• Published 23rd May 2024
  • 664 Views, 53 Comments

Spike The Spinjitzu Master - Dragonfan101

Spike is sent to the Realm of Ninjago after a strange force causes an error within the Crystal Mirror which sucks him into it, he is found and taken in by Master Wu and joins a team of Ninja to become a Master of Spinjitzu.

  • ...

6: Snake King

We open to another day within Ninjago, a few days had passed since Spike and the ninja stopped the tribes from uniting for now, while it was a relief to stop them for now, Spike had a feeling it was gonna be short lived, Spike's been trying to make sure he understands Spinjitzu ever since he finally learned it, it felt so cool to use, and it was definitely something Twilight and the others would be jealous of with Spike learning it, and with the fighting skills Spike's gaining, he's getting there as a ninja.

But Spike was pretty focused on the strange egg he found a few days back, he's been taking good care of it since he found it, he doesn't know why it was there, or why the Serpentine would leave it there, but Spike just felt the urge to protect it, maybe it was the result of him being hatched and raised by Twilight is the reason he's wanting to protect it, to show how much he's really learned from her, he just doesn't know how he can raise a snake if the child hatches from it..

Spike sighed as he was in his room once again, he'd been keeping watch over the egg for most of the day, and didn't know how to figure things out, but he then heard a knock on the door behind and he saw Cole coming into the room, he looked concerned for him and was wondering what's going on.
"You alright buddy?" Cole asked with concern while Spike kept looking at the egg.
"I'm.. okay, just been watching over this thing, there's just been.. stuff I've had to think about for a while." Spike admitted while Cole sat next to him.
"Your still thinking about your friends back home huh? I'm sure they're really worried for you, any family should." Cole said while trying to help him.

"I'm.. really worried for them, I just was sucked into this world with no way back, or way to contact them, I'm sure they're doing they're best to try and find me, but.. I honestly don't think I'll see them again.. for a long time.." Spike said sadly while he thought over the last time he saw them.
"What makes you think that? We've only known you for a few weeks at this point, I'm sure we'll find a way to get you home, maybe the dragons we had will find a way to get you home?" Cole suggested which may be true, but Spike had his doubts.
"I don't know Cole, with the sudden responsibility of being a ninja, and maybe even having to take care of a child that will come from this egg, to me having to learn all your elements, it's just something I don't know will help if I make it back home.. especially with the stuff I know now." Spike said while he put a spark of fire in his hands for an example.

"I can understand the strains of having to be responsible Spike, it does things to you in ways that you may not know, I had to take care of myself a lot when growing up, I didn't have much time with my dad, and my mother.. wasn't with us anymore, but it was my will to keep pushing myself is what made me what I am today, I'm sure you'll find out how to handle all of this soon too Spike." Cole assured while Spike was interested hearing stuff regarding Cole's family.
"How tough was it for you? What was it like with your family? I never knew my birth parents, and knowing you had one makes me wanna know.. what was it like?" Spike asked turning to him while Cole sighed hearing that too.
"It wasn't easy Spike, my dad wasn't always able to be home, he was always out with his group , and I had to take care of myself, I know it may have been his way of processing my mother's loss, but he rarely spent time with me after that. I met Wu on a mountain I climbed one day, and he was the first step I took to getting what feels like a real family to me, after I felt like I lost my own.." Cole said sadly which made Spike feel regret for him.

"I'm.. sorry to hear that, to think you went through that stuff, and yet I never even knew my own, it's.. hard.." Spike said regretfully while he turned back to the egg.
"It is hard Spike, but it's what helped me make me who I am today, I'm sure over time you'll get used to this new life too, and who knows, you might make a good parent for whenever this egg hatches, you sure your still thinking about raising a snake Spike? We don't even know what type it will be yet?" Cole asked looking at it too with concern.
"I think I do wanna raise it, I know the feeling of being abandoned, but being raised by someone like Twilight was some of the best parts of my life, and.. I want whatever comes from this to experience it the best I can do for it as a parent." Spike said while he rubbed the thing a bit, and felt a small movement inside of it which made Cole smile a bit.

"I'm sure you'll do a great job raising it Spike, just promise me to look after it, I'll be there when you need help, even if I have my problem with snakes, this one may be different, just.. try and be a better father then my own was alright? Look after it, and keep it safe." Cole asked while patting his back.
"I I'll try, thanks for this advise Cole, it's nice to get to talk with you during moments like these." Spike said gratefully as the two stood up again.
"No problem buddy, come on, the other's are about to eat, we'll talk more about this later alright?" Cole asked while Spike put the egg in a specially made bed to keep it safe.
"Sounds good, let's hope we won't have much to worry about today." Spike said hopefully as they left the room with the egg resting soundly, and it was moving around just a little bit..

The Bounty was flying through the sky's normally once again, and just behind them, the mailman was traveling to it while holding something.
"Wait! Slow down! I got a package for Sensei Wu!" He shouted while trying to fly to it, Spike and the other's were currently in the dining room again and trying to eat while having a discussion.
"First, I'll stomp on his tail, then when he turns, a thunderclap to his ears! Then when he's stunned, I'll disarm him!" Lloyd said confidently while Wu walked in with a package.
"Too late, he's already hypnotized you and now your under his control!" Cole countered while they discussed how to deal with each type.
"Or he's already put you in a tight squeeze." Zane added while clutching his hand.
"Or spit on you with his venom, trust me, it's bad stuff." Kai said while shaking that memory off of him.

"Uh.. uncle, what's the best way to stun a serpentine if you don't know what kind they are?" Lloyd asked looking at Wu who was sitting down now.
"Sadly, it was the sacred flute you 5 carelessly lost." Wu said while looking over Spike and the group.
"Now hold on, we didn't lose it, Pythor stole it!" Jay countered not wanting the blame to be on them.
"Whatever the case, I fear that without the flute, we have nothing to combat they're powers. We may have prevented them from uniting in the past, but they will try again, and one day, they will be stronger." Wu advised which worried the group.
"I had a bad feeling that may happen one day.." Spike said with worry while thinking about it.
"So what's in the box sensei?" Lloyd asked while walking up to Wu.

"Your new uniforms!" Wu announced while he opened it up, and there were 5 new suits for Spike and the others.
"New suits?!" Spike asked amazed while they all took them out and saw the detail they had to it, Spike's was almost fully armored and had way tougher material made then with his current.
"Whoa! They've got like armor!" Jay said amazed seeing this.
"I love the gold highlights!" Kai said amazed at this design too.
"Battle claws!" Cole added amazed at this too.
"The material is really light and breathable!" Zane said impressed which was weird to hear from Jay.
"Aw, nothing for me?" Lloyd asked feeling a bit upset at this.
"Um.. you get uh.. the box." Wu offered pulling it to him, but the alarms had gone off once again which alerted everyone there.

Spike and the other's quickly made they're way to the bridge again to see what's going on currently in Ninjago.
"Sorry to stop the talk boys, but it looks like our slithering friends are stirring up trouble over at Mega monster Amusement Park." Cole said seriously while he homed in on the location.
"Amusement park?! Can I go?! Can I go please?! Let me make things up I can help!" Lloyd begged really wanting to go.
"I'm sorry nephew, you must stay here where it's safe." Wu replied which made him upset.
"Aw.. ninja get all the fun.." Lloyd said feeling jealous about this.
"Maybe next time buddy." Spike said while patting his back again.
"What do you say guys? Time to try out the new merchandise?" Jay asked while everyone looked at they're new suits eagerly.

Everyone went out to the deck of the ship once again to get ready to skydive, Spike and the others got in their new suits and felt awesome wearing it, Spike's new suit was fully armored and had purple and gold colors around it, there was still a dragon symbol on the chest and shot out all the elements the others use, and Spike just felt amazing wearing it.
"Best thing about being a ninja, it's the suit designs, Rarity would be jealous of these!" Spike said amazed while looking at himself.
"Tell me about it! This will definitely help us with fighting!" Kai said eagerly while they all looked over the ledge.
"Ready to go guys?!" Spike asked excitedly while they all got ready to jump.
"Ninja go!!!" They all shouted before they jumped off the Bounty and began Skydiving down to the amusement park. Spike dived near Jay and he brought him close before he used his powers to form his elemental vehicle, and they all cheered in joy as they dove directly down through the clouds.

They didn't have to wait a few more seconds until they came upon the amusement park, and were able to land down and they all drew they're golden weapons.
"Oh, that will never get old!" Spike said amazed at this cool action still, they heard what sounded like people screaming just up ahead and got ready to fight.
"Haha, ladies! Relax, relax! We have arrived! We're here too..." Jay said confidently right before they walked through the crowd and they saw the serpentine attacking the place were somehow tied up.
"Uh.. what just happened?" Kai asked confused on how this is possible.
"Oh, you like totally missed it! There were these icky snakes going around until this mysterious samurai came in and saved everyone!" A citizen explained while Spike looked at the snakes with shock hearing that.
"He was like, gorgeous!" A woman said gleefully at the thought of it.

"You saw his face?" Kai asked confused while Nya was walking up with some cotton candy with her.
"Nah, but we can totally tell." She replied while Nya handed out the treats to the other people.
"Nya? How did you get here?" Spike asked shocked with how fast she got here.
"Nya! Your here!" Jay said with surprise while Kai moved past the others to see that.
"Yeah, you just missed it, he just flew in, took care of business, and flew off! It was pretty cool." Nya explained as they can see people saying how the samurai is better then the ninja and could take them down.

"Ugh, who is this guy?" Kai asked frustrated to hear this.
"I don't know, but he's got skill I'll give him that." Spike said impressed with how fast things were taken care of.
"Whoever this guy is, he's stealing our thunder!" Cole said jealous of this.
"And we just got these new suits too! Ugh, I'm gonna say it, I hate Samurai!" Jay said annoyed while crossing his arms.
"Do I hear a hint of jealousy?" Wu asked while he was here too.
"Oh, not another les... wait, how'd you get here so quick?!" Jay asked surprised that he was here already.
"Does this mean Lloyd's here too if your both here?" Spike asked looking around for him.

"The lesson is, iron sharpens iron, and yes Spike, Lloyd's playing with the minigames right now." Wu answered which confused Zane a bit.
"I do not follow, sensei?" Zane asked not understanding this.
"Healthy competition can help you reach your true potential faster, do not be jealous of this Samurai, let it inspire you. Ooh! Ferris Wheel!" Wu said in joy as he ran up to the one just ahead of them.
"Guess even he has his favorite rides here too." Spike said shrugging this off a bit.
"Inspire guys? What does that mean?" Jay asked not getting it fully.

"Wait a minute.. maybe the old man's right." Kai asked himself while getting an idea.
"He wants us to compete with the samurai? He's got all the cool gadgets, we don't stand a chance!" Cole asked not wanting that to happen.
"Don't jinx it Cole." Spike warned as this kind of stuff can happen.
"No, not that, not with him, but with us! I say we make this our own competition, whoever's skilled enough to catch this samurai is probably the best of the bunch!" Kai said confidently while twirling his sword around.
"So, whoever learns the samurai's identity, is the one that will become the destined Green Ninja! Ha! I love it!" Jay said amazed at this idea.
"Your still thinking about that guys? Remember what I said back at the monastery?" Spike asked as it won't be this to prove who's the Green ninja.
"Think of it like a way to start our journey to becoming the Green Ninja, Spike, you guys ready for this?" Cole asked with confidence.
"Ninja go!!!" They all shouted again as they got a new goal to achieve.

After that agreement with the others, Spike went back taking care of the serpentine egg he found a few days back, the others were out on missions, but Spike wanted to stay behind and take care of his egg, he knew the others and the Samurai could handle themselves if they encounter those snakes, so Spike needed time to look after it.
"When will you hatch little guy? Will I be able to raise you?" Spike asked curiously while Lloyd was walking into the room too.
"Hey Spike, you still looking over that egg?" Lloyd asked coming up to him.
"Yeah, the other's are out and about, while they think finding the Samurai's identity will make them the Green Ninja, I feel like I'm the only one who sees right now that that may not work, it may be because of one's personal struggles they're going through." Spike explained while Lloyd chuckled a bit.
"They're taking this Green Ninja thing way too seriously, who would wanna title that puts so much pressure on them? There are people who can't handle that kind of pressure if it's put on them, I don't think they realize that being the Green Ninja will have a huge burden, even if it is a legend." Lloyd suggested while sitting next to him.

"That mainly depends on WHO is chosen Lloyd, I know I'm not the Green Ninja, fighting by his side and being a true friend to him is good enough for me, and when this egg hatches, I'll have my own snake child to raise too." Spike said with a smile while looking back at the egg.
"I can tell you'll take good care of it Spike, my father wasn't exactly the best with raising me, you know since he's.. Lord Garmadon? I don't think raising me is.. something he'd focus on.. even if I'm his son.." Lloyd said as he was getting a bit sad thinking about it.
"You shouldn't think that Lloyd, even though I haven't met him yet, I'm sure that deep down, under all that evil in him, there's a part that does care for you, and whoever defeats him, maybe that'll finally help him find peace?" Spike said while trying to comfort him.

"I honestly don't know Spike, the Green Ninja will have a lot of responsibility's to do, I never had much to do when I was alone, and I just.. don't know if pressure like that will help me.." Lloyd said while he looked at the floor and thinking about how much it could pressure the chosen one.
"There's just things we have to accept in life Lloyd, I'm a ninja now, I know Spinjitzu, I'm in another world from my own, and I may not see my friends for.. a really long time, but even with all that.. I know it'll turn out okay in the end.. it has too.." Spike said hopefully while he looked at his ninja suit.
"Let's just hope whoever gets that tittle, you'll be there for them, every step of the way, even if you'll have a snake to raise." Lloyd prayed while he looked at the egg again.
"Me too buddy.. me too.." Spike said with hope as they took in this moment, and wondered who it will be.

After Lloyd's talk with Spike, Lloyd was picked up by Kai and was being taken to an Arcade so he could spend some time having fun, they went to Ninjago city again so Lloyd would have a fun time.
"Okay, I know it's my turn to look after you, but just stay put while I look around alright? I have a feeling the Samurai " Kai asked while he handed him some coins to play the games.
"Let me help!" Lloyd said eagerly still wanting to help.
"Sorry kid." Kai said refusing to do that.
"Come on! At least drop me off at a decent arcade." Lloyd said annoyed with him being left like this.
"Sorry shorty!" Kai apologized before he stepped on the engine and began to leave.
"Kai wait!!" Lloyd screamed as he drove off at fast speeds and left Lloyd at the arcade which was just annoying to him.

Lloyd was about to make his way into the arcade, but he stopped walking as soon as he heard some strange voices coming from a nearby alley.
"I tell you he's found it, and everyone is gathering again!" Scales said as he was with some more snakes.
"Impossible, the lost city does not exist." A snake hissed while refusing to believe Scales's story.
"Well it's not lost anymore! Come on, I hear there is going to be a fight." Scales said as they were moving to a bus while Lloyd was hearing the whole thing out. Lloyd decided to sneak on board the bus with them, and saw there was some snake cosplay being sold at a store, so he used the coins Kai gave him to purchase them, so he could disguise himself as a snake. Lloyd quickly made his way to the bus that was just about to leave, and was about to hop on.
"Hey, you! Hold it there!" Scales ordered which startled him a bit.
"Last one in, closes the door!" Scales declared which relieved him a bit.
"Oh. sure thing!" Lloyd replied while he closed the door and the bus headed out of the city.

It took till nightfall for the bus to reach the desert, Lloyd was looking around the place and was wondering what they found, this Lost City of Ouroboros that Scales mentioned, but thankfully it didn't take much longer for them to reach an ancient city that was raised from the ground, Pythor and Scales found it just a couple days back, and they were now attempting to unite the tribes again. The bus had stopped at a large arena that was directly in the center, and there were hundreds of snakes in the stands and were cheering for things to get started. Lloyd nervously looked around the place and he saw Pythor and Scales were directly ahead, and they were under a large snake statue just above them.

"Just do what I said, and I promise you, you will be my second in command." Pythor said while turning to Scales before he went to the large audience for an announcement.
"I bring you to the Lost City of Ouroboros, before the statue of our very own.. Great Devourer! To speak of unity!" Pythor announced while they all looked at the statue.
"Where are the fights?! Where is the big show?!" A snake asked getting impatient which made the other's cheer for them to fight in the Slither Pit for leadership.
"You want to see a show?! You want to see a fight? I ask for your allegiance but you will not give it! So, I will take it!" Pythor said while he slithered over to the other generals who were on the other side.
"What are you saying?!" Fangtom asked while they stood against him.

"I challenge the 4 tribe generals for they're staffs, and they're allegiance! At once!" Pythor announced which made the snakes cheer even more.
"I've worked hard for this staff! And will not give it up easily!" Acidius hissed while the generals got ready to fight.
"There's no way he can defeat the 4 of us at once!" Skalidor said while he tried to strike him down, but Pythor flipped away from the attack and tail whipped him for a counter attack. Pythor kept fighting the other generals off the best he could but soon got tackled down by all of them, but Scales quickly handed him the Sacred Flute Pythor stole, Pythor took a deep breath before he played the tune that made the other generals scream in pain.
"He's using the Sacred Flute against his own!" Lloyd said with shock while they kept screaming from the music. Scales had thrown down his staff and Pythor soon took care of the other generals who couldn't fight back because of the music.

"Bow, to your master! Bow to your master Serpentine!" Pythor announced to all the tribes who bowed in respect with the understanding that he's in charge now, but this caused Lloyd's disguise to slip up and he dropped his maracas as a result, Pythor saw the Maracas fall down and he looked up to where they fell from, Lloyd got really scarred and tried to escape until he was grabbed by another snake.
"And where do you think your going?!" The snake asked while Lloyd's disguise fell off which completely exposed him.
"Lloyd?!" Pythor asked with rage and he was very scarred for what's gonna happen next..

We cut back to the next day at Bounty, the ninja were frustrated at the Samurai's constant advantages over them and were discussing how to catch him.
"Having to deal with the Samurai is more of a nuisance then the snakes! Any luck with you?" Cole asked looking at the others.
"Nope, I'm not really interested with picking a fight I can't win." Spike said shrugging it off.
"I think it's for the best, I hate to say it, but none of us are closer to being the Green Ninja.." Kai said regretfully while Wu was walking into the room.
"Looks like iron, is sharpening iron, I see you are getting closer to your true potential." Wu said while he looked at Cole again but noticed Lloyd wasn't here.

"Where's my nephew? I thought you were looking after him?" Wu asked turning to Kai.
"I thought Cole was gonna pick him up?" Kai asked turning to him.
"I didn't see anyone there when I went to pick him up!" Cole said in defense while Spike got mad knowing Kai left Lloyd alone without anyone with him.
"Who would leave a 10 year old kid alone at an arcade like that Kai? How are you supposed to be the Green Ninja if you were so careless like that?" Spike asked frustrated to know Kai left Lloyd alone like that.
"Spike is right, that was wrong for you to do Kai, we must find Lloyd." Wu said seriously which made them all start to head out again.

Spike and the group went back to the arcade Lloyd was last seen to hopefully find him, they made it to the place and looked inside to see if he was around.
"Lloyd? You here?!" Spike asked looking around the place, but they didn't see anyone who looked like him.
"Where is he? Someone must've seen him?" Kai asked getting really worried for him, Cole noticed a street post just above him and saw there was a camera attached to it.
"Hey guys, check this out!" Cole announced which got everyone's attention, they all went to the camera room to see where Lloyd was previously at, and saw him on screen just as Kai left.
"There's the pipsqueak! Play that back!" Jay said as they saw him looking into a strange alley before they saw him going to it in a snake disguise.
"Lloyd what are you doing?" Spike asked worried for him as they saw this.

Spike and the others went to the alley Lloyd went too and saw his footprints from the day before, but the tracks ended at a street where it looked like a bus had left.
"Guys, I think Lloyd may have snuck his way into Serpentine territory.." Spike said worried to see this.
"And I think i know where it leads, come on boys!" Kai said seriously as they all began following the trail while getting in they're vehicles again.

Spike was in Cole's vehicle this time and they all had driven through the dessert for miles, it felt like they were hours away from the city at this point, but were soon coming upon a strange ancient city in the sands ahead.
"What is that place?" Cole asked confused to see it.
"Looks like Snake city!" Jay said in surprise to see this.
"Let's get a closer look." Kai said as they drove to the place even faster to investigate, it didn't take long for them to make it to the huge city and they were able to use they're skills to sneak inside the place.

The group looked around the place and saw all the tribes were here, and they were getting worried to see this.
"It appears Pythor has successfully united all of the tribes.." Zane observed while they looked around the place.
"Hmph, I know we ruined they're last get together, but that's no reason not to get an invitation, my feelings are hurt!" Cole said upset to see all of this.
"There's so many of them.. what do we do?" Spike asked worried on how they can stop this.
"Guys, look! There's Lloyd!" Kai whispered as they saw Lloyd in a cage and was looking upset to be trapped here.
"Oh, and look at who they worship!" Jay pointed out since there was a large snake statue just above him.

"We can't let Lloyd be held here, we need to save him, now!" Spike said seriously while he drew his Trident.
"Let's get em boys!" Kai said confidently before they were about to run to save him, but a cage suddenly slammed down before them and trapped them inside while they also lost they're weapons which got all the snakes attention.
"Spike, guys!" Lloyd said with shock while Pythor slithered up to them with a sinister look.
"Looks like we've caught the main event!" Pythor said while he laughed mockingly.

Spike and the other's had their weapons taken away from them for now, and they were being taken by more guards to the center of the large pit in the arena.
"Oh, I hate gladiator battles!" Spike said upset to know they have to fight something in a few minutes.
"Tell me about it! It never ends well for anyone who's forced to fight like this!" Jay said annoyed at this too while Pythor began to announce something again.
"You say you wanted a battle, and I give you one! I give you.. Ninja and Dragon, Vs Samurai!" Pythor announced as the cage in front them began to open, and they all looked shocked as they saw the Samurai was captured too and was marching too them.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me!" Spike said annoyed to see this.

"What?! We have to fight the Samurai?! We don't even have our Golden Weapons, and he has that thing of hulking armor! It's not fair!" Jay said annoyed at this unfair advantage.
"I want to see once and for all who is the greatest hero! Is it Samurai? Or the Ninja? Only the victor will be allowed to leave!" Pythor announced while they got ready to fight.
"Stay together guys!" Kai said with worry while Spike tried thinking of something.
"Perhaps we could convince him to help us! After all, he hates the Serpentine too!" Zane suggested while they turned to him, but the Samurai threw a sharp disk directly at them which they barely dodged as it bounced all over the ring and back to him.
"Scratch that! He is not on our team!" Cole shouted as the mech charged at them and tried swiping at them, but Spike and the other's quickly flipped above him to avoid it.

Spike and the others landed behind him and got in a fighting stance while the Samurai threw the sharp disk at them again, but Spike got an idea and used his lightning to stop it, he then grabbed it and flipped in the air to toss it back at him.
"How do you like that?!" Spike shouted while the snakes continued to cheer for them. The Samurai countered this by drawing a huge sword and he slashed at them all who tried flipping above it's slashes.
"Tornado of Creation?" Zane suggested to the others who already liked that idea.
"Spike, get back!" Kai warned which he agreed to, Spike quickly went back for cover as he watched each of the ninja use they're Spinjitzu to form a massive tornado that sucked in dozens of items around the area, this even got the Samurai's sword sucked in and Spike watched in awe as they created a huge slingshot out of the materials they made, and they shot a spiked iron ball at the mech to knock it down.

"Way to go guys!" Spike cheered while Jay high fived him, they all ran up to Pythor and Scales and were about to take them down, but Pythor pulled on a lever that made spiked traps appear from the ground which trapped them in the ring.
"Aw, why can't anyone play fair?!" Jay asked annoyed before Pythor pulled the switch again and this began making the ring turn itself till Spike and the other's were losing they're balance.
"Are you kidding me right now?!" Spike asked annoyed while they all hung on the spikes to not fall into the pit below them.
"Can this get any worse?!" Cole asked annoyed too while the Samurai hung by they're side, but it had an idea to escape.

"We must continue to make it look like we are fighting for real!" The Samurai said looking at them.
"Hold on, we're not fighting for real?" Jay asked shocked to hear this.
"Keep up the show, and hold onto my battle suit!" The Samurai instructed which was enough for them.
"I hope you know what your doing!" Spike shouted as they all jumped onto his suit to make it look like they're fighting, the Samurai activated the suits boosters, and they were about to take off, but the suit was starting to slow down because of all the weight.
"There's to much weight!" Kai said with worry on what to do, but the Samurai pressed on the mech's chest which opened the suit up, and he jumped out of the suit which made it take off with the others.
"I can't believe he just saved us!" Cole said amazed that this happened.
"He actually was on our side!" Spike said surprised to see this too.
"But he stole our thunder again!" Kai said annoyed to know this.
"Oh, I hate that Samurai!!!" Jay shouted with anger while realizing this.

Pythor and the rest of the snakes watched Spike and the ninja take off into the skies so they could come back another day.
"Go ninja go!!" Lloyd cheered while the Samurai landed back on the ground and began charging to Pythor to get Lloyd back, but Pythor pulled Lloyd out of the cage and held him hostage to stop this.
"Get him!!" Pythor shouted with anger which dozens of snakes begin marching to him, but the Samurai used a magnetic device he had on him to bring the Golden Weapons too him, he then quickly jumped in the air and caught all 5 of them at once before he took out his disk and threw it directly at the switch which made the platform they were all on begin to tip over again. The snakes around him began falling down into the pit while the Samurai used it's jetpack to fly on over to the statue to look over all the snakes who cheered for him winning, but Pythor was extremely frustrated with all of them escaping and the Samurai quickly took off with the weapons while Spike and the others flew around in the suit.

"How do you turn this thing off?!" Kai screamed with fear as the mech wouldn't stop flying around.
"Brace yourselves guys!" Spike screamed right as the mech crashed into the ground far away from the city which got everyone to crash onto the sand. Jay groaned as he was finally getting up from the crash, he looked over the others and saw Spike and Kai weren't' with them.
"Where are Kai and Spike?!" Jay asked with worry while the others were getting up too.

Spike and Kai got separated from the others as a result of the crash, and Spike helped Kai out of the sand.
"You alright Kai?" Spike asked while holding his head.
"I'm fine Spike, thanks. Where are the others?" Kai asked worried while they didn't see anyone with them, the Samurai was flying through the desert and was trying to head back home too, but the jetpack started to malfunction and Spike and Kai saw the Samurai fly down to an area just ahead.
"Come on, he may be hurt!" Spike said while they quickly made they're way up to him.

The Samurai was finally getting back up from the crash, but the suit was damaged, and they could see him just up ahead.
"Testing, testing.. one.. two.." The samurai said right as he took off the helmet while Kai and Spike looked saw this from a distance, but they noticed a familiar hairstyle that belonged to a friend of theirs, which made them realize one thing.
"Nya?" Spike and Kai asked at once which got her attention, she quickly put her helmet back on so they don't see her.
"Steer clear ninja! Don't look..." Nya said not wanting this to happen, but she saw they could see through this and had no choice but to reveal herself.
"At me.." Nya finished sadly after she took off her helmet.

"Nya? We don't get it, your the mysterious Samurai?" Kai asked surprised to see this.
"How come you never told us?" Spike asked worried to see this too.
"It was always a boys club for you, you never let me try to help, so.. I found my own way to be a hero, are you two mad?" Nya asked concerned if they were, but Spike understood this perfectly, it was like how he felt when Twilight and the others got to do stuff on their own, without him helping.
"No, I understand this, I've felt this way for a while back home, it makes sense you'd want to hide this, I'm sorry we never let you come with us, I should know this better then anyone else.." Spike said regretfully to know this.
"We were just trying to protect you, but all this time.. you never needed it, your amazing Nya!" Kai said amazed to see his sister is so talented.

"Girl power!" Nya said nervously while nudging they're shoulders, but she looked worried now knowing they know this.
"Your both not going to tell the others are you?" Nya asked not wanting this to happen right now.
"You have my word Nya, I'm just.. I'm glad there's someone who understood what I went through, Twilight and the others didn't let me go on adventures most of the time, I know it was to protect me, but I always knew I could help in a way, and you being able to do this, it only inspires me to be a better fighter, the least I can do is not tell the others this." Spike said while high fiving her.
"Thanks Spike, I'm glad a friend understands this, but what about you Kai?" Nya asked while they turned to him, Kai saw she didn't want this to be revealed too soon, and since Spike's there for her, he should always be there for his sister.

"I won't tell anyone, how'd you make all this stuff?" Kai asked surprised with her gadgets.
"You two would be surprised with how much spare time I have when your on your missions. You'd both better get back before the others get suspicious, we'll have to rescue Lloyd another day." Nya answered while she handed them they're weapons.
"Nya, whenever I get in trouble, Spike and the others always have my back, but you.. just, be careful will you?" Kai asked hoping she won't get hurt.
"I promise." Nya assured which relieved them a bit.
"I know you'll be safe, you held your own against them, that shows how strong you are on your own." Spike complimented while he got back his weapon.
"So how are you gonna get back?" Kai asked wondering what she's gonna do.
"I have my ways." Nya said proudly before she pressed on the back of her helmet.

Jay and the others were still looking for Spike and Kai and couldn't see them anywhere.
"Kai? Spike? You guys there?!" Jay shouted worried for them both, but far behind them, the mech suit was recovering from the crash and was preparing to leave.
"Quick, it's gonna get away!" Jay shouted while they tried running to it, but they were too late, and the mech took off into the skies at fast speeds which left them alone with nothing.
"Ugh, great! Now we lost Kai and Spike, the Samurai suit is gone, and we have no way to get home!." Jay said annoyed at this while the others saw something.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that.." Cole said which made Jay turn behind them, and they saw Kai and Spike with the Golden Weapons.
"Ready to head home guys?" Spike asked while they raised them in the air so they can head home.

Spike and the ninja were finally able to make it back to the Bounty after a long day, Spike and Kai made sure to explain what happened without giving everything away while Wu and the others listened on.
"He was all mysterious, never said a word, handed me and Spike the Golden Weapons, and then.. poof! He's gone." Kai explained while they brushed they're teeth.
"Don't know why he left like that after giving us the weapons, but it must mean he trusts us enough with them." Spike said not giving the identity away.
"So wait, if the Samurai had the most powerful weapons in the whole world, why would he just give them back to you two?" Jay asked while Nya was walking into the room too.
"I don't know maybe she... I mean he's not so bad after all, what I do know is that we owe him our lives." Kai said making sure not to give it away.
"I sense this means the bet is off." Zane said a bit glad that's over.

"More importantly, my nephew has found his way into the Den of all snakes! I fear there is no way of rescuing him now.." Wu said with worry to know this.
"Sensei, there's always a way." Kai said as they can always save him another day.
"We won't rest until we rescue him sensei, count on that." Spike said seriously as he sparked up his hands with lightning.
"We'll find a way, we promise." Cole assured as well which relieved Wu a bit, and he began to leave the room, Spike finished brushing his teeth and yawned after this long day.

"Twilight is gonna be in for a long story when I get home.." Spike said tiredly while he went to his bed where the egg was at it's side.
"You sure you know what your gonna do with that child when you hatch him Spike?" Kai asked curiously while everyone was getting ready to sleep too.
"I have ideas on how to do it, if I'm gonna raise this kid, I'm gonna need more lessons, but one thing I do know is, we all need our sleep, that's for sure." Spike said with a yawn while he layed down on his bed.
"That's a fact, night guys." Cole said as they all went to they're beds too to sleep the night away, and the egg moved around just a little bit more as they slept the night away.
Wu made his way through the halls and saw Nya was heading to her room, but had something for her.
"I believe you've forgotten this?" Wu asked while he held out Nya's sharp disk from before, and he handed it to her.
"Iron, sharpens iron, and sibling sharpens sibling.." Wu said in a wise tone while he walked away, Nya smiled at this and began heading back to her room for tonight, it was a long day for all of them, and they're all glad they could rest for tonight..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I know Spike didn't do much in this chapter, but I'm gonna try and do my best to have Spike be included in the show in ways that make him stand out, so I think him having talks with characters to help develop them more and Spike's relationship with them is a good step, I think Spike and Nya do relate to eachother in many ways, Nya and Spike both were often sidelined while the others got to do adventures, so I'll make sure they're dynamic is explored more when Nya get's focus, I think I'm handling this story well so far and I hope you all like it too! Thanks for reading this and hope you look forward to more!