Spike The Spinjitzu Master

by Dragonfan101

First published

Spike is sent to the Realm of Ninjago after a strange force causes an error within the Crystal Mirror which sucks him into it, he is found and taken in by Master Wu and joins a team of Ninja to become a Master of Spinjitzu.

Spike awakens within the Realm of Ninjago after being sucked into the Crystal Mirror after it's been behaving strangely, as a result after he and the Mane 6 investigate it, he is sucked into the Mirror upon hearing a strange voice, and the Mirror is broken which prevents him from coming back in any known way.

Spike awakens on the doorsteps of an old Monastery and is found by a man named Master Wu, who takes him in and lets him join a team of Ninja who all have cool Elemental powers, despite not having any powers.. yet, he's trained as a ninja to unlock his own potential and find his calling. And now Spike's life is being a part of a team who can be a new family with him, and hopefully he can find a way home one day..

Prologue: A Broken Mirror

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It was a normal day within Equestria, and everything was seemingly fine, the residents were all going about they're day like normal, nothing to major has happened as of recent events. Within a newly made crystal castle was a young dragon who was currently reading some comic books.

This was Spike, he's a young 12 year old dragon who was raised within Equestria by Twilight Sparkle, his mother figure and close friend, he's been her number one assistant for years and was happy to help her when she needed it. But he always still felt like there was stuff holding him back from really unlocking his potential.

He's started to see himself as a bit of a background person whenever the Mane 6 face danger instead of fighting alongside them. He's always wanted to help them and wanted to do what he could, but he's constantly told that he's to young, can't do it because it's do dangerous, or because it's to risky to let him help.

While Spike understood these reasons, it did frustrate him a little that he never really got to do much of anything when Equestria was attacked, sure he helped stopped Sombra some time ago, but he never had direct confrontation, it was honestly lucky that he managed to beat him. All of this made him feel like he couldn't ever achieve anything great and be a real hero.

Spike sighed and stopped reading his comic book to think over this.
"Will i ever be able to prove myself as my own person? Or will i just be stuck as a number one assistant?" Spike asked himself as he looked at his claws, they were small, like him. Compared to all other dragons, he was only a hatchling, despite being 12 years old, he's not showing any signs of proper growth yet, sure he's far smarter then most dragons from what he knows, but that's not really enough when it comes to standing out.

"Will i just be like this forever? Or is there something out there for me, that will make me special?" Spike asked himself with sadness as he just couldn't think this properly. But before he could think about this some more a knock was heard on his door.
"Spike? Are you okay? There's something important that recently came up." Twilight spoke from the other side which caught his attention.

Spike sighed for a moment before getting off his bed and opening the door and looked up at her.
"I'm doing okay Twilight, what's the problem?" Spike asked curious as she had a look of worry.
"I got a letter from Celestia, something important come up, and she's wanting me, you and the others to go to her castle at once." Twilight explained as she showed him the letter and he read it to see it was urgent and looked worried himself.
"How did this happen? What is this?" Spike asked concerned as this sounds like a problem.
"I don't know, but it's important from the sounds of it, let's go Spike." Twilight said as she prepared a teleportation spell and they both disappeared from the castle.

We cut to them appearing within Celestia's castle all of a sudden, but they knew where they were and had gotten a good sight of where they were, they were just outside the throne room and they could see the other Mane 6 were already here.
"Twilight You sure took your time getting here." Rainbow dash teased as she was the first one here obviously.
"Sorry girls, but i needed to get Spike too as she wanted him here too." Twilight explained as she and Spike walked over to the rest.

"What do you think she's needing us for?" Fluttershy asked worried as they all got the message.
"Another threat perhaps?" Rarity suggested.
"Or a friendship problem?" Applejack added.
"Or a party that's not prepared?!" Pinkie asked in fear which made all of them look at her.
"I'm sure it's not like that Pinkie, let's just see what she needs to tell us." Spike said as he went to the doors and the others agreed to that.

Spike used what strength he had to open the large doors leading into the throne room, Spike and the others went into the throne room and they could see Celestia and Luna looking concerned.
"Ah Twilight, i am so thankful you all came here on such short notice." Celestia said as all of them walked up to them.
"It's no problem at all Celestia, what's wrong?" Twilight asked worried as all of them wanted to know what's happening.
"I think it's best we all show you, come with us Twilight." Luna said as she and Celestia started to lead them somewhere else.

"What do you think's worrying them? They seem a little tense." Spike asked the others who couldn't agree more.
"I don't know Spikey, but it's sounding concerning, let's just hope it's not to serious." Rarity said as they all followed her to a familiar room.

"This is the problem Twilight." Celestia said as she and Luna moved out of the way to show them it, they saw the Crystal Mirror that led to Canterlot High, but something was off about it. It's movements were swirling around strangely, like it was having a strange magic spell on it.

"What's going on with this thing?" Spike asked worried as he and the others inspected it.
"It looks like it's.. malfunctioning?" Twilight asked as she couldn't figure it out.
"It's been like this since this morning, we couldn't pinpoint where it was leading through the other side, i think it's trying to tell us something." Luna suggested as everyone looked concerned.

"Why would it act up like this? We haven't been through that portal in a few weeks." Rainbow dash said crossing her arms.
"Do you think it's a warning sign of something bad?" Fluttershy asked worried as well.
"Maybe it's not happy with it's design?" Rarity suggested and everyone rolled their eyes at that. Spike continued looking at the mirror with interest, as it's actions were seemingly unique as it's never done this before.

The voices of Twilight and the others were being muffled within his head as they all became dead silent. Spike continued to stare at it strangely. The way it's movement swirled around was making it seem like a vortex, leading somewhere that's not Canterlot High, but somewhere else.
"Spike.. come to the mirror.." A ominous voice spoke which made Spike realize something.
"What?" Spike asked confused on what he heard which caught the others attention.

"Spike? What's wrong? You seem entranced by the mirror." Luna asked worried which regained Spike's focus as well.
"Sorry it's just.. i thought i heard something.." Spike said which interested the others.
"What did you hear Spike? Did it say anything to you?" Celestia asked worried.
"I don't know exactly.. it felt so ominous.. like it's.. calling me.." Spike said as he slowly was walking to the mirror.

"Spike, maybe you should take a break, we all can handle this you know?" Twilight asked as he took more steps to it.
"Spike, i recommend you ignore this, it could be tricking you." Luna warned as the others tried stopping him. But Spike could barely hear they're voices, he was entranced with the mirror, and every step he took closer to it felt like it was calling him even more. Was it calling him to a place where he could become a hero he wants to be? Or is it all an illusion for all of them. Spike came closer to the mirror until he saw his own reflection, the mirror moving around like water as Spike started bringing his hand closer and closer to it..

"Spike, please stop what your doing!" Celestia warned as all of them tried stopping him.
"Spike! Don't!" Twilight shouted as she tried pulling him away, but Spike soon placed his hand on the mirror, and to all of their shock, it started pulling him in.

"What?!" Spike asked shocked as he finally realized what he just did, he saw he was being pulled in and tried pulling himself out.
"Spike!!" They all shouted with horror as they tried saving him.
"Twilight! Guys! What's happening?!" Spike shouted in fear as he was being pulled in even more. Twilight tried grabbing his other arm as half his body was pulled in as the mirror was shaking.
"Spike!!" Twilight shouted with worry as she and all the others tried saving him.
"Twilight!!!" Spike shouted as he got sucked into the mirror much to their horror, the mirror shook violently as it suddenly floated in the air, all of them backed up in fear and watched as it started to crack.

"No.. no! Spike!!" Twilight shouted as she tried to save him, but before she could even touch the mirror, it shattered all over the room making a huge shockwave across the castle which knocked all of them down. Twilight groaned as she got up, she could feel shards of the mirror around her and looked around in horror. The mirror was shattered, and Spike was gone..

"Twilight.. what happened?" Dash asked worried as they all got up.
"W.. what happened to the mirror?" Fluttershy asked scarred as the shards were everywhere.
"And where's Spike?!" Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity asked at once as Twilight was breathing heavily and started to cry.
"No.. no.. he can't be gone! Spike!" Twilight shouted through the whole room as Celestia and Luna saw all of this.
"Where could he be? How do we find him?" Luna asked worried as the mirror's breaking isn't known.
"I don't know Luna.. but we'll find a way.. we'll find a way.." Celestia prayed as all of them looked at the broken pieces all over the room with horror knowing Spike was gone..

Spike screamed as he was flying through a vortex that was leading somewhere else. Spike was flying through realities as he could see the memory's of what he's been through go by him.
"Twilight!!!" Spike screamed as he went swirling around the vortex, he could feel multiple things entering his body, they felt like different ability's, he felt warm, shocked, cold, and strong suddenly, along with tons of other different ability's until he fell through a portal the screen fades to white.

We open to a view of an ancient looking building on the high ledge of a mountain, it looked old but looked like a quiet home for one to live. In the main lobby, a young woman was seen training against some dummies and was seemingly learning to fight, the camera zooms into the doors until we see an old looking man with a white beard and a hat meditating within some smoke. He focused his mind calmly as he continued focusing himself.

He looked within the strange smoke to see anything off, but to his surprise, he saw a strange creature flying through a vortex, he seemingly fell out of it and was flying through the skies, and he saw as the creature screamed as he fell near a familiar looking building..

A loud rumble was suddenly heard which shook him out of his vision. The man gasped in shock as he realized what this means. He quickly got his staff and hurried out of the room. He saw the woman had stopped her training and looked concerned.
"Master Wu? Did you feel that too?" She asked concerned as Wu walked to the doors.
"Yes Nya, i saw something fall near the Monastery, i couldn't get a clear focus on what it looks like, but it seems to have fallen right outside the doors." Wu said as Nya came up with him.
"What do you think it is? Could it be a new threat?" Nya asked worried on this news.
"It doesn't seem like it, i feel no evil aura around here, let's find out for ourselves." Wu said as he opened the doors.

He looked around and saw nothing but the view of the clouds and the high mountain he lived on, he looked left and right before looking down and seeing something on the ground and his eyes widened in shock.
"Sensei.. isn't that?" Nya asked shocked as they could see a strange purple and green dragon creature on the floor, it was seemingly unconscious, most likely from the fall. It was groaning in pain as it was hurt.

"How did you get here?" Wu asked confused as he used his staff to turn it over and they got a good look at his face.
"He looks young Wu.." Nya said worried as this wasn't like any dragon she's seen before.
"Yes, he looks like a child, and seems to be a dragon.. how can this be?" Wu asked curiously as he picked him up and inspected him.
"I don't know Wu, but it looks harmless, should we help it?" Nya asked worried for it.
"Of course we should, maybe we can get answers from it when it awakens, come on.." Wu said as he and Nya went back into the Monastery and closed the doors.

Spike groaned in pain as his body hurt a lot, that fall was something else, it felt like his body was warped through realities in a weirder way then when he went to Canterlot High. He coughed a few times as he finally started to open his eyes.
"Where.. am i?" Spike asked himself as he looked around, he seemed to be in a strange room with wooden furniture, it looks nicely designed and calm, he could even see symbols of a dragon on some walls.

"Hmm you can talk? How interesting" A man suddenly spoke which alerted Spike.
"Who's there?!" Spike asked scared as he looked around with worry, he turned his head until he saw an old looking man he's never seen before, he had a long white beard, a staff, and a teacup in his hand, Spike immediately backed away in fear as he thought he was going to hurt him.

"Do not be alarmed young one, i am not going to hurt you." He assured in a calm tone as he slowly came up to him.
"Who.. who are you?! Where am i?! What is this place?!" Spike asked in fear as he looked around the room.
"Please calm down, we won't get anywhere with freaking out will we? My name is Wu, i found you outside my home a few hours ago." Wu introduced as he sat down in a chair and gave Spike a drink, Spike was still tense as he still was afraid.

"M.. my names.. Spike.." Spike said scarred as Wu looked at him.
"Please calm down young Spike, i promise i won't hurt you." Wu assured again taking another sip, Spike was calming down a little as he seemed honest.
"W.. where am i? What is this place?" Spike asked looking around the room.
"You are in my Monastery, in a land called Ninjago." Wu explained which confused Spike.

"Ninjago?" Spike asked confused as he's never heard that name before anywhere in Equestria.
"Yes, and may i ask where you are from?" Wu asked as he offered Spike a cup which he hesitantly took.
"I'm from.. Equestria, do you know anything about that place? I really need to get back.." Spike said worried as he tried to drink it.
"Equestria? Hmm.. i have never heard of a place like that, not even in history's, and believe me, i know a lot about Ninjago's history." Wu replied which worried him.
"Do.. you know any way i can get back at least?" Spike asked worried on this news.

"I do not know Spike, it sounds like it's beyond my own knowledge. Tell me are you.. a dragon?" Wu asked looking at his features.
"Y.. yeah i am.." Spike said nervously as he saw his body was strangely more.. blocky.
"Hmm, interesting, a dragon that can walk and talk like a human, but still caries the features of one. Your world sounds unique already.." Wu said interested as Spike looked at him.
"Then.. what do i do? How do i find my way back? Am i.. stuck here forever?" Spike asked as he started to cry.

"Do not cry Spike, i may not know much about you, but i am willing to help you get home one day." Wu said as he started standing up.
"R.. really? You'll help me?" Spike asked shocked as Wu offered his hand.
"Of course, it's what me and my students do." Wu said with a smile as Spike stood up as well.

"Students? For what?" Spike asked curiously as he walked with Wu out of the room.
"Yes, Students, i am a teacher of a martial art called Spinjitzu. And i train them to become Ninja." Wu explained which interested Spike a lot.
"Spinjitzu? Ninja? Like.. real ninja?" Spike asked curious as that news was interesting.
"Yes, and i can see that interests you, would you like to become a fellow student? It never helps to learn some skills." Wu offered. Spike was shocked on his offer, he just met this man and he seemed kind and understanding. Despite him being a talking dragon, he seems willing to help him. And his offer of learning this.. Spinjitzu and becoming a real ninja, this could finally be the waking call that he's been wanting for some time now..

"I.. think i do.. it sounds like it can really help me.." Spike agreed which made Wu glad.
"Well then, we will begin tomorrow, but first things first, we should introduce you to the others here." Wu said as they went out into the courtyard.
"Wait here Spike, i will bring them out here in a moment." Wu said as he walked into another door to get them.

Spike looked around the place in awe, this world looked nothing like Equestria, despite obviously looking more blocky here, this place, this.. Ninjago. Honestly sounds interesting, it sounds like it has a huge history within it and it makes him just want to learn more about this place, especially if he's gonna be a real ninja, one that fights and can do cool moves, ones that would be on par with Rainbow Dash's martial arts skills.

"Follow me, he's out here." Wu spoke again as he heard him walking with some other people.
"Is he the one me and you found outside a little while back Wu?" A female voice asked sounding curious.
"Yes, he's awake now, and he and i had a little talk Nya." Wu replied as the doors opened.
"He can talk?" Nya asked shocked as he and all the students came out of the room, they all had a look of shock seeing Spike.

Spike god a good look at each one, one was wearing red and had pointy hair with a gold sword on his back, another was wearing all black and had a golden Scythe, the other wearing blue with brown hair and had nunchuks, and the next one was wearing white and had golden shuriken's on his sides, and the woman looked young and was wearing some training clothing.

Spike was a little nervous seeing all of them as Wu came up to him.
"Everyone this is Spike, he's going to be staying here with us for now. He is young, but i except you all to treat him with respect just like you do with eachother." Wu announced as all of them looked at him.
"Um.. hi.. nice to meet you all i guess.." Spike said nervously which shocked them all that he can talk.

"Sensei, you didn't say anything about him being a dragon, one that talks no less." The black one said interested.
"Well Cole, he didn't say what species he was." The white one said looking interested.
"A talking dragon? That's honestly so cool Zane!" The blue one said sounding amazed.
"Yeah, not to mention he's standing on two legs like us!" The red one said seeing he's standing like all of them.
"That must mean he's a smart one Kai, try not to offend him." Nya said as they all walked up to him.

"So your names Spike huh? nice to meet you, never thought i'd meet a talking dragon." Kai introduced as all of them shook his hand.
"Jay, really nice meeting you." Jay introduced as Spike turned to Zane.
"I am Zane, it is nice to meet you young one, i look forward to working with you here." Zane said in a calm voice.
"And i'm Cole, nice to meet you two i guess. I can tell your just as weirded out as i am huh?" Cole asked and Spike nodded in agreement.
"And I'm Nya, your not hurt anywhere are you? You looked like you took quite the fall." Nya asked worried as Spike looked at himself.

"I.. i feel fine. Nice to meet you all, so you all are actual Ninja?" Spike asked curious.
"Yep, and we all have cool powers! Check this out!" Kai said as raised up his sword and it let on fire, all the others did the same and showed off all their elements.
"Wow.. Elemental powers.. cool.." Spike said amazed which made Kai chuckle.
"I know right? Do you have any powers too?" Kai asked curiously.

"I.. don't know, but maybe i have some deep down." Spike said looking at himself.
"And i promise to help you unlock it, i sense something good within you Spike, and i intend to letting you unlock your full potential." Wu said as all of them finished introductions.
"I.. look forward to it.. So can anyone show me around here?" Spike asked looking over the building.
"I will do the honors Wu, come with me Spike." Zane replied as he stood near him and the two proceeded to walk into the Monastery as the others watched on.

"He's an interesting one huh guys?" Kai asked the others.
"Yeah, i mean a talking dragon training to be a ninja? How cool does that sound honestly?" Jay asked still amazed that his is real.
"It's certainly interesting, maybe i should show him our other dragons soon, i wonder how'd he react to them?" Cole suggested.
"It's an interesting day for sure. Let's just hope he can handle himself here." Nya said said with interest as well.
"Yes.. and hopefully one day we can get him home to this.. Equestria he's spoken off.." Wu said as he rubbed his beard as he tried to remember if he's heard that name before. The ninja all have a new member with they're group, a young talking dragon named Spike, who's seemingly not from Ninjago, and now all of them wonder just how he's gonna handle himself, being in the realm of Ninjago...

1: Rise of the Snakes

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We open to a small narration of the creation of this new world Spike had found himself in a few days back.

"Long before time had a name, the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, using four elemental weapons. But when he passed, a dark presence sought out to collect them all, Lord Garmadon. So i Sensei Wu, sought out four ninja to collect them first. And now, it seems to be we have a new ninja as well, a young dragon named Spike, who's come from a world called Equestria. And He and the 4 ninja are now what stands between Garmadon and the destruction of Ninjago." Wu narrated as we see the four elemental weapons and a shadow of Garmadon over the screen, followed by a vortex appearing and a small dragon falls from it..

It's been a few days since Spike fell into this strange new world, this.. Ninjago. He's been doing what he can to handle himself here, Wu and the others have been treating him with the best respect he could get, and he's been doing what he can in terms of training to learn Spinjitzu. When Spike thought he would have potential within him, he didn't expect him to have to be sucked into the Crystal Mirror and separated from his friends to begin his journey.

Spike still wished he had listened to the others who told him to stop, he had the chance to still be with them and this may not have happened, but now, Spike is in this new world, and he needs to adapt in the best way he can and become a real ninja.

Spike was training in the Monastery's courtyard, it was secretly built with training equipment as they were made within the place, Spike did find that really cool, but he needs to learn to get through this obstacle first, he's been at this for a few days now, and each of the ninja has tried helping him. He still doesn't trust them all fully, but maybe that's because he just needs time to open up with them.

Spike was trying to run across the obstacle course, he was jumping across the pillars that rose and fell, Spike had gotten a better hang on flips and backflips within the past few days, which meant he was getting better. Spike was about to reach to last one until he accidently slipped and failed again. Spike groaned in annoyance as he got up.
"Failed again.." Spike said as Wu came out and saw him.

"Yes, but you've gotten faster, it takes time to learn these things Spike. The others needed their time to learn as well, you just need to keep trying." Wu instructed as Spike went back to the start.
"Yeah, just keep trying.." Spike told himself as he got ready again.
"By the way, do you know where the other ninja are?" Wu asked curious.
"I think they're playing video games and eating pizza in the other room over there." Spike said pointing at another door, Wu sighed and walked to it. Spike took a deep breath and proceeded to try again.

Wu went into the room and saw Kai and the other ninja playing games.
"Fantastic! I'm out of lives!" Jay said annoyed.
"But the lesson lives on, and i am getting the hang of it!" Zane replied as they kept playing them, but the screen turned off and all of them groaned as they saw Wu had plugged the cord.

"Aw man!" Cole said annoyed.
"It took us 3 hours to get there!" Kai said annoyed as well.
"Why did you do that?! Why?!" Jay asked frustrated.

"Just because Garmadon escaped through a vortex, doesn't mean he won't return one day for the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu!" Wu said with anger.
"But Sensei Wu, ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has had nothing but peace." Zane pointed out.
"Yeah, peace is boring. There's no one to save, there's nothing to do." Jay said feeling bored.
"We can train tomorrow." Cole said laying down.

"Never put of until tomorrow for what can be done today. Spike is still in training, and i had expected at least one of you to be watching over him by now." Wu said annoyed at their laziness.
"How's he coming along by the way? It's only been a few days since he's started training with us." Kai asked as Cole was about to eat some pizza before Wu knocked it away.

"No pizza for you! Spike has been making more progress then you all have now, he like all of you have yet to reach your full potential. And in order to reach it you must train!" Wu said in a stern voice.
"Uh.. remember when we did that little thing called the Tornado of Creation? I thought that was pretty insane." Kai said still amazed at that.
"Oh you four have merely scratched the surface of your full potential. There are so many secrets you have yet to unlock. You haven't even begun to tap into what power your Golden Weapons hold." Wu said as Kai's sword was heating up a pizza slice.

"You wanna talk secret powers, check this out." Cole said as he used his Scythe and plugged back in the Tv resuming the game they were on( Wouldn't that have reset they're progress when it was turned off?). All the ninja cheered as they quickly got back to playing much to Wu's frustration.
"Don't worry master, we will be ready when Lord Garmadon returns." Zane assured, just at that moment, Nya had ran into the room looking worried.

"Guys! Lord Garmadon! He's returned! He was spotted approaching Jamanakai Village!" Nya said with worry. All the ninja quickly freaked out and started getting ready to go.
"Take Spike with you on this, it's only best he starts learning alongside you." Wu instructed.
"But Wu, Spike has barely had time to train, and Lord Garmadon is too powerful for him!" Zane said worried on that.
"And that's why you'll stay close to him, go!" Wu ordered and Zane immediately ran out.

Spike had just finished up the obstacle course, finally making his way through it.
"At least i made it through it that time.." Spike said a little tired, the door suddenly opened and he saw all the ninja running out in their suits.
"Guys, what's going on?" Spike asked worried as Zane came up to him.
"Lord Garmadon has returned, he's approaching a nearby village, Wu told me to take you with us." Zane explained which shocked Spike.
"What? But i'm not ready! I don't even have a weapon!" Spike said as the ninja were ready to move.
"We'll pick out a weapon for you later, come on!" Kai said as they all quickly ran down the stairs.

They ran down the side and opened down some doors which had four elemental dragons inside.
"You guys have dragons here?!" Spike asked shocked as all of them noticed Spike and had a look of interest.
"Yes, they guarded the Elemental weapons, and we've earned they're trust." Zane explained as he helped Spike onto his and they held onto the chains.

"Um.. can i help?" Nya asked as Kai got onto his dragon.
"Sorry sis, where we go, danger abounds, this is a job for the ninja! Uh.. a little help?" Kai asked as he couldn't reach his chains. Nya helped him reach them and they all started to take off.
"Hang on Spike!" Zane shouted as Spike held on close as Wu and Nya watched them leave.

"Will they ever reach they're full potential?" Nya asked walking up to Wu.
"In Time, maybe a long time, but in time." Wu replied.
"What about Spike? How come he gets to go with them?" Nya asked a little jealous of him.
"I feel great potential within Spike, he's only just begun his training. It's best he starts getting experience to be a fighter, and i must figure out what weapon will suit him best.." Wu said trying to think of something.
"Well, he's young, not even a teen right now from what we know, just makes me wonder what he'll be like when he's over, or if he'll even have powers." Nya suggested which interested Wu as well.
"All will be revealed in time.." Wu said thinking about what he can do in the future..

Spike and the ninja flew through the skies on their dragons, Spike was still shocked to know dragons existed here, and wondered what they're history is like. Different world, means different kinds of history he'd like to learn.
"You guys believe what sensei said about unlocking our full potential?" Kai asked which interested all of them.
"He may be onto something, i mean ever since we got these Golden Weapons it's not like we've ever had to use them. I wonder what they do. " Jay said taking out his nunchuks

"I for one look forward to the future, if there is more to accomplish, let it be." Zane said interested in this.
"Yeah, but it makes me wonder what i could be like, i mean, you ever wonder what kind of powers i might have?" Spike asked which interested them too.
"Yeah, we don't know much about you. If Wu wants you to fight alongside us, maybe it's a way for you to start finding out." Cole suggested which could be true.

"Perhaps our dragons could be the first step to unlocking them?" Zane suggested and the dragons roared in response.
"I think they're thinking the same thing, guess i'm gonna need some time with them maybe?" Spike asked curiously.
"Maybe, you still don't know Spinjitzu yet, let's just focus on taking down Garmadon, then helping you unlock your potential." Cole said as they started arriving at the village.
"Sounds good to me." Spike said on board with this.
"First ninja to the village wins!" Kai announced and all of them flew down at fast speeds.

They all landed down at once and they all got up.
"Ugh.. gotta work on the landing huh?" Spike asked looking at the dragons who nodded in response. They all heard people screaming and saw the villagers quickly running into their houses boarding them up. They all saw a large shadow emerge before them and took out they're weapons while Spike got into a fighting stance that Wu taught him.

They heard evil laughing as the shadow came closer which spooked them.
"Stay sharp fellas, whatever happens, we do this together." Kai said seriously as the shadow came down and it was revealed to be.. a kid..
"Oh.. it's just a kid.." Spike said a little relieved and disappointed.
"It is I Lloyd Garmadon! I demand all the candy in town! Or else!" Lloyd said evilly jumping onto a large fountain.

"Lloyd Garmadon? I thought we were supposed to be facing Lord Garmadon?" Jay asked confused on this.
"It's his son, looks like he escaped his Boarding school for Bad Boys again." Cole said annoyed and Jay groaned in response.
"Keep your expectations low, and you'll never be disappointed." Spike said in a deep voice.
"Where'd you learn that line?" Zane asked curious.
"I've had my own experience." Spike responded as they walked up to the boy.

"Uh.. give me your candy! Or else i'll release the Serpentine on you!" Lloyd threatened and all the citizens booed him in response and began throwing vegetables at him.
"No wait! I demanded candy, not vegetables! I hate vegetables!" Lloyd shouted as all of them threw more at him.
"He's gonna have to do a lot better then use old bedtime stories to scare people.." Kai said as he launched a rubber snake away.

"Serpentine?" Spike asked confused on that name.
"The Serpentine are real, they are not something to be messing around with." Zane warned and Kai scoffed in response.
"Serpentine, real? We're talking about the ancient race of snake people, who once ruled Ninjago and were supposedly locked underground?" Kai asked wanting clarification.
"Uh.. sealed in 5 different tombs, to separate the tribes, to ensure they don't unify to exact revenge on those who put them there!" Jay said in fear which interested Spike.

"It was an old wives tail, to teach kids not to poke they're noses where they don't belong. Don't you think it's a little suspicious that no one's ever found the tombs?" Kai asked curious.
"That's because you'd be a fool to look for one. If there was anything i hated more then dragons, it was snakes." Cole said which offended Spike.
"Hey!" Spike said annoyed slapping his arm in response.
"Sorry!" Cole apologized quickly while Spike was upset at that remark.

Spike and the others picked the kid up and carried him together.
"Don't worry folks, we'll take care of this, nothing to see here." Cole assured as they were carrying him off.
"Bow down to me, or suffer my wrath!" Lloyd shouted in annoyance.
"You have a lot to learn about life kid.." Spike said shaking his head as they carried him off.

We cut to Lloyd being hung in the air by a part of the village with the others looking up at him.
"You just made me your nemesis! Even if you have a talking dragon with you, mark my words!" Lloyd shouted with anger as the ninja and citizens laughed at him with Spike shaking his head feeling bad for him. Zane went over and purchased some candy for all of them. Spike was given some of it along with the other ninja much to his delight.
"Hmm, the candy is nice here at least." Spike said eating some of it.

"Next time, try purchasing for you candy." Cole advised.
"Crime doesn't pay kid, you can take that to the bank." Kai teased as Jay had his.
"Mmm Cotton Candy." Jay mocked and Lloyd groaned in annoyance before giving up finally, Spike did feel bad for him right now though, but he hoped he could help him stop this nonsense in the future.

Spike and the others made they're way back to the dragons who were waiting for them, Kai jumped on his but knocked over a bag which dropped a strange scroll inside of it which Zane picked up.
"Huh? I don't remember putting this here." Kai said as he landed down and looked at it.
"That's sensei's bag, you must have accidentally took it in the rush." Zane said looking at it.
"When did you grab it exactly?" Spike asked confused on that as Kai opened it up.

"What is it?" Jay asked curious.
"It's a scroll windbag." Kai said a little annoyed.
"I know it's a scroll, but what does it say? It's all written in chicken scratch." Jay asked as they looked at the language.
"Not chicken scratch, the ancient language of our ancestors." Zane corrected.
"Interesting.." Spike said in awe looking at it.

"Let's see here.. This symbol means prophecy.." Zane said as he pointed to one of them.
"Prophecy?" Jay asked confused.
"It means it tells the future." Kai explained quickly with Spike nodding in agreement. they all saw the scrolls pictures and saw 5 ninja on it, and there was a 6th ninja in a green GI striking a pose.
"One ninja, will rise above the others, and become.. the Green Ninja, the ninja destined to defeat the dark lord." Zane translated which amazed them.

"Ooh look a picture!" Jay said amazed looking at it.
"Why are there 6 ninja? There's only four of you guys?" Spike asked confused on that.
"Wait a minute.. is that us?! Is anyone else thinking what i'm thinking.." Kai asked as they all realized it was them on the picture.

"Like how good i'm gonna look in green?" Jay joked.
"Isn't it obvious i'm gonna be the Green ninja?" Kai asked annoyed at that.
"The color obviously suits me!" Jay replied.
"Well technically i am the best." Zane added.
"How do we know it's any of you? It could be me right? I must've come here for a special purpose, what if this is it?" Spike asked which interested them and could be true.

"Everyone stop it, remember why sensei brought us together. We weren't meant to see this and obviously for a good reason. Come on, let's head back home, we got training to do." Cole said as he took the scroll.
"It's about time i get a weapon of my liking." Spike said as he and Zane hoped on the ice dragon.
"And i could use some exercise." Zane said in agreement.
"Yeah, i've gotta work on some new moves." Cole said hoping on his as they all started to fly off.
Spike was thinking to himself as they flew back home, Spike's been wanting to be able to do something special that makes him his own person for a while. He never really got to really prove himself around his friends, when they've all proved themselves. And with him in this new world, and training to be a ninja, maybe even this.. Green ninja, could he finally get the chance he's wanted?

Spike and the others flew back to the Monastery and landed back on the ground, Spike petted the dragons heads as he already had a trust with them and they seemed to trust him too already.
"So then we all agree, the prophecy states that one of us is the Green ninja, and none of us will rest until it is decided." Jay said as they walked up the cliffside.
"May i suggest a tournament? Last ninja standing is the best." Zane suggested.
"And will be declared the Green ninja, i love it!" Kai said really liking this.

"Guys, it doesn't matter who it is. But if we want to prove that we are the Green ninja, we need to prove it, through our actions and achievements. What have we accomplished so far after you got those weapons?" Spike asked which interested them.
"Uh.. does beating Jay's high score count?" Cole suggested.
"You did what?! How?!" Jay asked annoyed at that.
"No, that's something that anyone can do. What i'm saying is that we need to do something that pushes past our personal struggles, you all may not know what it is, but whatever problems you have with yourself, or questioning your reasons for why you want to protect others. It all just matters on how you see the world, and if you don't understand why everything is like this." Spike explained which interested them more.

"So a tournament won't do it? What we need to do is push past anything personal we're going through that we.. may not want to be talking about?" Jay asked looking at him.
"Exactly, i still don't know why i'm here, and it's a struggle i need to push past and find answers to, and all of you need to do is push past what's blocking your real goals" Spike explained again.
"Interesting choice of words, that could be the real reason for us to start this journey, great idea Spike." Zane said patting his shoulder.
"Thanks." Spike said smiling at that.
"Well for what it's worth, a tournament still sounds fun, it's time we get you a weapon too." Kai said as the doors opened and they saw Nya training in the yard.

"Uh hey Nya, closer to beating your brothers speed record?" Jay asked nervously helping her up.
"I'm getting there, heard what happened in town, just a false alarm?" Nya asked hopefully.
"Yeah, uh but we're gonna need the space to help train Spike, sorry sis." Kai apologized.

Spike went over to a shelf full of different weapons for him to choose from, there were basic things like swords, staffs, shuriken's and other weapons the ninja used.
"So, what are you gonna pick Spike?" Cole asked walking up to him. Spike looked over to pick one that suited him best, he found a good looking spear that looked sharp, but light enough for him to use, and next to it was a metal bow and some metal arrows for long ranged attacks.
"How about these?" Spike asked as he picked the spear up and tried twirling it around.
"I think it suits you, you ready to try it out?" Cole asked as he took out his weapon.
"Sure, let's go." Spike said as he grabbed the arrow as well and walked over to the ring.

"Hey Nya, you wanna stay and watch us help Spike out?" Kai asked readying some armor they all got out.
"Maybe later, i think i'll visit Jamanakai village, don't go to hard with him." Nya said as she started to leave.
"Don't worry, we'll be fine!" Spike assured as he readied his new spear.
"Alright guys 2 matches with eachother, Spike will be fighting with us as well to gain skill, it's time we see what these babies can do.

"Alright first up, Kai vs Spike vs Jay, if Kai or jay go down, the one standing moves on." Cole instructed.
"Sounds good." Spike said as they all stood against eachother.
"Ninja go!! ah!" Cole screamed as the three instantly slashed against eachother.

Spike twirled around his spear and blocked a lightning blast from Jay, Spike saw Kai swinging his sword and him and quickly backflipped off of it. Jay twirled his weapons around at fast speeds which caused them to shock himself. Kai and Spike both clashed against Jay and were trying to knock him down, Spike twirled his spear even faster as Kai jumped onto the higher ledges and clashed swords, Jay readied his chucks again and was about to attack until Kai suddenly shot a fire blast at his armor and Spike finished him off by sweeping his legs. Spike and Kai looked at eachother and high fived eachother and laughed a little.
"Not bad kid, your getting better." Kai complimented.
"I think we found my weapon." Spike said confidently.

We cut to the next round where Jay was on a bench as Kai was facing against Cole and Zane next.
"Next up, Cole vs Zane vs Spike." Kai announced as all of then had their armor on.
"Ninja go!!" Kai announced and they all began they're fighting.

Cole swung his scythe around and slashed at Spike, Spike slid right under the attack as it sliced one of their training equipment apart, and Spike took out his arrows and fired them at the two, Zane blocked the arrows he fired away and threw both his shuriken's at they're feat, but while one froze below Cole's feat, Spike caught it which surprised them all. Spike felt something inside him trigger as he held out the weapon, Spike's hand suddenly started to feel very cold as it flowed into his spear surprising them all, Spike made a battle cry and delivered a strong swing at Zane which caused spikes of ice to emerge from the ground and knock him down, making him and Cole the winners.

"Whoa! What was that?!" Jay shouted in amazement as Spike held the golden weapon.
"I think this.. triggered something in me.. i just felt something grow within me and it.. wanted to be unleashed.." Spike said in amazement.
"It appears our Golden Weapons awakened something inside of you, and if my shuriken's can give you these ability's, i'm sure the other's Golden Weapons can too if you held them as well." Zane suggested which amazed them all.
"I have powers?!" Spike asked in complete shock and amazement finding this out.
"Oh! We have got to try this out! Next match guys!" Kai said excitedly and we cut to Spike facing off against the remaining two.

"Winner gets the title of best ninja blah blah ninja go." Jay said ready to get this going.
They all clashed eachother, Cole swung his scythe on the ground creating a large quake, Spike jumped in the air to avoid it and did a new move and twirled his spear with his tail, he clashed with Kai's sword and Cole joined in.
"Spike! catch!" Cole shouted as he tossed Spike his scythe. Spike caught it and almost fell over with how heavy it was. But Spike quickly got his balance and readied himself. Like Zane predicted, he felt the power of Earth flow inside him too, Spike felt his strength growing as he started handling the Scythe a lot easier. Kai swung his sword at Spike now and Spike began blocking the attacks, Spike decided to finish this off by slamming the Scythe down like Cole did which knocked Kai down.

"Great job dude!" Cole said high fiving him while Spike gave his Scythe back while the others cheered for them both.
"Thanks for letting me try it out, i think Zane was right! I have powers!" Spike said in amazement. Kai growled with anger and wasn't having any of it anymore, but he started to move around too fast and his sword started catching fire.
"It's.. too hot!" Kai shouted as he could barely control his powers.
"It's burning/ fire!" Zane and Jay said with worry. Kai suddenly did Spinjitzu and spun around incredibly fast before he dropped his sword and it started making a massive fire around the area.
"Kai! what did you do?!" Spike shouted with worry as he tried putting it out.
"I don't know!" Kai shouted just as Wu came out and saw the fire around the place.

He picked up Zane's Shuriken's and tossed them over the place, they spun around in the air and released a ton of snow which flew over all the fire in the area putting it out and they went to Wu's hands.
"What were you thinking?!" Wu asked furious with them.
"Uh.. we were trying to figure out who was the Green ninja.. ow!" Jay said in pain as Zane hit his head for telling that away.
"You didn't hear that!" Spike said putting his hands up.

"You were not supposed to see this.." Wu said upset at them as he gave Zane his weapons back.
"But sensei, we wanna know, which one of us is the chosen one?" Kai asked curiously.
"None of you. If you don't unlock your full potential." Wu said turning around them.
"But my sword was so bright, is this what you meant by unlocking our weapons?" Kai asked again.
"You are only at the beginning., and the road is long and windy but yes, this is what i meant. If this is what it takes you to train then so be it, but none of you are near the level of what it takes to be the Green ninja." Wu instructed.

"Sensei.. when we were training, i was able to hold onto the weapons and i think.. it awakened powers within me, i felt one that relates to all of them when i held they're weapons." Spike said trying to find out what all that was, this interested Wu greatly and he turned around to him.
"You used the powers of the other ninja?" Wu asked curiously.
"Yes, when we were training, when i held they're weapons, i felt Ice and Earth within me, like it was.. always there.." Spike said looking at himself while Wu listened with interest.

"Hmm.. interesting, do you have any ideas on how you could have these powers? Perhaps when you fell to this world?" Wu asked which did remind Spike the strange feeling he felt when being transported here.
"Yeah actually, when i was sucked into the Crystal Mirror, as i traveled through the portal, i felt strange things fly into me, maybe they were the ninja's respective elements.. followed by even more.." Spike said trying to find out an explanation.
"That could be true, i've felt great potential within you, not the Green ninja's potential, but something just as important." Wu said as he rubbed his beard.
"Really? You think i can be just as great as him?" Spike asked hopefully.
"With training and time, you could be. I want all of you to lend Spike your weapons from time to time, if this is true, then we must be closer to finding out his own potential, and he could help unlock yours.." Wu instructed as he began walking inside.
"Yes sensei." They all said respectfully as Wu left with Spike just left to think on how this all could be happening..

Nya made it back to the village and was purchasing some food until she heard people screaming.
"What now?" Nya asked in annoyance. She looked around and saw Lloyd coming out with a crate of candy.
"Take the candy, take it all!" Lloyd ordered as he made another evil laugh, Nya gasped in shock as she saw real Serpentine behind him, followed by an army of them. Nya hid behind a crater as she overheard the general talking with someone.
"This makes no sense General! Raiding an entire town, for sweets?!" The soldier asked upset at this.
"You will do as i command! Because i hold the staff!" The general said holding it out.

Spike and the others were training again in the courtyard, Spike was getting a better hang on his weapon and was using it more naturally now. Wu was meditating inside a room with some smoke in front of him, he started to have a vision where he could see the village being attacked by Serpentine and he looked worried opening his eyes.
"The Serpentine are back! Everyone in Jamanakai village is in danger!" Wu said worried as he came out and alerted all of them.
"What?" Spike asked shocked as all of them came to him.

"Calm down sensei, we were just there. It was some kid who says he's.." Cole said before Wu stopped it.
"The Spirit smoke does not lie, an ancient evil has been released!" Wu said once more.
"Nya's there right now!" Kai said in realization
"Nya?" Jay asked worried hearing this.
"Come on, let's go!" Spike shouted as all of them quickly made they're way to the dragons again and hopped onto them.
"Stay close, stay together." Kai instructed as they began to fly off.
"Would we do it any other way?" Cole asked as they took off quickly.

The citizens were running away from Lloyd as he held the wheel of candy. Spike and the others hopped in front of him looking upset at him.
"Sorry to bust your buzz little Garmadon." Cole said towering over him.
"But it's already past your bedtime." Jay finished with Spike growling at him.
"Give up now kid! Your making things worse for you and everyone here!" Spike warned drawing his spear.
"Get them!" Lloyd shouted to the general who hissed at them.
"Cease them!" The general ordered and all the snakes ran to them.

"Serpentine? They're Real?!" Kai asked shocked as they could see more of the controlled citizens around them too.
"It's not just them we have to worry about, the whole village has been hypnotized!" Cole said with worry as they began to back up.
"No, our weapons our too unstable, we could do more harm then good!" Zane warned stopping Jay from attacking.
"I'm guessing that leaves us with.. Run!!!" Jay screamed and they all hopped over to the higher grounds.

They all jumped through the rooftops before jumping down and hiding behind another carriage.
"There's to many of them, what do we do?" Spike whispered to the others, they were about to suggest something until Nya landed down next to them.
"Nya? Your okay!" Jay said in huge relief.
"Barely, they've hypnotized everyone in town." Nya said worried on this.
"Mind control? How is that even possible?" Jay asked shocked at this.
"Believe me Jay, i've seen a few ways how it is.." Spike said as he's dealt with these things before.

"When you hear them rattle they're tails, don't look them in the eyes, that's how they get you!" Nya warned.
"Well what are we supposed to do? We can't use our weapons, and now we gotta fight with our eyes closed? Heh, perfect." Jay said sarcastically.
"The snake with the staff is the leader, he's the general. If we can get this staff, it has the anti venom, and if we get that we can save everyone." Nya said seriously.

"Look guys, forget about the Green ninja thing, let's make sensei proud, the five of us. We're a team!" Kai said determined.
"Now your talking!" Cole said ready to go.
"Let's do this!" Spike said drawing his spear.
"Oh and Nya, you can be our honorary member." Jay said turning to her.
"Gee, thanks.." Nya said sarcastically.

They all went through the rooftops again and headed to the general, Kai landed down and saw more snakes behind him.
"You wanna play? Ninja go!" Kai shouted as he used Spinjitzu, but his powers weren't stable right now and that caused him to spiral straight into a wall.
"Okay, we're really out of shape." Jay said shaking his head.
"And i just got here." Spike added as he jumped down and drew his weapon, Spike growled at them before shooting fire from his mouth which shocked them all.
"Kai, come on!" Spike shouted as he helped him up.
"Thanks!" Kai said as he punched two of them behind him without even looking. Spike twirled his spear around and sweeped they're legs before shooting more fire at them.

Lloyd was running away with the candy in tow.
"Ha! Consider this a warning ninja!" Lloyd shouted as he made another laugh. Spike and Zane saw this and threw they're weapons at the cart, Spike's spear hit the cart's wheel which caused it to spin out of control, and Zane's ice made it tip over.
"Ninja go!" Zane shouted as he used Spinjitzu to speed up to him, Spike jumped over more snakes heads and landed next to Zane.
"My candy!" Lloyd said in horror as the two came in front of him.
"Sensei was right, never put off tomorrow for what can be done today! We should've dealt with you the first time around." Zane said seriously.
"It's over kid!" Spike said with anger getting ready to fight.
"Retreat!" Lloyd shouted to the snakes.

"Retreat!" The general shouted as all the snakes started to flee, Cole jumped into the air and kicked down the generals staff.
"Go ahead, give me a reason!" Cole warned ready to fight, the general quickly decided to flee and slithered off fast. Cole went ahead and picked up the staff and looked at it until he saw the soldier in front of him.
"Look into my eyes... i control you.." He told Cole as he used hypnosis on him.
"You.. control.. me..." Cole said almost under his control.
"Cole!" Nya shouted with worry which regained his focus, Nya quickly came in and knocked the soldier away and turned to Cole.

"You have the anti venom!" Nya shouted which made him realize he had the staff.
"By golly your right!" Cole said in realization.
"Quick, the fountain!" Nya shouted pointing at it.
"Great idea!" Cole shouted as he quickly ran over to it and slammed it inside it, this caused it to release a mist through the water which freed all the controlled people.

"We did it." Spike said in shock as he couldn't believe he did something without Twilight or the others here..
"I'm sorry sensei, if we dealt with Lloyd before he became a problem, none of this would've happened.." Kai said with regret as he held out the staff.
"Even lessons learned the hard way are lessons. Hmm.. a great evil has been released.. I fear troubling times are coming, this is only the beginning." Wu said with worry rubbing his beard again as the others walked up to him.

"Then we will train, and be ready for the Serpentine." Zane said confidently.
"It may not be Lord Garmadon, but that doesn't mean we won't bring our A game!" Cole said seriously.
"If i have powers inside me waiting to be unlocked, then i want to train to use them." Spike said clutching his spear.
"Help us train, help us realize our potential." Kai begged.
"Yeah, teach us the weapons behind the secrets of Spinjitzu, heck, help Spike learn Spinjitzu." Jay said pointing at him who still couldn't do it.
"Hmm... there is much to teach, we must return to the Monastery." Wu said as they all began to leave and Nya sighed sadly.
"When am i gonna get my own dragon?" Nya asked sadly.
"Patience Nya, your time will come.." Wu assured as they all left to train for they're next fight..

Within the Icy Serpentine Tomb Lloyd had found, he was really upset at losing all the candy still.
"The boy set us free." The general said to the soldier once more.
"He is a child! He is not one of us!" The soldier hissed which angered him.
"I may not have the staff, but i am still your general, stand down!" The general ordered which made him frustrated as he went over to another soldier.
"You coward, we all know he is under Lloyd's spell, you are second in command, and still you do nothing?!" The soldier asked upset at this.
"Now is not the time, i still hold the key to destroying the ninja.. and everyone will see that it is i who should be in control.." He replied as he made an evil laugh, he could see through Cole's eyes as he had some control on him as he saw the ninja and Spike in the Monastery discussing on what to do next...

2: Home

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Wu was meditating in his room again until he heard speaking again.
"My turn!" Kai shouted from somewhere which woke him up.
"Uh, it's my turn!" Cole shouted as well which interested him.
"Focus guys, come on we can do this." Spike said as he could hear battle cry's.

Wu went and grabbed an ancient looking flute and put it away and peaked into the room where he thought the ninja were playing games, but the room was empty meaning one thing. Wu opened the doors to the courtyard and saw Spike and the others were training confidently. Spike was twirling his spear around really fast as he's gotten a great hang on it now, Spike slashed at some more dummy's and sliced them apart and it showed he was improving a lot, Jay was deflecting arrows with his weapons and Cole was going through the course, Kai was practicing Spinjitzu too and was getting a better hang of it.

Zane suddenly opened his eyes and flipped in front of Jay.
"Hey.. huh?" Jay asked confused as he had an arrow in his chucks, Zane went over to Cole and took his weapon.
"Hey.. what?" Cole asked shocked as he sliced a dummy apart.
"Ninja go!!" Zane shouted as he used Spinjitzu and created a bunch of ice that froze over the floor and almost slipped them all.
"Zane, what are you doing?" Spike asked confused as he quickly got out of the way and went over to the others.

"This roof isn't big enough for the five of us." Kai said annoyed at this.
"Correction, this roof isn't big enough for him." Cole said as Zane froze over the entire course.
"Did he not even notice us?" Spike asked putting his spear away.
"I know right? It's like he's in his own world. I be the can't even hear us!" Jay said as they all looked at him, Zane didn't respond and just went to training himself as Wu walked up to them all.

"Sensei, Zane's weird." Kai said turning to him.
"What is weird? Someone who is different, or someone who is different from you?" Wu asked curious.
"It's not that, he's just.." Spike said trying to find proper words.
"We mean he's like.. really weird." Cole finished as we cut to some flashbacks.

Cole was currently in the restroom minding his own business and looking at a newspaper until Zane came in to comb his hair without even noticing Cole.
"Do you mind?!" Cole asked annoyed that he didn't even notice him.
Jay, Nya and Zane were watching a romance drama and the two were crying.. while Zane just laughed at it finding it funny somehow. Kai and Spike yawned as they were feeling tired.
"Late night snack Kai?" Spike asked tiredly.
"You know it.." Kai replied as they opened the doors but freaked out in seeing something.
"Ah! Holy baloney!" Kai shouted in fear.
"What the heck?!" Spike shouted confused as well as they could see Zane INSIDE the fridge somehow.
"I'm sorry, i consumed all the deli meat, cheese?" Zane offered holding out some cheese for them, they both looked at eachother confused on this and Spike shrugged his shoulders.

We cut back to now as Zane just did a bow at a dummy and hit his head accidentally.
"We like the guy he's really smart, he's just uh.. a little off sometimes." Kai answered while Spike kept looking at him interested.
"Zane is a brother, and brother's are often different. You should know, even Spike is one now, and we all should respect eachother." Wu said looking at him who nodded in understanding.
"Yeah, i guess that's true, i'll clean this mess up." Spike said as Kai lent him his sword to use fire to melt the ice.
"At least Spike's handling our weapons better." Jay said as they watched him thaw out the floor.
"Yeah, for a dragon, i can see he's got great potential as a ninja." Cole added looking at this happen.
"But will we ever find out how Spike is able to use powers like ours soon? That's what i wanna know." Jay asked interested on this.
"Who knows, maybe Spike will get his own Golden Weapon someday." Kai said as Spike finished up fixing the training yard.

Outside of the Monastery, a mailman was traveling up the LONG stair case that led to the top, the mailman looked up and saw the entrance looked even farther then he thought and sighed in exhaustion. He soon finally reached the top of the place and rung the doorbell which made a loud gong which surprised him.
"Mail!" Kai and the others shouted in excitement but confused Spike and Zane.
"That's how mail is traveled here?" Spike asked walking up to the door with them.

"Alright, let's see, a letter from Jay's parents." He said handing Jay one letter.
"A fan letter for Kai." He said which Kai gladly took.
"Oh something from Cole's father." He said handing Cole out the next one.
"What no package? I'm expecting something from Creatures Beats and Beyond." Cole pointed out.
"Hmm.. no.. nothing from uh.. ah! Here it is!" He said finally finding the package and handing it to him.
"Heh, Rocky's gonna love this!" Cole said excitedly which interested Spike.
"Is that some kind of dragon food here?" Spike asked curious.
"Yeah, but i don't think you'd like it, Rocky's diet is different from ours." Cole explained which Spike understood.
"Alright, thanks for letting me know that." Spike said gratefully as Cole left himself.

The ninja opened up their letters and looked over to Zane who didn't have a letter which worried them.
"Hey Zane, how come you never hear from your parents?" Jay asked curiously.
"I don't remember my parents, i have been an orphan all of my life." Zane said sadly which surprised them all, but felt a little relatable to Spike.
"You too huh? I never knew my birth parents either, sure i was raised by Twilight and her family, but i never knew them, and it made me wonder if they even cared about me.." Spike said looking down sadly which Zane felt sorry for as well.
"At least i have someone who understands, i may not be the best at advice, but i don't think they'd want you to feel down like this." Zane encouraged patting his back.
"Don't worry Spike, even if you can't find a way back, know that the Monastery is you and Zane's home now." Wu said trying to help him too.
"Yeah.. thanks.." Spike said still unsure from all of this as he and Zane went into the building to think about this.

Cole went up to his dragon to feed him a special treat.
"Levering toads Rocky, your favorite!" Cole announced holding the treat out for him, Cole tossed it to the dragon and it ate it nicely.
"Mmm mmm!" Cole said in delight as the vision shifts and we see the serpentine known as Scales seeing this after Cole was almost hypnotized.
"I can't believe you hypnotized one of the ninja! Does the general know?" A soldier asked worried as they were on a tree house being built as a fortress.
"Course not! He's been put under the spell of Lloyd! And i plan to use it for my best interest." Scales answered just before the general slithered up to them.

"Everyone works while you two slack! As my second in command, i expect more from you Scales!" He said upset with him.
"Yes General. But General, you know how loyal i am to you, but i must question this childish agenda, the ninja have stolen the staff, and yet you instruct the army to build this playhouse for Lloyd?" Scales countered looking over the place.
"You know snakes don't belong in trees." Scales said again which annoyed him.
"You know better then to question judgement Scales! I'll pretend you didn't ask that!" He said upset at him before Lloyd shouted to them.
"Hey! If we plan to rule Ninjago from here, this elevator needs a trap door! I want more booby traps!!" Lloyd shouted in a bratty tone.
"As you wish young Garmadon." The general said motioning Scales to leave.
"As you wish general.." Scales said annoyed as he went to get back to work as the camera shows the shot of the poorly built treehouse.

We cut back to the Monastery where the sun was setting again and Spike and the others are in the Dinning room to eat.
"Mmm, oh i love it when it's Zane's night to cook." Jay said in delight as Spike was having some delicious shrimp.
"I gotta admit, he knows how to cook, just imagine what me and him can do together." Spike said taking another bite of his.
"You know how to cook?" Kai asked curiously.
"Yeah, one of the best i know, i spent quite a long time learning to cook. You'd be surprised on what i know." Spike said proudly which interested them.
"I'd like to see what recipes you have from your home, if it's as delicious as this, let it be!" Jay encouraged eating some more appetizers.
"Hey just because he can cook doesn't mean i can't, i didn't hear any complaining about my Duck Chowder last night." Cole added looking at them.
"That's because it glued our mouths shut, you really think Jay was speechless all throughout dinner?" Kai pointed out which shocked him and Spike had a look of disgust.
"No offense Cole, but you need more cooking lessons." Spike said as the door opened with more food.
"Yeah Spike's right, please don't make that again. " Jay begged crossing his arms as Zane walked in with some turkey.

"Dinner is served!" Zane announced gladly, but all of them saw he was wearing a pink piece of clothing on him which made all the ninja start laughing at him, even Spike was a chuckling at this.
"What is so funny?" Zane asked confused as they kept laughing at this.
"Zane! Your wearing a.. even i wouldn't wear that!" Nya said chuckling at his pink clothing.
"You laugh because i ensure i am clean after cooking?" Zane asked confused looking at them.

"No! We laughed because you came out wearing that ridiculous outfit!" Kai answered still chuckling at him.
"I guess we don't share the same sense of humor." Zane suggested still not getting this.
"Well, how about.. this?" Cole said playfully as he took his plate and splashed it on Kai's face. This even made Spike laugh as all the ninja found this hilarious.
"How could you not find that funny?! AH!!" Cole screamed as Wu splashed more food on Cole's head as payback.
"Now you are brothers!" Wu said making a wink which made all of them laugh even more, but Spike could see Zane was upset and still didn't understand all of this and decided to help him out when dinner was over.

Spike helped Zane out of the room to finish cleaning up the mess from dinner.
"You alright Zane?" Spike asked worried looking up at him.
"I.. don't know, i do not understand they're type of humor. It's one of the things that's made me feel isolated from everyone else." Zane said sadly which concerned him more.
"Hey, it's alright, everyone has different ways of humor. We may just need to find yours, even if they can't help you, i will, alright?" Spike asked looking up at him.
"I.. think that will help, thank you Spike." Zane said gratefully which Spike smiled at.

They were about to head back in until they heard a hawk sound, they turned around and saw a strange looking hawk looking down at them.
"What?" Spike asked confused as they moved they're heads a little to look at it better, but the hawk seemed to mimic they're moves which interested them. Zane shook his head around and the falcon shook his head in response, Spike and Zane got the same idea and moved they're bodies around in a strange way, and like before, the falcon mimicked they're movements which meant something strange was from it.

"What are you doing here?" Spike asked looking at it, the falcon didn't respond, and instead it started flying off to somewhere, Spike and Zane looked at eachother and both decided to follow it. Zane kept his hood up as they ran through the night sky following it to where it was flying, even if Spike didn't have a ninja outfit yet, he was still doing his best to keep up.
"Where are you taking us?" Spike asked curious as they kept following the bird through the forest quite a good distance away from the Monastery. But they started to hear sound within the woods and followed it, and what they were greeted with was something they didn't expect, they saw the Serpentine seemingly building a treehouse as a supposed fortress, and they could hear Lloyd ordering the snakes around.
"Well at least we got the surprise on the enemy." Spike said crossing his arms upset that Lloyd didn't learn his lesson. They heard the falcon again and looked up at it once more.
"Thank you our mysterious friend." Zane said gratefully.
"Come on, let's get the others, they need to see this." Spike said as they started heading back to warn the others about what's happening.

We cut to daytime again as Spike and Zane were running ahead through the forest with the ninja following behind.
"How do we know Zane and Spike know where they're going?" Kai asked feeling tired from all the running.
"Can you two tell us how you stumbled upon Lloyd's secret headquarters?" Kai asked curious with them.
"We followed the bird." Zane answered simply.
"Why did you follow a bird?" Jay asked confused at this.
"Because it was strange, it didn't feel normal, so we followed it, and it led us here." Spike answered looking at them too.
"He's right, and we're not to far behind." Zane said as they started moving again and the ninja followed them, it was only a bit longer until they came back to Lloyd's new treehouse and heard him ordering the snakes around.

"Holy Cannoli, Frosty and dragon boy were right!" Cole said surprised on all of this.
"Told ya so." Spike said smugly crossing his arms.
"We can't let that brat and those snakes get a foothold on Ninjago, we gotta destroy that thing before it becomes operational." Kai said seriously ready to fight already.
"Whoa, are you sure? It looks like a pretty cool treehouse, there's a ropes course, and a tree swing!" Jay said playfully looking at the thing.
"Hey, remember who's team your on. Alright guys, what do we do?" Cole asked ready to go.

"It looks like the place is held together by those 3 trees, once we separate them, the whole place will come tumbling down like a house of cards!" Kai explained as they saw all of them.
"Not good defensive support if you ask me." Spike added as this was honestly easy from how it sounded.
"But why would one make a house of cards? Such construction would be careless." Zane asked confused which made Spike chuckle.
"It's a type of game Zane, not a place to actually live in. Guys ready to go?" Spike asked drawing his bow and arrows.
"Travel in shadows boys!" Cole said confidently as they all went to do their job.

Spike and Kai snuck nearby a rope and Kai used his sword to cut it up to send them onto the top of the place, Spike kept his guard up making sure not to be seen by any snakes as they kept moving. Cole hid himself under an elevator some snakes were using, and Zane and Jay hopped up the trees to get to the top until they all came together to see what Lloyd was doing.
"Heh heh, it's almost finished. Soon, my evil fortress will be complete! You! Hold up that sign for me!" Lloyd shouted to a random soldier and he picked up a sign that said " No girls or ninja". Lloyd smirked as he pulled a lever and pulled out a trap door that was right under him making him scream in fear.
"Booby traps!" Lloyd mocked as the snake went falling all the way down to the bottom of the place.
"Alright, come on guys." Spike whispered as he and Zane went to one of the ropes with the others doing the same.

"Ninja go!!" Jay shouted as he used his Spinjitzu to cut one of the ropes which started making the house tip over making tons of snakes scream in fear.
"Ninja go!" Zane shouted as he used Spinjitzu too to cut the next rope making the treehouse even more unstable. Lloyd was barely hanging onto the place and looked up and saw Kai was at the very top of the place.
"I said no ninja! Attack!!" Lloyd shouted with anger to all the snakes.
"Everyone, retreat!" Scales ordered all the snakes too, and that made them make the logical decision and they all quickly started to run away from the place.
"Cole, wait till we're off the Treehouse, then cut the line!" Kai instructed to Cole who understood the orders.

Scales looked above him and saw Cole right at the top.
"You! You will obey.. my every command.." Scales said to Cole as he was finally hypnotized.
"I will obey your every command." Cole repeated as he was in control. Spike and the other ninja landed on the treehouse as it was crumbling.
"Where's Cole? This whole place is coming down!" Kai said worried as the ground shook roughly. They got they're answer when Cole landed down before them, his eyes were in a controlled state which shocked them all.
"No one goes anywhere, till you deal with me!" Cole said with anger as he drew his Scythe at all of them as the place shook even more.

"What's gotten into him?!" Kai asked worried on what's happening.
"He's under they're control!" Zane said with worry seeing this.
"Aw come on! Of all the times! Why now?!" Spike asked really frustrated with this.
"Yeah but he better snap out of it quickly, this place looks like it's about to go down!" Jay said worried looking at the place as Lloyd tried stopping the snakes.
"Don't go! We have to protect my treehouse fortress!" Lloyd begged sounding really worried.
"Your treehouse?! It's about time we did this!" Scales hissed as he pulled on a specific lever.
"What?" Lloyd asked confused right before a trap door opened and he screamed as he fell down into a cage.
"Now to get the staff!" Scales ordered as they all started to escape.

Spike got out his spear and blocked a slice from Cole.
"Cole! Snap out of it! This isn't what you want!" Spike shouted trying to push him back.
"Cole come on! Stop this!" Kai begged as Cole jumped at them and kicked Jay in the face.
"AW.. okay i'm.. i'm gonna ignore that.." Jay said in pain rubbing his face. Cole screamed with anger as he swung his Scythe around, Spike jumped over the weapon and kicked him in the head and tried holding the weapon down.
"Cole stop! Don't make us do this!" Spike begged trying to stop him.
"Jay use your lightning! Try to shock him out of the trance!" Zane ordered as Spike was thrown back to the edge.
"Oh, sorry Cole. This is gonna hurt you a lot more then it's gonna hurt me!" Jay said regretfully as he took out his weapons and twirled them around at fast speeds before shocking a powerful blast at him which knocked him down for a moment.

"Did it work?" Jay asked hopefully, but when Cole opened his eyes, he was still hypnotized and looked even more furious.
"Guess not!" Spike said in fear as Cole rushed over to Jay and punched him off the house.
"Jay!!" They all shouted with horror right before he caught a rope that stopped his fall.
"This place has a serious safety hazard!" Jay said annoyed as this place was almost down. Cole growled with rage and took off to the last rope that hasn't been cut yet.
"Cole don't! Stop!!" Spike screamed as he was about to cut it with the other ninja trying to stop him. But a strange flute sound was played over the whole place which snapped Cole out of it, they looked up and saw Wu with a flute as he and Nya were riding on Kai's dragon.

"What? Where am i? What are we doing here?" Cole asked confused on what was happening.
"We're getting out of here because this whole place is coming down!" Nya shouted to all of them as Cole landed on it's back.
"Come on! Let's go!!" Spike shouted as he and the others slid down to the dragon and hopped onto it right before they saw the place collapse behind them leaving it nothing but rubble.
"That is such a relief.." Spike said holding on tight.
"That flute, it cancels they're powers!" Jay said amazed looking at Wu's special flute.
"It's as old as the Serpentine themselves! The Monastery is unguarded! Quickly!" Wu said worried as they all tried getting back home fast.

But once they got back, they saw the home they had was burnt up in flames, even if Spike was only here for a few days, it still was awful to see.
"No.." Spike said in horror as the wind blew past all of them.
"We're too late.." Kai said in horror as they saw the other dragons trapped inside.
"They're trapped! We have to help them!" Spike said worried as he jumped off and quickly went to help them, Spike pulled open the levers that freed them as the fire was around the whole place. Kai looked around the place with sadness as it was burnt up badly.
"Shard! Put this out!" Zane ordered to his dragon, the dragon shot it's ice breath to the place and it cooled down all of the fire that was surrounding the place, leaving it nothing but old rubble.

"The training equipment.. gone.." Zane said with horror as nothing was left.
"Our video games.. gone!" Jay said even more worried at all of this.
"This was our only home.." Spike said with sadness as the place was ruined.
"What do we do now?" Cole asked all of them as he tried comforting his dragon. Kai picked up a speck of rubble and crushed it feeling really upset at this.
"If you and Spike didn't follow that stupid bird none of this would've happened!" Kai accused upset at both of them.
"Kai.." Wu warned not wanting this to get worse.
"No! Kai's right, because of you two my high score has been deleted!" Jay added really upset with them too.

"We we're trying to stop them, they might've come back with more weapons if we didn't stop them in time!" Spike said in defense getting close to Zane.
"Spike's right, this should be a teaching moment, we must learn from this." Zane said not understanding this still.
"A teaching moment? What's wrong with you? Don't you see it? Everything is gone!!" Cole shouted to both of them.
"Enough!! We are all at fault, Zane is your brother, Spike is younger then all of you, you shouldn't accuse him of stuff like this, apologize at once." Wu ordered stopping all of them and they realized what they just said was wrong.
"Look Spike, Zane i'm sorry guys i.." Kai said right before they saw they were both gone, even Spike wasn't here too.
"Zane? Spike?" Jay asked shocked as they heard a noise nearby and saw Spike and Zane were on the ice dragon and flying off somewhere..

Spike looked back at the Monastery as it faded away in the distance, he felt awful they had to leave suddenly, but they were following a certain falcon once again.
"Zane, do you really think we should've left them like that? I know they yelled at us and all, but i know it's because they were just upset at losing our home." Spike asked worried looking at him.
"The loss of something affects people in many ways Spike, especially a home. I know they needed time to process this." Zane said as they flew through the clouds.
"Yeah, but i was only there for a week, and now it's gone.. if i couldn't protect that place.. how can i protect this entire world? Without my friends?" Spike asked looking down sadly.

"You are just beginning to be a ninja Spike, we all make many mistakes, you are young, maybe even Lloyd's age, there is always a lesson that needs to be learned, even if it's in a harsh way." Zane said in wise words which sounded like something Wu or Celestia would say.
"Yeah, but how will i be a ninja if i can't protect someone? I don't even know how to use these new powers of mine without using one of your weapons." Spike said trying to make a spark of fire from his hands.
"Training takes time young Spike. It never comes easily, you will get your powers soon, maybe even be this Green ninja we all learned about recently." Zane suggested as they started moving into a desert.

"Zane, you said you never knew your parents, i never knew mine either and was adopted, first it was Twilight, then taken in by you and the others after being transported here. Do you think they even loved us if we were abandoned? Or were we just.. meant to never know?" Spike asked looking at the setting sun on the horizon.
"I don't think there is ever a world where our parents wouldn't love us, they must've had they're reasons. And i'm sure we'll find out about it one day. No matter how long it takes. I just want you to know Spike, i'm glad you trusted me, you may be the one person that understands what i'm trying to process." Zane said looking at him who smiled lightly.
"Your welcome Zane.. i'm just glad to have friends, maybe one day we'll find them.. " Spike prayed as they followed the falcon to a new place, what they found shocked both of them, they found an old ship that was in the desert that looked ancient. It was extremely old yet nice looking at the same time, it had a dragon head at the very front, and looked like it could be a home.
"Holy Celestia.. this place is amazing.." Spike said in awe as they landed down at the newly discovered ship.
"This could be a new home for us all. Care to assist me in making some dinner as a surprise for the others?" Zane offered as they looked through the old place.
"That's if this place still works, let's see what we can make." Spike said positively as they went to make a little surprise dinner for the ninja.

Speaking of the ninja, they all were doing very poorly right now, they barely had any shelter after the Monastery was burned down, and barely had food to eat.
"W.. what are we eating again?" Kai asked curious as they had some strange food on sticks.
" Ugh.. Mud nute.. not bad for something that lives underground." Cole answered which disgusted Jay greatly.
"What?! Ugh!" Jay said in disgust throwing the food away before he tossed a rock into a can like it was a game with the dragons looking really tired.
"Yeah. New high.. s.. score!" Jay said shivering at the cold wind.
"Remember, we must be grateful for what we still have. " Wu encouraged trying to lighten the mood.

"What do we have? Our home is gone" Cole asked trying to eat.
"You know, i don't really miss our home, what i do miss is Zane and Spike, the kids barely started training with us, he must think we're big jerks for what we said back there.." Kai said regretfully sitting down.
"Yeah, i miss Zane and Spike, the kids already going through a rough time, we could've made it worse now.." Jay said regretfully as well.
"Zane and Spike?" Nya asked in a shocked tone as she saw something nearby.
"Yea, Zane and Spike. The white ninja and talking dragon? The dragon that's from a land of magical creatures?" Jay asked trying to remind her in case she forgot.
"No, Zane and Spike!" Nya shouted in joy as they all saw them finally making it back to them.
"Zane! Spike!!" They all said in relief as they all came up to the two of them.

"Oh guys, we're so sorry for everything we said back there, we're a team! And that means we all should be responsible." Jay said just glad to see them both.
"It's alright guys, i know you we're going through a rough time, we all are right now. I can understand this kind of action." Spike replied as this was something he can brush off.
"But what about those awful things we said to you two? Isn't that why you left?" Kai asked confused.
"Of course not, we saw the falcon again and followed him." Zane replied which interested them.
"And it led us somewhere really cool!" Spike said still amazed at what they found which made them chuckle.
"Well just know we're happy to have you two back." Nya said gratefully as they all hugged them.

"Why? Is it our turn to make dinner?" Zane joked which made them all laugh.
"Yes Zane, we would love for you two to make dinner." Wu said smiling at the two.
"But we already have, come, let's show you what we found." Zane said moving ahead.
"It's a really cool place!" Spike said excitedly which made them more interested on what they found.

Spike and Zane led the ninja through the desert as the sun was setting giving the sky a beautiful red looking look to it.
"I can't explain it, but i think i have a strange connection with the falcon, and i think he's trying to show us the path we need to take." Zane said moving along some more. They led them just a bit further until they finally came upon the ship they found.
"Our new home.." Zane announced which made all of them gasp in amazement.
"The Destiny's Bounty." Spike said proudly as all of them were so amazed seeing this new ship.
"Do i smell pie?!" Jay asked excitedly.
"Surprise!" Spike said dramatically which made them all laugh.
"I hope you all like it." Zane said as Jay had tears of joy.
"We love it!" Jay shouted as they all ran over to their new base to have a great dinner.

"I am proud of you both Zane and Spike, i promise we will find your family's one day." Wu assured looking at the two of them.
"But, we've already found them." Zane replied as the others ran onto the ship.
"One day we'll find out, but now, we should just enjoy things as they are." Spike said proudly.
"Spike, Zane, i feel there is more to you both then meets the eye, there is something special about you two." Wu said proudly which interested them.

"Sensei, could me or Spike become the Green Ninja?" Zane asked curiously with Spike eager to know as well.
"It's to early to tell, but if it's in your path, one of you will know. Come now, it would be a shame to let them eat all of that pie." Wu said as they started walking to the ship with Spike laughing at that.
"Yeah, it would, let's have a good night!" Spike said gladly as they all went to have a good dinner. Spike and the others were laughing as they started playfully throwing food at them like before.
"It's great to have friends." Spike said laughing with all of them as the camera zooms out of the ship, but we see a sad sight of Lloyd standing at the sight alone seeing the ninja have fun, Scales had managed to defeat the last general and took control, and now he was alone, he sighed to himself sadly as he walked away through the desert holding a strange looking map..

3: Snakebit

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The sun was rising once again in Ninjago, it had only been since last night that Spike and Zane found this ship called the Destiny's bounty, and it had become their main base of operation, they were looking to make upgrades for it soon, but it was a sitting ship for now.

Spike and the others were sleeping in their new room which had a few bunk beads that they all can use, they were sleeping soundly until Wu came in to wake up, hitting a loud gong repeatedly to wake them up.
"Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you!" Wu shouted which annoyed them all, Spike tried putting his pillow on his head to block out the noise, but it barely did much while the other's groaned as well.
"In order to reach your full potential, you must take each day as an opportunity!" Wu declared banging the gong even louder.

"Okay okay, we're up. But if you want us to reach our full potential couldn't we at least get a full night's rest" Kai asked tiredly getting out of his bed.
"And is it necessary to have a gong like that? We barely got 5 hours last night, the mattress barely helped at all .." Spike said yawning from the lack of sleep they got while stretching his back.
"Seriously, i think my back has more lumps then the mattress." Cole said in agreement popping his back too.
"We were up so late, talking about how cool it is to have a new headquarters i guess we lost track of time." Jay said as he went over to a sink and turned the knob which put dust on the brush but Jay didn't notice it yet.
"Since the Serpentine burned down the Monastery i'm just glad we have a roof over our heads.." Jay said right before he realized the dust in his mouth and spat it out in disgust while Zane was stretching out.

"What is our lesson today sensei? Mastering the strike of the Scorpion? Or perhaps three great.. gah!" Zane screamed as the ground collapsed beneath him.
"This place needs renovations.." Spike said annoyed helping him out.
"Spike is right, today's lessons should be chores." Wu declared which surprised all the ninja.
"Chores?!" They all asked at once in shock.
"Ninja fight sensei, we do not clean." Cole argued not liking this suggestion.
"In order to respect ourselves, we must respect our home, and where we are from. This place is a long way from becoming a ninja headquarters, i expect things to be spotless by the time i return, and put your backs into it!" Wu instructed banging the gong one last time before leaving.

"Ugh this place is gonna take forever to fix and clean up." Kai said annoyed looking at the dusty place.
"Unless we put more then our backs into it, eh?" Jay asked with a smirk which gave them all a great idea.
"This is gonna be fun." Spike said stretching his arms ready to go.

We cut to a cool montage of how Spike and the other's cleaned up the Bounty while Wu was gone, first off, Cole used his Spinjitzu to take out a bunch of old stuff they didn't need, and put it a good distance away from the ship and put it as a Garage Sale. Next up, Kai Zane and Spike cleaned up the rest of the room by Zane using his ice to freeze over the entire room, and Spike and Kai used their fire to melt it all away to make it good as new. Jay was seeing Kai and Cole trying to get the power working on this ship, and Jay saw a large looking generator which was powered down, and like you thought, he used his powers of lightning to transfer enough power into the ship and get all the power working properly. They all then opened up the sail to clear out more dust on the ship and Jay used his powers to send it far off the ship making the place seemingly brand new.
"A job well done guys!" Spike said proudly high fiving the ninja who were proud this was done as well.

Wu and Nya had finally gotten back from their little trip and saw Spike and the other's playing games on the Tv which was working perfectly now.
"What took you so long?" Kai asked turning his head to them.
"We got done a couple hours back." Spike added playing the game with them too.
"Wow! This place looks.. amazing! You guys did all of this?" Nya asked amazed looking around the place.
"Ninja don't just fight Nya, we clean!" Cole said positively taking his words back from earlier.
"Oh, you have exceeded my expectations. But can you keep it up?" Wu asked rubbing his beard until Nya heard something.

Nya looked out the window and saw a strange looking car driving at fast speeds to them with an old couple in it.
"Looks like we're about to have some visitors. And loud ones at that." Nya said which started to worry Jay.
"Oh it's my parents! Please if they start yapping, just don't get em going okay? They don't know when to quit, and if you start talking they'll start talking and it's like the day is gone before you know it!" Jay said worried while they all understood it already.
"We get it! They talk a lot, a cherry doesn't fall far from it's blossom." Kai said quietly a little worried himself.
"I'm sure it'll be alright Jay, come on, let's go see them." Spike said hanging up his controller and heading out the room with the others.

The couple known as Ed and Edna parked up to the front of the ship and saw the old junk Cole had put out from earlier and bumped into it.
"Oh, take a note Edna, either better brakes or a better bumper. Oh! Look at all this great stuff! They can't just get rid of it! We should've brought the trailer Edna." Ed said looking at the old stuff that was there.
"This ain't a flea market Ed, we're here for Jay." Edna replied which made him shake his head.
"Oh what was that? Did you take the note?" Ed joked not pretending to hear it.
"I'm taking the note now Ed." Edna said writing something down as Spike and the others came out to greet them.

"Mom! Dad! What are you doing here?" Jay asked nervously walking up to them.
"Oh look it's my baby boy! It's been so long since we've heard from you!" Edna said gleefully looking at him.
"Mom, i called you two days ago. " Jay replied a little annoyed right now.
"Well, it's not soon enough for us, when are ya.. coming out to the Junkyard? You say your coming and yet ya don't?" Ed asked curiously which made Spike look at Jay who was embarrassed.

"Dad, do we have to talk about the Junkyard in front of my friends?" Jay asked worried looking at all of them.
"He hates it when we tell people he was born in a junkyard. Oh! And who are you two! You are so cute!" Edna asked gleefully looking at Spike and Nya who were smiling back at them.
"I'm Spike, a new friend to the ninja, nice to meet you." Spike introduced shaking their hands.
"A talking dragon in Ninjago? I've seen many things in my life, but this may take the cake!" Ed said playfully shaking his next.
"Pleased to meet you, if you want, Jay can give you the tour if you wish? He worked very hard on it" Nya offered motioning to him.
"We'd love a tour!" They both said excitedly which made Jay sigh a little annoyed still.

Jay brought his parents around the Bounty to show them what they all had, Spike already liked these two, as they just seemed like really kind people, it just makes Spike wonder what his parents were ever like..
"And this is the bridge. This extends into a periscope. This tells us what's going on in Ninjago." Jay said going over to a device and looked through it before spinning it around.
"And this, if the Serpentine aren't giving answers we want, and we're up late at night.." Jay said now going over to a drinking machine.
"An audio appliance to make them talk?" Ed suggested amazed at this.
"No, it's a cappuccino machine." Jay corrected pouring a glass for himself.
"Haha amazing son! We're so proud of you!" Ed said really proud of him.

"Why don't you tell em about the button?" Cole asked moving over to a special looking one.
"Heh heh, it's not ready yet." Jay said a little annoyed with Cole.
"Ooh, what does it do?" Edna asked excitedly.
"He's working on a special defense system." Zane explained as Spike stood next to him and the others.
"Something every ninja headquarters needs!" Kai said confidently which amazed them even more.
"It's still unfinished, but it'll soon be something awesome." Spike said as he knew what this was.
"Really? What does it do? Can i help?" Ed asked curiously looking at it.

"Uh no, it's okay i don't need your help dad, let's just leave it alone. Hey look at the time! Don't you need to get back before it get's dark?" Jay asked pretending to have a watch.
"We told you, there's dangerous Serpentine out there." Jay warned bringing them to the door.
"Oh well.. i suppose we could get back.." Ed said a little said they had to go.
"Ed and Edna, it was a pleasure meeting you and hearing about Jay's first potty time." Cole teased patting Jay's back.
"It was nice meeting you too, glad we had this time." Spike said with a smile coming up as well.
"Oh if you think that's good, wait until you hear the time i caught him kissing his pillow!" Edna teased which made Jay groan even more with Spike snickering at that thought.
"Ugh, snakes mom, snakes!" Jay warned really wanting them to go now.
"Okay okay, we're going, we're going.." Edna said as the two began to walk out.

The sun was now setting outside again and the two were about to leave.
"You promise to come to the junkyard and visit your mother and father?" Edna asked as they were starting to back up.
"Yes, i promise, only if you leave. It's getting dark, and i don't want you to get hurt. Uh, your headlight's are working right?" Jay asked curiously, they got their answer when the headlights came on and it nearly blinded all of them.
"hehe, like em? Got them to use a little extra juice! Bye son, couldn't be more proud!" Ed shouted as they were beginning to drive off.
"Oh and bring Nya with you too, i can see why you like her. And Spike is just as cute, feel free to bring him too!" Edna shouted which made him embarrassed even more.
"Mom.." Jay said embarrassed as they finally left.
"Now that they have left, perhaps Jay can teach us the art of... kissing pillows.." Wu joked before all of them started laughing hard with Jay being more annoyed again.

Ed and Edna were driving through the long road leading far away from them.
"Uh i don't think he's coming dear.." Ed said a little worried on this.
"Stop it Ed, he's coming." Edna assured having hope that he would.
"Well, i'm sure he doesn't need us anymore.. We just have to remember that.. write it down for me would ya?" Ed asked looking at her.
"Okay dear, don't forget the lights. It's getting dark." Edna advised as the sun was setting making a beautiful orange and red sky.
"Right, thanks Edna.." Ed said as they turned on the headlights again and drove off to their home.

We cut to a strange dark looking forest where Lloyd was currently walking through, trying to find the next Serpentine Tomb.
"It's not scary, um.. maybe just a little scary, but.. i like scary yeah, that's it. I'm the son of the Dark Lord, i love the dark! I.. I eat this stuff for breakfast.. ah!!" Lloyd screamed as he saw a creepy looking tree within a dark graveyard but soon sighed in relief.
"I'm gonna make those Hypnobrai pay for betraying me, i have to find the Fangpyre's, if there's anything a snake doesn't like, it's another snake." Lloyd declared looking at the map once more before seeing a strange looking tomb.
"Here! by the mutated tree! I found it! Soon the Serpentine will know who they're master is, it will be I Lloyd Garmadon!" Lloyd said evilly before lightning flashed over him which scarred him once more.

Lloyd then bent down and pressed on a switch which opened up the tomb. Lloyd screamed in fear as dozens of red and white colored snakes jumped out of the tomb and was towered over by a 2 headed snake with another staff.
"And who.. might i say.. released us from our captivity?" The general asked with his 2 heads speaking each word separately.
"Uh Lloyd? I released you to make the Hypnobrai pay for betraying me." Lloyd said nervously as dozens of snakes looked at him.
"The Hypnobrai?.. Those hypnotizing deceivers.. it'll be.. our pleasure.." The 2 heads said once again.
"Oh, good, i'll lead the way. Then after that, there's ninja and a talking dragon i want dealt with." Lloyd said clutching his hand.
"Sounds like.. you know.. what you want. But the Hypnobrai are strong.. and we are few in numbers.. we need.. reinforcements.." The general hissed which interested Lloyd.
"What did you have in mind?" Lloyd asked curiously while the general hissed again knowing what to do.

Spike was trying to sleep back with the ninja once again, Spike's mind was still very clouded upon what's happening, he still doesn't know how to get home, and even if he finds a way, if he somehow has powers, he has to find a way to unlock them. Spike groaned as he tossed and turned in his bed, the other's were sleeping normally like nothing was wrong, but Spike couldn't sleep, and opened his eyes again not being able to sleep.

" Maybe i need some air.." Spike said to himself as he quietly got out of his bed and went out of the room. Spike carefully went through the halls of the Bounty, it was a really nice place to stay, even for a pirate ship, it had so many things the ninja could use for a base and home, definitely beats out the Monastery right now. Spike went out to the deck of the ship to look at the night sky.

Spike could see the moon shinning down upon the cold desert that could be seen for miles. It was a beautiful sight to be seen, even in other worlds.
"Luna? Are you watching over me like all the other's?" Spike asked as he knew Loona always was out for the night, it was said that she often looked down to people from the moon, it was only a legend, but Spike just liked to pray that she was watching over him within this strange world..
"How am i gonna train to be a ninja? My weapon isn't as strong as the ninja's, and i can't even do Spinjitzu yet. What does it take to become one?" Spike asked himself as he walked off the board, he decided to pay the dragons a little visit to make sure they're okay. They may be dragons from this world, but they were still dragons, his own kind.

Spike walked to a small custom staple the ninja made for the dragons, it wasn't as nice looking as the little home they had back at the Monastery, but it was something that could help them.
"Hey guys, you doing alright?" Spike asked looking at the tired dragons, they were stirred from trying to sleep, and saw Spike below them, he was tiny compared to them, but they were much different then what Garble and his crew were.
"Sorry to disturb you guys, but i just needed to think, all of this is just a lot to process you know?" Spike asked sitting down next to Jay's dragon, which put it's wing over Spike for comfort which Spike smiled at.
"Thanks, even if i'm from another world, dragons still care for the young right?" Spike asked them, they all made a small roar in response which could mean yes.

"Glad to know. I'm still not used to all of this, i may be training to be a ninja and all, and i definitely got more skill. But i can't just shake the feeling off, it makes me wonder how i even got powers like the others, and if i'll be of use to the team, it was like how i felt back home honestly.. i may have helped Twilight from time to time, but i never really got the chance to prove myself as a hero, she and the other's just have done so much more, and i was just on the sidelines, unable to help.. It just makes me afraid if i'll be the same here.." Spike confessed trying to make a spark of lightning with his claw, he could only make small sparks when it came to his new powers, even if was just a small reaction, he didn't know why he was dumping his feelings on these dragons, but even if they couldn't speak, they still showed concern for him.

After hearing this, the dragons looked at eachother and seemed to agree to something, Jay's dragon suddenly started to get up which surprised Spike.
"What? What's wrong?" Spike asked looking at it, the dragon made a small roar and motioned him to get on it's back.
"You want to take me somewhere? If it'll help in a way, let's go, tell the other's i'll be back soon please." Spike asked looking at the other's who nodded in response. Making his decision, Spike hopped on the dragon's back and held the chains, it soon spread open it's wings and launched off into the night sky, taking Spike to somewhere that could help..

Spike spent what he thought was a couple hours when traveling with Jay's dragon, seeing the world from so high up and seeing multiple places from above, it just made him feel so much smaller then he already is, it's a strange but nice feeling, it makes him wonder when he'll grow his own wings to fly like these ones. Spike yawned tiredly as the dragon seemingly flew forever to him.
"Are we almost there yet? We've been flying for hours." Spike asked tiredly looking at the dragon, it made a roar in response, which must mean it was asking him to be patient.
"Alright, i just hope we're almost there.." Spike prayed as the dragon kept flying through Ninjago, letting Spike see all it's large landmarks.

After some more flying, the dragon was seemingly flying towards a mountain, which was one of the tallest in this land from what he's seen. Spike held on tight as the dragon suddenly flew at faster speeds, seemingly speeding up by hundreds of miles.
"What are you doing?!" Spike screamed as the dragon was flying straight into the mountain. The dragon roared and started to twirl itself around, which was creating a drill of sorts with it's lightning. Spike screamed and braced himself as the dragon flew right into the wall, and flew right in the mountain. Spike flinched as he thought they crashed, but soon opened his eyes to see the dragon was flying through some sort of crystal cavern that was inside the mountain, it was a sight to behold, the crystals consisted of dozens of different colors, shinning on the walls through the cave making something truly special to see.

"Whoa.. what is this place?" Spike asked in awe as the dragon flew downwards to a special looking pond of sorts, the dragon soon finally landed down on the ground which meant they were here. Spike hopped off it's back and looked around the place with awe, it looked like an extremely ancient place, one that seemed to be as old as this land itself, he could even see drawings of dragons on the walls, and 2 huge dragons towering over the rest.
"Who are those supposed to be?" Spike asked as they didn't show any color, but the crystals colors shined down on them and one of the large dragons showed a purple scale color, with green spines..
"Wait.. is that..?" Spike asked in shock as he saw its colors, it seemed so similar to him, but that didn't make sense, Spike was born in Equestria, he should be from that world, how is that dragon similar to him.

"What is this place? Why did you bring me here?" Spike asked looking at the dragon, the dragon roared and motioned it's head towards the pond, it's water showing the reflection of the crystals. Spike let his curiosity get the better of him, and went over to look at himself through it's reflection, he saw himself, with a clear view from the water.
"What am i suppose to do here?" Spike asked as he put his claw on the water, but once he did, the water suddenly glowed brightly which shocked Spike.
"What?!" Spike shouted right before the water seemingly was pulling him in.
"Whoa!!" Spike screamed as his body was pulled into the water, making the golden light vanish for the time being..

Spike was gone for longer then he thought, as the sun was already up as we cut back to the Bounty where Jay was working on the defense system again.
"We sure got a lot of junk piling up if only there was a place where we can get rid of it." Kai joked walking with Zane who had scraps to get rid of.
"If you don't mind, i'm trying to focus." Jay replied trying to work until Cole held up a phone pretending to call someone.
"Hi mom and dad, of course i'd love to visit! What kind of son would i be if i didn't want.." Cole mocked which Jay mockingly chuckled at.
"eh hehe i know what your doing. Okay look i might have promised to visit my parents, but there's a lot of stuff on my plate." Jay said in defense until Nya opened the door and walked in too.

"Uh, hi Nya.." Jay said nervously as she walked to the others.
"You gonna visit your parents today?" Nya asked curiously which meant he had no way out of this.
" Uh sure am, just about to leave. And have you seen Spike? We can't find him anywhere?" Jay asked concerned as they didn't find him with them this morning.
"I don't know, Wu and i are searching too, hope he's okay." Nya said curious on where he is too.
"Perhaps he needed time to think to himself, maybe he went to see Ed and Edna for a nice talk, they do seem to like him." Zane suggested which might be true.
"Well if that's the case, let's see if we can find him there." Jay said as they all went out of the ship.

The ninja all went to where they're dragons were, but Jay noticed that not only was Spike gone, but his dragon was too.
"Oh what?! Did Spike and Wisp go on an evening flight or something? It couldn't have waited till tomorrow?" Jay asked annoyed trying to find his own dragon.
"I tried getting my dragon up, but it's not moving, is something wrong?" Kai asked concerned as Wu came out with a thermometer.
"Hmm, it's as i expected. The dragons are molting, they're shedding they're scales." Wu explained looking at Jay.
"What does that mean?" Jay asked concerned.

"Every adolescent dragon goes through a transformation before it becomes an adult. Perhaps that's why Spike is gone too. He and Wisp must've headed to the Spirit Coves early, so we must allow the others to go too." Wu explained looking at the other dragons.
"Will we ever see them again?" Jay asked concerned hearing this.
"It is hard to say, but we need to allow them to follow there path, especially Spike, he is special." Wu suggested.
"Rocky's going east? Say isn't it so right?" Cole asked worried rubbing his dragon's snout while the other's did so too.

"Well i guess i gotta go on this looong walk all by myself, i'd sure be nice to have company.." Jay said nervously looking at Nya.
"Of course we'll go buddy." Kai said getting in this.
"I could use a break." Cole added as the other's walked to him.
"All you had to do was ask." Zane added agreeing to this too, Jay sighed as this was a bit of a failed attempt again.
"If you see Spike again, take care of him until he's ready, he's barely a teen." Zane asked looking at Shard who roared in response. The dragons soon all got up and started heading to the Sprit Coves, for them to grow as their own being, while Wu and the other's took the long walk.
"Do you think Spike's gonna be alright with them?" Nya asked worried seeing them fly off.
"We must allow destiny to tell, let's just hope we see him soon.." Wu prayed as he started to play on the flute from before while they went to the Junkyard..

Spike gasped as he found himself waking up again, he didn't know how long he was in this place, but he just remembered him being pulled into this strange pond.
"Where.. where am i?" Spike asked looking around the place, he found himself within a golden void of sorts, he was floating in the air and couldn't see anything, or anyone.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" Spike asked as his words echoed through the void, he waited a few more seconds until he heard a soft calming voice.

"Hello Spike.." The voice said which shocked him.
"Who's there?" Spike asked turning around to try and find it, he got his answer as he saw the light form itself into a figure, one that looked kinda like Wu with the long beard and hat.
"Who.. who are you?" Spike asked worried as the figure walked to him in the air.
"Do not fear young dragon, i am not here to hurt you, i am here to talk." The figure said which interested Spike.

"Um.. okay? Who are you? What is this place?" Spike asked looking around the void.
"My name is of no importance, you are within the Pond of Light, a sacred place within the Spirit Coves, a place which all dragons go to and learn to grow when their time has come." The figure explained walking around him.
"Spirit Coves? At least i know the name. But.. why am i here?" Spike asked curious looking at him.
"I summoned you here to talk. I felt your presence enter this world a week back, it was sudden, but i foresaw something from you, a light that will shine in the darkest times." He explained which confused Spike hearing this.
"What do you mean? Does that mean.. i'm the Green ninja?" Spike asked shocked as this might be it.
"I'm afraid not, that fate is for someone else, someone you'll grow closer with, i sensed a light that is just as strong from you. And wanted to let you begin your path to unlocking it." He explained more as he got out a tea pot.

"Tea?" He offered pouring a cup for Spike.
"Um.. sure.." Spike said taking it, he didn't know how this figure could drink, but he guesses it's because of how this world works, the figure took a sip himself before beginning to explain.
"So, to start things off. I felt a great power within you, one deep down that's waiting to be unlocked, and i've seen you tap into them through the Golden Weapons.." The figure said while Spike reflected on him using those weapons.
"Yeah, they did help a little, but i only felt a small bit of strength from them, how is it that i can feel these powers now when i couldn't before?" Spike asked curious taking a sip of the tea which tasted nice.
"It may have been caused when you fell into this world, the Golden Weapons are strong yes, but they can only truly be tapped in with their specific Elemental Master, meaning you won't be able to unlock your potential from just using them." He explained once more which concerned him.

"If that's true.. then how am i gonna unlock my powers? How am i gonna become a ninja and find my way home? If i can't prove myself with these weapons, what can help me?" Spike asked worried looking at him.
"What lies within you, always has a way to be unlocked.." The figure said as it raised it's hands in the air. A bright light suddenly shone in his hands and forged into something which blinded Spike for the moment.
When the light died down and Spike opened his eyes again, they widened in both shock and amazement. The figure formed a Golden Trident which looked like the other weapons the others had, it had sharp edges on the tips, really looking like it can cut through the toughest materials.

"What.. what is that?" Spike asked in awe looking at it.
"This is the Trident of Elements, a secret Elemental weapon that i forged for the one that was worthy to use it, it will help anyone with powers begin to tap into them, not fully right away, but it is the first step to becoming a Master of Spinjitzu. And now.. it is your path to take.." The figure explained lowering the Trident down for Spike to take.
"What? I can't take that, surely this is a mistake right?" Spike asked in shock not believing this, the figure chuckled and only held it closer.
"No, it was meant for you Spike. Someone special like you has a long path to take, but know that you won't be alone, you will have your friends by your side, take it.. your destiny lies with it.." The figure offered again holding it out.

Spike tried processing this, this was a seemingly powerful weapon that was being handed to him by what could be this worlds God, who's saying that this weapon will unlock his powers and begin his journey to prove himself. If this is the case.. he has to use it responsibly.
"If.. your certain.. i promise i'll use it responsibly, and unlock my powers when the time is right.." Spike swore holding his claw out to take it.
"I couldn't have said it any better myself.." The figure replied which made Spike smile, finally confident with this, he put his claws out and took the Trident.

Upon grabbing it, the Trident glowed brightly which started to engulf Spike's body with a golden light.
"What is this?!" Spike asked shocked as the light engulfed him, the light seemed to form something on Spike's body as it shone on him, and it soon finally died down again. When it went away, Spike was now shown to be waring a new ninja outfit, one that consisted of green and purple fabric that were on certain parts of the suit, it had armor plating on it that was golden as well, and had gold stars on it with a dragon shooting out the different elements like the other's suits.
"Whoa.." Spike said in awe seeing this awesome new ninja suit he had.
"Your path is set Spike, over time you will unlock your powers, it will take time, but you will find your destiny. Use this power well Spike." The figure said giving Spike a respectful bow and Spike did so in return.

"Thank you sir, i won't let you down. But one question.. how will i get back to the other's?" Spike asked curious trying to find a way out. The figure chuckled and stepped out of the way.
"Take this door, it will lead you right to where they are, there will be a lot of explaining to do i'm sure." The figure said as a door formed in front of him which opened and had a light shine through it.
"Amazing.. thank you for all of this, i may not know who you are, but i can tell your something else, if we ever meet again, i hope it's when i know what my path is." Spike said looking at the figure as he began to walk to the door.
"I hope so too Spike, your path will be a long one, but all will be revealed in time, just try not to overuse them, powers are not ones to be toyed with." The figure asked which Spike nodded in response from.
"Don't worry, i will, give Wisp my thanks for bringing me here, i hope i see him again soon." Spike said about to leave through the door.
"You will one day Spike, you will.." The figure said as Spike disappeared through the door and his vision faded to white.

Spike felt the wind fly past him as he opened his eyes.
"Where.. where am i?" Spike asked looking around the place, he found himself within the skies, and was.. falling?
"Wait.. what?!" Spike asked suddenly regaining focus, Spike looked below him and screamed as he suddenly found himself falling to the Bounty just as the ninja were running to it too.
The ninja were heading on board with Ed and Edna after they were almost turned into Snakes from the Fangpyre.
"Hey, does anyone hear screaming?" Ed asked concerned which they all heard was getting louder.
"I hear it too, where is it?" Jay asked looking around the place, Spike screamed even more as he fell down at fast speeds, and landed on the Bounty making a loud crash on the floor.

The other's all looked surprised and quickly ran over to check it out, they all had a look of shock when they saw Spike, in a ninja suit, with a Golden Trident on the ground, seemingly dizzy and having multiple dragons fly around his head while he groaned in pain.
"Spike?! Where did you come form?!" Cole asked shocked helping him up.
"And where did you get that suit and weapon?!" Jay asked amazed looking at his new equipment.
"It's a long story.. what did i miss?" Spike asked shaking his head to get his focus back.
"That is also a long story, speaking of which, we better get moving now!" Zane shouted as they could see large vehicles in the distance.
"Right! Come on guys!" Kai shouted as they ran into the bridge.
"Come with me, once we reverse the venom we can fix you." Nya said looking at the two parents who were almost turned into snakes.

"Man the stations, everyone!" Jay shouted as they ran in the room to get ready to go.
"Jay? We better hurry!" Kai shouted as the snakes were getting closer in transformed vehicles.
"I've been waiting for this moment." Jay said confidently as he pressed on the button, but nothing seemed to happen which worried them all.
"They're gaining on us!" Kai shouted as they were getting even closer, Nya handed Ed and Edna two cups to cure them from the venom.
"Bottoms up!" Ed shouted as they drank the cure and they're bodies glowed as they were turned back to normal finally.

"Ugh! I don't get it! I worked forever on this it's suppose to work!" Jay said annoyed while Ed went up to him.
"Uh son? Maybe i can help?" Ed offered again which made Jay gasp in shock.
"Dad! your okay!" Jay said in relief seeing him normal again.
"Ha, your darn tooting! Ah let's have a look here.. just a few twinks here and.. that should do it! Now try it!" Ed said looking at Jay who pressed on the button once again.

This activated the ships new defense system, which made it's sail spread out wide and activate strong rocket boosters on the sides which they all worked to install, the rockets ignited and soon started to lift the ship in the air making it begin to fly making all the sand blow far away from it.
"No no no no!!!" Lloyd shouted with anger before he coughed roughly as the sand blinded him and the general. The ship roughly backed up which made Nya tip over and drop the staff out of the ship and land back on the ground.
"Come on guys, let's go!" Spike shouted as the ship took of finally letting them escape from the snakes. The helicopter the general and Lloyd on lowered down to the staff for them to take it.
"These ninja.. have to be stopped!" He said with anger while Lloyd brushed his eyes.
"Ugh.. tell me about it.." Lloyd said annoyed that they got away again.

The ship was flying naturally through the skies now, Spike was with Wu and the other ninja explaining to him on what had happened.
"And then, i was given this Trident to begin the path of unlocking my potential, this guy never gave me his name, but he looked like Wu in ways, i don't know who he was, but i can tell he had good intentions. I may not be the Green ninja, but he said i'm meant to fight alongside him one day when he's revealed. Sorry for leaving you guys like that, but Wisp needed to show me this." Spike explained while Wu and the other's listened with awe.
"Fascinating, not only did you get a unknown 5th Elemental weapon, but you also met someone who may be stronger then all of us." Zane said fascinated looking at Spike's trident.
"Hmm.. this is quite the development, while i'm sure this is the beginning for you, i must admit even i didn't expect this. But i know you'll make us proud with what your starting to show Spike." Wu said with a smile looking at him.
"Thanks guys, i won't disappear like that again, i promise you that, whatever destiny awaits me, i just hope this will be my first step to take." Spike said looking at his Trident.
"It will, and know you'll have us to help you." Cole said high fiving him while all of them were glad to know what's happened, while still eager to know more in the future.

Jay was looking over the skies to make sure they were safe.
"We'll get you back to the junkyard as soon as the coast is clear, but stay as long as you'd like. It's nice having you here." Jay said with a smile, just glad his parents were safe.
"Oh, take a note Edna, of all our inventions, this one is our greatest." Ed said proudly putting his arm over Jay's shoulder.
"Oh, i already know dear.." Edna said as they both hugged Jay close while Spike and Wu looked at this and smiled as well, but Spike's mind was still clouded by one thing, that drawing he saw in the cave, if that dragon looked similar to him, what will this mean for him in the future? He just hopes with this new weapon and his friends, he'll find out one day..

4: Never Trust a Snake

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We open to a shot of the desert where the familiar falcon was flying on screen and onto a wire, the falcon suddenly turns to the camera so say something.
"Wake up Zane, i know where you come from." The falcon said ominously before Zane hit his head from waking up taking heavy breaths. Zane looked out the window and saw the falcon flying outside the ship which caught his attention, he soon went over to the bridge and found Nya and Wu working on their problem.

"The hunt starts early today." Zane said looking at Wu who had a map.
"A watchful eye never sleeps." Wu replied as the clouds were moving around strangely outside..
"As long as Lloyd and the Serpentine roam freely, no one in Ninjago is safe." Nya said seriously as the falcon was just outside.
"Where are Spike and the other's?" Zane asked curiously.
"Training on the upper deck." Wu replied giving him his answer.

Zane proceeded to go out to the deck and saw Spike training with his new Trident, which fascinated Zane with what they know about it.
"I see you are taking putting most of your day into training, that Trident must have something special within it." Zane said walking up to Spike.
"It must, i won't know what it is if i don't all of my heart into it, if i'm gonna be a ninja, i gotta learn to tap into my powers." Spike said trying to make another spark of lightning in his hands.
"It will take time, but your progress is going along greatly." Zane complimented which Spike smiled at.
"Thanks.." Spike said gratefully before they suddenly heard the falcon squawk again and saw it looking down at them.

"You were in my dream little friend, last time we saw you, you lead us to good fortune, what reason have you returned?" Zane asked curious.
"Is there something important we need to know?" Spike asked curiously as well. The falcon soon flew off the ship while Spike and Zane watched it curiously, but something felt off as they felt a dark presence coming behind them.
"Lord Garmadon! But you were banished!" Zane said as they saw him behind them.
"Only to return to retrieve the Golden Weapons, soon i will have the power to recreate Ninjago, in my own image!" Garmadon shouted as he drew two blades and slashed at them.

Spike slid under the swords while Zane flipped above them and they drew they're Golden Weapons.
"Give me your shuriken's of ice!" Garmadon demanded looking at Zane's weapons.
"You'll have to take them from us, Ninja go!!" Zane shouted as he used his Spinjitzu to try and attack Garmadon.
"Ninja.. go!!" Spike screamed as he charged up his Trident and shot a lightning blast at Garmadon and knocked him down.
"Impressive, a 5th Golden Weapon, even i've never heard of it, it makes me wonder which one i'll take from you!" Garmadon shouted as he charged at Spike again.
"How about none?!" Spike shouted with rage as he blocked his swords with his weapon and sweeped his legs, Garmadon was about to attack them once more until something jumped into the scene, a strange green tornado picked up Spike and Zane and put them somewhere safe.

"What?" Spike asked shocked as the tornado faded away and it showed someone in the Green Ninja suit.
"The Green ninja! The Legend is true!" Zane said amazed as this figure threw a large crate at Garmadon that was like Cole's own strength.
"Awesome.." Spike said in awe as they watch Garmadon fight him. Garmadon threw his swords at the ninja and it deflected them away, it then used Spinjitzu again to block more attacks before it began to rapidly punch at Garmadon, he then flipped over Garmadon and pulled out Jay's weapon and charged them up before Garmadon tried one last strike which resulted in the ninja sending him flying off the ship into the skies.
"That was incredible.." Spike said amazed putting his weapon away, they both turned to the ninja who's eyes were on fire, and had the falcon on his shoulder.
"Who are you? Kai? Is that you?" Zane asked confused before they both saw falcons suddenly appearing all over them.
"What is this? Who are you Green Ninja?" Zane asked as his words echoed through the void before his dream finally woke him up for real this time making him hit the bed above him.

"Whoa, you okay Zane? You sure your fine with sleeping on the bottom bunk?" Spike asked helping him out of the bed.
"I'm.. i'm fine.. thanks Spike.." Zane said still in shock from what he just saw.
"Sleeping in huh? Your gonna be late for training." Jay joked at how much he slept last night.
"How come no one awakened me?" Zane asked tiredly looking at them.
"We didn't know if you wanted us to, you looked like it was some dream." Kai answered while Spike was getting some water.

"How do i know this isn't a dream.." Zane asked curious before Cole hit him with his pillow to make sure.
"Did that feel like a dream?" Cole joked which made all of them chuckle.
"No, thank you for your help." Zane replied before all of them just laughed it off.
"Rise and shine buddy.." Spike said helping him up as they all got ready for this next day of training.

They all got into their ninja outfits again and went out to the deck to begin, Spike still loved how cool his ninja suit looked, it was one of the first signs he's growing and becoming closer to being a ninja, and he'll only grow more each day.
"Hehe, a little slow today huh? What were you dreaming about" Kai asked looking at Zane who was still shooken.
"I saw the falcon again." Zane answered which interested all of them.
"Whoa, every time you and Spike see that bird something big happens, first it led you to the secret treehouse." Jay pointed out as Wu walked on the deck.
"Then it led you two to the Bounty." Cole added before Wu decided to begin.

"Alright, stretches, first, the Swooping Crane." Wu instructed getting in a specific pose.
"Did that dream show anything else this time?" Spike whispered curiously to Zane.
"Yes, this time i was shown the Green Ninja." Zane revealed which amazed them.
"The Green Ninja?!" They all asked shocked which got Wu's attention.
"That looks more like the Shocked Monkey. Bad form, more focus." Wu instructed before turning around again.

"You can't just drop a bomb like that, spill the beans!" Jay whispered eager to know.
"What else did you see?" Kai asked interested.
"He was fighting Lord Garmadon." Zane answered once again.
"That's what the prophecy said, that the Green ninja would defeat the Dark Lord. But did happen to see which one of us was him?" Kai asked eager with the others wanting to know too.
"I could not tell, he possessed attributes each one of us possesses" Zane answered making the mystery more interesting.

"Now, Pinching Crab." Wu instructed again getting in another pose.
"Well tell us everything, there has to be a clue that tells us which one of us is gonna be the Green.. ow ow ow ow!" Kai said in pain as Wu had enough and grabbed his spiky hair.
"What was so important to ignore my teachings?" Wu asked upset at this.
"Sorry master.." Spike said giving a respectful bow while the others tried making an excuse.

"Since you all appear to be lacking the focus, then you can all share in the punishment." Wu declared which made all of them groan in annoyance.
"I was merely answering they're questions!" Zane said in defense, but Wu wasn't having it.
"No free time and no video games, the rest the day can be used for training, and tomorrow for that matter." Wu declared once more.
"What?!" Spike asked shocked as even this was a little harsh.
"Training?! For how long?!" Kai asked shocked as Wu began to leave.

"Until you can answer this simple riddle, what is the best way to defeat an enemy?" Wu asked which made all of them try to give an answer, but none of them were correct.
"Pace yourselves, you have a lot of training ahead of you. Patience sharpens your mind, as well as your Spinjitzu, Spike doesn't even know it yet, it's best he takes this time to try and learn it." Wu instructed before leaving them alone, Cole sighed sadly and went to get a staff.
"What's the best way to defeat an enemy? It could be anything." Cole asked as the equipment activated for Spike and the other's to begin.
"How am i supposed to learn Spinjitzu with this mystery blocking my focus?" Spike asked flipping over the dummy's on the spinning devices.
"I don't know Spike, but we all may find out if we hear more about this dream." Kai said walking up to Zane.
"Yeah, this could help, what else did you see?" Spike asked curious looking up at him.
" Let me just say, the Green Ninja is awesome!" Zane said amazed as he proceeds to tell them what he saw.

We cut to a shot on a snowy mountain where Lloyd was leading a charge against the Hypnobrai after recruiting the Fangpyre. The Serpentine turned vehicles approached upon the Hypnobrai army as they were close to battle.
"Now the Hypnobrai will know what happens when they betray me, Lloyd Garmadon!.. uh.. do your thing Fangpyre, i let you out of your hole for a reason." Lloyd said a little nervous still.
"Attack!" Fangtom ordered and all the Fangpyre charged at them, but when the tribes came face to face with eachother, Scales and Fangtom both stopped the charge.
"Scales my old chum!... i did not think i'd be fighting you!" Fangtom said surprised that he was the General now.
"If it isn't the Fangpyre! Of all the cold blooded to creep up on us, i am glad that it is a friend!" Scales said glad to see them which shocked Lloyd greatly.

"Wait, i thought you were enemy's, not friends!" Lloyd said shocked as they all looked at him.
"We were at war... but seeing Scales is now leading them... well i don't see why we can't become them!" Fangtom explained which just confused Lloyd.
"Had you released the Constrictai, the Venomari, or heaven forbid the Anacondrai, then we would've had a tussle." Scales explained which Lloyd found upsetting.

"A tussle? A tussle? But i'm Lloyd Garmadon! Bringer of evil!" Lloyd shouted upset at this.
"He he, what should we do with him?" Scales asked looking at Fangtom.
"I could turn him into one of us." Fangtom suggested which scarred Lloyd greatly.
"Mmm nah the little kid is pretty useless." Scales replied which made him laugh.
"What if you hypnotize him, and make him think he's a pig?" Fangtom suggested which made Scales chuckle.
"That would be pretty funny!" Scales replied which made Lloyd have enough. Lloyd quickly tried to escape the dozens of Serpentine approaching him, he tried to climb up on one of the Serpentine vehicles, but that was sentient and it flung it's tail high above it which sent Lloyd flying far away from the army while screaming.
Lloyd kept screaming as he flew far away from the snakes and landed face first in the snow and grumbled with annoyance as he got out of it.

Spike and the others were still at the Bounty listening to Zane's tale as he was just finishing up on the story.
"And his fist was on fire." Zane finished which amazed them all.
"How was i able to talk with you like that?" Spike asked curious on this.
"Perhaps it is because the bond you and i forged, and with your new Golden Trident, it may have impacted the vision in a way." Zane suggested as Spike pulled out his trident.
"I'm still confused on how to use this thing, how were you guys able to tap into them?" Spike asked looking at the other ninja's weapons.
"Part of that reason is that we focused our minds, i'm sure if you push past any fear that's holding you back, you could forge an awesome vehicle like our own." Cole suggested looking at his Scythe.

"You can forge vehicles with these things?! What kind?!" Spike asked excitedly looking at his weapon.
"Any kind from what we thought of, from Jet's to Tanks, to Motorcycles, just try and picture what you'd wanna ride on." Kai suggested which amazed him.
"Perhaps your vehicle will be different based on your Elemental power, you have 4 from what we know by now, and if you have even more, you could forge something special from them." Zane suggested as well which made things more exciting.
"Focus your mind.. try and tap into the weapons power.." Spike told himself as Wu had finally come out and saw them talking.

"Since you are talking instead of training, you must've already found an answer to my riddle. What is the best way to defeat your enemy?" Wu said which got the ninja's attention. Spike thought over on what the ninja told him, and what lessons he's learned about Friendship from Celestia, if the ninja's suggestions of fighting isn't correct, maybe..
"Um.. to focus your mind, and make them your friend sensei?" Spike suggested which confused them a little.
"Make them your friend Spike, really?" Jay asked confused at this.
"What? Friendship was one of the biggest lessons i knew back in Equestria." Spike said in defense.
"Come on, making them your friend couldn't possibly..." Kai said before Wu interrupted him.

"You are correct Spike, it is to make them your friend." Wu replied which shocked them all.
"Whoa what?!"" Cole asked shocked hearing that Spike was right.
"There is more to defeating an enemy then violence, i see Spike was clearly taught good lessons back home, i hope you all take in those lessons too ninja." Wu explained while they were all shocked still.
"Oh..." They all said at once while Spike had a smug look on him.
"Thank you Twilight." Spike said gratefully glad he was right.

Lloyd was currently traveling through the dessert and was holding up the Serpentine Tomb map he had.
"Had you released the Constrictai, the Venomari, or heaven Forbid the Anacondrai, we would've surely had a tussle." Lloyd mocked in an annoyed tone at that memory, but when he pulled the map down, he saw a large looking tomb that looked like a fang.
"I found it!" Lloyd said in surprise as he quickly ran up to the door to open it.
"The Anacondrai, the most feared and powerful Serpentine of them all! If they're afraid of the Anacondrai, then the Anacondrai is what they're gonna get!" Lloyd said making an evil laugh as he opened the doors.

The doors to the tomb were finally opened, and the place was filled with nothing but a faint light, and skeletons of tons of different snakes from the looks of it. Lloyd was a little nervous when he walked through here, but something appeared behind him and scarred him as it was revealed to be one of the Anacondrai.
"My sincerest apologies young man, do to my unfortunate appearance i tend to have an unsettling affect on people. I believe you dropped this, there you are.." The snake said handing Lloyd his flashlight.
"Uh.. thank you.. what happened to the other's?" Lloyd asked nervously looking at the skeletons.
"Oh those poor unfortunate souls. Locked away for years, must've starved away until they were nothing but scales and bones. And who might you be my little appet... uh.. friend?" The snake asked looking down at him.

"Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon, and future dark ruler." Lloyd said dramatically which made him chuckle.
"Oh how deliciously evil! If i had feet, i would be trembling in my boots." The snake said laughing at that answer.
"And uh.. who are you?" Lloyd asked curious still.
"I am Pythor P. Chumsworth, and since you freed me, i am eternally in your service." Pythor said with a smug on his face.
"Really?.. your not gonna trick me?" Lloyd asked still suspicious of him.
"Oh why would i trick you? I hardly have any friends." Pythor said looking around the empty tomb.

"Whoa, i hardly have any friends too!" Lloyd said surprised a little.
"You don't say?" Pythor replied with a playful smile.
"Hey, why don't you become my loyal henchman? I've been betrayed by both the Hypnobrai and the Fangpyre, so i'm looking for a little revenge on them and some ninja as well as a talking dragon too." Lloyd said as Pythor saw the little map he had.
"I love revenge!" You know Floyd?" Pythor asked slithering up to him.
"It's Lloyd." Lloyd corrected as Pythor took his hand.
"Whatever.. i have a feeling this is the start of a beautiful friendship.." Pythor said as they began to leave the tomb together.

We cut back to the bounty once again where Spike and the other's were training still, despite them not having to train so much now since they got the riddle right, Spike was still needing to train to master his powers and weapon. Spike was twirling his Trident around quickly as he was getting a hang on the reflexes that comes with it.
"So, i gotta ask guys, when it comes to reflexes, how good are yours?" Spike asked as he swung it around while the other's watched him.
"Well, it mainly depends on the situation we're having, and it also could depend on the weapon we use. While i have good strength and hit hard, my reflexes aren't that fast because i wield such a heavy weapon. So even with your Trident, there ill be more to how you react when fighting with it." Cole explained holding out his weapon along with the other's.
"Cole is right Spike, defense is meaningless if you don't know how to use it, it also depends on how we approach the battle too, whether or not it's from stealth, full out attack, or defense and waiting for the right moment." Zane added while Spike tried to use one of his powers.

"And what about your powers? What helps you use them?" Spike asked trying to spark up some lightning.
"Well, that mainly is thanks to our weapons, we wouldn't be able to use our powers without them, and i'm sure your weapon will help you further too." Jay said pulling out his chucks.
"You mean you can't use your powers on your own? What if you lose them one day? if you don't know how to use your powers without them, then taking down the enemy would be far harder." Spike suggested trying to focus his lightning while the other's thought about that.
"He has a point guys, we may not hold onto these forever, our powers can be strong with them, but maybe we can find a way to be stronger when we don't have them." Kai replied looking at them who were interested as well.

"Huh, that's honestly a good point, guess we all learn something from eachother huh?" Cole asked as Spike was focusing even harder which they noticed.
"Don't try to hard Spike, move at your own pace, and that'll help you uncover them." Zane advice which Spike listened to. Spike stopped trying so hard and began to calm down, Spike a took breath and focused himself.
"Focus.." Spike told himself as he placed his hands on his trident, Spike began to focus his mind into the weapon, letting the lightning flow through them both, Spike felt the lightning coursing through him, and that's when he finally started tapping into it. Spike groaned as he his claws were sparking up with lightning, and that made the weapon react to it by having Lightning surround it too while the ninja watched with shock.

"Whoa, he's actually doing it!" Kai said amazed as Spike channeled the power even more, he could feel the lightning tingling his whole body, and it only grew stronger the more he held it in, and he knew he had to let it out. Spike groaned even more as his entire body lit up with lightning, and he opened his eyes showing the pupils became pure light blue with cackles flowing through the veins.
"You can do it Spike! Focus!" Zane encouraged as Spike raised the weapon in the air, Spike focused the power into the weapon to deliver a strong strike, he made a loud cry of anger as he jumped into the air, and with one move, he slammed the Trident down which sent a shockwave of lightning across the deck which even shocked the ninja, both figuratively and literally making them groan in pain while having smoke come out from them.
"I think he focused to hard.." Cole said coughing at the collateral damage that just happened.

Spike breathed heavily as his body returned to normal and he fell on his knees from using that power, it was draining, but it was something else to say the least.
"Spike? Are you alright?" Jay asked as they came up to him.
"I'm.. fine.. that move took a lot out of me.. at least i was able to tap into the lightning affectively.." Spike said breathing heavily as he tried to get up.
"Your focus was strong Spike, if you keep that up, you'll be able to master it without trouble, you did great Spike." Cole said patting his back which made him smile.
"Yes, you were good Spike, but you mustn't channel so much at once, if you deliver a strike like that in battle, and the enemy is still going, you will lose." Zane advised while Spike was recovering still.
"Yeah, i'll keep that in mind.. thanks guys.." Spike said gratefully as he stood up again, finally recovering from the attack.

But they're talking was stopped once again when they heard the alarm went off which alerted them.
"What's that?!" Spike asked worried at the loud alarms.
"Who knows? Let's check it out!" Kai shouted as they ran into the deck of the ship to find where the problem was coming from while Nya had been monitoring it.
"What's going on Nya?" Spike asked worried waiting for the instructions.
"Lloyd and a Serpentine have taken over Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys." Nya reported having a worried look.
"Hmph, that place is an asset pool for the crooked and the misbehaved." Jay said annoyed clutching his fist.
"Well that doesn't mean they need our help, step on it!" Cole ordered ready to fight, Zane went over to the button and pressed on it, this activated the ships thrusters once again, it's sail spread out wide and it began to float, Spike and the others got on they're ninja outfits and we're ready to go.
"Ninja go!!" They all shouted with determination as the thrusters took off and the ship went flying through the sky's at fast speeds heading towards the school.

We now cut to the boarding school Lloyd and Pythor had taken over for revenge of Lloyd being rejected, Lloyd and Pythor skated around the place after everyone was tied up.
"Hey, how are the booby traps?" Lloyd asked looking up at Pythor.
"Every door, window and hole in this place, are spring loaded!" Pythor reported having a proud look.
"Again, i'm sick of those ninja sneaking they're way into my evil headquarters.." Lloyd said annoyed as they skated through the place even more.

Spike and the ninja arrived at the boarding school and were directly above it.
"Looks quiet down there, should we infiltrate using stealth?" Zane asked as he and Spike looked down from below.
"I don't think so, he's most likely got traps over the place." Spike replied trying to figure something out too.
"What about using our Golden weapons and turn them into vehicles?" Kai asked walking up to them while Cole was working on his.
"I'm still working on the kinks on that, plus Spike's still gotta get one of his own, any other good ideas?" Cole asked looking over them.
"Hmm.. well, i have one idea, but you guys gotta trust me." Jay replied which worried some of them.
"Oh, i don't think i like the sound of this.." Kai said nervous on what he's planning.
"It's something we're not gonna do again probably.." Spike added shaking his head on this idea he's having.

Lloyd and Pythor went up to the rooftop to be on the lookout for them.
"Relax, we've made the perfect trap. We're in broad daylight so there isn't any shadows. But even if they could get in.." Pythor said right before something moved by far below them.
"What was that?!" Lloyd asked worried on what they saw, Pythor aimed a cannon they had to where they found it, he shot a net from the cannon far off the roof and it landed to where the creature was, but they saw it was only a lizard who escaped from the net when the dust cleared.
"Um.. yeah.. good uh.. good reflexes.. i was just testing you.. if i know these ninja, they're cleverly sneaking past us at this very moment." Lloyd said while Pythor shook his head a little annoyed.

Spike and the other's were ready to do Jay's plan, which Spike already saw was terrible.
"Are you sure this is a good idea Jay?" Spike asked scarred as they hung onto the anchor from the bounty trying not to fall off.
"Just hold on tight guys!" Jay shouted before he turned to Nya to give her the signal, Nya was on the bridge and pressed the button that made the anchor lower at fast speeds. Spike and the ninja screamed in fear as the anchor went down so fast even Lloyd and Pythor barely saw it coming and rolled out of the way as the anchor went crashing through all the floors of the boarding school.
Spike and the other's groaned as they were recovering from the long and fast fall.
"Okay, let's agree to never do that again." Cole suggested which the others agreed to.
"Absolutely." Spike replied rubbing his head from the fall, they heard muffled voices and they saw two skeletons and the kids of the school were all tied up.

Cole raised up his Scythe and all the kids looked really scarred before Cole cut off the rope and freed them all.
"Stay out of school kids!" Cole said as they all ran out of the room while Cole turned to the Skeletons.
"Well well well, Cruncha and Knuckle. Substitute teachers huh? If we cut you down, we better not catch you hanging around Ninjago again." Cole said as they both were muffled from duck tape.
"Or else.." Cole said right before he cut them free making them fall on they're faces before they got up and quickly ran away.
"Heh, talking skeletons, that's not that new to be honest." Spike said casually as they ran out of the room.
"He's on the top floor, let's get him!" Kai shouted as they saw Lloyd at the top of the roof which started to worry him.
"Ninja go!!" They all shouted as some of them used Spinjitzu, and Spike ran out of the room with Jay.

Zane and Kai used Spinjitzu to move up the stairs while Cole climbed up the chain, a small bell was heard and Spike and Jay flipped into an elevator. They both stood by eachother's side and waited for it to arrive at the top while relaxing music plays.
"Not a bad elevator tune." Spike complimented which Jay agreed to.
"Totally agree on that." Jay replied as they high fived eachother. Pythor was waiting in the classroom for the ninja and had placed a trap for them, Kai and Zane went all the way up the stairs and kicked open the door to the room, but that caused a bucket full of slime to cover them up which stopped they're progress.
"I.. can't move!" Zane said shocked as he and Kai tried to escape while Pythor laughed evilly along with Lloyd.

But Cole was climbing up even more and Lloyd was starting to get scarred as he was getting closer. Spike and Jay were still waiting in the elevator and we're starting to get bored from the wait.
"A little slow though.." Spike added as he and Jay were starting to fall asleep but kept eachother awake. Cole came upon the classroom Pythor was in and got ready to fight, but Pythor pulled on a rope that made him trip over, causing a massive dust cloud to come from the damage making him cough in response. The elevator bell rung and Spike and Jay flipped out.
"Finally, that was way longer then needed!" Spike said drawing his Trident.
"ugh, he's got a Serpentine with him, watch out for booby traps!" Cole warned as Spike helped him up.
"Eh.. that's one big snake!" Jay said with fear as he saw Pythor slither out of the room.
"Come on, let's get them!" Spike shouted as they ran after the two.

Lloyd was running around the rooftop in fear as Pythor got back up to the top.
"They're coming! They're coming! They're coming!!" Lloyd screamed in fear as Pythor closed a hatch to stop them for a bit. They hoped the board would stay closed but it was burst open and Jay and Spike came out with they're weapons drawn.
"Shocked to see us?" Jay asked as they charged up they're lightning.
"That was pretty bland as a pun." Spike replied charging up his powers.

"Do something!" Lloyd ordered while they backed up, but Pythor looked down at the map he had and took it while chuckling evilly.
"Wh.. what are you doing? I thought you were my friend!" Lloyd asked in fear as Pythor opened it up.
"All you wanted to do was to make the Serpentine your slaves! Well sorry my dear boy, i have other plans.." Pythor said before he suddenly vanished before them.
"Whoa.. that's pretty cool honestly.." Spike said a little shocked that he was just gone like that. Lloyd backed up from them all in fear as the Bounty lowered down with Wu and Nya walking onto the roof.

"Lloyd Garmadon! You come here right now!" Wu ordered upset at the trouble he's caused.
"I got em!" Jay said as he picked up Lloyd over his shoulder making him really scarred.
"Hey, let me go!" Lloyd whined as the ninja got to the rooftop.
"What should we do with him? Wash his mouth out with soap, for a year?" Cole suggested.
"Ground him indefinitely?" Kai suggested as well.
"Have him sit in a corner for a century?" Zane suggested too, but Spike didn't like that, as he knew Lloyd was very young.
"Guys, that's to harsh even for you, what should we do with him sensei?" Spike asked looking at Wu.
"I know exactly what we must do Spike." Wu replied while Lloyd was looking scarred.

We cut to the Bounty after nighttime had fallen, and Wu was reading Lloyd a bedtime story.
"And that is why Jack the Rabbit never trusts a snake." Wu finished as he and Spike stood over him.
"If my dad had red me that book, i'd have never made that mistake. I'm sorry guys.." Lloyd said regretfully while Spike felt sad for him too.
"Oh, you do not need to apologize, i am sure that if your father was still here, it would be the first book he'd read.." Wu assured as the other ninja watched them.
"I never knew either of my birth parents, but i definitely would've loved hearing bedtime story's from them that's for sure. We all make mistakes Lloyd, your still very young, and there's more to you then you may know." Spike added smiling at him while Lloyd was a little surprised.

"You never knew your parents?" Lloyd asked a little surprised hearing this.
"Yeah.. i didn't know them, but that doesn't mean i'm not grateful for what i had back home, and what i do now. But that's not too important for now, just know that you shouldn't trust a snake, they don't hesitate to bite." Spike assured while Wu smiled at them both.
"Spike is right Lloyd, our family can come in many ways, i am still here for you. Sweet dreams nephew." Wu said tucking him in while Lloyd yawned tiredly.
"Good night uncle.." Lloyd said with a smile as he began to fall asleep, the ninja quickly left as Spike and Wu headed out.

They went up to the deck of the ship to finish the talk with them.
"I don't get it guys." Kai said confused as they joined up with them.
"Why isn't the little brat getting punished?" Jay asked annoyed at this.
"Yeah, he released the Serpentine and yet he gets read a bedtime story? It's not fair." Cole added confused as well.
"Remember the answer to the riddle Spike gave you all?" Wu asked as he finally turned to them all.
"Um.. yeah why?" Kai asked a little confused still.

"That's why Kai, the best way to defeat an enemy, is to make them your friend. You guys need to understand he's still very young, he was just trying to fit in with what he was taught. I'm sure if he wasn't taught stuff at that school, he never would've done the stuff he did." Spike explained as he knows he was just naïve and innocent.
"Spike is right again, there's more to winning then violence, making them your friend is also something to take to heart." Wu said agreeing to this explanation.
"Oh.. right..." They all said at once as they finally understood this. Spike and the others went back to Lloyd's room and looked over him as he slept, they were just glad they finally understood this, and now had someone new to help as well..

5: Can Of Worms

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It was another day on the Bounty once again, it's been about a day since Lloyd was taken in to live here, and since then, things have been going well, despite Pythor being out and looking to cause trouble, Spike and the ninja have been making sure to keep an open eye out for whatever place he may show up. Spike was starting to tap into his new powers some more finally, he was getting a hang on lightning, while the other elements are yet to be unlocked. Despite Spike being amazed he can use powers like the ninja, he's still got one thing to learn still, Spinjitzu. It's a really cool move that the ninja can use, and if they were able to learn it, so can he.

Right now, we open to a shot of the Bounty that was resting on a high mountain for them all to rest, Kai was getting ready to play a video game until Lloyd came into the room with a whistle.
"Hey Kai, heh, saw Cole and Spike beat your high score, it was pretty spectacular." Lloyd explained having a smile on his face.
"Uh you must be talking about Sitar Legend, this if Fist 2 Face 2, no one beats me at my game. And isn't Spike not a playable character in them?" Kai asked confused on that add on with Spike.
"I think he was added as a DLC character or something, but i could be wrong though, see ya!" Lloyd said walking off while whistling still. Kai turned back to the Tv and started up the game, but looked shocked when he saw Cole and Spike were on the leaderboard, and Spike was indeed added to the game somehow.
"Huh? Cole!!!" Kai shouted with rage as he wasn't gonna let this slide, Spike was okay as he was only a child, and could've gotten skills to play this game.

We cut to Cole in the kitchen making some more soup, stuff the ninja didn't like, but he somehow enjoyed none the less.
"Mmm Mmm, Violet Berry soup, my culinary achievement, the recipe is not followed exactly." Cole said in delight as he went to take a sip of it, but coughed hard in disgust as he just realized how bad it tasted.
"By the way, i saw Jay spice things up, Spike and i told him not too, but he said your cooking could use it, bye Cole!" Lloyd explained which just infuriated Cole.
"Jay!!!!" Cole shouted with rage as he was NOT happy about this.

Jay was on the deck of the ship right now and was getting ready to use a new training robot he made.
"Let's ease our way into this, how about level 2 shall we?" Jay asked as he started the robot, but it was suddenly moving around frantically and had a 9 on it's screen which shocked Jay greatly as it's level was on 9 while Lloyd saw him about to train.
"Hey Jay, i saw Zane trying to repair the Sparring bot earlier, isn't that your expertise? Later bro!" Lloyd said beginning to leave while the robot went frantic.
"Wait what?!" Jay asked shocked as he tried turning the thing off as the thing spun around like crazy to him.
"No no!!! ZANE!!!" Jay shouted with rage as the thing started to beat him up.

Spike and Zane was on the deck of the ship once again and was taking care of the laundry until they saw Lloyd walk up to them.
"Hello Lloyd, what brings you up here this fine morning?" Zane asked curiously.
"Surprised to see you up so early too, what's up?"
"Kai wanted me to pick up his ninja suit, he said he threw it in with your suits." Lloyd explained as he went and found Kai's suit.
"Ah, here it is, thanks." Lloyd said walking off again while whistling, they both smiled at him before they inspected they're clothing, they picked it up and saw that their suits.. had become pink, and they were both not happy about it at all.
"KAI!!!" Spike screamed with rage which echoed through the whole ship.

Everyone went into another part of the room, they were all really upset about what's happened, and they didn't know Lloyd was watching this from a hidden area.
"You couldn't just be happy with the top score, you had to rub it in my face!" Kai said upset about Cole beating Kai's score.
"Do you know how long it took me to make that, three day! Three days!" Cole said really mad about Jay ruining Cole's food.
"It's an honest said law okay? You don't just touch another man's robot!" Jay said upset with what Zane did.
"How are Spike and I supposed to strike fear in our enemy's?! Our suits are pink!" Zane said as he and Spike raised they're suits.
"Pink, freaking pink!!" Spike shouted really furious with what's happened.

Wu had walked into the room at the same moment and saw Spike and the others arguing, he sighed at this and went over and opened up the slide, they suddenly saw Lloyd laughing at them as it was revealed he did all of this for a prank which made them gasp in shock.
"You did this?!" Spike and the other's asked all at once.
"How were you able to get my suit pink?! My suit isn't white like Zane's!" Spike asked showing him his pink suit.
"I have many ways of doing a prank Spike." Lloyd said while chuckling still which irritated Cole a lot.
"Boys.. I get first dibs on..." Cole said with anger while he was about to punish him.
"No dibs! I put him up to this for today's lesson. I wanted to show you the power of rumors, and that jumping to conclusions can only lead to destruction, did any of you bother to see if the accusations were true?" Wu asked while Lloyd stood behind him.
"Uh, no offense sensei, but today's lesson is lame." Cole declared not happy about this at all.
"Yeah, why can't you teach us to paralyze your enemy with one finger? Or find out a man is lying by the twitch of his nose?" Jay asked as well not into this either.
"Or how about.. anything that isn't this?" Spike added while crossing his arms.

"Because not all lessons are about fighting!.. and I seemed to have misplaced my lesson book.." Wu admitted, Kai looked over to Lloyd and saw he was hiding the thing behind him and sighed.
"You mean this lesson book?" Kai asked while he took it from Lloyd which made him upset.
"It was the perfect plan, until you had to show up and mess everything up..." Lloyd said annoyed before Cole closed the slide door on him to shut out the noise.
"Thank you, now how are me and Zane gonna fix our suits?" Spike asked while looking at his pink gi.

But they're talk was stopped until they had heard Nya come on the intercom.
"If your done messing around, I could use you all on the bridge, we still have a snake problem to deal with, over and out!" Nya said from the intercom which made Kai sigh again.
"It's one thing to let the son of your nemesis live with you, but my sister? I mean come on! I thought this was a ninja headquarters!.. ow!" Kai shouted while Spike smacked his foot for saying that.
"That was really uncalled for dude." Spike said while brushing off his claws.
"You do know I can hear you Kai, and thank you for that Spike, over and out!" Nya said while she overheard that all which made Kai look ashamed.

Everyone made they're way to the bridge again and was wondering what was happening.
"Last we heard of Pythor, he stole the Map of Dens from Lloyd, and is now on the way to open the last 2 Serpentine tombs." Nya said while pointing at the map.
"Ugh, don't remind me.." Lloyd said shamefully while Spike patted his back.
"Pythor's our greatest threat, if he finds all 4 tombs before we do, with his intellect, and all 4 tribes unleashed, there's no telling what destruction he'll bring." Wu said worried about what's to come because of it.
"But those tombs could be anywhere! Without the Map of Dens we might as well just throw darts at a map." Jay pointed out which was true.
"Good idea, why don't we?" Nya asked before she literally threw 2 darts at the map on some certain spots.
"Nice shot." Spike complimented giving her a high five.

"Thanks, these are the location of the Hypnobrai and Fangpyre tombs.." Nya said before she threw a purple dart at another part of the map.
"And this is Pythor's tomb. After many hours of ruminating, I've discovered why the tombs are placed in these 3 precise locations, I've discovered a pattern.." Nya explained before she turned on a flashlight and showed a shadow of a snake over the map.
"If you notice, all 3 of them are for the Ninjago symbol of Serpent." Nya explained which gave them all where they are.
"So the last 2 tombs must be here, and here! Oh you are so smart." Jay said amazed with what she can do.
"Was there ever any doubt?" Nya asked proudly while they started to come up with a plan.

"There's little time. Kai and Jay, you head to the Venomari tomb! Cole, Spike and Zane, you take the Constrictai tomb! And take this, you might need it if you run into Pythor. Good luck ninja!" Wu instructed while he handed Cole the Sacred flute.
"What am I gonna do?" Nya asked unsure of what to do next.
"Yeah! What are we gonna do?" Lloyd asked which made her scoff a bit.
"Nya, I need you here to stay here, and make sure Lloyd doesn't get into anymore trouble." Wu instructed which made Lloyd sigh sadly hearing that.
"Yes sensei.." Nya said annoyed she has to stay behind again.
"Let's go boys, we got some snakes to catch!" Cole said confidently which made the team eager to go.
"Let's go guys!" Spike shouted as all of them ran out of the room together while Wu went up to the map and looked suspicious.
"Where are you Pythor, what are you up too?" Wu asked unsure of what his big plan is for them all.

We now cut to a shot of a huge mountain within Ninjago, but Spike, Cole and Zane were finally arriving at the scene and came out of their vehicles with their ninja suits, Spike didn't have his own yet and rid on Zane's bike to keep up with them.
"Ugh.. why did it have to be pink?" Spike asked annoyed with his and Zane's pink suits.
"Well, our vehicles won't traverse that mountain, we'll go the rest of the way on foot." Cole said confidently.
"But this is the Mountain of a Million steps, aren't we pressed for time?" Zane asked confused on what they're supposed to do.
"Then we'll take a shortcut." Cole said with a smug under his mask as he got an idea. We cut to Cole climbing up the mountain with ease while Spike and Zane held on tight to not fall off.
"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Spike asked afraid of them falling.
"Are we holding on to tight for you?" Zane asked worried for him as well.
"Light as a feather guys, almost there!" Cole assured as he hopped his way up the mountain even more, they even went above the mailman who was annoyed at them dropping a few rocks on him.

Cole continued climbing up the steps a bit more until they finally were able to reach the top of the place. They see a large hole in the ground and they see a rope was there, meaning someone already beat them here.
"Looks like Pythor was already here. Perhaps we should investigate." Zane suggested while Cole took heavy breaths.
"Cole you need a break?" Spike asked as he looked tired for a bit.
"Give me a second guys, go on ahead for a moment." Cole said taking a breather for a bit, Spike and Zane both slid down the rope and came into the dark tomb that was seemingly empty, Spike lit up a torch for Zane and they looked around the place, they didn't find anyone or anything here, but they did see some strange drawings on a wall.

"Huh, didn't a mama snake ever tell them not to draw on the wall?" Cole asked as he finally caught up with them.
"Zane, what do these mean?" Spike asked trying to figure this out.
"These images describe about one tribe wanting to unite them all." Zane observed while they saw all the snakes on the wall.
"Well those snakes have been at war for centuries." Cole said fascinated with what they were reading here.
"These say that once the tribes will unite, they will find the 4 silver Fang Blades that will unleash the Great Devourer, an ancient evil that will consume all the land turning day into night." Zane explained while sounding concerned.
"Turning something into a eternal night isn't that new to me honestly.." Spike said shrugging that off, but he was worried about this legend that's foretold.
"And you got all that from those pictures?" Cole asked surprised with what they just heard.

"This gives me concern, if Pythor finds and unites the tribes before Kai and Jay find him.." Zane said with worry as something was moving below the ground.
"Relax Zane, they're just a bunch of dumb snakes who believe in fairy tales, if anything they believe in.." Cole said right before they felt something move under them.
"Did you guys feel that?" Spike asked drawing out his weapon.
"I did, there's something in the ground, do not move guys." Cole said seriously while raising his hand.

But while they didn't move one bit, a large black snake had emerged from the ground and coiled around Zane while Spike and Cole flipped away from him.
"I've been waiting for you, Pythor sends his regards." Skalidor said mockingly while he hissed at them.
"Ugh, I see why Twilight doesn't like snakes." Spike said while charging up his lightning.
"Did you stay behind to tell us that? Pathetic!" Zane mocked which made him more upset.
"Look who's calling who pathetic, pinkie!" Skalidor mocked which made Spike and Cole make they're moves.
"Only I call him Pinkie!" Cole shouted before he slammed his Scythe on the ground while Spike shot a lightning blast at him to knock him down which freed Zane.

"Let's see if you like some music!" Spike shouted before Cole handed him the flute and Spike began playing the tune Wu did, this made Skalidor scream in pain while he covered his ears.
"Now!" Zane shouted before he and Cole delivered a strong kick to his head to knock him down.
"Good work guys." Spike said proudly while he handed the flute back.
"You two Spike, but he was expecting us, which means Kai and Jay may be walking into a trap, let's get out of here!" Cole declared before they started climbing up the rope that led them out of the tomb.

We cut to Kai and Jay just arriving at their location, they drove around in their vehicles before they vanished again and Kai and Jay landed on the ground like pros.
"Ew.." Jay said in disgust as this place smelt really bad.
"Hey don't look at me, we're in the Toxic Boggs, this stuff will eat through you worse then Cole's chili." Kai said while he planted a stick in the toxic water which melted through it in an instant.

Kai and Jay proceeded to hop their ways through the trees that helped them get to the Serpentine Tomb just ahead, it looked like it was sealed still and they needed to investigate, Jay pressed on a nearby switch which started to open it, but it did unleash a gross smell which disgusted Jay.
"Let's make this quick before Pythor gets here." Kai declared before they started moving in, but a sound caught Kai's attention which made him turn away for a bit before Jay came in for a report.
"This place looks empty, we must've just missed them, check this out... they say your the Green Ninja, but I say I am!" Jay shouted which echoed through the tomb which Jay found funny.

Kai looked around the place some more for any snakes, but he got startled when a strange frog was right below him which made him sigh in relief.
"You shouldn't sneak up on people like that." Kai advised as the frog hopped on a stone, but the stone suddenly began to rise and it turned out to be a Venomari which spat some of it's venom on him.
"Ugh!" Kai said in disgust as he started to feel the affects, his vision was getting wavy and his eyes were green, and he was starting to feel afraid.
"Jay? Jay!" Kai shouted with fear while spinning around again.
"No, I'm the real Jay!" Jay shouted in the tomb again which echoed through the place again.

More snakes appeared out of the ground and water and they began closing in on Kai who swung his sword around widely and his vision was starting to change.
"No, this is not good, Jay, Jay!!" Kai shouted with fear which finally got Jay's attention. Jay looked around the corner and saw Kai in the corner while he looked afraid.
"There's so many! Elves and Gingerbread people everywhere!" Kai shouted with fear which confused him.
"Okay.. I don't know what your seeing, but this is no time to lose yourself, i need you partner!" Jay said seriously while he twirled his nunchuks around.
"I've never fought little people before! We're toast!" Kai shouted with fear while looking around the place.

Just at that moment, Spike, Jay and Cole had arrived on the scene and jumped all the way order to them and drew they're weapons.
"Anybody order a little kick butt?!" Cole asked which echoed through the tomb again which made Jay laugh once more.
"Boo!" Pythor shouted suddenly as he finally appeared in front of them. Zane tried to play the flute again, but Pythor quickly snapped it away so they couldn't stop them.
"Let's not let music ruin things, hmm?" Pythor asked with a hiss while they were backing up from the snakes, Spike saw a nearby tree branch and jumped to it to avoid them, but he saw the others were backing up into a log that was on the acid water.
"Guys, look out!" Spike shouted just before they backed onto it.
"I have a sinking feeling, this is the last I'll see of you 5." Pythor said before he laughed mockingly which angered Spike.
"That's it, I used to hate dragons.. except for Spike, but now I officially hate snakes!: Cole declared really upset at this sight.

Spike felt his powers surge in him again, and this time, he felt Ice swelling inside him.
"Not on my watch!" Spike shouted with rage before he jumped off the tree, he drew his weapon and charged up the ice which formed around it, and with a battle cry, he landed on the ground and created a shockwave of ice as a result, the snakes hissed at Spike and he quickly got on his guard.
"Spike get out of there! There's to many for you!" Jay shouted while Spike blocked one of them and sweeped the snakes legs, he then shot a ice blast from his trident which froze a few snakes on the ground.
"I'm not gonna let them get away! Count on that!" Spike shouted while he began delivering strong kicks to each snake, he then jumped above them and started flipping off of them to take them down too.
"Oh, a little talking dragon thinks he can take on an army? How pathetic." Pythor mocked again which made Spike more angry, Spike turned to him and began charging at him while he started spinning around him, and he felt all 4 elements begin to swell around him, and a tornado began to form from his skills.
"I won't let you harm my friends.. Ninja go!!!" Spike screamed as he finally was able to learn Spinjitzu, and his tornado was of all the ninja's elements, Pythor had a look of shock seeing this and didn't have time to escape a strong hit from Spike which knocked him to the tree.

Spike spun around a bit more until he finally came out of the tornado, he felt a bit dizzy, but he also was surprised.
"Did.. Did I just do Spinjitzu?!" Spike asked amazed while he flipped over another snake.
"Spike just learned Spinjitzu! Awesome!!" Jay said amazed with his skills.
"It's like how we learned Spinjitzu before, go get em Spike!" Cole encouraged while the log was sinking further.
"Hang on guys, I'll get you out of there!" Spike shouted while he froze some snakes by the feet, but before Spike could reach the snakes, a strange rope appeared in front of them which confused them.
"A magic rope.." Kai said in awe while he walked to it.
"Quick, everyone go!" Jay shouted right as something began lowering to the ground.

Spike stopped his fighting with the snakes and had a look of shock as he saw a huge mech suit with tons of cool armor and gadgets around it.
"What the...?" Spike asked both shocked and amazed with what he's seeing. The mech aimed it's arm at them and the snakes screamed as it shot a net at them which pinned two snakes down, but they quickly dug underground to escape it while Pythor looked at the mech in fear.
"Oh dear.." Pythor said while the suit opened up and they saw a strange figure inside it.
"Pythor target confirmed,." The warrior said while Pythor tried running away, but the warrior raised it's arm up and shot a blow dart on his back which made him scream with pain.
"Don't forget about me!" Spike shouted before he lunged directly at him and kicked him to the ground.
"Ugh, this isn't the last you'll see of me lizard!" Pythor shouted before he suddenly vanished like before.
"That's what they all say.." Spike said annoyed while the other's walked up to them.

"Who are you?" Cole asked curious while Spike noticed something just ahead of them, and walked off screen for a moment.
"How about the coolest thing I've ever seen?!" Jay asked amazed with what he just did.
"Santa?!" Kai asked amazed with what he's seeing.
"Thank you mysterious warrior, I owe you my life for saving..." Zane didn't have time to finish right before the warrior blew some sleeping gas on him which made Zane pass out as a result.
"Hey that wasn't nice!" Jay said upset at this, but the warrior shot more gas at them which made them pass out too before they could do anything.

The warrior was about to do this with Spike too, but he didn't see Spike with them, but looking ahead he saw Spike near a tree, and was inspecting something. Spike looked closer to what he saw and had a look of shock, it was a strange purple egg that was left alone.
"What's.. this doing here?" Spike asked confused while he picked it up, the egg looked like it was still able to hatch, it looked like a Serpentine egg, but why was it here?
"Who.. who left you here?" Spike asked looking at it while the warrior went up to him. Spike felt his presence and sighed before he turned around while holding the egg, the warrior saw Spike was holding the egg and was a bit surprised with what he found.
"Thanks for helping my friends, even though you did knock them out, I can handle things from here, you have stuff to do I'm sure, I gotta figure things out, I'll contact my friends to let them know where I am." Spike assured while he walked up to the others with the egg in hand, the warrior understood this and pressed on a button that brought him back to his mech.
"Get home safe young one." The warrior said before he ignited some gets on the mech's back and it began to fly off, leaving Spike alone with the others who were passed out. But Spike didn't have long to wait until he was blinded by a light, and he looked above im and saw the bounty just above him.
"Guys, down here!" Spike shouted while waving his hand around.

After that event, the ninja had finally woken up from the sleeping gas, and were all shocked with what happened today, Spike had the egg with him still, and they were all at the table discussing what happened.
"And then, he just left, I found this strange egg before it, and I learned Spinjitzu finally." Spike finished while everyone was fascinated.
"Impressive Spike, learning Spinjitzu is no easy feat, you should be proud for what learning such a technique, as for this egg you found, something tells me something good will come from it, you'd best hold onto it Spike." Wu advised while everyone looked at it, but Kai still felt the venom messing with his head.
"What do you think will come from the egg Spike? And why did that samurai leave like that?" Zane asked interested with what they're seeing.
" A Samur.. what?" Lloyd asked confused on that name.
"Samurai, highest level of warrior, they would protect nobility, and serve with honor on the battle field. " Wu explained making sure they could understand.

Spike held the egg still and didn't know what to do with it.
"It looks like a serpentine egg guys, but why would they leave it behind? Was it on purpose, or did they not even see it there?" Spike asked worried about this.
"I don't know Spike, but I think you could be a great father if you hatched it yourself, you were hatched by a unicorn named Twilight right? Maybe this can help you grow more as your own person." Nya suggested while Spike looked at it.
"Maybe, I wonder what I'll name the kid..." Spike said with interest while Kai couldn't even eat because of the venom.

"Okay, let's not let this samurai and egg distract us right now, all the Serpentine are out, and if Pythor can unite them, legend states some sort of great devourer is gonna consume the land and..." Cole said with worry which confused Nya a bit.
"Great Devourer?" Nya asked confused with that name.
"Whatever it is, it's a can of worms I don't wanna see opened." Cole said seriously while Lloyd looked on with regret.
"It's all my fault, if I hadn't opened the first tomb, none of this would've happened.." Lloyd said with regret while Spike patted his back.
"Hey, we did get some good stuff to come from it, like you." Spike assured which made Lloyd feel a bit better.
"We cannot change the past, but we can affect the future. As long as we have the Sacred Flute in our possession we can.." Wu tried to explain this to everyone, but they all looked pretty nervous.
"Yeah.. about that.." Jay said nervously trying to find a way to explain this.

"Pythor sort of.. stole it.." Zane said regretfully which shocked him.
"The last Sacred Flute, gone?! Oh.. you 5 are Ninjago's last hope now.." Wu said with fear knowing this, but they're dinner couldn't last much longer now, because the alarms had gone off once again which alerted them all.
"Cold vision must've caught something! That must mean the Serpentine are near!" Nya said seriously which made all of them get up.
"Oh no! Ninjago City?!" Cole asked with worry while they all went to the deck of the ship, they all looked at the large map on the screen, and saw there were hundreds of snakes moving underground beneath the city.

"How many are there?" Cole asked with worry while they looked at the map.
"Must be all of them, this isn't good." Kai said with fear seeing this.
"Pythor must be trying to unite the tribes." Zane declared which worried them all.
"Go, we mustn't let the 5 tribes unite!" Wu ordered while they began to leave, but Spike stopped for a moment and handed Wu the egg.
"Put this on my bed, I'll take care of it when I get back!" Spike asked before he ran off too while Wu looked at the egg with interest.

Everyone ran into a large room to prepare for what's to come.
"Ninja go!!" They all shouted as they used Spinjitzu to change into they're outfits, but Spike and Zane's were still pink because of Lloyd's prank.
"Oh, I must get this taken care of." Zane said annoyed at this.
"Hey, it feels great to do Spinjitzu, I see why it's so important here." Spike said proudly while Kai fell down from still being dizzy.
"Don't worry, it'll wear off soon, but for now, you're coming with me." Jay said while he helped him up, Kai groaned again and was finally feeling the affects wear off.

Everyone went to the deck of the ship once again and they all were above the clouds, Spike and the others jumped off the deck and they began skydiving down while Kai screamed in fear.
"This is awesome!!" Spike shouted with joy as they all were coming upon a huge city in the night, Cole took out his weapon and used his powers to forge his vehicle and he dived down to the city, Spike got near Zane and he used his weapons to forge his bike and they began diving down to the large buildings. They landed on the side of one building and they drove all the way down it until they landed directly in an alley with the other's following behind.

Everyone looked around the huge city with amazement, there was so many bright lights and large buildings that were bigger then any castle Spike's seen, it was something that was truly amazing seeing for the first time.
"Ninjago City.. it's amazing.. I've always heard stories about this place.." Kai said in awe of what he's seeing.
"The biggest city in all of Ninjago. Always wanted to come here." Jay said amazed with the sight.
"It's even better then Canterlot.." Spike said amazed with how huge it was.
"Um, guys, where are the snakes? We should be in the middle of a massive gathering?" Zane asked as they didn't see any, but they looked at a manhole just below them and smelt a familiar stench coming from it.
"Ugh, I hate snakes.." Cole said annoyed at this.

Spike and the group made they're way through the subways to find them all, and it didn't take long for them to find dozens of them all gathered together, Pythor was on the top of a bus and was trying to convince them all to come together.
"That's a lot of snakes.." Cole said with concern seeing all of this.
"We need to stop them before they unite." Spike said while staying close to the others.
"What are we gonna do?" Jay asked with worry, but Kai had got an idea on what they can do.
"I have an idea, follow my lead." Kai declared before they quickly ran off to deal with this.

Pythor was trying to get them together by making jokes at each tribes expense which did make the snakes laugh a bit, and Pythor tried using this to unite them.
"Okay, but in all honestly, the reason I've brought you here is because.. the good people of Ninjago, imprisoned us in those insidious tombs, and I want to return the favor!" Pythor declared which made the snakes cheer in response, but Kai had lowered down a rope and used what Wu had taught them earlier.
"That sounds like a great plan! But you know the Hypnobrai will screw it up!" Kai mocked which upset some of them.
"Who said that?!" A snake asked annoyed while Spike snuck behind some.
"Bet those Constrictai won't let go of they're bad ways of getting their tails handed to them!" Spike mocked which angered a few snakes even more.
"All of that digging must've given them dirt for brains!" Zane mocked while they looked at the snakes from below.

"What's going on?! Why am I losing them?!" Pythor asked angered with his plan starting to fail, Scales didn't know what's going on either, but he saw Cole running on a higher area which gave him his answer.
"Ninja! Don't worry, I'll take care of it!" Scales assured before he went off to deal with them. Cole was looking down at the snakes and wondered what to do next, but something suddenly grabbed him from the ground and he screamed before being brought down. The other's were looking around too, but Kai suddenly got dragged down too which worried the others.
"Move!" Spike shouted as they saw the ground moving below them, Jay tried to escape with them but more Constrictai appeared from the ground and had surrounded him.
"Run!!" Jay screamed as more snakes emerged before Spike and Zane , and they had to run for they're lives.

Spike and Zane ran through the subway and tried to find the way out, but the way out was blocked and they heard the snakes getting closer.
"Over there!" Spike whispered as they saw a pink wall in front of them, they quickly ran over to it and stood absolutely still as the snakes past by them, and luckily they didn't notice the two because they're suits blended in with the wall thankfully.
"Okay, I'll give Lloyd credit, pink does have it's ways." Spike said surprised that this worked.
"I agree my friend, come on, let's save the others." Zane said seriously before they ran off to rescue the others.

The tribes were still angered at the insults that they heard while Pythor looked over all of them.
"Did you take care of them?" Pythor asked impatiently.
"All but 2." Scales reported as a snake opened a closet and they saw Kai and the other's were tired up after being captured.
"Search every nook and corner, if they're ninja's, you'll never find them in plan sight!" Pythor ordered just before one of the snakes saw something.
"Look, two pink ninjas!" He shouted while Spike and Zane dived down from below and swung on a rope.
"Go pink ninjas go!!" Kai and the others encouraged while Spike jumped off the rope and kicked Scales off the train while Zane kicked Pythor down too which made the snakes cheer at surprisingly.

Spike drew his trident and went to the others and freed them with Zane.
"Come on guys, let's go!" Spike shouted while they started to run away from the snakes through a tunnel.
"Let's blow this popsicle stand! Ninja go!!" Zane shouted while he used his Spinjitzu which was a pink tornado because of the suit.
"Heh, Popsicle stand, I like it!" Jay said laughing at this. Zane drew his Shuriken's and twirled them around for a moment right before he shot ice on the walls, he used his powers to completely freeze the tunnel which made some snakes slip off of it as a result. Zane formed his vehicle out of the powers once again and the other's hopped onto it to make they're escape.
"Later suckers!!" Spike mocked while they drove away at fast speeds while Pythor and the snakes had lost their balance, and they saw the ninja had escaped.
"You'll have to do more then that to unite the tribes!" Scales said while trying to help him up.
"Get your hands off me!!" Pythor shouted while furious at this failure.

Spike and the other's had made they're way back to the Bounty after escaping the snakes, Spike got the egg he found after getting back home, and they all went to finish up they're dinner.
"You know, whether or not it was in a lesson book, we used the destructive powers of rumors to our advantage." Cole said feeling proud they stopped this.
"And now they're further away from getting their act together." Kai declared feeling proud about this too.
"You know I don't think we would've gotten out of there if it wasn't for Zane and Spike." Jay said before he turned to them both.
"Don't thank us, thank Lloyd, if it wasn't for his" Laundry skills" We all would've been found." Zane joked which made the group laugh a bit.
"Yeah, that's so true.." Spike said while laughing at this too.

Lloyd had opened up the slide door a few minutes later, and he held a few pairs of clothing that were of Spike and Zane's GI's
"Well it took 20 loads, but you and Spike's suits are no longer pink! And to show that I'm sorry Cole, I got you a can of nuts!" Lloyd said while holding out one.
"Oh yeah, don't think I don't see what this is, once I open the cap a bunch of snakes are gonna come out, right? Heh, no thank you." Cole said chuckling a bit while he went to a fridge, but when he opened it, he screamed like a little girl as multiple rubber snakes jumped out at him, and that made the group laugh even harder.
"These are nuts Cole!" Spike said while he was munching on some, the other's had continued to laugh after this day, but Spike looked back at the serpentine egg he found, and he wondered if he could raise a snake if it comes to hatch..

6: Snake King

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We open to another day within Ninjago, a few days had passed since Spike and the ninja stopped the tribes from uniting for now, while it was a relief to stop them for now, Spike had a feeling it was gonna be short lived, Spike's been trying to make sure he understands Spinjitzu ever since he finally learned it, it felt so cool to use, and it was definitely something Twilight and the others would be jealous of with Spike learning it, and with the fighting skills Spike's gaining, he's getting there as a ninja.

But Spike was pretty focused on the strange egg he found a few days back, he's been taking good care of it since he found it, he doesn't know why it was there, or why the Serpentine would leave it there, but Spike just felt the urge to protect it, maybe it was the result of him being hatched and raised by Twilight is the reason he's wanting to protect it, to show how much he's really learned from her, he just doesn't know how he can raise a snake if the child hatches from it..

Spike sighed as he was in his room once again, he'd been keeping watch over the egg for most of the day, and didn't know how to figure things out, but he then heard a knock on the door behind and he saw Cole coming into the room, he looked concerned for him and was wondering what's going on.
"You alright buddy?" Cole asked with concern while Spike kept looking at the egg.
"I'm.. okay, just been watching over this thing, there's just been.. stuff I've had to think about for a while." Spike admitted while Cole sat next to him.
"Your still thinking about your friends back home huh? I'm sure they're really worried for you, any family should." Cole said while trying to help him.

"I'm.. really worried for them, I just was sucked into this world with no way back, or way to contact them, I'm sure they're doing they're best to try and find me, but.. I honestly don't think I'll see them again.. for a long time.." Spike said sadly while he thought over the last time he saw them.
"What makes you think that? We've only known you for a few weeks at this point, I'm sure we'll find a way to get you home, maybe the dragons we had will find a way to get you home?" Cole suggested which may be true, but Spike had his doubts.
"I don't know Cole, with the sudden responsibility of being a ninja, and maybe even having to take care of a child that will come from this egg, to me having to learn all your elements, it's just something I don't know will help if I make it back home.. especially with the stuff I know now." Spike said while he put a spark of fire in his hands for an example.

"I can understand the strains of having to be responsible Spike, it does things to you in ways that you may not know, I had to take care of myself a lot when growing up, I didn't have much time with my dad, and my mother.. wasn't with us anymore, but it was my will to keep pushing myself is what made me what I am today, I'm sure you'll find out how to handle all of this soon too Spike." Cole assured while Spike was interested hearing stuff regarding Cole's family.
"How tough was it for you? What was it like with your family? I never knew my birth parents, and knowing you had one makes me wanna know.. what was it like?" Spike asked turning to him while Cole sighed hearing that too.
"It wasn't easy Spike, my dad wasn't always able to be home, he was always out with his group , and I had to take care of myself, I know it may have been his way of processing my mother's loss, but he rarely spent time with me after that. I met Wu on a mountain I climbed one day, and he was the first step I took to getting what feels like a real family to me, after I felt like I lost my own.." Cole said sadly which made Spike feel regret for him.

"I'm.. sorry to hear that, to think you went through that stuff, and yet I never even knew my own, it's.. hard.." Spike said regretfully while he turned back to the egg.
"It is hard Spike, but it's what helped me make me who I am today, I'm sure over time you'll get used to this new life too, and who knows, you might make a good parent for whenever this egg hatches, you sure your still thinking about raising a snake Spike? We don't even know what type it will be yet?" Cole asked looking at it too with concern.
"I think I do wanna raise it, I know the feeling of being abandoned, but being raised by someone like Twilight was some of the best parts of my life, and.. I want whatever comes from this to experience it the best I can do for it as a parent." Spike said while he rubbed the thing a bit, and felt a small movement inside of it which made Cole smile a bit.

"I'm sure you'll do a great job raising it Spike, just promise me to look after it, I'll be there when you need help, even if I have my problem with snakes, this one may be different, just.. try and be a better father then my own was alright? Look after it, and keep it safe." Cole asked while patting his back.
"I I'll try, thanks for this advise Cole, it's nice to get to talk with you during moments like these." Spike said gratefully as the two stood up again.
"No problem buddy, come on, the other's are about to eat, we'll talk more about this later alright?" Cole asked while Spike put the egg in a specially made bed to keep it safe.
"Sounds good, let's hope we won't have much to worry about today." Spike said hopefully as they left the room with the egg resting soundly, and it was moving around just a little bit..

The Bounty was flying through the sky's normally once again, and just behind them, the mailman was traveling to it while holding something.
"Wait! Slow down! I got a package for Sensei Wu!" He shouted while trying to fly to it, Spike and the other's were currently in the dining room again and trying to eat while having a discussion.
"First, I'll stomp on his tail, then when he turns, a thunderclap to his ears! Then when he's stunned, I'll disarm him!" Lloyd said confidently while Wu walked in with a package.
"Too late, he's already hypnotized you and now your under his control!" Cole countered while they discussed how to deal with each type.
"Or he's already put you in a tight squeeze." Zane added while clutching his hand.
"Or spit on you with his venom, trust me, it's bad stuff." Kai said while shaking that memory off of him.

"Uh.. uncle, what's the best way to stun a serpentine if you don't know what kind they are?" Lloyd asked looking at Wu who was sitting down now.
"Sadly, it was the sacred flute you 5 carelessly lost." Wu said while looking over Spike and the group.
"Now hold on, we didn't lose it, Pythor stole it!" Jay countered not wanting the blame to be on them.
"Whatever the case, I fear that without the flute, we have nothing to combat they're powers. We may have prevented them from uniting in the past, but they will try again, and one day, they will be stronger." Wu advised which worried the group.
"I had a bad feeling that may happen one day.." Spike said with worry while thinking about it.
"So what's in the box sensei?" Lloyd asked while walking up to Wu.

"Your new uniforms!" Wu announced while he opened it up, and there were 5 new suits for Spike and the others.
"New suits?!" Spike asked amazed while they all took them out and saw the detail they had to it, Spike's was almost fully armored and had way tougher material made then with his current.
"Whoa! They've got like armor!" Jay said amazed seeing this.
"I love the gold highlights!" Kai said amazed at this design too.
"Battle claws!" Cole added amazed at this too.
"The material is really light and breathable!" Zane said impressed which was weird to hear from Jay.
"Aw, nothing for me?" Lloyd asked feeling a bit upset at this.
"Um.. you get uh.. the box." Wu offered pulling it to him, but the alarms had gone off once again which alerted everyone there.

Spike and the other's quickly made they're way to the bridge again to see what's going on currently in Ninjago.
"Sorry to stop the talk boys, but it looks like our slithering friends are stirring up trouble over at Mega monster Amusement Park." Cole said seriously while he homed in on the location.
"Amusement park?! Can I go?! Can I go please?! Let me make things up I can help!" Lloyd begged really wanting to go.
"I'm sorry nephew, you must stay here where it's safe." Wu replied which made him upset.
"Aw.. ninja get all the fun.." Lloyd said feeling jealous about this.
"Maybe next time buddy." Spike said while patting his back again.
"What do you say guys? Time to try out the new merchandise?" Jay asked while everyone looked at they're new suits eagerly.

Everyone went out to the deck of the ship once again to get ready to skydive, Spike and the others got in their new suits and felt awesome wearing it, Spike's new suit was fully armored and had purple and gold colors around it, there was still a dragon symbol on the chest and shot out all the elements the others use, and Spike just felt amazing wearing it.
"Best thing about being a ninja, it's the suit designs, Rarity would be jealous of these!" Spike said amazed while looking at himself.
"Tell me about it! This will definitely help us with fighting!" Kai said eagerly while they all looked over the ledge.
"Ready to go guys?!" Spike asked excitedly while they all got ready to jump.
"Ninja go!!!" They all shouted before they jumped off the Bounty and began Skydiving down to the amusement park. Spike dived near Jay and he brought him close before he used his powers to form his elemental vehicle, and they all cheered in joy as they dove directly down through the clouds.

They didn't have to wait a few more seconds until they came upon the amusement park, and were able to land down and they all drew they're golden weapons.
"Oh, that will never get old!" Spike said amazed at this cool action still, they heard what sounded like people screaming just up ahead and got ready to fight.
"Haha, ladies! Relax, relax! We have arrived! We're here too..." Jay said confidently right before they walked through the crowd and they saw the serpentine attacking the place were somehow tied up.
"Uh.. what just happened?" Kai asked confused on how this is possible.
"Oh, you like totally missed it! There were these icky snakes going around until this mysterious samurai came in and saved everyone!" A citizen explained while Spike looked at the snakes with shock hearing that.
"He was like, gorgeous!" A woman said gleefully at the thought of it.

"You saw his face?" Kai asked confused while Nya was walking up with some cotton candy with her.
"Nah, but we can totally tell." She replied while Nya handed out the treats to the other people.
"Nya? How did you get here?" Spike asked shocked with how fast she got here.
"Nya! Your here!" Jay said with surprise while Kai moved past the others to see that.
"Yeah, you just missed it, he just flew in, took care of business, and flew off! It was pretty cool." Nya explained as they can see people saying how the samurai is better then the ninja and could take them down.

"Ugh, who is this guy?" Kai asked frustrated to hear this.
"I don't know, but he's got skill I'll give him that." Spike said impressed with how fast things were taken care of.
"Whoever this guy is, he's stealing our thunder!" Cole said jealous of this.
"And we just got these new suits too! Ugh, I'm gonna say it, I hate Samurai!" Jay said annoyed while crossing his arms.
"Do I hear a hint of jealousy?" Wu asked while he was here too.
"Oh, not another les... wait, how'd you get here so quick?!" Jay asked surprised that he was here already.
"Does this mean Lloyd's here too if your both here?" Spike asked looking around for him.

"The lesson is, iron sharpens iron, and yes Spike, Lloyd's playing with the minigames right now." Wu answered which confused Zane a bit.
"I do not follow, sensei?" Zane asked not understanding this.
"Healthy competition can help you reach your true potential faster, do not be jealous of this Samurai, let it inspire you. Ooh! Ferris Wheel!" Wu said in joy as he ran up to the one just ahead of them.
"Guess even he has his favorite rides here too." Spike said shrugging this off a bit.
"Inspire guys? What does that mean?" Jay asked not getting it fully.

"Wait a minute.. maybe the old man's right." Kai asked himself while getting an idea.
"He wants us to compete with the samurai? He's got all the cool gadgets, we don't stand a chance!" Cole asked not wanting that to happen.
"Don't jinx it Cole." Spike warned as this kind of stuff can happen.
"No, not that, not with him, but with us! I say we make this our own competition, whoever's skilled enough to catch this samurai is probably the best of the bunch!" Kai said confidently while twirling his sword around.
"So, whoever learns the samurai's identity, is the one that will become the destined Green Ninja! Ha! I love it!" Jay said amazed at this idea.
"Your still thinking about that guys? Remember what I said back at the monastery?" Spike asked as it won't be this to prove who's the Green ninja.
"Think of it like a way to start our journey to becoming the Green Ninja, Spike, you guys ready for this?" Cole asked with confidence.
"Ninja go!!!" They all shouted again as they got a new goal to achieve.

After that agreement with the others, Spike went back taking care of the serpentine egg he found a few days back, the others were out on missions, but Spike wanted to stay behind and take care of his egg, he knew the others and the Samurai could handle themselves if they encounter those snakes, so Spike needed time to look after it.
"When will you hatch little guy? Will I be able to raise you?" Spike asked curiously while Lloyd was walking into the room too.
"Hey Spike, you still looking over that egg?" Lloyd asked coming up to him.
"Yeah, the other's are out and about, while they think finding the Samurai's identity will make them the Green Ninja, I feel like I'm the only one who sees right now that that may not work, it may be because of one's personal struggles they're going through." Spike explained while Lloyd chuckled a bit.
"They're taking this Green Ninja thing way too seriously, who would wanna title that puts so much pressure on them? There are people who can't handle that kind of pressure if it's put on them, I don't think they realize that being the Green Ninja will have a huge burden, even if it is a legend." Lloyd suggested while sitting next to him.

"That mainly depends on WHO is chosen Lloyd, I know I'm not the Green Ninja, fighting by his side and being a true friend to him is good enough for me, and when this egg hatches, I'll have my own snake child to raise too." Spike said with a smile while looking back at the egg.
"I can tell you'll take good care of it Spike, my father wasn't exactly the best with raising me, you know since he's.. Lord Garmadon? I don't think raising me is.. something he'd focus on.. even if I'm his son.." Lloyd said as he was getting a bit sad thinking about it.
"You shouldn't think that Lloyd, even though I haven't met him yet, I'm sure that deep down, under all that evil in him, there's a part that does care for you, and whoever defeats him, maybe that'll finally help him find peace?" Spike said while trying to comfort him.

"I honestly don't know Spike, the Green Ninja will have a lot of responsibility's to do, I never had much to do when I was alone, and I just.. don't know if pressure like that will help me.." Lloyd said while he looked at the floor and thinking about how much it could pressure the chosen one.
"There's just things we have to accept in life Lloyd, I'm a ninja now, I know Spinjitzu, I'm in another world from my own, and I may not see my friends for.. a really long time, but even with all that.. I know it'll turn out okay in the end.. it has too.." Spike said hopefully while he looked at his ninja suit.
"Let's just hope whoever gets that tittle, you'll be there for them, every step of the way, even if you'll have a snake to raise." Lloyd prayed while he looked at the egg again.
"Me too buddy.. me too.." Spike said with hope as they took in this moment, and wondered who it will be.

After Lloyd's talk with Spike, Lloyd was picked up by Kai and was being taken to an Arcade so he could spend some time having fun, they went to Ninjago city again so Lloyd would have a fun time.
"Okay, I know it's my turn to look after you, but just stay put while I look around alright? I have a feeling the Samurai " Kai asked while he handed him some coins to play the games.
"Let me help!" Lloyd said eagerly still wanting to help.
"Sorry kid." Kai said refusing to do that.
"Come on! At least drop me off at a decent arcade." Lloyd said annoyed with him being left like this.
"Sorry shorty!" Kai apologized before he stepped on the engine and began to leave.
"Kai wait!!" Lloyd screamed as he drove off at fast speeds and left Lloyd at the arcade which was just annoying to him.

Lloyd was about to make his way into the arcade, but he stopped walking as soon as he heard some strange voices coming from a nearby alley.
"I tell you he's found it, and everyone is gathering again!" Scales said as he was with some more snakes.
"Impossible, the lost city does not exist." A snake hissed while refusing to believe Scales's story.
"Well it's not lost anymore! Come on, I hear there is going to be a fight." Scales said as they were moving to a bus while Lloyd was hearing the whole thing out. Lloyd decided to sneak on board the bus with them, and saw there was some snake cosplay being sold at a store, so he used the coins Kai gave him to purchase them, so he could disguise himself as a snake. Lloyd quickly made his way to the bus that was just about to leave, and was about to hop on.
"Hey, you! Hold it there!" Scales ordered which startled him a bit.
"Last one in, closes the door!" Scales declared which relieved him a bit.
"Oh. sure thing!" Lloyd replied while he closed the door and the bus headed out of the city.

It took till nightfall for the bus to reach the desert, Lloyd was looking around the place and was wondering what they found, this Lost City of Ouroboros that Scales mentioned, but thankfully it didn't take much longer for them to reach an ancient city that was raised from the ground, Pythor and Scales found it just a couple days back, and they were now attempting to unite the tribes again. The bus had stopped at a large arena that was directly in the center, and there were hundreds of snakes in the stands and were cheering for things to get started. Lloyd nervously looked around the place and he saw Pythor and Scales were directly ahead, and they were under a large snake statue just above them.

"Just do what I said, and I promise you, you will be my second in command." Pythor said while turning to Scales before he went to the large audience for an announcement.
"I bring you to the Lost City of Ouroboros, before the statue of our very own.. Great Devourer! To speak of unity!" Pythor announced while they all looked at the statue.
"Where are the fights?! Where is the big show?!" A snake asked getting impatient which made the other's cheer for them to fight in the Slither Pit for leadership.
"You want to see a show?! You want to see a fight? I ask for your allegiance but you will not give it! So, I will take it!" Pythor said while he slithered over to the other generals who were on the other side.
"What are you saying?!" Fangtom asked while they stood against him.

"I challenge the 4 tribe generals for they're staffs, and they're allegiance! At once!" Pythor announced which made the snakes cheer even more.
"I've worked hard for this staff! And will not give it up easily!" Acidius hissed while the generals got ready to fight.
"There's no way he can defeat the 4 of us at once!" Skalidor said while he tried to strike him down, but Pythor flipped away from the attack and tail whipped him for a counter attack. Pythor kept fighting the other generals off the best he could but soon got tackled down by all of them, but Scales quickly handed him the Sacred Flute Pythor stole, Pythor took a deep breath before he played the tune that made the other generals scream in pain.
"He's using the Sacred Flute against his own!" Lloyd said with shock while they kept screaming from the music. Scales had thrown down his staff and Pythor soon took care of the other generals who couldn't fight back because of the music.

"Bow, to your master! Bow to your master Serpentine!" Pythor announced to all the tribes who bowed in respect with the understanding that he's in charge now, but this caused Lloyd's disguise to slip up and he dropped his maracas as a result, Pythor saw the Maracas fall down and he looked up to where they fell from, Lloyd got really scarred and tried to escape until he was grabbed by another snake.
"And where do you think your going?!" The snake asked while Lloyd's disguise fell off which completely exposed him.
"Lloyd?!" Pythor asked with rage and he was very scarred for what's gonna happen next..

We cut back to the next day at Bounty, the ninja were frustrated at the Samurai's constant advantages over them and were discussing how to catch him.
"Having to deal with the Samurai is more of a nuisance then the snakes! Any luck with you?" Cole asked looking at the others.
"Nope, I'm not really interested with picking a fight I can't win." Spike said shrugging it off.
"I think it's for the best, I hate to say it, but none of us are closer to being the Green Ninja.." Kai said regretfully while Wu was walking into the room.
"Looks like iron, is sharpening iron, I see you are getting closer to your true potential." Wu said while he looked at Cole again but noticed Lloyd wasn't here.

"Where's my nephew? I thought you were looking after him?" Wu asked turning to Kai.
"I thought Cole was gonna pick him up?" Kai asked turning to him.
"I didn't see anyone there when I went to pick him up!" Cole said in defense while Spike got mad knowing Kai left Lloyd alone without anyone with him.
"Who would leave a 10 year old kid alone at an arcade like that Kai? How are you supposed to be the Green Ninja if you were so careless like that?" Spike asked frustrated to know Kai left Lloyd alone like that.
"Spike is right, that was wrong for you to do Kai, we must find Lloyd." Wu said seriously which made them all start to head out again.

Spike and the group went back to the arcade Lloyd was last seen to hopefully find him, they made it to the place and looked inside to see if he was around.
"Lloyd? You here?!" Spike asked looking around the place, but they didn't see anyone who looked like him.
"Where is he? Someone must've seen him?" Kai asked getting really worried for him, Cole noticed a street post just above him and saw there was a camera attached to it.
"Hey guys, check this out!" Cole announced which got everyone's attention, they all went to the camera room to see where Lloyd was previously at, and saw him on screen just as Kai left.
"There's the pipsqueak! Play that back!" Jay said as they saw him looking into a strange alley before they saw him going to it in a snake disguise.
"Lloyd what are you doing?" Spike asked worried for him as they saw this.

Spike and the others went to the alley Lloyd went too and saw his footprints from the day before, but the tracks ended at a street where it looked like a bus had left.
"Guys, I think Lloyd may have snuck his way into Serpentine territory.." Spike said worried to see this.
"And I think i know where it leads, come on boys!" Kai said seriously as they all began following the trail while getting in they're vehicles again.

Spike was in Cole's vehicle this time and they all had driven through the dessert for miles, it felt like they were hours away from the city at this point, but were soon coming upon a strange ancient city in the sands ahead.
"What is that place?" Cole asked confused to see it.
"Looks like Snake city!" Jay said in surprise to see this.
"Let's get a closer look." Kai said as they drove to the place even faster to investigate, it didn't take long for them to make it to the huge city and they were able to use they're skills to sneak inside the place.

The group looked around the place and saw all the tribes were here, and they were getting worried to see this.
"It appears Pythor has successfully united all of the tribes.." Zane observed while they looked around the place.
"Hmph, I know we ruined they're last get together, but that's no reason not to get an invitation, my feelings are hurt!" Cole said upset to see all of this.
"There's so many of them.. what do we do?" Spike asked worried on how they can stop this.
"Guys, look! There's Lloyd!" Kai whispered as they saw Lloyd in a cage and was looking upset to be trapped here.
"Oh, and look at who they worship!" Jay pointed out since there was a large snake statue just above him.

"We can't let Lloyd be held here, we need to save him, now!" Spike said seriously while he drew his Trident.
"Let's get em boys!" Kai said confidently before they were about to run to save him, but a cage suddenly slammed down before them and trapped them inside while they also lost they're weapons which got all the snakes attention.
"Spike, guys!" Lloyd said with shock while Pythor slithered up to them with a sinister look.
"Looks like we've caught the main event!" Pythor said while he laughed mockingly.

Spike and the other's had their weapons taken away from them for now, and they were being taken by more guards to the center of the large pit in the arena.
"Oh, I hate gladiator battles!" Spike said upset to know they have to fight something in a few minutes.
"Tell me about it! It never ends well for anyone who's forced to fight like this!" Jay said annoyed at this too while Pythor began to announce something again.
"You say you wanted a battle, and I give you one! I give you.. Ninja and Dragon, Vs Samurai!" Pythor announced as the cage in front them began to open, and they all looked shocked as they saw the Samurai was captured too and was marching too them.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me!" Spike said annoyed to see this.

"What?! We have to fight the Samurai?! We don't even have our Golden Weapons, and he has that thing of hulking armor! It's not fair!" Jay said annoyed at this unfair advantage.
"I want to see once and for all who is the greatest hero! Is it Samurai? Or the Ninja? Only the victor will be allowed to leave!" Pythor announced while they got ready to fight.
"Stay together guys!" Kai said with worry while Spike tried thinking of something.
"Perhaps we could convince him to help us! After all, he hates the Serpentine too!" Zane suggested while they turned to him, but the Samurai threw a sharp disk directly at them which they barely dodged as it bounced all over the ring and back to him.
"Scratch that! He is not on our team!" Cole shouted as the mech charged at them and tried swiping at them, but Spike and the other's quickly flipped above him to avoid it.

Spike and the others landed behind him and got in a fighting stance while the Samurai threw the sharp disk at them again, but Spike got an idea and used his lightning to stop it, he then grabbed it and flipped in the air to toss it back at him.
"How do you like that?!" Spike shouted while the snakes continued to cheer for them. The Samurai countered this by drawing a huge sword and he slashed at them all who tried flipping above it's slashes.
"Tornado of Creation?" Zane suggested to the others who already liked that idea.
"Spike, get back!" Kai warned which he agreed to, Spike quickly went back for cover as he watched each of the ninja use they're Spinjitzu to form a massive tornado that sucked in dozens of items around the area, this even got the Samurai's sword sucked in and Spike watched in awe as they created a huge slingshot out of the materials they made, and they shot a spiked iron ball at the mech to knock it down.

"Way to go guys!" Spike cheered while Jay high fived him, they all ran up to Pythor and Scales and were about to take them down, but Pythor pulled on a lever that made spiked traps appear from the ground which trapped them in the ring.
"Aw, why can't anyone play fair?!" Jay asked annoyed before Pythor pulled the switch again and this began making the ring turn itself till Spike and the other's were losing they're balance.
"Are you kidding me right now?!" Spike asked annoyed while they all hung on the spikes to not fall into the pit below them.
"Can this get any worse?!" Cole asked annoyed too while the Samurai hung by they're side, but it had an idea to escape.

"We must continue to make it look like we are fighting for real!" The Samurai said looking at them.
"Hold on, we're not fighting for real?" Jay asked shocked to hear this.
"Keep up the show, and hold onto my battle suit!" The Samurai instructed which was enough for them.
"I hope you know what your doing!" Spike shouted as they all jumped onto his suit to make it look like they're fighting, the Samurai activated the suits boosters, and they were about to take off, but the suit was starting to slow down because of all the weight.
"There's to much weight!" Kai said with worry on what to do, but the Samurai pressed on the mech's chest which opened the suit up, and he jumped out of the suit which made it take off with the others.
"I can't believe he just saved us!" Cole said amazed that this happened.
"He actually was on our side!" Spike said surprised to see this too.
"But he stole our thunder again!" Kai said annoyed to know this.
"Oh, I hate that Samurai!!!" Jay shouted with anger while realizing this.

Pythor and the rest of the snakes watched Spike and the ninja take off into the skies so they could come back another day.
"Go ninja go!!" Lloyd cheered while the Samurai landed back on the ground and began charging to Pythor to get Lloyd back, but Pythor pulled Lloyd out of the cage and held him hostage to stop this.
"Get him!!" Pythor shouted with anger which dozens of snakes begin marching to him, but the Samurai used a magnetic device he had on him to bring the Golden Weapons too him, he then quickly jumped in the air and caught all 5 of them at once before he took out his disk and threw it directly at the switch which made the platform they were all on begin to tip over again. The snakes around him began falling down into the pit while the Samurai used it's jetpack to fly on over to the statue to look over all the snakes who cheered for him winning, but Pythor was extremely frustrated with all of them escaping and the Samurai quickly took off with the weapons while Spike and the others flew around in the suit.

"How do you turn this thing off?!" Kai screamed with fear as the mech wouldn't stop flying around.
"Brace yourselves guys!" Spike screamed right as the mech crashed into the ground far away from the city which got everyone to crash onto the sand. Jay groaned as he was finally getting up from the crash, he looked over the others and saw Spike and Kai weren't' with them.
"Where are Kai and Spike?!" Jay asked with worry while the others were getting up too.

Spike and Kai got separated from the others as a result of the crash, and Spike helped Kai out of the sand.
"You alright Kai?" Spike asked while holding his head.
"I'm fine Spike, thanks. Where are the others?" Kai asked worried while they didn't see anyone with them, the Samurai was flying through the desert and was trying to head back home too, but the jetpack started to malfunction and Spike and Kai saw the Samurai fly down to an area just ahead.
"Come on, he may be hurt!" Spike said while they quickly made they're way up to him.

The Samurai was finally getting back up from the crash, but the suit was damaged, and they could see him just up ahead.
"Testing, testing.. one.. two.." The samurai said right as he took off the helmet while Kai and Spike looked saw this from a distance, but they noticed a familiar hairstyle that belonged to a friend of theirs, which made them realize one thing.
"Nya?" Spike and Kai asked at once which got her attention, she quickly put her helmet back on so they don't see her.
"Steer clear ninja! Don't look..." Nya said not wanting this to happen, but she saw they could see through this and had no choice but to reveal herself.
"At me.." Nya finished sadly after she took off her helmet.

"Nya? We don't get it, your the mysterious Samurai?" Kai asked surprised to see this.
"How come you never told us?" Spike asked worried to see this too.
"It was always a boys club for you, you never let me try to help, so.. I found my own way to be a hero, are you two mad?" Nya asked concerned if they were, but Spike understood this perfectly, it was like how he felt when Twilight and the others got to do stuff on their own, without him helping.
"No, I understand this, I've felt this way for a while back home, it makes sense you'd want to hide this, I'm sorry we never let you come with us, I should know this better then anyone else.." Spike said regretfully to know this.
"We were just trying to protect you, but all this time.. you never needed it, your amazing Nya!" Kai said amazed to see his sister is so talented.

"Girl power!" Nya said nervously while nudging they're shoulders, but she looked worried now knowing they know this.
"Your both not going to tell the others are you?" Nya asked not wanting this to happen right now.
"You have my word Nya, I'm just.. I'm glad there's someone who understood what I went through, Twilight and the others didn't let me go on adventures most of the time, I know it was to protect me, but I always knew I could help in a way, and you being able to do this, it only inspires me to be a better fighter, the least I can do is not tell the others this." Spike said while high fiving her.
"Thanks Spike, I'm glad a friend understands this, but what about you Kai?" Nya asked while they turned to him, Kai saw she didn't want this to be revealed too soon, and since Spike's there for her, he should always be there for his sister.

"I won't tell anyone, how'd you make all this stuff?" Kai asked surprised with her gadgets.
"You two would be surprised with how much spare time I have when your on your missions. You'd both better get back before the others get suspicious, we'll have to rescue Lloyd another day." Nya answered while she handed them they're weapons.
"Nya, whenever I get in trouble, Spike and the others always have my back, but you.. just, be careful will you?" Kai asked hoping she won't get hurt.
"I promise." Nya assured which relieved them a bit.
"I know you'll be safe, you held your own against them, that shows how strong you are on your own." Spike complimented while he got back his weapon.
"So how are you gonna get back?" Kai asked wondering what she's gonna do.
"I have my ways." Nya said proudly before she pressed on the back of her helmet.

Jay and the others were still looking for Spike and Kai and couldn't see them anywhere.
"Kai? Spike? You guys there?!" Jay shouted worried for them both, but far behind them, the mech suit was recovering from the crash and was preparing to leave.
"Quick, it's gonna get away!" Jay shouted while they tried running to it, but they were too late, and the mech took off into the skies at fast speeds which left them alone with nothing.
"Ugh, great! Now we lost Kai and Spike, the Samurai suit is gone, and we have no way to get home!." Jay said annoyed at this while the others saw something.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that.." Cole said which made Jay turn behind them, and they saw Kai and Spike with the Golden Weapons.
"Ready to head home guys?" Spike asked while they raised them in the air so they can head home.

Spike and the ninja were finally able to make it back to the Bounty after a long day, Spike and Kai made sure to explain what happened without giving everything away while Wu and the others listened on.
"He was all mysterious, never said a word, handed me and Spike the Golden Weapons, and then.. poof! He's gone." Kai explained while they brushed they're teeth.
"Don't know why he left like that after giving us the weapons, but it must mean he trusts us enough with them." Spike said not giving the identity away.
"So wait, if the Samurai had the most powerful weapons in the whole world, why would he just give them back to you two?" Jay asked while Nya was walking into the room too.
"I don't know maybe she... I mean he's not so bad after all, what I do know is that we owe him our lives." Kai said making sure not to give it away.
"I sense this means the bet is off." Zane said a bit glad that's over.

"More importantly, my nephew has found his way into the Den of all snakes! I fear there is no way of rescuing him now.." Wu said with worry to know this.
"Sensei, there's always a way." Kai said as they can always save him another day.
"We won't rest until we rescue him sensei, count on that." Spike said seriously as he sparked up his hands with lightning.
"We'll find a way, we promise." Cole assured as well which relieved Wu a bit, and he began to leave the room, Spike finished brushing his teeth and yawned after this long day.

"Twilight is gonna be in for a long story when I get home.." Spike said tiredly while he went to his bed where the egg was at it's side.
"You sure you know what your gonna do with that child when you hatch him Spike?" Kai asked curiously while everyone was getting ready to sleep too.
"I have ideas on how to do it, if I'm gonna raise this kid, I'm gonna need more lessons, but one thing I do know is, we all need our sleep, that's for sure." Spike said with a yawn while he layed down on his bed.
"That's a fact, night guys." Cole said as they all went to they're beds too to sleep the night away, and the egg moved around just a little bit more as they slept the night away.
Wu made his way through the halls and saw Nya was heading to her room, but had something for her.
"I believe you've forgotten this?" Wu asked while he held out Nya's sharp disk from before, and he handed it to her.
"Iron, sharpens iron, and sibling sharpens sibling.." Wu said in a wise tone while he walked away, Nya smiled at this and began heading back to her room for tonight, it was a long day for all of them, and they're all glad they could rest for tonight..

7: Tick tock

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We open to another shot of the Bounty on a sunny day, Spike and the others were finishing up another day of training after Lloyd was taken, Spike's gotten a lot more skill since he started training as a ninja, and while he's not the best fighter ever, he's definitely far more skilled with his weapons and powers since he's arrived, and right now, he and the others were waiting for Zane to finish up with his training, and he tested himself out by staying underneath the water for a really long time.
"10 minutes! He's broken his own record the guys inhuman!" Kai said amazed while they looked at a watch with shock.
"How can he handle himself down there for so long?" Spike asked with shock as the camera dives deep down into the ocean floor where Zane was quietly meditating on the floor, he saw a fish swim by and gave it a little pet before it swam off and Zane swam all the way back to the surface and gasped for air.

"That was amazing!" Cole said with joy while they all cheered for him.
"Way to go Zane!" Spike complimented while they helped him back up.
"Did I break the record?" Zane asked curiously because of their reactions.
"You destroyed it!" Kai declared while holding the watch out.
"It was something to behold for ages!" Spike said waving his hands around with excitement.
"Okay, okay, is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking? We've been training for so long, I don't think we can get any better! Just think about all we've accomplished!" Jay said with amazement while they all reflected on their achievements they've done with training.

The Weekend Whip plays over a montage of what Spike and the ninja were able to do with their improved skills and training, Kai was able to run over a long mile of hot stones that were beneath his feat and never felt a burn from them, and Jay was able to hang himself upside down on the very top of a huge building during a thunderstorm, Spike was able to perfectly use all 4 of his new powers, Spike used his Trident to test out each power, he used Earth to smash down some dummies into pieces, he then used Lightning to blast dozens more away, Ice to freeze them below they're feet and shatter the ice on them for tougher damage, and he breathed fire on an entire group and burnt them to ash. And Cole made great use of his huge strength by lifting extremely heavy weights along with Jay and Nya for additional weight.

We cut back to normal time after Spike and the others reflected on what they've done.
"I can't believe I've gotten the hang of my powers! I didn't even think this would ever happen!" Spike said with amazement while he shot out fire from his hands.
"You've come a long way since you joined us pal, I think it's safe to say your a full on ninja like all of us by now!" Kai said while patting his back.
"Your friends would be proud to know what you've been able to do here Spike, and when that egg of yours hatches, there will be more for us to do as well." Zane said with a smile while they were making they're way to Wu, he was currently within his room and was looking over a very old sword he had as a kid, and sighed sadly at the thought of his brother, and Lloyd's capture.
"Well every morning, I do 500 push ups!" Zane said in the distance while Wu put the sword away.
"I've gotten the hang of doing them without much sweat, I can do them with one hand at this point!" Spike said confidently which got Wu's attention as they were walking into the place.

"Sound like a great warm up for the both of us buddy! Sensei, what does true potential look like if..." Cole was about to ask him something, but they all noticed he was looking upset right now.
"Forgive us Wu, sorry we barged in like this.." Spike said as they all bowed in respect.
"I'm sorry that I've been distant lately, my mind has gone elsewhere since Lloyd was captured by the Serpentine. What can I help you all with?" Wu asked while he was looking out the window.
"Sensei, what if we've done enough training? What if we've reached our true potential, Spike's got a ways to go still sure, but what if we're all ready?" Cole asked wondering if they've achieved it.
"Hmm, you might have reached peak physical condition, but you've yet to reach your inner potential. In each and every one of us, only when you conquer that fear, will your heart be free. Only then will you reach your True potential, and we may have a fighting chance against the Serpentine, and stopping them from awakening the Great Devourer." Wu explained while looking over all of them.
"I knew it had something to do with our inner strength.." Spike whispered to himself as he looked back at the egg he's had for a while, and wondered if that will be what it is.

"There's something more to this story sensei, isn't there?" Zane asked as he saw something through this which made Wu sigh in response.
"I too have obstacles I have to face in my own heart, there is a story I have never told you all. There are many I haven't told you.." Wu said as we cut to a flashback of when Wu was a kid and was alongside his brother, Garmadon, before he was corrupted by evil.
"Long ago, when I was a young boy, Garmadon and I were more then brothers, we were the best of friends.." Wu narrated while they were sparring against eachother with swords.
"Wait a minute! Now I know you two were brothers, but really? The King of Cruelty, Dueler of Destruction, and you two we're.. friends?" Jay asked confused to hear this.
"Please no interruptions." Wu replied as he began to resume this story of his.

"You see, he did not always have a wicked heart, one day.. I lost this very katana.." Wu narrated as Garmadon accidentally knocks Wu's sword over the Monastery walls while they're father didn't see it at first.
"Knowing our father would be mad, my brother told me to retrieve it, but I refused... He told me not to put off what can be done today, and went to get it himself." Wu narrates as Garmadon climbs over the walls and lands on the other side, he sees the sword just near a bush nearby, and was about to retrieve it while a sinister snake was watching, but he didn't even have time to react before the snake bit down on Garmadon's hand and was injected with it's venom, Garmadon's vision was starting to get blurry and that snake was the last thing he saw before he passed out from the venom.

"When my father found him, he was very ill, he was bitten by a legendary snake that would continue to grow forever, the more it consumes.." Wu said with regret as the snake makes a loud monsterous hiss upon any prey it finds..
"A great evil had found it's way into my brother's heart, for the snakes venom could turn the purest of things wicked." Wu explained as his young self was checking on his brother who was looking upset at his father.
"Leave it! Leave me alone! I don't need you! I hate you! " Garmadon said to his father which shocked him hearing this.
"The snake is the very same one who the Serpentine want to unleash today." Wu said as his past self feels a sinister snake shadow looming around him as he hears his brother in pain.
"Ah! It hurts! It's all Wu's fault!" Garmadon said with anger as his eyes glowed red which scarred him enough to run away from the place.

"It was the snake, that took my brother away from me.." Wu finished while everyone looked shocked to hear all of this.
"Sensei, I had no idea, I'm so sorry this all happened.. I.. I wish I could've done something to stop it.." Spike said with regret to know Garmadon's sad backstory.
"It's okay Spike, but it was all my fault, you weren't meant to be there at all either." Wu said sadly while he packed up his sword like he was about to leave.
"You 5 have completed your training, Spike's just a bit behind you as of now, but with proper guidance from you all, he will master himself in time, just like all of you. You must now focus on stopping Pythor from finding the 4 Fang Blades, but never stop focus on the obstacles each of your hearts have, that hold you back from true greatness, unlocking your True Potential." Wu advised while looking over them.

"How are we supposed to do that sensei?" Wu asked while he handed Spike the egg that was on the shelf for safety.
"It is up to you to discover that for yourselves, each of you has something you need to overcome, and I have to go on a personal journey of my own." Wu said while he was leaving the room.
"Where are you going?" Wu asked worried for what he's gonna do.
"To a place, you cannot follow." Wu said feeling regret to say this.
"Are you going after Lloyd? The city is full of hundreds of Serpentine! You'll never do it alone!" Cole said with worry for him.
"I am going to find someone who will be of aid, the Serpentine have united and become stronger, we need all the help we can get." Wu said hopefully as we cut to them on a mountain where Wu was taking his leave.
"Safe travels sensei, be careful out there. Thanks for all you've done for me, truly" Spike said gratefully he shook his hand again.
"You are welcome Spike, take care of that egg, I feel it will be something to help us all in the future." Wu replied as he began taking his leave, the Bounty began to fly in the air and they all watched Wu leave them for a journey of his own.

Meanwhile with Pythor and the rest of the snakes, they were searching for clues on how to find the Fang Blades, but weren't getting anything so far.
"It says nothing about where the Fang Blades are hidden! Have our Ancestors left us nothing?! Where are they?!" Scales asked frustrated to see this.
"This, here! This must be a clue! The 5 Fangs unite as one, the path towards the Devourer has begun." Pythor said while they all moved to the table in the center.
"Yes, when the 5 tribes unite, but we've done that already, this means nothing! If you don't find out something soon, the others will begin to ask questions!" Scales hissed while slamming his staff down.
"I know what I'm doing you fool1 I'm trying to unleash the Great Devourer! Hmm.. legend spoke of a special map where the 4 Fang Blades are shown, there must be something around here.. keep looking!" Pythor ordered as they tried finding anything to find them.

We cut to another part of a town where Spike and the others had went to right now, they went to spread out some flyers to ask people to call them if they see any reports of a Fang Blade being sighted.
"You sure this will work Nya?" Spike asked while he held out dozens of flyers for them.
"I'm sure it will work, not all people ignore missing signs like these, maybe they'll find a clue for us to find them faster!" Nya suggested while everyone shook they're heads and didn't buy this.
"Maybe Wu went to find that Samurai for help?" Jay suggested which made Nya flinch a bit.
"Oh him? I'm sure he's got his own business to do by himself!" Spike said nervously while trying to hide it.
"I'm sure he's busy searching for them as well!" Kai said agreeing to this while being nervous too.
"Is everything alright guys?" Cole asked confused with they're reactions.
"We're fine Cole! Nothing to worry about!" Spike said with a nervous smile.
"100 percent! We're not hiding anything!" Nya said nervously while the others were still confused.

Zane was about to hang up some more flyers, but he suddenly noticed the falcon was flying around in the air just above them, and it caused him to drop all the flyers from the surprise.
"Hey, your making a mess on my store front! Maybe I should teach you a lesson on manners!" The store owner said annoyed at this.
"I'm sorry sir, sometimes our friend is in another world!" Kai apologized while Spike went by his side.
"Zane, what is it?" Spike asked curious with what he's seeing, he looked just ahead to where he's looking at and looked surprised when he saw the falcon was flying around the area.
"It's the falcon! Everytime we follow it, it leads us to good fortune!" Jay said amazed as they began chasing after it.
"Head back to the Bounty and wait till you hear from us." Kai instructed while turning to Nya.
"Where are you going?" Nya asked confused on this sudden move of theirs.
"We're gonna follow the bird, maybe it'll lead us to the first Fang Blade!" Kai said hopefully as he started catching up with the others too while Nya sighed hearing this.

Spike and the others chased after the falcon for what felt like hours to them, they ran across the dessert to keep up with it, and even across the snowy mountains high above Ninjago.
"How far is this thing going?" Spike asked while they kept chasing after it. The falcon continued flying up the mountains where they had to climb, but while they can run for a long time now, some have more stamina then others.
"Keep going I'll.. I'll catch up later.." Jay said tiredly as he layed down on a rock to rest.
Spike and the remaining ninja continued running across the place and were about to go over a large tree that was like a bridge, but they heard Cole breathing heavily and they saw he was tired out too.
"I'm good, I'm just.. taking a breather! I'll meet up with you shortly.." Cole said as he felt exhausted from all the running.

Spike, Kai and Zane continued running after the falcon even after they've ran dozens of miles across Ninjago, and were heading into a strange snowy forest.
"Good thing.. we're in.. peak.. physical.. condition.." Kai said tiredly as he was getting tired from the running too while he kept running after them. The falcon continued flying through the forest without ever stopping for a rest, Spike himself was getting tired from the running and breathed heavily as Kai caught up with them.
"Gosh that bird just keeps going! ugh... hey.. what do you make of this?" Kai asked as they saw a nearby sign that said Beware of Treehorns.
"I do not know what a Treehorn is...
"I don't think I've heard of that name before." Spike replied confused on what that means.
"It's probably just some wild squirrels..." Kai said tiredly as they saw the falcon was still flying ahead of them.
"Well don't lost them guys! I'll wait for the others to catch up." Kai advised which was all they needed.
"Good idea, take a rest Kai, you need it.." Spike said as he took another breath before he and Zane continued to run after it.

Spike was just surprised with how long he was able to keep on running, he's ran for what felt like hundreds of miles, if there's one thing he's gonna be good at now, it's being an athlete thanks to his skills, but he himself was feeling tired after all of it now.
"Where are we going? Our mysterious friend?" Zane asked curiously as they kept running after it
"How has that bird never needed a rest?!" Spike asked tiredly seeing this, but the falcon was suddenly beginning to spark up and was starting to slow down which surprised them, the falcon soon fell on the ground and they finally could get a closer look at it.. but what they saw.. surprised them both.
"Your.. a robot?!" Zane asked shocked to see it has gears inside it.
"Who.. who built this? How.. how is this even possible?!" Spike asked shocked to see this too, Zane and Spike picked the bird up to see where they could fix it, but a large metal sound caught they're attention and they had to put the thing down for a moment.

"What was that? Who's there?!" Spike asked while drawing his weapon.
"On your guard my friend. We are not along here..." Zane said seriously while they looked around the forest.
"There!" Spike shouted as they finally saw a strange large robot just ahead of them.
"Intruders! Intruders! Prepare to be terminated!" The robot said as it took out a machine gun and began firing at the two of them.

"Watch out!" Spike shouted while he drew his weapon and twirled it around to deflect each and every shot it fired at them, Zane took out his weapons and formed his motorbike to use against the mech, Spike got on the bike too and they quickly drove around the forest while avoiding it's blasts, Zane drove all the way up to a pile they could jump off of and Zane kicked the vehicle into high speeds which sent them flying into the air, the motorbike vanished again and Spike and Zane threw they're weapons at the mech to stop it's firing, Spike stabbed his weapon down on a blaster to keep it from firing at them, while Zane saw a glass case of gears behind it's back.

Spike! Go for the gears behind it!" Zane instructed while Spike backflipped away from the robot's attacks, Spike and Zane stood against the robot and taunted it to strike first, the robot made a lock on the both of them as they ran directly to it from the camera's perspective, and at the right moment, Spike and Zane flipped over a tree to dodge them.
"Ninja go!!" Spike and Zane shouted as they used they're Spinjitzu to cause the snow to pile up to give them a boost.
"Intruders! Intruders! Prepare to be terminated!" The robot said again while Spike and Zane ran up to the ledge they made, and they flipped across the robot lasers at the right moment, Spike drew his Trident again and he stabbed the robot's back to break through the glass, and Zane finished it off by ripping the gears out of it. This caused the robot to malfunction and it sparked all over before making a salute of respect before it fell down and was finally shut down.

Spike and Zane took heavy breaths again and tried to recover from the fight.
"We make a great team Zane, that was awesome!" Spike said amazed while high fiving him.
"You've learned a lot my friend, great work." Zane said with a smile under the mask as they inspected the robot, but then they noticed the robot had a similar symbol to what the falcon was like.
"The same symbol.." Zane said with fascination as they saw this.
"Does this mean they were made by the same person?" Spike asked curious as they got off the thing, and went back to the falcon again.
"Where have you brought us our falcon friend?" Zane asked as they saw an odd looking tree just ahead of them with a strange door.
"Is this.. a home?" Spike asked confused as he opened the thing for them. The two walked inside the place and went down a spiral of stairs to what looked like the center, it looked like both a laboratory and a home to whoever once lived here, and they even saw some blueprints on the table just ahead of them, Spike and Zane saw there was one of the falcon and saw there was a problem with it.
"So, this is where the falcon came from.." Zane said with fascination as they looked at the blueprints.

"Hey Zane, i think we can fix the falcon if we just do.. this.." Spike said as he and Zane took a few spare parts and used them to repair the falcon, and it didn't take long for the falcon to finally get back up and it flapped it's wings normally again.
"You brought us here, but why?" Zane asked curiously as the falcon flew around the room a bit. But that's when Spike and Zane noticed another blueprint just below the falcons, and they're curiosity got the better of them, but what they saw under it.. shocked them to no end.
"No.. this.. that.. this can't be real! That can't be true!" Spike said in shock as Zane dropped the blueprints from complete shock.
"No.. it.. it can't be! No.. NO! NOOOOO!!!!" Zane screamed which echoed through the entire house while Spike looked at Zane in disbelief with this discovery..

Meanwhile with Wu, he was making his way to an old shop that he's known for a while, and went in to get something special.
"I would like to purchase some Travelers Tea." Wu asked as an old woman named Mystake had come into the room.
"Never heard of it!" Mystake said pretending not to know it, Wu knew this was gonna cost more then normal, and placed a large amount of coins on the table to purchase it, Mystake saw he wasn't going back on this and went to retrieve a special flower that Wu will need.
"You know, those who drink this never return." Mystake said while she handed him a teapot of the stuff.
"Then I will not bother you again." Wu assured as he left the room with Mystake and the kid at the desk looking confused to see this.

Kai and the others had eventually met up with eachother and followed where Zane and Spike went after hearing some noise from this place.
"Zane, Spike? You in here?" Kai asked as they were finally entering the place, and they saw Spike and Zane at the center of the room and saw they were in complete shock seeing something in front of them.
"Wow, would you look at this place? Zane, Spike? What's wrong guys?" Jay asked with worry as they finally came up to them.
"It's.. hard to explain guys.. really hard.." Spike said sadly while he tried comforting Zane over this realization. Zane sighed sadly and looked at the blueprints they found together, and it was a strange drawing of what looked like Zane.. Zane picked it up and had a look of sadness upon realizing what he really is.
"Hey, what are you...?" Cole asked right before Zane opened up his chest and everyone screamed in fear as they finally were shown what he is.

"Your.. a robot?!" Kai asked shocked too find this out about his friend.
"It's just as shocking for us, as it is for you.." Spike said as he tried processing what he's learned.
"All this time.. and I never knew.." Zane said regretfully to know this.
"Then I guess this explains why your always so weird, right?" Jay asked while chuckling nervously.
"The reason I never had a sense of humor, was because my Funny Switch wasn't on.." Zane said as he flipped the thing on which made Zane suddenly start to dance around in a silly way.
"Hello my baby! Hello my honey! Hello my ragtime gal! Send me a kiss by a wire!" Zane said in a singing tone while he danced around in a funny way which made Jay laugh pretty hard while Spike chuckled a bit before he turned it off finally.

"Uh.. this just makes you more special, your still the same Zane, just more.. gears." Cole said nervously while trying to help him.
"No matter what your made of, your still our brother." Kai said as they tried helping him up.
"Really?" Zane asked a bit surprised to hear this.
"Of course, you've done so much for us, even the way you are now, your still our friend, and brother." Spike assured while helping him up.
"Yeah, and how cool is it to say, my brother is a Nindroid?" Jay asked while declaring something for Zane.
"A Nindroid?" Zane asked confused to hear that.
"Come on buddy, Pythor is still out there and searching for the first Fang Blade, and we need you." Cole assured while wanting to go, but Zane needed time to process this news he's had.
"You'll have to go on without me.. I just.. don't feel right.." Zane said sadly while he looked back at the blueprints.
"We'll catch up in a bit guys.. I need to help my friend.." Spike said as he went to help Zane, they all understood this and left the two to try and process what they've learned about him.

Kai and the others went back out the tree to let them process this for a bit.
"We just have to give him time, I don't know how I would feel if I was told I was a robot." Kai said with worry for his friend.
"You mean Nindroid." Jay corrected with a smile.
"Yeah, whatever." Kai replied feeling a bit annoyed.
"Now, how do we get out of this place? Hold on.. what's that?" Cole asked worried as a strange loud sound caught they're attention.
"Cute tiny birds?" Jay asked nervously while they put on they're masks, and Cole saw something moving just ahead of them.
'Did you see that?!" Cole asked as there was something huge ahead.
"I just saw something move too! Treehorns!" Kai shouted as a strange group of monsters called Treehorns surrounded them all, they looked next to them and saw the robot Spike and Zane had taken down a few minutes back.
"Oh great, I think that thing was supposed to protect this place! Guys, it's up to us!" Kai said seriously as they began trying to fight the monsters off.

Jay drew his chucks and jumped directly at one of the monsters legs and tried knocking them off it's feet while more kept attacking them, Kai tried attacking one of the Treehorns but was kicked down by one of them and got flung all the way back to the robot as a result. Cole grabbed one of their legs and spun it around to take down a few more of them before he threw it into another, but they just kept coming back.
"There's just too many of them!" Cole shouted as they're legs were blocking they're way of fighting back.

Spike and Zane continued to look at the blueprints of Zane with worry, and they didn't know how to solve this issue they've discovered.
"Zane.. what do we do? How can I help you? I don't know what I can do, but there's gotta be something, right?" Spike asked hoping there was.
"I think there is.. a.. Memory Switch.." Zane said as he found the switch inside him, and he flicked it on which finally caused all the memory's he's had to flood back inside him.

Zane remembered everything that happened from the first day he was built, he was built by a brilliant scientist named Dr. Julien, a person who made Zane to be as a son, Zane remembered everything he went through with Julien, he was a caring father who was always there for him no matter what, they built the falcon together, made food together, no matter how old Julien got, he was always a caring father for him.
"You were built to protect those who cannot protect themselves.." Julien said as Zane let a butterfly fly off, but no matter how many years went by.. eventually.. Zane's father had fallen ill, and his age couldn't help him recover, Zane was standing next to his father while he layed down on his bed, and wanted to give one last piece of advise to his son.
"You've always been the son I never had.. it's time you begin your next stage in life.. and the only reason I'm about to do this, is because.. I love you.. " Julien said weakly as he took of his glasses to look him in the eyes, Zane looked at this with a sad smile and Julien had no choice for this, he opened up Zane's hatch and went over to his memory switch, and he turned it off so he wouldn't remember this, and with that.. Julien had finally passed on from the illness, and left Zane alone in this world...

Zane had a single tear come from his eye as he finally remembered everything from his life, and he felt a greater deal of understanding now knowing what's happened.
"Zane, are you alright? What happened?" Spike asked with worry for his friend.
"I.. remember everything.. I know what happened, who I am.. and why.. I was built.." Zane said as he finally knew what's happened.
"Really? What was it?" Spike asked with surprise to hear this, Zane turned to him and patted his back while giving him a smile.
"I was built to protect those who can't protect themselves, I was made to be my own person, even when my father passed on, I always had my own choices to make, and now.. I know what I am, and I couldn't have discovered it, without a brother like you by my side." Zane said gratefully which made Spike smile hearing that from him.
"You were the first person I felt a connection with when I came to this world, and to know you've finally understood this, it makes me more happy for you, I'm glad to find this out with you Zane." Spike said proudly while they looked at the falcon with determination.
"I am too my friend, come on, let's catch up with the others!" Zane said as they finally were making they're leave to meet the others.

Spike and Zane quickly ran up the spiral to leave the place, but when they made it back out, they had a look of shock when they saw Kai and the others were being attacked by the Treehorns.
"Let's do this Zane!" Spike said seriously as he prepared his Ice powers.
"Leave our friends alone! Ninja go!!" Zane shouted as they used Spinjitzu once again to free the others from them, Spike shot multiple ice blasts at the Treehorns legs to stun them, Spike then jumped in the air and threw hid Trident at them to knock each one down, Zane leaped into the air and punched one of them in the face while the other's were finally getting up.
"What's gotten into Zane?" Cole asked curiously while Spike flipped next to them.
"He finally understands who he is.." Spike said proudly as they all came together to fight them off.
"Ninja go!!" They all shouted again while they used Spinjitzu to knock some off their feet, Cole slammed his Scythe down on the ground to knock down a few more, and Spike shot multiple fire blasts at the Treehorns heads to help.

They kept on fighting each Treehorn down until they noticed they were moving around the place.
"Are they.. regrouping?" Jay asked confused until they heard a really loud roar just ahead of them.
"What is that?" Spike asked with shock as they saw a Treehorn even bigger then the others.
"They're queen." Zane said seriously as he went to stand against her while the others went back a bit.

"You will not hurt my friends! There is nothing that will hold me back! I know who I am!" Zane shouted as his powers were surging up, and his eyes began to glow brightly from rage. Zane's powers soared all around him and a pillar of light was formed from the overwhelming power, and Zane began floating in the air.
"What's happening to him? Was he programmed to do that?" Kai asked shocked as his power surged even more.
"I've never seen a robot do that!" Jay said amazed to see what's happening.
"You mean, Nindroid." Cole corrected as the Queen roared at Zane with rage
"Guys, I think he's done it.." Spike said in complete amazement for what he's achieved.
"He's unlocked his true potential!" Cole said as they all finally realized what's happened.

Zane threw his Shuriken's of ice around the area and he landed on the ground and used his Spinjitzu and spun around the Queen multiple times before going back up into the air, Zane's powers finally unleashed and he shot a powerful beam of ice which completely froze the Queen Treehorn solid which made all the others leave in fear of his huge power. Zane's body glowed brightly for a few more moments until he finally landed back on the ground and returned to normal.
"What happened?" Zane asked confused not recalling what he did.
"That was awesome!" Jay said completely amazed at this move of his.
"You discovered your True Potential, you did it!" Spike cheered as they all helped him up.
"I've never seen anything like it!" Cole said amazed with what he did too.

"This must mean what sensei said when he meant unlocking our hearts. I remember now, I remember everything, I remember my father, and how I came to be, and I feel stronger for knowing it." Zane explained while he took of his mask.
"I'm so jealous! His powers are so cool!" Cole said amazed at this news.
"And if this is what it takes, we'll all get cool powers to fight too!" Spike said eagerly while looking at his weapon.
"We have our very own Nindroid!" Jay said amazed while they all high fived eachother once again.
"Watch out Pythor, we're coming for you!" Zane said seriously while he put his mask back on.

However, back with Pythor and the Serpentine, they were not getting anywhere with finding the map, and had enough after waiting so long.
"Where are the four Fang Blades?" Fangtom asked impatiently at this long wait.
"What if there is no map?" Acidius hissed turning to him.
"I know I know! I just don't know where to look!" Pythor said in frustration which made them see this is a waste of time.
"Then I'm taking my staff back!" Fangtom hissed while taking his own back.
"Me too!" Acidius said grabbing his as well.
"Me three!" Skalidor said while he grabbed his and knocked his staff away, this made Acidius made and they started fighting eachother while Pythor saw the venom coming from the staffs.

"That's it!" Pythor said as he finally understood what to do.
"What's it?" Scales asked as he took the rest of the staffs.
"The Map of Fangs! It's been right in front of us all this time! The 5 fangs unite as one, the path towards the Devourer has begun! it's not speaking of the 5 tribes, it's the venom in the 5 staffs!" Pythor declared as he put the staffs together and put the map below it for the venom in them to all leak onto it, this made the venom all merge together into one which finally showed a map of where each of the Fang Blades were.
"Behold! The location to the four silver Fang Blades! Soon the Great Devourer will be unleashed, and Ninjago will be ours!" Pythor announced while holding it out which made the snakes cheer in victory to hear this.

But all the way where Wu was, he was on a mountain in the middle of the night, he looked at the Travelers Tea he got and knew what to do, he poured the stuff around the fire which made it suddenly turn blue, and that opened a strange vortex that led somewhere else. Wu took the stuff he had and had a serious look as he finally walked through the thing, and it vanished after he went through it, leaving nothing left where he once was.
The portal had taken Wu to a strange dark realm where he was meant to go, Wu landed down on the ground and adjusted his hat while he looked around the place.
"Hello.. brother..." A familiar voice said in a menacing way which made Wu look just ahead, and not too far in front of him.. he saw his corrupted brother who had traveled here some time ago.
"What took you so long?" Garmadon asked in a mocking tone before he made an evil laugh as Wu had to deal with him now, even with all this going on, Spike and the Ninja were one step closer to saving Ninjago, and this was they're first step to stopping him..

8: Once Bitten, Twice Shy

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It was another day on the Bounty once again, everyone was doing some research on the Serpentine to get any info they could on that could relate to the Fangpyre's and the other snakes, Spike was holding the egg he found still and they were all looking over an old body for any signs.
"Some villagers unearthed the remains of a Fangpyre a few miles away, it comes before the golden age of the Serpentine, so it must be hundreds of years old!" Nya explained while everyone watched her scan the thing.
"Although the venom in the fangs of a Fangpyre can genetically mutate human cells into Serpentine, I learned they're could be a way to stop the affects without having to create an anti-venom. If one is able to widely raise they're heartrate, hypothetically it could reverse the venoms affects." Nya continued while everyone continued to watch while Spike saw Cole drawing something pretty cool.

"10/10 drawing Cole." Spike whispered which made Cole high five him. Jay sighed with a smile and kept his eyes on Nya who was strangely blushing until she smelt something off.
"Is someone wearing perfume? I'm severely allergic to perfume!" Nya asked which shocked Jay as he had his hair done differently now.
"I thought you said it was men's cologne!" Jay whispered to Kai who chuckled a bit.
"Eh, I get them mixed up." Kai joked which made most of them laugh hearing that.
"That's actually funny, well done Kai." Spike said chuckling a bit while Zane turned off his humor switch for now.

Everyone took up the books they had and they began to leave, Spike put the egg in a small carrier he had on his body so he couldn't drop it.
"Well, looks like class is over. Time to stomp any Serpentine before they find any Fang Blades!" Cole said confident they could handle them now.
"Sounds like a plan!" Kai said agreeing to this too.
"I'm excited to join!" Zane said as well while they were all leaving.
"Maybe we'll learn more about what Serpentine hatches from this egg, if it's an Anacondrai, we're in for some cool research!" Spike said eagerly while he left with them, but Jay looked back at Nya and felt regret for causing this.

"Uh.. hey uh Nya? I'm sorry, the reason I was.. I went to Kai because.. look, what I'm trying to say is.." Jay tried to apologize properly, but she could see through it.
"I know I know, it's just a cruel joke, please, go fight some snakes, but don't let Spike's egg break alright?" Nya asked while Jay wanted to say something else.
"No no no I was trying to impress you! Before sense left he said our hearts were the key." Jay said quickly correcting that.
"Impress me? But I look so.." Nya said while looking at her clothing with some embarrassment.
"Fantastic. Maybe if you let me I can take you to some big fancy restaurant! But you don't have to.. if you don't want too.." Jay said nervously while he tried to ask her out.

"You mean.. like a.. date?" Nya asked curiously thinking that's what it meant.
"Um.. yeah?" Jay replied with a nervous look.
"Sure! I'd love to! But now I have to go before the perfume toxins enter my bloodstream and I go into shock! See you tonight!" Nya answered while she left him alone and Jay felt overjoyed.
"Yes! Haha!" Jay laughed with victory while he did a little dance, but that ended up getting his hand cut a bit by the Fangpyre skeleton and he felt hurt from that.
"Ow! Man.." Jay said while he shook it off for now and left the place while still dancing, but unknown to him, that Fangpyre skeleton still had venom within it's fangs.. and it was able to mutate a nearby fly from it's power..

Meanwhile, back with Wu and Garmadon in the Realm of Madness, they were finally confronting eachother after so long.
"Hello brother, what took you so long? You brought the katana from our youth, funny, you never had the courage to cross the temple walls, but now you have the courage to come here?" Garmadon mocked as he saw Wu had it in the case.
"Why have you come to this place of darkness?" Wu asked upset with this dark place they're in.
"A place as wicked as me, don't you see, here, I feel at home. Back in Ninjago, I wasn't able to physically hold all 4 Golden Weapons, but here, darkness has made me stronger.. and what was once impossible, is now possible!" Garmadon announced as he finally turned around and revealed he now has 4 arms.
"You came here only to possess the weapons of Spinjitzu?!" Wu asked really upset to know this awful news.
"Yes brother, and I refuse to allow you or your pesky ninja to stop me!" Garmadon shouted as he held out his hands and 4 weapons that were like the ninja's came into his hands.

Garmadon made a battle cry as he charged at him through the dark field around them, Wu ran to him and slid under one of his strikes to go right behind him, he then clashed his sword with his own weapons and Garmadon used one of his weapons to knock him off his feet and he went flying down the hill into a strange mud around the area. Garmadon landed back down as soon as Wu got up, and Wu used his Spinjitzu to catch him off guard, but Garmadon summoned some strange monsters who emerged from the mud and they surrounded Wu. Garmadon grinned wickedly while Wu tried fighting them off.
"Brother! I've not come to... " Wu was trying to convince him, but Garmadon wasn't listening.
"You will pay for your visit!" Mud Monster's converge!" Garmadon ordered which made the monster's surround Wu and they squashed him against them.
"You don't belong here, old fool! You should've known better then to try to stop me!" Garmadon mocked while Wu tried to escape.
"I came to warn you.. to tell you...!" Wu shouted before one of them almost absorbed him completely and Wu tried to escape.
"Your sons in danger!" Wu revealed which made Garmadon drop all the anger he had for the moment.
"Lloyd?!" Garmadon asked shocked to hear this, he quickly went to help Wu out of the Mud monsters and he pulled him out which made Wu gasp for air while Garmadon looked down at him.

"What has Lloyd gotten himself into?" Garmadon asked worried for his son.
"He has opened a can of worms I fear I will never be able to close." Wu said regretfully at the thought of all that's happening.
"You mean that we will never be able to close. Get up, you can tell me more later. Of course we need to return home. How did you come here?" Garmadon asked while he helped Wu up.
"Travelers tea. But I used it all, and now I have no way back." Wu said sadly to inform him this, but Garmadon had another idea on how to get home.
"There is only one way to get back to Ninjago, but to get their we must past through the Mountain of Madness, it is a long dangerous road." Garmadon said as he looked out in the distance.
"I wouldn't have it, any other way." Wu said calmly as this may be the only way back.
"Then we should leave, before it really gets dark." Garmadon insisted as they began to leave the place to head to this Mountain of Madness to get home.

Spike and the others were still on the Bounty trying to locate any Serpentine activity, Spike's been getting used to having to do these missions by now and honestly found them really awesome, he never got to do something this cool at home, and the fact he's learning cool stuff like Spinjitzu makes things more exciting. Spike was still watching over the egg he found like usual and has been taking very good care of it, he's been taking good care of it ever since he found it, there's just something right about looking after this, and he's wondering what it will be when it hatches.
"You still looking after that egg Spike?" Kai asked while Spike kept looking at it on the table.
"Yeah, I've felt it move a few times, so maybe it's gonna hatch soon?" Spike suggested while he looked at it with interest as well.
"You know it's gonna be a bit of a task to raise a Serpentine when it does, you have any ideas on how to handle one when it hatches?" Kai asked while he sat down next to him.

"With what we know about Serpentine and how they're raised, I have a feeling I can handle it, it can't be any worse then how I was when I hatched, oh man Twilight couldn't properly sleep for days on end!" Spike joked which made Kai laugh a bit.
"Hey, raising a dragon is probably just as hard as raising a snake, just let me know if you need a babysitter or something, I'm sure the rest of us will be glad to help, right guys?" Kai asked while looking at the others who nodded in response, Jay wasn't here right now and was most likely doing something important.
"Thanks, let's just hope that whatever hatches from this, will be able to help us out when we need it. Wonder if it's gonna be a boy or girl?" Spike asked curiously as it moved around a bit more.
"Don't know, what I wanna know is what are you gonna name it if it is a boy or girl? " Kai asked curiously looking at it too.
"Who knows, it'll come to me when it's best suited, let's just get back to business alright?" Spike asked while they were getting back on track.

It didn't take long for Jay to come into the room wearing a fancy outfit, while he looked nice, Jay was getting nervous about something important, that little cut from the Fangpyre skeleton started turning his hand green, and he's trying not to show it.
"Whoa! Where you going mr Fancy?" Cole asked impressed with his outfit.
"Didn't you hear? I'm taking Nya to a nice restaurant, a really nice restaurant!" Jay said proudly which amazed Spike.
"Wow! Congrats dude! I wish I could've asked Rarity like you did, great job Jay!" Spike complimented while giving a thumbs up, but Kai saw something on the monitor that kinda ruins this.
"Might wanna change your plans. The bridge just picked up evidence of Serpentine activity over at Mega monster amusement park." Kai warned as they saw Pythor with some people taking a photo at the park.

"Hey that's Pythor!" Jay said with surprise as he wasn't there for anything good probably.
"Pythor would not be there for fun, we believe a Fang blade may be buried underneath the park." Zane informed which worried them all.
"We can't let them get it!.. Oh but my date!"" Jay said with worry on what to choose right now.
"Jay, if they get all 4 Fang Blades, Pythor will release the Great Devourer, get your priorities straight man." Kai encouraged while he and the others began to leave, and that's when Jay got an idea on what to do.

But before Spike could leave, he felt the egg move around a bit more which surprised him.
"Um.. guys! I think.. I think the egg is hatching!" Spike announced which got everyone's attention, Jay quickly ran off to find Nya to let her know this and everyone saw the egg was starting to crack.
"What's it gonna be?" Cole asked amazed as they watched it move around some more.
"It is fascinating to see the birth of a Serpentine.." Zane said amazed as well as they could see a small red eye come from the shell.
"Come on little guy.. your almost out.." Spike encouraged while everyone watched with anticipation.

The egg crumbled a bit more until it finally burst open a bit and the shells went on the floor, everyone had a look of shock and surprise as they finally saw the Serpentine inside, and it was an Anacondrai, it was very small, possibly like how Spike was when he hatched, it looked so young and innocent, it had small fangs from it's teeth, and a single long tail instead of legs, and it had purple scales with white markings on some areas, and they could see from the eyes, that it.. was a girl..
"It's.. a girl!" Spike said amazed while Zane threw out some confetti for celebration.
"Congratulations Spike! You are officially a parent!" Zane congratulated while he patted his back, the small snake looked at all of them and looked at Spike who was holding her.
"D.. daddy?" The snake asked which made Spike smile seeing it already can talk.
"Hey there little girl.. welcome to your home.." Spike said with a tear while he hugged the snake like a parent would.
"What are you gonna name her Spike?" Kai asked curiously while he looked at her, and he found one that may suit her.
"I think I'll name her.. Allison.." Spike said while he rubbed her head which made her laugh a bit.

But even if this was a great moment for them, it also put more stress since they had to worry about this now.
"Oh great, now we have to worry about her and make sure she isn't hurt! What do we do guys?" Kai asked worried while the baby hissed a bit.
"Looks we'll have to manage things, Spike you'll have to be extra careful with her, stay as far away from the snakes, don't let them see you have her, they may think you kidnapped her." Cole warned while they were exiting the bridge to get ready.
"Shouldn't I stay here to take care of her? She's not even a minute old, she needs to be safe to not get hurt." Spike asked worried on how they can handle this.
"Don't worry, we'll just go to the amusement park, and you'll have fun with her there while we take care of things, just stay out of Serpentine sight, but if we need your help, we'll contact you alright?" Cole asked which Spike understood, but he was still worried about her safety.
"Alright, come on guys, let's go!" Spike said as he held her close and they got ready to go stop them.

Meanwhile with Garmadon and Wu, they were still traveling through the Realm while trying to get home, and were talking about what's recently happened.
"So, what kind of trouble has Lloyd gotten himself into?" Garmadon asked worried for his son.
"I'm afraid the worst kind. He's opened the Serpentine tombs, and now they are all united, Pythor is trying to find all the silver Fang Blades to awaken the Great Devourer." Wu informed which made Garmadon upset to know since that snake made him like this.
"The very snake that turned me evil?" Garmadon asked upset to hear this.
"Yes." Wu said regretting to admit it.
"But why would Lloyd open the tombs?" Garmadon asked as he never wanted to do that himself.
"To be like you." Wu replied which made him sigh hearing this.
"I never wanted him to, thank you for watching over him." Garmadon said gratefully to know this.
"You may think of me as your enemy, but I was first your brother." Wu said in a wise tone as they kept moving along to leave this place.

Back at Mega monster Amusement park, Jay had taken Nya to a restaurant there so they could both do they're job at stopping the Serpentine, but Jay was getting more worried about the venom he had inside, but he tried to push past it for now.
"I just saw it before we left, Spike's egg finally hatched and we know what the child is now, it's an Anacondrai like Pythor, and it's a she, Spike named her Allison! And Spike went around a bit to help her have some fun." Jay informed while Nya looked at her wrist watch nervously as it kept going off, but this was important info to know even if they're trying to be on a date.
"Um, you okay, you seem kind of distant?" Jay asked while he pushed the huge food away.
"Uh.. yeah, it's just the portions are so big! And to think we split our dish! It's great to know Spike's trying to take care of his own child now!" Nya said as she was gonna look into that later.

"Uh.. yeah! So that Samurai, I hate him, do you he's such a showboat you know? If you ask me, he's nothing without his big clunky exo suit." Jay said which made Nya a bit upset hearing that.
"Oh.." Nya replied a bit annoyed to hear that.
"Yeah nothing can compare to good old fashioned feet and fists don't you think?" Jay asked while he pretended to punch something.
"Yeah, sure.." Nya said a bit upset to admit that.
"You know, ssomebody once told me." Jay said before he quickly shut his mouth and realized he just hissed like a snake, he grabbed a small spoon and saw he was starting to grow fangs.

"You okay?" Nya asked worried while Jay was freaking out a bit.
"Excuse me! I have to use the restroom!" Jay said with fear while he quickly got up and left and Nya saw something strange coming behind his back which confused her.
Jay quickly rushed inside the restroom and washed out his mouth to try and push past this, but he then took off his glove and saw it was green and growing scales which was freaking him out.
"Oh gosh! I'm turning into a snake!" Jay said with horror while he looked at himself.

Another person was entering the restroom to use it, but Jay was in one of the stalls to hide himself.
"I'm busy dude don't you see?" Jay asked from inside which made the person quickly leave while he was freaking out.
"I can't go out there looking like this!" Jay hissed while he looked at his hand with horror.
"This is the worst date ever!" Jay said annoyed that this is happening now of all times. Nya was still waiting for Jay to come out of the restroom and was looking at her device with concern on what's taking him so long.

Meanwhile with Spike, he was disguising himself so he doesn't make a scene, he was wearing a trench coat and a hat with some gloves to hide himself, and he held Allison close to him to make sure he isn't seen by anyone, Allison was starting to cry a bit and was getting worried on what to do.
"Don't cry Allison, we're here for fun and games, I'm sure you'll love it!" Spike said nervously while he purchased some candy to help calm her down, Spike gave it to her who thankfully took it and looked delighted to eat it, and Spike sighed with worry and wondered where the others were.
"Come on guys, please hurry things up, I don't want those snakes to see me with her.." Spike prayed while he kept looking around the games to find something to do.

Meanwhile with Kai and the others, they were looking around for Jay and Nya and wondered where they were too.
"Where is everybody?" Kai asked confused on where they are, but some people came out of a ride and were screaming in fear over seeing something inside.
"Wait a minute, that ride was never scary." Cole said as he got suspicious of this.
"Venomari." Zane concluded as it was the only logical answer.
"Should we get Jay or let Spike know?" Kai asked looking around for them still.
"Let's not bother those lovebirds, and let Spike take care of Allison for a bit, we can handle this!" Cole said confidently before they started running into the ride while people were running away still.

Nya was still waiting for Jay and was getting impatient, she looked at her device again and sighed sadly to have to do this.
"Sorry Jay, duty calls.." Nya said regretfully while she took her purse and ran out of the room to get suited up. Jay was still looking at himself in the mirror and was nervous on what to do.
"Huh.. you don't look so bad! Just go out there and tell her the truth.." Jay said nervously until he felt something rip behind him and he felt a tail wag behind him.
"Ah! I have a tail! No.. no, it's okay Jay, lot's of girls like tails..." Jay said with fear while he finally went out of the room and hoped no one would notice.

Jay went back out into the lobby and looked around for her, but he saw Nya wasn't at the table and was worried on where she is.
"She left? Nya?" Jay asked while looking around for her, but one citizen saw him and was freaking out with seeing him.
"Snake!!" The citizen screamed with fear which got everyone to look at Jay, but they all started to get mad at seeing him and were now attacking him to get him out.
"No! Stop! You don't understand!" Jay shouted with fear while they kept beating him up. Nya ran to a distant alley to quickly change into her Exo suit to find those snakes, she pressed on her device and that summoned her mech suit so she could properly begin searching for them now.

But back with Pythor and the rest of the snakes, they were digging in the ride the people ran out of, and Scales kept digging a bit more until they heard a metal clank with the shovel, Pythor sighed in awe as he uncovered it and they finally had recovered the first Fang Blade, and he picked it up to show them all of it.
"The first Fang Blade is ours!" Pythor announced which made everyone cheer upon seeing it. But Kai and the others had just showed up and raised up they're weapons and were ready to fight.
"Not so fast!" Kai announced with a serious look, but that made them look at him confused with how he announced they're presence.
"Really? That's the best you got?" Cole asked while shaking his head in disappointment
"I couldn't think of anything on the fly." Kai said in defense at that statement.
"Well how about.. Time to burn! Or.. Jump on this fire ride!" Cole announced dramatically which annoyed Kai a bit.
"Well next time you lead." Kai insisted while he held out his sword still.
"Well next time I will!" Cole said while he got in his face.
"Oh yeah? If you can catch up!" Kai mocked which was dragging this out for too long.
"Oh come on you gotta follow my lead!" Cole countered while all the snakes were marching to them.

Kai and the rest began to fight the snakes off the best they could with what they had, Kai deflected one attack and used his fire to knock one of them down, and Zane threw his weapons at another to freeze it beneath his feat, Cole jumped in the air and kicked the snake in the face to knock it down while more people were coming through the ride.
"Ninjas? Ninja's aren't scary." One of them commented while Zane charged himself up.
"Watch and learn brothers.." Zane said calmly as he put his weapons together. Zane's eyes began to glow brightly again and he was using his True Potential like he did before, Scales and Pythor were backing up as Zane was floating in the air again and ice was flowing all around him, Zane raised out his hands and burst out his powers to hopefully freeze them, but when the light died down.. he accidentally trapped him, Kai and Cole in blocks of ice.
"Uh.. Oops.." Zane said as this was humiliating, Pythor and the other snakes laughed hysterically at seeing this and they began to leave while they were frozen in place.

Spike was still walking around the park and was trying to find a ride that wouldn't scare Allison, and she was starting to cry a bit again and Spike was worried on where the others are.
"Come on guys, where are you? Let's just hope I don't bump into any..." Kai said right before he bumped into Pythor just as they were escaping, Spike groaned a bit and quickly got back up while he held Allison close, Pythor quickly noticed the Anacondrai he had on her and glared at him.
"Where did you find that snake young child?" Pythor hissed while he was backing up from them all.
"None of your business! Leave her alone!" Spike countered while he took off his disguise and drew his weapon.
"I strongly advise giving that child back, let us take care of her, and we'll let you go." Scales offered which Spike didn't believe one bit.
"Trusting snakes like you is the last thing I'd do!" Spike shouted before he shot lightning from his Trident and knocked some of them down before he quickly ran off which made Pythor growl in frustration.
"Get that dragon, turn him into a snake if you must! Get that child!" Pythor ordered which made some snakes chase after Spike.

But a strange magnet suddenly took away the Fang Blade and they all saw the Samurai was here, Spike had a look of relief and quickly ran up to him.
"You always know when to show up at the best times!" Spike said gratefully while the Samurai helped him to the mech's shoulder, Spike held Allison close while Nya tried taking off, but the thrusters weren't working and they had to run.
"Thruster malfunction!" Nya reported before she quickly ran off while the snakes were chasing them both. Nya was running as fast as she could through the park while the snake's kept chasing them, Spike used his Trident and shot more fire blasts at them to slow them down, but Allison was crying again and he had to stop to take care of her.
"Oh man, why do we have to do this now?!" Spike asked annoyed while he hugged her again and rubbed her back.
"It always comes at a bad time Spike!" Nya replied annoyed as well while she was trying to use the rides to escape them.

Nya got on top of a roller coaster and she slid down the rails to gain speed while the snakes were climbing after them.
"Spike, find the others and get them to help, don't let them catch you!" Nya warned while Spike looked back at the place the snakes came out.
"Got it, drop me off here!" Spike said as he saw a rooftop just ahead, Spike jumped onto the mech's arm as it kept sliding and Nya threw Spike to the rooftop so he can avoid the snakes, Spike landed down like a pro and kept his mask on, and he quickly ran off to help the others while Nya landed down from a Ferris wheel, but the snakes had finally surrounded her and they latched onto the mech to take it down, all the snakes hissed as the mech finally fell down after taking so much damage.
"Finally, the mystery man is revealed!" Pythor said as a snake finally took of Nya's helmet and they finally saw her face.
"Or should I have said mystery girl? Who's gonna save you now?" Pythor asked mockingly while she was restrained by the snakes.

Jay was still being attacked by all the people at the restaurant and was trying to get out. Jay quickly ran into the restroom while people kept throwing things at him so he could finally find out how to get out of here, it didn't take long for him to come back out and he covered his face completely to avoid being attacked some more.
"Don't go in there! He bites! This is not dinner theater people, it's real!" Jay hissed while he quickly left the place to find Nya. Jay finally came back outside of the place and noticed his tail was growing even more which worried him even more.
"Nya? Where is she?" Jay asked while he looked for her, but he saw Pythor and the other snakes were here, and they had the Fang Blade with them.
"Hey!" Jay announced which got they're attention, Jay drew his weapons and twirled them around and got ready to attack, but everyone saw he had a tail and they laughed hysterically seeing this.
"Oh what happened? Snake bite your tongue?" Pythor mocked while the snakes kept laughing at him.

Jay was about to go over and stop them until he heard someone call for help.
"Jay! Help!" Nya screamed which made him look over to see she was strapped to a roller coaster, one of the snakes pulled the lever that started the ride and it began to move up the rails.
"Later alligator! Let's go boys!" Pythor hissed as they were making they're leave with the Fang Blade, Jay already made his decision, and he quickly went to save Nya.
"What happened to you?" Nya asked while seeing how strange he looked now.
"What happened to you?" Jay asked wondering how she was captured, Jay looked above them and he saw there was a ring of fire right next to a destroyed rail which was really bad news.
"We have to get you out of here!" Jay shouted while he tried breaking the chains, but Nya finally noticed he had a tail and knew it meant one thing.

"Were you bit? Take off your head scarf." Nya asked while looking at him.
"I.. prefer not.. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want to ruin the date." Jay admitted which she found really sweet.
"Oh, that's so sweet! It's really nice you try and see the positive stuff in anything." Nya said sweetly while she tried to escape still.
"Yeah, I was just doing that to impress you.." jay admitted until she finally saw something.
"Hold on Jay!" Nya announced which got his attention.
"What? You got a plan?" Jay asked curious if it was.
"No! Hold on!" Nya shouted which finally made him look ahead and they saw they were at the top of the coaster by now.

Jay quickly got on the seat just as the ride was starting to take off at fast speeds across the rails, but that also made his head scarf finally come off and Jay was almost fully a snake by now, Jay felt it was off and Nya saw he was almost a snake.
"Don't look at me I'm a monster! Though I hate the Samurai, where is he when you actually need him? Samurai! help, help Samurai!" Jay shouted while hoping he would come, and Nya had no choice but to reveal she was it.
"Jay.. I don't think the Samurai is coming.." Nya said regretfully which confused him.
"Why?" Jay asked worried for this while the coaster kept going even faster.
"Well this may not be the best time but.. I haven't been totally honest either.." Nya admitted which was worrying.
"What is it?" Jay hissed while looking at her.

"I.. I am the Samurai!" Nya revealed which shocked him to no end.
"Wh.. Your the Samurai?!" Jay asked with shock while the coaster was almost to the end of the track.
"Ahh! We're almost out of track!" Jay screamed while he tried to get out of here.
"Jay, if anything horrible were to happen, I just want to let you to know that you don't have to wear any cologne or pretend to be something that your not. Because, I like you best when your you!" Nya assured before she finally kissed him on the cheek, this made Jay's heartrate go up and that actually cured him of the Snake Bite affect just like Nya predicted!
"Your face, your turning back to normal!" Nya said relieved while Jay chuckled nervously.
"It's just like you said, it must've raised my heartrate!" Jay said amazed as the coaster was nearing the end of the line.
"Just remember, whatever happens next... you are the best you..." Nya assured one last time, and that line finally awakened something within Jay.

Jay was starting to float into the air and his body was starting to be surrounded by lightning.
"What's happening?" Nya asked while Jay's eyes were starting to glow.
"My true potential!" Jay announced as his lightning overflowed him. Jay teleported in front of the ride and used his powers and strength to make the ride come to a screeching halt, Spike had just gotten the others out of the trap they put themselves in and they saw Jay unlocked his true potential.
"Way to go Jay." Spike said proudly as Jay was finally able to stop it and he sighed in complete relief.

After everyone got them off the ride, they went to the entrance of the park to talk about what's happened.
"You really had me fooled, I would've never guessed you were the samurai." Zane admitted as he didn't expect this at all.
"I wish I had a sister like you." Cole said proudly which she smiled from hearing.
"Pretty great day huh guys? I have my own child now, Jay unlocked his true potential, and we're one step closer to getting stronger." Spike said proudly while Allison cooed a bit like a baby.
"It really is Spike, you did good as a first day as a parent." Kai said while he rubbed his head a bit.
"But you wanna know what I learned today guys?" Jay asked which got they're attention.
"What's that?" Nya asked curious on what that is.

"No matter what secret you have, whether your a snake or a Samurai, it's important to be yourself." Jay admitted which was a true thing to take in.
"Yeah, that's cute, but you wanna know what I learned, the Serpentine now have the first Fang Blade!" Cole announced which was worrying to know.
"But we are getting stronger. And one day we all will too, and Pythor will be stopped." Zane assured which they smiled at.
"And we figured all this out without sensei. Pretty good for 5 ninja.( Nya hits him on his shoulder to remind him who also helped) and a Samurai." Jay said nervously while Kai was worried for they're master.
"Wonder what Sensei is doing now?" Kai asked concerned for where he is.

But back with Garmadon and Wu, they were finally arriving at the Mountain of Madness which may lead them home.
"We're here, the Mountain of Madness." Garmadon announced as an ominous blue light covered the black night sky.
"The only way back to Ninjago is up there?" Wu asked concerned of how dangerous it looks.
"The worst is yet to come.." Garmadon warned while they were making they're way up the mountain together...

9: The Royal Blacksmiths

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It's been another few days since Jay had unlocked his True potential after he and Nya confessed to eachother, Spike is glad that both Jay and Nya had something to relate to eachother here, and her being Samurai X is really awesome to him, Spike's only been gone from his home for around 2 months by now, but he's been handling things on his own pretty well to say the least.

Though Spike has had a lot of his time filled with having to raise Allison, she's a bit of a handful but she's only a few days old by now, she's really cute for a baby Anacondrai and Spike feels proud to get to raise her, he's gonna get some experience with being a parent for sure with this and he may see how Twilight was able to handle him when he was a child.

But for now, Spike and the rest of the group were trying to figure out where the next Fang Blade is, they have 3 more they need to find, and if they get 1, they could stop all of this.
"Though they got the first one there are 3 more, and we only need 1 to stop Pythor, they have a map and we don't, so how are we gonna find them first?" Nya asked while she and the others were in the deck and trying to find out where the next one is.
"Heh, I still can't believe you were the mysterious samurai! Is anyone else blown away like I am?" Jay asked gleefully still being amazed with her being Samurai X.
"We all were then Jay, but now that's not the time alright?" Spike asked while he was giving Allison some milk to keep her happy.

"Spike's right Jay, we're ready to move on." Kai said impatiently which Jay and the others did notice.
"Oho, someone's a little hot under the cover huh?" Jay teased which confused Kai.
"It appears it's impatience because he has not found inner peace and hasn't unlocked his True potential." Zane observed which was pretty obvious.
"Great observation Mr. Roboto. But Cole hasn't found it either." Kai said in defense before Cole realized something.
"I got it!" Cole shouted with shock which worried Kai.
"You've unlocked it?! Oh Why am I the only one?!" Kai shouted with fear which worried Spike a bit.
"Hey, clam down Kai, I haven't unlocked my true potential yet either, I still don't know how I can do it, but something tells me you all will tie into it somehow." Spike assured which relieved Kai a bit.
"Oh.. yeah.. right.." Kai said a bit relieved to hear it.
"It's not just that, I figured out where I recognized the Fangblade from, I have a picture of it." Cole added while he ran off to get something to help them.

Spike held Allison in his arms and wondered what he had until Cole came back in with a picture.
"I got it." Cole reported while he opened up the book and they saw a Fangblade in a trophy of sorts.
"Oh, that's it!" Jay said amazed as that was what they're looking for.
"Back where I grew up, there's this pretty big competition where everyone gets, the Blade Cup, my dad's won us multiple times." Cole explained while everyone was interested to know.
"You never told us your dad was an athlete." Zane said interested with this.
"At least we get more news on where to get it." Spike said with a smile while feeling good about this.

"What sport is he in?" Kai asked which made Cole a bit nervous.
"He's a.. blacksmith.." Cole admitted which wasn't the full story.
"Nothing wrong with that, my father was a blacksmith too." Kai said trying to keep the mood up.
"Uh.. he's not a blacksmith, blacksmith. he's a.. Royal Blacksmith." Cole finished while he showed them a picture of his dad winning the blade cup which most people snickered seeing.
"That's your dad?" Jay asked chuckling a bit before Spike punched his arm to stop that.
"That's really rude Jay." Spike said annoyed with them mocking him.
"But how'd the Fangblade become a trophy?" Kai asked confused with how that's possible.

"Well supposedly, this trophy was made by a guy who collected priceless artifacts, his name was something like uh.. Dutch.. no, Clutch! Clutch Powers! Anyway, it gets passed onto each years winner." Cole answered which made Spike interested.
"Why do I feel like he's more interesting in story's then in real life?" Spike asked himself and Allison hissed in response.
"Who has it now?" Zane asked wondering where they can get it.
"I don't know, I haven't talked to my dad in years." Cole said sadly which was true given what Cole told Spike sometime back.
"Well we'll call him up." Kai suggested which made Cole backpedal a bit
"No! You can't! He thinks I'm off training at the Marty Openheimer School of performing arts. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps, but when I couldn't sing and dance I.. ran away..." Cole said with guilt which made the others feel bad hearing that.
"And if he sees I can't dance he'll know I've been lying with all the letters I've sent him." Cole finished while he was steering the ship for a bit.

"He doesn't know your a ninja?" Zane asked shocked to hear that news.
"What? You gonna crack a joke that my old man wears a tutu?" Cole asked a bit upset if that's what they're planning.
"No, but if we're gonna have a chance to get the next Fangblade before they do, we better get our own act in tune." Kai said to the others who thought that was a good idea.
"So am i gonna be able to meet him Cole? Will he be alright with a.. talking dragon with a baby snake being friends with his son?" Spike asked while looking at Allison again.
"I think it's best we be safe here, we'll let you know what we find out when we see him, for now though, you just wait close by with Allison alright?" Cole asked which Spike thought was a good idea.
"Alright, I'll be there when I'm needed." Spike said proudly while he held out his Trident and it was glowing brightly like all the others.

Back with Wu and Garmadon, they were still climbing the Mountain of Madness and were only getting started with it all.
"I had hoped we reached the summit before the moon had risen, the Craglins never miss a midnight snack." Garmadon said worried as he saw the red moon in the distance.
"Craglins? What is this place? This is nothing like Ninjago." Wu said worried with the world they're in now.
"They're a horde like nothing you've ever seen. Not all places are meant to be found brother, sometimes, one must revel in the shadows to truly see the light." Garmadon advised while some rocks were starting to move around.

The rocks were starting to move past Wu and Garmadon and they watched with shock as they began to form into large monsterous rock monsters and they were surrounded with a large horde of them. Garmadon made a battle cry and drew out 4 swords with his arms, he jumped into the air and delivered a strong ground pound which knocked them down for a bit, Wu took out his own weapon and the two brothers charged through the horde, one was about to attack Wu from behind, but Garmadon was able to see it.
"Watch out brother!" Garmadon warned before he jumped in and sliced the Craglin to bits to help Wu.
"Thanks." Wu said gratefully while they both stayed close to eachother as the Craglins surrounded them.
"Just like old times." Wu said eagerly while they got ready to fight.
"Just like old times." Garmadon replied while he twirled his swords around.
"Ninja go!!" They both shouted at once while they used they're Spinjitzu to fight back.

Meanwhile with Spike and the others, they flew they're way to a nearby village in order to see Cole's father, everyone jumped off the roof again and formed they're Elemental Vehicles while Spike rode in Jay's jet again, he kept Allison close to her who was surprised with the sudden rush, but she seemed to enjoy it and it was thrilling to her. Everyone landed down with swift skill and Cole held out a case for them all.
"Alright, hand em over." Cole encouraged while he held out the case.
"A ah, but no mortal can hold all four." Jay joked while he put his weapons in.
"You mean all 5, there isn't enough room for my weapon, I'll be standing guard alright?" Spike asked while the others put theirs in too.
"Sounds good." Cole replied while he closed the case for now.
"You wanna remind me why we can't keep our weapons for now?" Kai asked interested with this.
"I told you, my dad doesn't know I'm a ninja, and I don't feel like making up excused when I'm carrying a giant scythe around with me." Cole replied while everyone walked up to the door.
"Well, good luck guys, hope you get the info you need." Spike encouraged while he flipped over to the roof to wait things out with Allison.

Cole knocked on the door and hoped his dad was home.
"Just a moment!" Lou said from the inside before he came out to see Cole, but he looked upset for something.
"Hey! Dad! How long has it been?" Cole asked pretending to be excited while he didn't look happy.
"What? You too good to ring the doorbell?" Lou asked upset before he slammed the door on them which was surprising.
"Wow.." Spike said with shock while he was looking down from above.
"Use, the bell son." Lou said from inside which made Cole nervously press the doorbell which had a musical like ring to it before Lou opened up the door and now looked happy to see him.
"Come in son! It's been forever! What did you bring, a quartet? Come in! Come in! I've got a kettle of lemon honey tea on the stove right now!" Lou greeted while Spike watched the ninja go into the house and he was left alone for a bit.

Spike held Allison close to him while he looked up at the sky again, he had been thinking a lot on how he can handle being a ninja, he has 4 elemental powers right now, and something tells him he's gonna be getting more in the future, but hopefully not too much.
"Hard to believe I'm able to raise a gem like you, huh Allison?" Spike asked looking at her who cooed in response which made Spike chuckle hearing how cute she sounded.
"I don't deserve something as precious as you, wait till you meet Twilight and everyone else, while they'll be surprised to see you, I'm sure they'll be more then happy to have you with us, especially as my cute daughter." Spike said while he hugged her to his chest.
"Daddy.." Allison said calmly which Spike smiled at even more.
"I have a lot to do with raising you, and I look forward to every bit of it." Spike assured her while he waited for the others he decided to sneak down for a moment to peak through the window, he made sure no one was here so he could see what the others are doing with Lou right now.

And just inside the room, Spike could see Cole was upset with the others about something, and that was because Kai insisted to Lou that he can train them to dance so they could win the Blade Cup.
"What are you doing?" Cole asked upset with this insistence
"Look, we enter this competition so we can get close enough to the Blade Cup. Once we get the Blade Cup, we leave town, how hard can this be?" Kai asked wondering what he can do with them, and Cole sighed hearing this and knew it would be rough for all of them.
"Must be something important going on there, wish I could help out." Spike told himself before he quickly snuck back to the roof before another person could see him.

It didn't take long for Lou to start his teaching classes for Cole and the group, Spike watched from the window again and tried seeing if they could do anything, Spike was a pretty good singer and dancer to say the least, but he wondered how the others can handle it.
"Okay, let's take it from the top1 Five, six, seven, eight!" Lou counted down before he started playing on a piano.
"Bop till you drop!" Kai sang poorly while the others stood besides him.
"Shake it till you break it!" Jay said poorly as well.
"Move it till you lose it!" Zane sang as well.
"Spin it till you win it!" Cole sang which Lou didn't like at all.
"Stop, stop! Ugh, if my ears weren't attached to my head they'd be running away!" Lou ordered while he went to each of the ninja.

"Kai, love the energy, hate the hair." Lou said whacking Kai with his head which did hurt him a bit.( Anyone else believe his hair looks like Cloud's or Sora's)
"Jay, your giving a lot, but I need more!" Lou continued facing him before going to Zane.
"Zane, your like a machine, don't change anything." Lou complimented which Zane was glad to hear.
"And Cole, try to act like you wanna be here." Lou finished looking at him which made Jay comment on something.
"He's worse then Sensei Wu." Jay whispered to Kai while he went back to the piano.
"Okay, let's move forward, let's take a look at the big show stopping climax! Cole, we can't have history repeat itself." Lou said turning to him who was upset hearing that.
"Dad, it was the Triple Tiger Sashay, I was 7!" Cole said upset at that awful memory.

"What's the Triple Tiger Sashay?" Kai asked as he hasn't heard of that move before.
"Only the most difficult dance move ever created." Cole said bluntly not wanting to remember that moment.
"It's true. Many professionals from years on have tried it, but it's never been completed." Lou added while Cole turned to him with an upset look.
"Hence my father thought A SEVEN YEAR OLD could! But I ended up falling on my face and humiliating myself and letting my quartet down." Cole finished upset with having to explain that.
"If your going to win, you have to go big! Alright time for a break, take 5." Lou instructed while he left the room and Spike sighed hearing all of this and knowing how much pressure Cole must've felt.

"Uh, I'm starting to see why Cole kept things closed off, because Mr Twinkle Toes here could never deliver the goods. Is that why you ran away?" Jay asked looking at Cole who was upset hearing this.
"Oh I can deliver the goods! Look I'll deal with my father, let's stick with the plan. All we have to do is keep this charade up long enough till we get our hands on the trophy." Cole advised while Jay smirked at him.
"I don't know, I'm starting to think we can win this thing." Jay joked which made Cole scoff at him.
"Okay, okay, we'll stick to the plan." Jay said while crossing his arms, Spike was able to overhear all of this and didn't know how he could help with winning the cup.

However, at another part of town, Pythor and some Serpentine had made they're way here after getting reports about the competition which rewards the Fangblade, and they weren't gonna sit around and do nothing about it.
"It's here, I feel it!" Scales hissed while Pythor looked around the place.
"Calm down, there's no need to draw unwanted attention." Pythor advised before Scales saw someone.
"Look, the ninja!" Scales said pointing at the group who were practicing with singing, Spike was alongside them and they saw he still had Allison with him and Pythor didn't know how to feel about that.
"Ugh, now there's no chance to take the Fangblade, or that child right now." Scales said annoyed to see them here.
"Patience, we're snakes remember? They'll never see us coming." Pythor assured while he held out the ad that showed the Fangblade.
"Open for audition?" Pythor asked while he chuckled sinisterly before they went down underground again to come up with a plan.

Back with Wu and Garmadon, they had just finished up the Craglins after a long and tough fight, and we're finally able to start heading up the mountain again.
"The vortex to Ninjago is just over that bluff. Please, you first." Garmadon insisted as the area was glowing bright blue around them.
"Though we live in two different worlds, I still see good in your heart brother." Wu replied while they looked at the cliff just ahead of them.

They kept climbing up the mountain until they finally reached the summit, and Wu looked down and saw there was a glowing blue vortex that must lead back home.
"The battle between our worlds is inevitable, you put too much trust in me." Garmadon said sinisterly before he suddenly pushed Wu off the ledge and Wu almost fell into it before he quickly grabbed onto a rock.
"But I came for your help to save your son! Did you lead me here to destroy me?!" Wu reminded while he was hanging off the ledge.

"See you on the other side." Garmadon mocked before he crushed the rock holding Wu's hand and he screamed before he fell into the blue vortex and began to vanish from the realm, Garmadon laughed sinisterly and jumped in the portal after him and they both headed back to Ninjago together.
Some farmers were working in a field late at night and were minding they're own business, but they all gasped with shock when the vortex opened up before them and they had a look of shock seeing it before it burst open and Wu fell onto the ground with flames surrounding him, Wu groaned as he was getting back up from all that traveling, but Garmadon had traveled here and had a sinister look with seeing the villagers.
"I'm back, Ninjago." Garmadon said before he laughed like a maniac and began to march towards the villagers to frighten them with his presence.

Back in Ninjago City, Spike and the others made they're way to the Talent show that was about to happen, Spike wore a disguise to blend in with the other crowd and he could see a ton of other people here and were waiting to perform.
"Man, this place is really amazing! I wish I could've done something like this back home!" Spike said amazed while Allison was in his arms again, Cole and the others were practicing with their dance moves, but Kai and Jay bumped into eachother once they did the jumping move.
"Ow! You were supposed to follow me!" Jay said annoyed with his bad move.
"Follow you? You were 2 beats off!" Kai said in defense before Zane corrected him.
"2.72 off of the beat actually." Zane calculated while Cole went in front of the group.

"Guys listen up, let's stick to the plan! We'll just keep up this charade, and wait until the trophy's revealed! Once we steal the blade cup, we can argue all we want when we get back home." Cole advised while Spike didn't like that idea at all.
"Cole, I know you and your father have struggled a lot, but I really don't think it's a good idea to steal something like this, I may be a dragon, but I was raised not to steal stuff like this, If I wanted it, I had to earn it, Like how I was able to unlock Spinjitzu!" Spike reminded while Allison hissed at Cole a bit who could understand this.
"Sorry Spike, but the only dance I wanna perform is" Get me out of this nuthouse, and let's burn these memories from my head."" Cole said annoyed which Lou heard completely.
"What?" Lou asked shocked while he had just walked in the room and Cole turned around to see him, and felt guilty saying that.
"Dad.. I.." Cole was trying to explain what he just said, and Lou couldn't understand it.
"You were going to steal it?" Lou asked really shocked to hear this, and Cole sighed and knew he couldn't hide it anymore.

"Dad, I didn't mean for you to hear that, but.. I'm glad you did, there's something I've been wanting to tell you. All these years, I haven't been training to be a dancer, I found something I'm really good at!" Cole said before he used Spinjitzu to change into his ninja outfit.
"I'm a ninja." Cole revealed which made him gasp in shock seeing this.
"And I'm.. a dragon.." Spike revealed as well while he took off his disguise and Lou saw Cole was friends with a talking dragon, who had a Serpentine with him.
"You friends with a talking dragon?" Lou asked shocked to see Spike, even if he hadn't met him earlier, this was shocking for him to hear too.

"Yes dad.. and the truth is, if we don't steal that Fangblade, I mean.. the blade cup. There's other people that will, bad people, the Serpentine. And we need it to save the world, I know that sounds ridiculous, but I'm proud of who I am, and I want you to be too. " Cole explained hoping he would understand, but he didn't look happy about this one bit.
"I can't be proud of any son who thinks stealing is right. And I'm not going to wait around, and watch you make a mockery of our family's legacy!" Lou said really upset at this while he was backing up.
"Dad, I.." Cole tried to explain himself more, but Lou had left them all with an upset look and he sighed sadly knowing how upset he made his father.
"I'm sure he didn't mean that." Kai assured while the others went up to him too.
"Maybe if he saw you in action.." Jay suggested before Cole brushed it off for now.
"No, it's okay." Cole assured until they heard some music playing.

They looked ahead of them and saw that there were Serpentine who disguised themselves as participants to take the Blade Cup and they saw the name of the group.
"Stay close Allison." Spike warned while he hid her away from them to keep her safe.
"Trouble Makers? Wait a minute, what are they doing here?" Jay asked shocked that they're all here to participate.
"I can't help it if I offend anyone! My job will only be to tell the truth!" Pythor said off screen until they looked past the curtains and saw Pythor disguised himself as a judge.
"You don't look like your photo." Another judge said not liking where this is going.
"Oh sadly, the camera put on a few pounds. I'm just happy to have the opportunity to judge this prestigious competition!" Pythor said sinisterly until someone else could be heard.
"Wait a minute! I'm still here! He swallowed me! He's not a judge!" A man said inside Pythor's stomach and they gasped with horror seeing this.
"Quiet! Or else I won't let you out!" Pythor warned which made him be quiet.
"My apologies!" The man said quietly until they all looked over and they could see the Blade Cup being presented to the audience.

Spike groaned in disgust seeing him here and he went back to the others to talk things out with them.
"I'm never teaching Allison to eat another person, that's a fact!" Spike swore while Allison hissed a bit again.
"This complicates things guys." Zane said worried on how they can do this now.
" We can't losing another one again! I say we steal it!" Jay suggested which Cole didn't like the sound of at all.
"We're not gonna steal it, we're gonna win this competition, but we're gonna do it in our own way!" Cole said confidently which confused the others a bit.
"Does this mean I'll get to sing along too?!" Spike asked eagerly to hear that.
"Of course buddy, just don't get Allison hurt alright?" Cole asked while Spike smiled widely hearing this.
"Don't worry, I won't, this is gonna be awesome!" Spike said amazed while he raised a fist in the air.

Spike and the others got in their ninja suits once again and had they're weapons on they're backs like normal, they had they're team name changed to Spin Harmony to help express themselves, and the announcer had announced to the audience that they were up next now.
"If we're gonna do this, I want everyone to see who we are!" Cole encouraged while Spike smiled eagerly at this.
"Oh this is gonna be awesome! Allison is gonna see her first dance contest!" Spike said eagerly while he held her still and she cooed happily hearing that.
"I.. think I have butterflies in my stomach." Zane said nervously about this.
"Aw come on, that's just nerves." Jay assured until Jay opened his hatch open.
"No, I really do have butterflies." Zane corrected before everyone saw butterflies came out somehow which was surprising.
"Okay.. uh glad he got that out of his system." Jay said surprised seeing this.

"Last call for.. Spin Harmony!" The announcer asked again hoping they would come out.
"Let's do this, for Cole!" Jay said confidently while they all got ready.
"If we go with the Tornado of Creation, we'll score perfect 10's out there!" Kai suggested eagerly.
"I can say anything, and it will only go to elevate our team unity!" Zane said eager to do this as well.
"I'm glad you guys are my friends. Let's do the Whip!" Cole announced.
"Ninja go!!" Spike and the others screamed while they used they're Spinjitzu once again.

People were getting impatient for the group to show up and thought they weren't gonna show.
"Well, looks like the last act is no longer gonna show. That means I can give this to the winners.." Pythor said looking at the Blade Cup before something was announced once again.
"Ladies and gentlemen! Spin Harmony!" The announcer said once again which made people cheer as they all had come onto stage finally.

The Weekend Whip begins to play and the spotlights go onto Spike and the others who began to dance in complete union, Spike had Allison wrapped around his neck to keep her safe and she hissed with joy seeing them dance, some of the snakes began to go up on stage to hopefully put them out, but they weren't gonna stop there. Spike ducked under one of the snakes punches and he grabbed his arm before he threw him into another group with great skill, Cole grabbed Kai and he twirled him around to take down some more while Zane punched one down to the ground and the lights flash up while everyone jumps into the air.
"Jump up, kick back, whip around and spin! And then jump back do it again! Ninja go!" The song sings while Spike and the others do Spinjitzu on stage, and they help eachother out to stop any bad accidents from happening because of the snakes. Spike flipped in the air and he used his Earth powers to knock more snakes far away from the group while also dancing still, Cole sees three snakes approaching him next and he decides to do the ultimate move. Cole jumps in the air and he slowly flips around while he kicks one snake in the head, followed by a fist to the face, and a headbutt on the last one before he landed down on the ground perfectly while he made a tiger roar and everyone gasped with amazement seeing this.
"The Triple Tiger Sashay!" Zane said amazed that he actually pulled it off.

The audience cheered for them all and everyone feels so great to have entertained everyone here.
"Oh, he did it! The Triple Tiger Sashay! He's danced the impossible!" The announcer said while he bowed in respect with Cole's amazing move, Pythor tried to make the ninja get a 0 score compared to the rest of the judges 10's, but the real judge was able to draw a 1 next to the zero without him noticing for the moment.
"Wha.. wait! I didn't write that!" Pythor said surprised with this as he finally realized it.
"It's a perfect score! Spin Harmony wins, the Blade Cup!" The announcer said proudly as the Blade Cup is presented to all of them and they all smile with joy knowing they won, but Cole looked out to his dad's chair and saw he wasn't here, and felt upset to know if he didn't show up to see this..

Spike and the others went backstage again and felt so amazed with winning the blade cup together.
"I've never felt more alive!" Zane said amazed with what's happened.
"Haha! We did it!" Jay cheered in victory at this too.
"That was amazing! Wait until Twilight hears about this!" Spike said amazed with this too.
"No, Cole did it, because of you, Ninjago will sleep safely tonight!" Kai assured while he walked next to them and still felt upset about this.
"Thanks, but go on and celebrate without me.. winning this without my dad being able to..." Cole said sadly right before they heard someone come in from behind.
"Cole!" Lou announced which got everyone's attention.
"Dad?!" Cole asked shocked that he was here for this.

" I saw it all son, I saw it all." Lou said proudly while he came up to give Cole a hug.
"You.. saw me dance?" Cole asked while he took off his mask.
"More importantly, I saw you fight, those Serpentine were up to no good, trying to steal the show and I saw you stand up for what is right! And.. I was wrong, I shouldn't have pushed you so hard to follow in my footsteps. Everyone is born with a special talent inside that is just waiting to get out. And you were born to be a ninja." Lou said proudly while Spike and the others walked up to him with smiles as well.
"Your not mad?" Cole asked hoping he wasn't.
"How could I be? My son's a hero!" Lou said proudly until someone familiar interrupted this touching moment.

"Oh sorry to interrupt your little family reunion, but did you know.. it's me? Pythor!" Pythor hissed while he revealed himself to everyone.
"You couldn't keep us fooled Pythor." Cole said upset that he was here to ruin this.
" I didn't want you to miss our big show stopper!" Pythor announced while he looked up to the higher areas of the room, and everyone gasped with horror while they saw some Constrictai push some rubble out of the way which began to fall to Lou.
"Dad!" Cole screamed before he dropped the Blade Cup and went over and jumped in to save him just as the rubble fell onto all of them.
"Cole!" Spike shouted with horror while he heard Pythor laughing evilly, and they saw him take off with the Fangblade.
"They took the Fangblade!" Jay said annoyed at this while they brushed the dust away.

Everyone went up to the fallen rubble that had landed on them both and they tried getting them out of it, but they saw a bright golden light coming from Cole's weapon and realized what that must mean..
"He found his true potential!" Zane said amazed as a bright light began appearing from the rubble before them, they hear Cole made a loud grunt of anger while the rubble is finally lifted out from them and they watch in awe as they see his body glow brightly from unlocking his own power.
"Wh.. what? How did we survive that?" Lou asked confused until he finally saw Cole glowing brightly.
"Son?" Lou asked amazed with his huge power that they all could see.

"Cole's found his true potential! His relationship with his father must've been holding him back!" Zane said once again while he was floating in the air.
"He's become indestructible!" Jay said amazed while Spike and Kai watched this from the distance.
"Oh great.. now me and you are the only one's who haven't unlocked it yet.." Kai said sadly while Spike tried comforting him.
"It's alright buddy, we'll find our True Potential soon, no matter what." Spike said proudly while they look at Cole who finally powered down after all of that.
"Is everyone alright? What just happened?" Cole asked as he didn't know what he did.
"We're all okay son." Lou assured while he patted his back.

After that amazing display of power, everyone had went back to Lou's home to say their goodbye's for now.
"I can't believe how amazing that night was, I haven't felt so alive!" Spike said amazed while he was playing with Allison still.
"But I guess this means the scorecard reads: Pythor 2 Fangblades, Ninja: Zero. " Jay reminded while still being upset about that.
"Yeah, but we need only one, and there's still two left to find." Cole said trying to keep things positive.
"Who knows, when Spike and I unlock our true potential, one of us will become the destined Green Ninja." Cole said confidently which made the others laugh at that.
"I'm cool with just being a father thank you very much!" Spike said proudly while Allison coiled around his arm to play with him.
"The only thing that your destined for is more ego." Cole joked while patting his back still until they saw Lou come into the room with a picture.

"It may not be the trophy, but it sure will look good on my wall." Lou said proudly while everyone got up to see the photo, and it was a picture of Spike and the others all winning the Blade Cup together.
"This world is so cool!" Spike said amazed with all of this too.
"As far as I'm concerned, your all family now." Lou assured while everyone came in for a group hug.
"Thanks Lou, that means a lot to all of us." Spike said proudly while he and the others stood together.
"Yeah." Cole said in agreement as they all took in this moment together, even with 2 Fangblades left, they know they'll be a able to stop this all one day..

10: The Green Ninja

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It's been another couple days since Cole unlocked his true potential, and since then, everyone has been keeping they're game up the best they can, with the Serpentine having 2 Fangblades by now, they have to get skilled enough to take them all on, Spike's been taking care of Allison whenever he can, he's been practicing his Spinjitzu a lot more and has gotten the hang of it, he no doubt has more skill then most of the dragons back in Equestria now, and he feels proud for it.

Spike and the others were currently training on the deck of the ship to test out they're powers, meanwhile, someone was in Wu's room and was looking to try on the Green Ninja outfit.
Spike draws his weapon and powers up his fire, his weapon has a green glow come from it and he charges up at one of the snake dummies.
"Fire!" Spike screamed while he shot a powerful blast as the dummy and knocked it off the ship. Cole next draws his weapon and aims his at another.
"Earth!" Cole screamed before he slammed it down and created a massive rupture on the ground. Jay comes up next and powers up his powers to take it down too.
"Lightning!" Jay screamed before he lunged at the dummy and used his Spinjitzu to take the thing down while Kai has put on the Green Ninja outfit to try and unlock himself.
"Ice!" Zane screams before he throws his weapons below the dummies feat and freezes it solid.

A light flashes down on Spike and the others just as they got done training for now.
"Good training, your powers are getting stronger. You've come a long way since you joined us Spike, you should be proud of that." Nya complimented while everyone took some breaths.
"Thanks, I try my best. I should get going to Allison before she wakes up and realizes I'm gone, thanks for the little exercise guys." Spike thanked while he high fived Cole.
"No problem buddy." Cole replied with a smile while Spike was starting to leave.
"Hold on a minute, has anyone seen Kai anywhere?" Nya asked as he wasn't here with them.

Back with Kai, he was practicing his fighting skills to try and find out what he can do to unlock his True Potential.
"Fire!!" Kai screams in a rockstar way before he tries to shoot fire from himself, but each attempt just resulted in a failure which was worrying him a lot.
"Oh come on, the others can do it, so can you. Bring heat!" Kai screamed before he tried doing push ups with one hand in front of the mirror while he kept wearing the suit, but the others had heard him doing this from the deck and laughed at his display.
"Very nice, perhaps if you tried the phrase, Fire Dork! That could unlock it." Cole joked while Kai took off the mask.
"How long have you all been watching?" Kai asked shocked they saw him like this.
"Long enough for you to wake up Allison from your screaming." Spike said annoyed while he held Allison in his arms again, she was crying a bit from being woken up but he tried to calm her down.

Jay and the others had walked in too and he was amazed with seeing the suit in front of him.
"The Green Ninja suit, awesome!" Jay said amazed with how it's designed.
"Well.. I was looking for some clues from sensei, and then I found this." Kai said in defense looking at himself again.
"But you know only he who is foretold to face Lord Garmadon, is destined to be the Green Ninja, and only he should wear the Green Ninja outfit." Zane pointed out which upset Kai a bit.
"I know, i know. I thought if I just tried it on it could help unlock my true potential. It's not fair you guys have unlocked your cool powers and Spike and I still haven't, besides, sensei's gone and we don't know when he's coming back.." Kai explained just until they heard the door open off screen.
"Hello! I'm home!" Sensei Wu announced which excited them all.
"Sensei!" Spike and the others shouted excitedly before they ran out of the room and Kai quickly changed out of the outfit he was wearing.

Spike and the others made they're way to the deck of the ship again and were really glad to see he was okay.
"Ah, it is so good to be home." Wu said relieved that everyone's alright.
"We've missed you a lot sensei." Spike said with a smile while he soothed Allison to sleep.
Did you bring us anything?!" Cole asked excited with where he went.
"Oh boy have you missed a lot! Zane's a nindroid, Nya's the mysterious Samurai, Spike's egg finally hatched into a baby Anacondrai, Cole's a dancer!" Jay said eagerly which confused him for a moment.
"Zane is a.. what?" Wu asked confused on what that meant.
"You've been gone for a while, we'll catch you up later. But you should know, all of us except for Kai and Spike have unlocked our true potential." Zane revealed which fascinated him.
"Have you now?" Wu asked amazed to hear that.

Spike smiled at this and walked up to him a bit more.
"Yeah, even if I haven't discovered mine, I still have a lot to keep my hands full right now. Wu, this is Allison, you can say this is her meeting her grandpa." Spike introduced while showing Allison to Wu, she hissed in a happy way and Wu smiled seeing her.
"She's a little one indeed, how an Anacondrai Egg ended up in Venomari territory remains to be answered, but I'm glad to know you've been taking care of her Spike." Wu said proud of his great work.
"Thanks sensei, maybe this will tie into me unlocking my true potential, even if I'm the last, I know it'll be an epic moment when I do." Spike said eager to know when it will happen.
"I look forward to seeing it Spike, but where is Kai?" Wu asked noticing he wasn't here until he quickly came up with his suit on.
"Right here! We're so glad your back safe." Kai said relieved he's back.

But a strange shadow emerged behind him and everyone gasped in shock as they saw the man himself was here, Lord Garmadon.
"Sensei! Behind you!" Kai warned right as he flipped behind Garmadon and drew his sword.
"Look away Allison!" Spike warned while he covered her eyes.
"Sensei!" Zane shouted in slow motion while trying to block no attacks, Kai slashed his sword at Garmadon who was able to duck under it.
"He's got four arms!" Kai said with anger while he pinned Garmadon down.
"So we meet again." Garmadon greeted while he was pushing him off.
"He must've followed you sensei!" Kai declared before Wu came over to stop him.

"Kai! Stop! he is the reason I left, for as long as Pythor has Lloyd, he will remain our guest." Wu revealed which shocked them all.
"What?!" Spike sked shocked to hear that while Allison hissed hearing this too.
"We have to live with this guy?!" Cole asked shocked with this too.
"Sensei, he has four arms!" Zane pointed out again uncomfortable with this.
"May I remind you ever since he turned evil he's been trying to get our Golden Weapons?" Jay reminded until Wu had enough of this.
"Enough!" Wu shouted which shut them up.
"Yes sensei." Spike and the others said respectfully while Garmadon got back up.

"This isn't about the weapons, it's about my son!" Garmadon declared while going besides Wu, and that's when he finally noticed Spike and Allison, and he saw he had a Golden Weapon of his own which interested him, but he wanted to move that thought away for now.
"From here on out, you will obey me, and respect my brother." Wu instructed to all of them once more.
"Yes Sensei." Spike and the others said while giving a respectful bow.
"Now to the bridge, we must put our attention on more pressing matters." Wu ordered while he and Garmadon were starting to leave.

Spike just had an unsettling feeling seeing him here, maybe that's just how everyone feels when around him, but this is the first time he's met Garmadon, and he can see why he's feared. Spike and the others went to the bridge once again to discuss what to do.
"So where are we at with the Four Fangblades?" Wu asked wondering what's happened since.
"uh.. Pythor managed to take the first two, but there's still two left." Jay reported honestly.
"And we only need one to prevent him from unleashing the Great Devourer." Cole said with a serious look.
"Any luck finding they're whereabouts?" Wu asked hoping they had something.
"No, but the falcon is programmed to report if he sees any suspicious activity." Zane reported calmly.
"Good, we find the Fangblade, we find Lloyd. Kai and Nya, prepare the deck and double check the anchor. We need to be ready for when there's reported activity." Wu instructed to them again and they understood it.
"Yes sensei." They both said at once again before they began to leave the place.
"I have my eye on you." Kai said while glaring at Garmadon, but he hit his head on the door and was a bit frustrated by that before leaving everyone alone.

Spike sighed in relief and held Allison in his arms again while she was asleep again.
"So, who is this brother?" Garmadon asked while walking up to Spike.
"This is Spike, he is a new student that joined us about a month ago, he fell from another world and ended up here, we don't have a current way to get him back, and until we find a way, if we find a way, he will be one of my students and live here with us too." Wu explained which interested him.
"N.. nice to meet you sir." Spike said nervously while he backed up a bit.
"A talking dragon? I never thought I'd see the day, and he has a golden weapon of his own? I thought there were only 4 of them in existence?" Garmadon asked noticing Spike's trident.

"It was given to me by a strange figure who I met not too long after we found the bounty, he said it's only meant for me to use, so if you have any ideas on stealing this, you'll have to think again." Spike said while he drew it out and twirled it around a bit.
"Interesting, I'll at least respect your boundaries, but why do you have an Anacondrai with you?" Garmadon asked glaring at Allison who was still asleep.
"I found her egg during one of our missions before Wu left, she was all alone and didn't have anyone with her, I didn't want anything bad to happen to it, so I took it in and when she hatched, I took the role as her father." Spike explained with a small smile and he hugged her close.
"You are an interesting one already Spike, but be weary of these snakes, some can never be trusted, my brother and I have experienced that first hand when we were very young." Garmadon warned which Spike sighed at and Wu shook his head.
"Please don't remind me of her.." Wu asked not wanting to remember that huge mess.

"I know, but I'll raise Allison in a different way, she'll be different sure, but she's still my child, and I won't let anything happen to her." Spike said as he went to put her to bed for now.
"I can completely understand that." Garmadon replied with a smile as well while Spike left, and Garmadon was interested with him.
"Since where and when do dragons like him talk?" Garmadon asked confused on how he's able to do so.
"It's a long story brother, and now, you said something about the falcon being programmed Jay?" Wu asked turning to him next.
"Okay, where do I even start? It all started when we saw the falcon.." Jay said as he started explaining to Wu what happened while Kai and Nya were at the deck again.

"But Nya, did you see he has four arms? Wherever sensei found him he's made it possible to posses all four weapons at once! I don't trust him, not one bit!" Kai declared not liking this at all.
"You have to remember, he isn't just the Dark Lord, he's also sensei's brother. even though he's pure evil, sensei holds him close to his heart." Nya pointed out while she raised up the sails again.
"That's it!" Kai said as he thought he realized what to do now.
"What?" Nya asked confused with what he's thinking.
"Sensei told me my heart is the key! Maybe if I stand up to Lord Garmadon, I'll unlock my true potential and everyone can see I'm the Green Ninja! Ha! Nya you are a genius!" Kai declared looking really excited.

"I don't quite follow your logic..." Nya replied confused with his thinking still.
"No time to talk! I've gotta train, if I'm gonna stand up to Garmadon, I'm gonna have to be at the top of my game!" Kai said seriously while he did a backflip in the air.
"But sensei said he's our guest!" Nya pointed out again.
"Garmadon may have fooled sensei, but don't think for a second I'm not keeping my eye on him! Nya, the Lord of Darkness just became our roommate!" Kai declared with huge worry on all of this.

And to say that Garmadon living with them was weird would be an understatement, everyone all had they're experiences with him here and it was just weird.
Spike and the others were brushing they're teeth like normal while Spike lightly cleaned up Allison's fangs, but as the camera pans over, we see Garmadon is using a rather sharp knife in order to clean his teeth which works somehow.
Everyone was eating at the table once again and while everyone ate normal food, Garmadon ate some strange food that only he could like.
"What's he eating?" Cole asked feeling grossed out from this.
"Condensed evil, it's supposed to be low on fat." Kai answered while they all watched him eat, Spike gagged a bit at this and went back to feeding Allison some real food.

The bounty was now flying through a thunderstorm and Kai was trying to steer the ship through it.
"Where's Garmadon?" Zane asked wondering where he is.
"I think he's sunbathing, and I think Spike joined him for some reason." Kai answered while moving the wheel around, Garmadon and Spike were seen on the deck on the ship sunbathing in the thunderstorm, and Spike actually found some of it pretty cool.
"This is actually nice." Spike said with sunglasses on while he high fived Garmadon who laughed at this.
Everyone was trying to sleep in their room for the next night, but Garmadon's powers was creating lightning that was blinding most of everyone in it. Allison began crying loudly and everyone could only groan in annoyance for this.
"Do you have to do that? We have a baby here with us!" Kai asked annoyed with him, and Garmadon only laughed evilly again which annoyed them a lot.
"Ugh, I wish someone could hit me with a tranq dart.." Spike said tiredly while he held Allison close to him to calm her down.

We cut to the next day where we currently see Garmadon playing games with two controllers, everyone was watching from the other room and was disturbed with how he does things.
"He's not even playing the game right, he's just shooting and destroying things!" Kai said annoyed with him even more.
"Isn't that how that game is meant to be played kai?" Spike asked while they closed the door to talk.
"I've noticed when he's not trying to turn Ninjago into his own image, he's actually quite fascinating." Zane said impressed with what he can do.
"Sure, four arms are freakish, but all in all he doesn't seem that bad of a guy." Cole added interested with this too.
"Yeah, he doesn't seem that bad deep down despite all the evil that flows through him, like Wu said, it was that bite that turned him evil over time, so deep down he's not doing this out of pure evil and anger." Spike added while yawning a bit still since it was really early.
"He might've fooled all of you, but he's up to something, and I'll be ready for it!" Kai declared with a serious look.

The falcon was currently flying over Ninjago once more, it was searching for any signs of Serpentine around these parts of the area, and luckily for it, it was able to find all of them heading to the Fire Temple where Kai's Golden Weapon once laid, it was looking very unstable here and looked extremely dangerous, and the falcon was able to record the footage of the snakes carrying Lloyd and had sent it to the Bounty. But back at the Bounty, Kai was too distracted with his training to try and look at the screen.
"Garmadon, get ready to get Kai'd! Fire!!" Kai screamed again while he kept striking fighting poses all over the room without even noticing the camera yet, but he soon stopped once he heard Wu was talking to someone downstairs.
"This way you two, come. I have come to understand the mysterious Samurai is no longer a mystery, and you've only been growing with your skills Spike." Wu said while Kai snuck down to see what he's talking about.

Spike and Nya were in a room with Wu while the Green Ninja suit was out on display for them to see.
"Yeah, I guess you heard about that, I picked up a thing or two." Nya said a bit proud of it.
It was foolish of me to think a girl could not be the destined Green Ninja. Or a dragon from another world could be it either." Wu replied while Kai was watching from outside.
"Nya or Spike is the Green Ninja?!" Kai asked himself with shock and despair hearing that.
When the four weapons are laid out before the Destined One, the weapons will react, and it will reveal the identity of the Green Ninja." Wu explained looking at them all.
"But.. sensei.." Nya said a bit nervous to do this.
"I thought I already said I'm not meant to be it? And that I'm only meant to fight alongside him, whether or not it's Kai or one of the others is still up for debate, but I'm fine with just being my own ninja." Spike asked while he layed his Trident down.
"I know Spike, but it is best we test things out to be safe, approach the weapons." Wu instructed while they looked at eachother with worry.

Kai was still watching this from outside until someone else had come in and saw this.
"What are you doing out here?" Garmadon asked which knocked Kai off his balance from the chair he was standing on.
"What are you doing out here?" Kai countered while pointing at him.
"Evil never sleeps." Garmadon answered while he offered to help him up, but Kai refused it.
"Yeah, well good never rests!" Kai countered once again.
"Maybe we should end this right now!" Garmadon declared with a menacing tone.
"I was hoping you'd say that!" Kai said while they began shoving eachother back until Spike and Nya came out to stop this.
"Kai? What are you doing here?" Spike asked worried with what he's doing.
"Perhaps you and Nya should be asking Mr. Snoopy Pants that question." Garmadon said motioning to Kai who was upset at that.

"Kai, were you spying on us?" Nya asked a bit offended by all of that.
"Uh.. no way! I was just uh.. keeping watch! So.. are you or Spike the Green Ninja?" Kai asked wondering what was told.
"What? Of course not." Nya answered which relieved him a bit.
"I prefer just being Spike, and not having that kind of pressure put on me, I'm already 12 and have a snake to raise, I'd prefer to keep my attention on her to make her happy." Spike answered which Garmadon liked hearing.
"Good choice Spike." Garmadon replied while Wu came out of the room too.
"So the weapons didn't tell you two?! Oh that means I still have a chance!" Kai said really hoping he could be it.
"Truth is she or Spike didn't want to know." Wu said looking at them who nodded hearing that.

"I'm fine just the way I am, I may control your guys powers, but I have a long path to walk now that I'm here, and whether or not I'll stand by the Green Ninja's side, I'll be there to see him win to the end." Spike said with a smile while holding out his weapon.
"And for me, all I ever wanted to was to be like you, but after seeing how obsessed you've become and what I can do on my own, I'm happy being a Samurai." Nya answered honestly as well.
"So who's the Green Ninja?" Kai asked once more.
"Perhaps we will never know." Wu answered just until Jay opened the door to the hall they're in.
"Kai, you were supposed to be on the bridge! Zane's falcon spotted them!" Jay reported annoyed with him not being there.

Everyone went up to the bridge once again to see where they are now.
"Looks like Pythor is at the Temple of Fire." Nya observed seeing the structure on screen.
"The means the Fangblade is there!" Kai declared worried with this.
"And Lloyd." Spike and Garmadon said at once.
"That's the same Fire Temple where Kai and Garmadon first faced off!" Jay said turning to him.
"If memory serves me right, I'd say one of us cheated when we first fought!" Kai said glaring at Garmadon again.
"And I remember someone needing they're sensei to save them!" Garmadon countered getting irritated with this.
"Guys! for the sake of the Fangblade, and Lloyd, can we please just get along?" Cole asked really wanting this to stop.

"Since you've last been there, it looks like the volcano has grown unstable, the place is a powder keg just waiting to blow up! This will be a highly combustible environment." Nya warned while warning signs were on the monitor.
"Oh great, just what I like, fighting deadly snakes in a deadly environment about to blow up!" Jay said annoyed with where they have to fight.
"I'll be fine with the lava there, my kind's lava proof, I shouldn't be in too much trouble, it's a good thing Allison is asleep for this mission." Spike said relieved she won't be here for this.
"We will do what we must." Wu said in a calm tone like he always is.
"Yes sensei, but where are our weapons?" Zane asked noticing they aren't here, and that's when Kai saw Garmadon wasn't here too.
"And why is Lord Garmadon not here?!" Kai asked while he quickly ran out of the place.
"Kai!" Wu warned while everyone watched him run out.

Spike sighed in annoyance at this and slapped his face for what he's doing.
"Okay, I know he's wanting to become the Green Ninja and all, but he's going to bridges that shouldn't be crossed here, especially right now!" Spike said annoyed with what he's doing.
"Tell me about it, he may have not unlocked his true potential like all of us have, but he doesn't have to go this rash to unlock it!" Jay said agreeing to this while everyone ran after him to stop this.

Spike and the others made they're way to Wu's room to stop Kai, and unfortunately, they can hear Kai fighting Garmadon inside, probably assuming he was a thief for the Golden Weapons.
"What are you doing?" Nya shouted while they saw him fighting inside the room.
"I'm unlocking my true potential!" Kai screamed from inside just as Garmadon knocked him to the wall inside.
"The door won't budge!" Jay said annoyed while he tried opening it up.
"Kai think he'll unlock his power by standing up to Lord Garmadon." Nya said turning back to the others.

"Why would he think that?" Zane asked upset with this logic of his.
"Because he thinks he's the Green Ninja!" Nya answered which they all were annoyed by.
"Well if we don't open this door soon, he's gonna be mincemeat! Stand back guys!" Cole warned while he got in front of all of them and activated his True Potential again.
"Earth!" Cole screamed before he used his strength to burst down the door finally.

Everyone ran into the room and saw Kai was on top of Garmadon after a tough fight.
"I defeated him! I did it! Are my eyes glowing!? Did I unlock my powers?! Is this my true potential?!" Kai asked excited if this was it.
"No, this isn't the way Kai, even if I haven't unlocked my full powers, I know that this isn't the way to do it!" Spike said while he pushed him off of Garmadon.
"You cannot defeat someone who allowed themselves to be defeated kai." Wu instructed while he helped his brother up.
"I wasn't going to hurt you boy, I was only fetching your weapons." Garmadon said in defense of what he accused him off.
"But you were trying to steal them!" Kai accused once again.

"I asked him to fetch them. Perhaps it is best you do not reach your true potential, or else someone could get hurt." Wu said upset with his actions and that made Kai ashamed of it a bit.
"Aw, you poor thing, let me help you." Nya offered while she helped Garmadon up some more too.
"Yes, poor thing." Garmadon mocked while glaring at Kai who was frustrated at this.
But the ship began to shake after it had reached a place they need to be now.

"Sound like we reached our destination." Cole declared while everyone began running outside and they saw the Fire Temple in it's full glory, and Spike was in awe of it, while also worried with how unstable it looks now .
"It's best Allison is asleep for this, this is far too dangerous for her.." Spike said worried on how they're gonna do this.

Everyone got geared up to get ready for the mission, and they all soon made they're way to the temple while keeping they're guards up.
"The volcano seems to be on the verge of eruption guys. All indicators tell me that this place is becoming increasingly fragile. Even the smallest rupture could make the whole thing go off." Nya warned which worried everyone.
"Then we must not use our weapons." Wu instructed which made Spike and the others put they're weapons away.
"We should just bring normal weapons for spares in the future guys." Spike commented which they all agreed too.
"There, the Serpentine must've gone through the Inner Corner! From here on out, we travel by shadows!" Wu instructed while they all were running inside the dangerous place.
"It's the only way I know how." Garmadon said as they all made they're way through the temple.

Everyone made they're way through the temple until they came upon a huge open area where they could see dozens of snakes digging for the Fangblade.
"There's Lloyd!" Jay whispered while they all could see him locked in a cage still.
"Son!" Garmadon said really worried with the state he's in now.

One of the snakes kept digging through the ground until a metal clang was heard which surprised them all.
"Out of my way you fool!" Pythor ordered while he smacked him away, everyone was carefully climbing down the path and they could see Pythor and the others had found the next Fangblade once again.
"The Third Fangblade is ours!" Pythor declared and held it up in the air for all of them to see. Everyone tried sneaking they're way through the path to save Lloyd, but when Pythor looked at the blade, he could see his reflection and just at his side, he could see Wu and the others had snuck they're way in.
"Ninja?! Attack!" Pythor screamed while pointing the blade to them.
"Light as a leaf! Attack like there is no tomorrow!" Wu ordered while all of the snakes were charging at them.

Spike ran ahead through the group and ducked under one of the slashes from the snakes, he went behind it and kicked it in the back which sent it into a group of more snakes. Spike then grabbed one of they're blades with his claws and made a battle cry, he then twirled the snake around with his strength and then smashed him to the ground.
"Earth!" Spike screamed before he used his Earth power and punched the ground hard enough to knock more foes off of the ground.
"Wind!" Jay screamed while he shot a gust of wind through a lava geyser and he jumped through it. Zane punched two snakes that were right behind him without even looking and looked up ahead of him.
"Ice!" Zane screamed while he shot a bridge of ice and slide down it to take down more snakes.

Kai was surrounded by more of the snakes once again, and seeing he was outnumbered, he had no choice but to draw his weapon. But that made it glow extremely bright and the lava around them began growing unstable.
"Kai! The weapon is compromising our safety!" Nya warned again while the blade was on fire.
"I will do what I must!" Kai declared while he turned to all the snakes.
"Let's get out of here! But not before we leave them with a parting gift!" Pythor shouted while he and the other snakes were starting to escape, some Constrictai that were near the walls drilled they're way inside of it to make the place more unstable for them all.

The place was beginning to shake some more and there were rocks falling from the ceiling, and they could see the lava was starting to rise.
"They're making the volcano unstable!" Zane said with huge worry on what's happening.
"The place is getting more unstable by the minute, we have to get out of here!" Jay shouted while looking around the place.
"Not without my son!" Garmadon shouted while pushing past them.
"Dad!!" Lloyd screamed with fear as the place was coming down.
"Hang on Lloyd!" Spike screamed before he lunged his way off the rocks they were on and ran to the path the snakes were moving through.

Spike landed down and drew his weapon again and shot more ice blasts at some to slow them down.
"On your right!" Garmadon warned while he blocked one attack from Spike's right and took the snakes weapon to fight back.
"Bring it!" Spike screamed while he twirled his weapon around and lightning began to form around it, Spike's eyes glowed blue again and cackled with lightning before he shot a blast of lightning to all the snakes in front of him and they all went down in an instant.

"Lose the boy!" Pythor ordered the snakes who began moving the cage around to the cliff.
"Dad! Spike!" Lloyd screamed with terror as he was thrown to a corner where the lava was just below him.
"Lloyd!" Garmadon said with fear while he was pushing some of them back, Spike blocked another attack from the snakes and threw him off the ledge.
"I got them, go! Save Lloyd!" Spike screamed with anger while he took a deep breath, and shot green fire at more of them to open the path up for them.

Garmadon charged through the fire snake made and took down whatever snake came in his way. Garmadon grabs one of the snakes weapons and throws the snake behind him just as another geyser bursts next to them, he finally was able to reach the cage Lloyd was trapped in and he quickly pulled Lloyd away from the lava just as it melted the bottom off.
"Dad!" Lloyd said with joy while he landed down to give him a hug.
"Lloyd.." Garmadon said with huge relief holding him close.
"Your okay Lloyd, it's gonna be alright." Spike assured just as he kicked down one more snake again.

"The Fangblade is mine!" Kai screamed running past them as the place kept collapsing.
"You can't it's too dangerous! The whole place is collapsing!" Cole warned again, but Kai didn't care and wasn't gonna lose this one.
"Then I better be quick!" Kai shouted and he ran even faster.

Pythor was just about to leave through the tunnel ahead but Kai had managed to draw his sword in time, and he threw it directly at him and knocked the blade out of his hand and pinned it to the wall, Pythor hissed with pure rage with what he just did and Kai kept running through the place as it was getting even worse.
"Hurry! We must leave here at once!" Scales warned just as a geyser erupted near Pythor which scared him enough to leave the Fangblade behind and the way was blocked off from the rubble.

Kai kept running for the Fangblade just as Spike and the others got back to the exit to escape.
"Leave it Kai, it's not worth your life!" Jay screamed as things were getting worse.
"Not without that Fangblade!: Kai screamed while he jumped over some falling rocks, the lava had risen up high enough to the point the battle ground they faced on had been covered up entirely to make things even worse.
"But what about Kai?! Kai!" Lloyd screamed with huge worry for him, but the ground beneath Lloyd suddenly began to collapse and everyone watched with terror as he began falling to the lava.

"No!!" Spike screamed with terror while he tried saving him, but Zane held him back so he doesn't die from this.
"Lloyd!!" Garmadon screamed with horror just as he landed on the ground and he began floating away from them all.
"Dad!!" Lloyd screamed with desperation and he was too far away from them to save.

Kai was trying to pull out his blade so he could get the Fangblade, but it was really tight with where it was.
"Dad! I'm sinking!" Lloyd screamed with fear as he was getting even lower.
"It won't.. budge!" Kai said with frustration while he pulled even harder, he was soon finally able to free the blade from the wall but he was pulled back and the Fangblade went falling down into another corner where Kai couldn't reach.
"We have to get out of here! Or else none of us will get out of here!" Wu warned as the place was on the verge of exploding.
"But my son!" Garmadon said with terror just as the path in front of them was blocked off completely.

Kai was trying to reach for the blade as hard as he could, but Lloyd screamed for help as things got even worse.
"Kai! Help me!" Lloyd screamed which finally made Kai look away from it, he kept looking back between him and the Fangblade and had one choice to make, and he made the right choice that helped him finally realize what to do.
"Come on, let's get out of here!" Kai said while he hopped over to him and picked him up.
"But the Fangblade!" Lloyd shouted as the thing was sinking into the lava.
"Forget it! The whole place is coming apart! Ninja go!" Kai screamed while he used his Spinjitzu to hop across the floating rocks in the lava, they were soon completely cornered and the lava began bursting all around them.

Spike and the others hurried they're way out of the temple while Cole and Zane pushed Garmadon forward.
"Lloyd! Lloyd!!" Garmadon screamed with terror as the place was starting to explode.
"We have to go! Come on!" Spike screamed while he quickly got on the bounty with the others which began taking off. The ship quickly made haste to escape the temple and everyone watched with despair just as the place had blown up completely.
"Kai.. " Spike said with despair while he looked down with regret.
"Son.." Garmadon said with horror while they all watched the place explode.

But to everyone's shock, they saw a strange fireball heading directly to them in a strange way, and everyone could see someone inside it and they finally realized what it was.
"It's Kai! He's found his true potential!" Jay said amazed just as he finally landed down in front of all of them, and his body glowed brightly.
"So.. amazing.." Spike said with relief and awe seeing his powers like this, it made him wish he could unlock his powers sooner, and one day, he just might. Kai's body finally stopped glowing and he fell on the ground from exhaustion and everyone went to help him up, the bounty began to take off from the Fire Temple as it was getting worse.

Everyone went back to the bridge of the ship to take a moment to rest after what they went through, Spike got Allison again after she woke up from the loud noises outside and was soothing her again.
"Dad? Is it really you?" Lloyd asked while looking up at him.
"It is son." Garmadon assured while he gave him a close hug.
"Dad.. why do you have four arms?" Lloyd asked confused with all of them.
"He's gonna be okay!" Cole assured which made all of them cheer in joy and relief for what they did.
"Guess that's a complete success huh?" Spike asked while he high fived Zane again.

"Thank you, Kai." Garmadon said really grateful for what he's done for them.
"But how did you survive? How did you discover the key to unlocking your powers?" Zane asked fascinated with how he did it.
"I knew when I had the choice. I wanted the Fangblade so badly, to prove to everyone that I was good enough to become the Green Ninja. But then I figured it out, all of my training for preparation to become the best ninja, wasn't to become the Green Ninja, it was.. to protect him.." Kai said as he turned to Lloyd with realization.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Lloyd asked confused with all of this.
"Then.. that means..." Spike said with pure shock as he finally realized this too.

Kai and the other ninja drew they're weapons around Lloyd, and they placed them around him, and that made the weapons glow and they began floating around him with a green glow which finally had them all see who it is.
"Lloyd is the Green Ninja! I had thought it had been one of you 5 but, it was him the whole time! Not only have you 5 been chosen to protect the Golden Weapons, but also to protect the chosen one." Wu declared while patting Lloyd's back.
"I had a feeling it could be him.." Spike said proudly while Allison hissed hearing all of this.

"But.. then that means.." Garmadon said as this could only mean one thing for the future.
The battle lines have only been drawn further brother, sadly this means our family is more divided. Brother vs brother, and now.. Son, VS Father." Wu said regretfully. Everyone looked at eachother with shock in worry on what this means for them all given how young Lloyd is, but someone had to interrupt all of this.
"I know this is heavy and all, but whatever happened to the FANGBLADE?!" Jay shouted really scared of what happened to it.

Back at the collapsing Fire Temple, Pythor and the rest of the snakes were retreating back home for now, but as they went along, Pythor noticed a familiar blade swimming through the lava after everything exploded. He used his staff to throw it out of the lava and they all saw it land on the ground with it's metal shinning brightly.
"It's so beautiful! Cool and clean it off boys, because we only got one more to go!" Pythor ordered while he knocked the blade to two more snakes who caught it, but they were being burned with how hot the thing was and Pythor chuckled sinisterly as there was one more left to find..