helped Twilight from time to time, but i never really got the chance to prove myself as a hero, she and the other's just have done so much more, and i was just on the sidelines, unable to help.. It just makes me afraid if i'll be the same here.." Spike confessed trying to make a spark of lightning with his claw, he could only make small sparks when it came to his new powers, even if was just a small reaction, he didn't know why he was dumping his feelings on these dragons, but even if they couldn't speak, they still showed concern for him.

After hearing this, the dragons looked at eachother and seemed to agree to something, Jay's dragon suddenly started to get up which surprised Spike.
"What? What's wrong?" Spike asked looking at it, the dragon made a small roar and motioned him to get on it's back.
"You want to take me somewhere? If it'll help in a way, let's go, tell the other's i'll be back soon please." Spike asked looking at the other's who nodded in response. Making his decision, Spike hopped on the dragon's back and held the chains, it soon spread open it's wings and launched off into the night sky, taking Spike to somewhere that could help..

Spike spent what he thought was a couple hours when traveling with Jay's dragon, seeing the world from so high up and seeing multiple places from above, it just made him feel so much smaller then he already is, it's a strange but nice feeling, it makes him wonder when he'll grow his own wings to fly like these ones. Spike yawned tiredly as the dragon seemingly flew forever to him.
"Are we almost there yet? We've been flying for hours." Spike asked tiredly looking at the dragon, it made a roar in response, which must mean it was asking him to be patient.
"Alright, i just hope we're almost there.." Spike prayed as the dragon kept flying through Ninjago, letting Spike see all it's large landmarks.

After some more flying, the dragon was seemingly flying towards a mountain, which was one of the tallest in this land from what he's seen. Spike held on tight as the dragon suddenly flew at faster speeds, seemingly speeding up by hundreds of miles.
"What are you doing?!" Spike screamed as the dragon was flying straight into the mountain. The dragon roared and started to twirl itself around, which was creating a drill of sorts with it's lightning. Spike screamed and braced himself as the dragon flew right into the wall, and flew right in the mountain. Spike flinched as he thought they crashed, but soon opened his eyes to see the dragon was flying through some sort of crystal cavern that was inside the mountain, it was a sight to behold, the crystals consisted of dozens of different colors, shinning on the walls through the cave making something truly special to see.

"Whoa.. what is this place?" Spike asked in awe as the dragon flew downwards to a special looking pond of sorts, the dragon soon finally landed down on the ground which meant they were here. Spike hopped off it's back and looked around the place with awe, it looked like an extremely ancient place, one that seemed to be as old as this land itself, he could even see drawings of dragons on the walls, and 2 huge dragons towering over the rest.
"Who are those supposed to be?" Spike asked as they didn't show any color, but the crystals colors shined down on them and one of the large dragons showed a purple scale color, with green spines..
"Wait.. is that..?" Spike asked in shock as he saw its colors, it seemed so similar to him, but that didn't make sense, Spike was born in Equestria, he should be from that world, how is that dragon similar to him.

"What is this place? Why did you bring me here?" Spike asked looking at the dragon, the dragon roared and motioned it's head towards the pond, it's water showing the reflection of the crystals. Spike let his curiosity get the better of him, and went over to look at himself through it's reflection, he saw himself, with a clear view from the water.
"What am i suppose to do here?" Spike asked as he put his claw on the water, but once he did, the water suddenly glowed brightly which shocked Spike.
"What?!" Spike shouted right before the water seemingly was pulling him in.
"Whoa!!" Spike screamed as his body was pulled into the water, making the golden light vanish for the time being..

Spike was gone for longer then he thought, as the sun was already up as we cut back to the Bounty where Jay was working on the defense system again.
"We sure got a lot of junk piling up if only there was a place where we can get rid of it." Kai joked walking with Zane who had scraps to get rid of.
"If you don't mind, i'm trying to focus." Jay replied trying to work until Cole held up a phone pretending to call someone.
"Hi mom and dad, of course i'd love to visit! What kind of son would i be if i didn't want.." Cole mocked which Jay mockingly chuckled at.
"eh hehe i know what your doing. Okay look i might have promised to visit my parents, but there's a lot of stuff on my plate." Jay said in defense until Nya opened the door and walked in too.

"Uh, hi Nya.." Jay said nervously as she walked to the others.
"You gonna visit your parents today?" Nya asked curiously which meant he had no way out of this.
" Uh sure am, just about to leave. And have you seen Spike? We can't find him anywhere?" Jay asked concerned as they didn't find him with them this morning.
"I don't know, Wu and i are searching too, hope he's okay." Nya said curious on where he is too.
"Perhaps he needed time to think to himself, maybe he went to see Ed and Edna for a nice talk, they do seem to like him." Zane suggested which might be true.
"Well if that's the case, let's see if we can find him there." Jay said as they all went out of the ship.

The ninja all went to where they're dragons were, but Jay noticed that not only was Spike gone, but his dragon was too.
"Oh what?! Did Spike and Wisp go on an evening flight or something? It couldn't have waited till tomorrow?" Jay asked annoyed trying to find his own dragon.
"I tried getting my dragon up, but it's not moving, is something wrong?" Kai asked concerned as Wu came out with a thermometer.
"Hmm, it's as i expected. The dragons are molting, they're shedding they're scales." Wu explained looking at Jay.
"What does that mean?" Jay asked concerned.

"Every adolescent dragon goes through a transformation before it becomes an adult. Perhaps that's why Spike is gone too. He and Wisp must've headed to the Spirit Coves early, so we must allow the others to go too." Wu explained looking at the other dragons.
"Will we ever see them again?" Jay asked concerned hearing this.
"It is hard to say, but we need to allow them to follow there path, especially Spike, he is special." Wu suggested.
"Rocky's going east? Say isn't it so right?" Cole asked worried rubbing his dragon's snout while the other's did so too.

"Well i guess i gotta go on this looong walk all by myself, i'd sure be nice to have company.." Jay said nervously looking at Nya.
"Of course we'll go buddy." Kai said getting in this.
"I could use a break." Cole added as the other's walked to him.
"All you had to do was ask." Zane added agreeing to this too, Jay sighed as this was a bit of a failed attempt again.
"If you see Spike again, take care of him until he's ready, he's barely a teen." Zane asked looking at Shard who roared in response. The dragons soon all got up and started heading to the Sprit Coves, for them to grow as their own being, while Wu and the other's took the long walk.
"Do you think Spike's gonna be alright with them?" Nya asked worried seeing them fly off.
"We must allow destiny to tell, let's just hope we see him soon.." Wu prayed as he started to play on the flute from before while they went to the Junkyard..

Spike gasped as he found himself waking up again, he didn't know how long he was in this place, but he just remembered him being pulled into this strange pond.
"Where.. where am i?" Spike asked looking around the place, he found himself within a golden void of sorts, he was floating in the air and couldn't see anything, or anyone.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" Spike asked as his words echoed through the void, he waited a few more seconds until he heard a soft calming voice.

"Hello Spike.." The voice said which shocked him.
"Who's there?" Spike asked turning around to try and find it, he got his answer as he saw the light form itself into a figure, one that looked kinda like Wu with the long beard and hat.
"Who.. who are you?" Spike asked worried as the figure walked to him in the air.
"Do not fear young dragon, i am not here to hurt you, i am here to talk." The figure said which interested Spike.

"Um.. okay? Who are you? What is this place?" Spike asked looking around the void.
"My name is of no importance, you are within the Pond of Light, a sacred place within the Spirit Coves, a place which all dragons go to and learn to grow when their time has come." The figure explained walking around him.
"Spirit Coves? At least i know the name. But.. why am i here?" Spike asked curious looking at him.
"I summoned you here to talk. I felt your presence enter this world a week back, it was sudden, but i foresaw something from you, a light that will shine in the darkest times." He explained which confused Spike hearing this.
"What do you mean? Does that mean.. i'm the Green ninja?" Spike asked shocked as this might be it.
"I'm afraid not, that fate is for someone else, someone you'll grow closer with, i sensed a light that is just as strong from you. And wanted to let you begin your path to unlocking it." He explained more as he got out a tea pot.

"Tea?" He offered pouring a cup for Spike.
"Um.. sure.." Spike said taking it, he didn't know how this figure could drink, but he guesses it's because of how this world works, the figure took a sip himself before beginning to explain.
"So, to start things off. I felt a great power within you, one deep down that's waiting to be unlocked, and i've seen you tap into them through the Golden Weapons.." The figure said while Spike reflected on him using those weapons.
"Yeah, they did help a little, but i only felt a small bit of strength from them, how is it that i can feel these powers now when i couldn't before?" Spike asked curious taking a sip of the tea which tasted nice.
"It may have been caused when you fell into this world, the Golden Weapons are strong yes, but they can only truly be tapped in with their specific Elemental Master, meaning you won't be able to unlock your potential from just using them." He explained once more which concerned him.

"If that's true.. then how am i gonna unlock my powers? How am i gonna become a ninja and find my way home? If i can't prove myself with these weapons, what can help me?" Spike asked worried looking at him.
"What lies within you, always has a way to be unlocked.." The figure said as it raised it's hands in the air. A bright light suddenly shone in his hands and forged into something which blinded Spike for the moment.
When the light died down and Spike opened his eyes again, they widened in both shock and amazement. The figure formed a Golden Trident which looked like the other weapons the others had, it had sharp edges on the tips, really looking like it can cut through the toughest materials.

"What.. what is that?" Spike asked in awe looking at it.
"This is the Trident of Elements, a secret Elemental weapon that i forged for the one that was worthy to use it, it will help anyone with powers begin to tap into them, not fully right away, but it is the first step to becoming a Master of Spinjitzu. And now.. it is your path to take.." The figure explained lowering the Trident down for Spike to take.
"What? I can't take that, surely this is a mistake right?" Spike asked in shock not believing this, the figure chuckled and only held it closer.
"No, it was meant for you Spike. Someone special like you has a long path to take, but know that you won't be alone, you will have your friends by your side, take it.. your destiny lies with it.." The figure offered again holding it out.

Spike tried processing this, this was a seemingly powerful weapon that was being handed to him by what could be this worlds God, who's saying that this weapon will unlock his powers and begin his journey to prove himself. If this is the case.. he has to use it responsibly.
"If.. your certain.. i promise i'll use it responsibly, and unlock my powers when the time is right.." Spike swore holding his claw out to take it.
"I couldn't have said it any better myself.." The figure replied which made Spike smile, finally confident with this, he put his claws out and took the Trident.

Upon grabbing it, the Trident glowed brightly which started to engulf Spike's body with a golden light.
"What is this?!" Spike asked shocked as the light engulfed him, the light seemed to form something on Spike's body as it shone on him, and it soon finally died down again. When it went away, Spike was now shown to be waring a new ninja outfit, one that consisted of green and purple fabric that were on certain parts of the suit, it had armor plating on it that was golden as well, and had gold stars on it with a dragon shooting out the different elements like the other's suits.
"Whoa.." Spike said in awe seeing this awesome new ninja suit he had.
"Your path is set Spike, over time you will unlock your powers, it will take time, but you will find your destiny. Use this power well Spike." The figure said giving Spike a respectful bow and Spike did so in return.

"Thank you sir, i won't let you down. But one question.. how will i get back to the other's?" Spike asked curious trying to find a way out. The figure chuckled and stepped out of the way.
"Take this door, it will lead you right to where they are, there will be a lot of explaining to do i'm sure." The figure said as a door formed in front of him which opened and had a light shine through it.
"Amazing.. thank you for all of this, i may not know who you are, but i can tell your something else, if we ever meet again, i hope it's when i know what my path is." Spike said looking at the figure as he began to walk to the door.
"I hope so too Spike, your path will be a long one, but all will be revealed in time, just try not to overuse them, powers are not ones to be toyed with." The figure asked which Spike nodded in response from.
"Don't worry, i will, give Wisp my thanks for bringing me here, i hope i see him again soon." Spike said about to leave through the door.
"You will one day Spike, you will.." The figure said as Spike disappeared through the door and his vision faded to white.

Spike felt the wind fly past him as he opened his eyes.
"Where.. where am i?" Spike asked looking around the place, he found himself within the skies, and was.. falling?
"Wait.. what?!" Spike asked suddenly regaining focus, Spike looked below him and screamed as he suddenly found himself falling to the Bounty just as the ninja were running to it too.
The ninja were heading on board with Ed and Edna after they were almost turned into Snakes from the Fangpyre.
"Hey, does anyone hear screaming?" Ed asked concerned which they all heard was getting louder.
"I hear it too, where is it?" Jay asked looking around the place, Spike screamed even more as he fell down at fast speeds, and landed on the Bounty making a loud crash on the floor.

The other's all looked surprised and quickly ran over to check it out, they all had a look of shock when they saw Spike, in a ninja suit, with a Golden Trident on the ground, seemingly dizzy and having multiple dragons fly around his head while he groaned in pain.
"Spike?! Where did you come form?!" Cole asked shocked helping him up.
"And where did you get that suit and weapon?!" Jay asked amazed looking at his new equipment.
"It's a long story.. what did i miss?" Spike asked shaking his head to get his focus back.
"That is also a long story, speaking of which, we better get moving now!" Zane shouted as they could see large vehicles in the distance.
"Right! Come on guys!" Kai shouted as they ran into the bridge.
"Come with me, once we reverse the venom we can fix you." Nya said looking at the two parents who were almost turned into snakes.

"Man the stations, everyone!" Jay shouted as they ran in the room to get ready to go.
"Jay? We better hurry!" Kai shouted as the snakes were getting closer in transformed vehicles.
"I've been waiting for this moment." Jay said confidently as he pressed on the button, but nothing seemed to happen which worried them all.
"They're gaining on us!" Kai shouted as they were getting even closer, Nya handed Ed and Edna two cups to cure them from the venom.
"Bottoms up!" Ed shouted as they drank the cure and they're bodies glowed as they were turned back to normal finally.

"Ugh! I don't get it! I worked forever on this it's suppose to work!" Jay said annoyed while Ed went up to him.
"Uh son? Maybe i can help?" Ed offered again which made Jay gasp in shock.
"Dad! your okay!" Jay said in relief seeing him normal again.
"Ha, your darn tooting! Ah let's have a look here.. just a few twinks here and.. that should do it! Now try it!" Ed said looking at Jay who pressed on the button once again.

This activated the ships new defense system, which made it's sail spread out wide and activate strong rocket boosters on the sides which they all worked to install, the rockets ignited and soon started to lift the ship in the air making it begin to fly making all the sand blow far away from it.
"No no no no!!!" Lloyd shouted with anger before he coughed roughly as the sand blinded him and the general. The ship roughly backed up which made Nya tip over and drop the staff out of the ship and land back on the ground.
"Come on guys, let's go!" Spike shouted as the ship took of finally letting them escape from the snakes. The helicopter the general and Lloyd on lowered down to the staff for them to take it.
"These ninja.. have to be stopped!" He said with anger while Lloyd brushed his eyes.
"Ugh.. tell me about it.." Lloyd said annoyed that they got away again.

The ship was flying naturally through the skies now, Spike was with Wu and the other ninja explaining to him on what had happened.
"And then, i was given this Trident to begin the path of unlocking my potential, this guy never gave me his name, but he looked like Wu in ways, i don't know who he was, but i can tell he had good intentions. I may not be the Green ninja, but he said i'm meant to fight alongside him one day when he's revealed. Sorry for leaving you guys like that, but Wisp needed to show me this." Spike explained while Wu and the other's listened with awe.
"Fascinating, not only did you get a unknown 5th Elemental weapon, but you also met someone who may be stronger then all of us." Zane said fascinated looking at Spike's trident.
"Hmm.. this is quite the development, while i'm sure this is the beginning for you, i must admit even i didn't expect this. But i know you'll make us proud with what your starting to show Spike." Wu said with a smile looking at him.
"Thanks guys, i won't disappear like that again, i promise you that, whatever destiny awaits me, i just hope this will be my first step to take." Spike said looking at his Trident.
"It will, and know you'll have us to help you." Cole said high fiving him while all of them were glad to know what's happened, while still eager to know more in the future.

Jay was looking over the skies to make sure they were safe.
"We'll get you back to the junkyard as soon as the coast is clear, but stay as long as you'd like. It's nice having you here." Jay said with a smile, just glad his parents were safe.
"Oh, take a note Edna, of all our inventions, this one is our greatest." Ed said proudly putting his arm over Jay's shoulder.
"Oh, i already know dear.." Edna said as they both hugged Jay close while Spike and Wu looked at this and smiled as well, but Spike's mind was still clouded by one thing, that drawing he saw in the cave, if that dragon looked similar to him, what will this mean for him in the future? He just hopes with this new weapon and his friends, he'll find out one day..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! I know the ninja weren't in this chapter much from small bits, but i wanted to have Spike begin to tap into his potential, and i figured the dragons were a great way to start this off, while Spike also has a Golden Weapon now, he still needs to learn to use it, and he'll develop his powers over time instead of instantly over the show, i'll have him gain new ability's when the time is right, and make sure his story and arc feels nice. I had a lot to set up in this chapter, while it may be confusing at first, i promise i'll make sense of it later down the line.

I really like Jay's parents by the way, they're such a nice pair and i can see people relating to Jay with how they interacted here, also isn't it weird that during this season, there were times that Kai sounded like Cole and Cole sounded like Kai? I know the voice actors were getting used to their roles but still, it was weird, it really does bug me on how childish Jay got past season 6, i know it was for comedy stuff, but Jay is much more mature then he's written thanks to Skybound, but anyways, i hope you all liked this and look forward to more!