• Member Since 1st Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen Tuesday


Resolute Lightning Dust apologist


This story is a sequel to The Rejects

While Equestria sits on the brink of war, a band of misfits must come together to foil corrupt Canterlot elite, war criminals, and old enemies. Meanwhile, Princess Twilight Sparkle must divert her attention between a fractured Equestria and a vengeful threat beyond the sea.

*Next Chapter out in January!

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 38 )

Or so she thought, until a new strange figure seemed to appear across the riverbed, a pair of yellow eyes peering down at her. He was nothing close to a pony, but perhaps some figment of her imagination. No, she told herself, she recognized that gaunty chuckle, that lion’s paw, that lizard’s tail, that griffon’s claw.

No fucking way is GlimGlam about to get the lord of chaos on board...

Smooth moves, Trixie.
Now to wait on GlimGlam's reaction and Discord going to explode from glee because of the chaos.

Wonder when Shimmy and the Crew will meet back up with Ms. Unkillable Bastard, though.

On other news, Spike is confirmed 🦀🦀🦀GONE🦀🦀🦀, so that's good.

Finally! About time the truth came out. Right now though, the biggest question on my mind is what the heck is in that briefcase from the first work.

Absolutely loving this, you're clearly a talented writer and I can't wait to see how this all unfolds.

Sunset will unleash the war crimes soon. I am giddy to see what she does. Although I feel her personality doesn't add up entirely, she reminds me more of Movie 1 Sunset more than "nice" Sunset, but I still love her.

Plus, Celestia above knows that having her kill Twilight would be the most beautiful irony known to man. But we all know the honor of chopping off her head is going to GlimGlam.

This is awesome

Luna is PISSED. Now, where's Sunbutt so we can have Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon set loose? At this point, God knows Twiggles has it coming.

Amazing chapter as always. You my friend are one of the best writers on this site. Thank goodness we finally returned to the briefcase plot, I was beginning to worry that had been forgotten. I was way off on its contents. I'd theorized it was some sort of legal document proving the existence of the true heir to the throne of Equestria. Looks like its some sort of weapon instead... Can't wait for the next chapter!


Thank you for the very kind words!

i hope the next chapter Comes out soon i Can't wait on why Luna is acting hostile with Starlight

Rarity is dead... Lightning's crew got themselves a fine plate of shit, Trixie's after Cadance, Luna and Starlight are together, and GOD ALMIGHTY knows what Sunset, Suri and Wallflower are doing.

Rainbow and the crime gang also fucked shit sideways.

It's all further downhill from here isn't it?

And the dragons around her began to drool and laugh and grin, the twelve of them all descending upon her. Periwinkle screamed, as the chains came loose and they turned her over, eager to share the spoils.

D: There’s no way smolder would approve of all this

“Equestria’s fate matters more than my own,” Delphi whispered, “You must do this.”

I can't tell if she means anything she's saying or is just using him for something

“You’re not usually awake before noon,” Sunset remarked, waiting for Wallflower to struggle up the climb beside her.

that's my sleepy queen

“She made me into this,” Sunset said, through gritted teeth, “Into this monster that everypony thinks I am. So why not embrace it? My life is over, she made sure of it. This is all I am now. All I can do is spite Twilight in any way I can. And who better to do it, than me? This was what I was meant to do. What else have I got?”

I don't know if I love how one-sided the rivalry between them is. Like at least in the last one Twilight is constantly thinking about Starlight and has regrets somewhat. I can't remember Twilight ever actually thinking about Sunset. It's fine as a motivation for Sunset, but down the line when they meet again it won't have as much impact as it could.

“That is not what I-” Snowfall called out, her face flushing red.


“We should wait for Shining,” Mulberry said, “We’re no good without him. He’d know what to do.”

skill issue

“It was not my desire for you to have felt threatened,” Pharynx sighed, “But these things are not always so easy. I had hoped Malthos might have won you over somehow. Foolish as that might have been, it would have spared you the chains and shackles.”

the consequences of 0 rizz

“Yours isn’t the only kingdom to have lost someone,” Silver reminded, “My aunt was murdered right alongside your brother. We could have come together somehow, and figured out who the real enemy is, but instead you’ve betrayed us too. All because you’re scared. Your brother would never have-”

she's 100% correct

In a flash of green light, Silver’s form evaporated in a cloud of smoke and left behind in the now-oversized chains was poor Ocellus, who was trembling in terror.

I thought she would be able to keep it up for way longer than that

Broadwing flew down to the courtyard, glancing at the collection of hostages held over in the corner, as more of his troops entered in through the gate, moving in their carriages of supplies.

oh we straight up skipped over the battle :(

“If you still feel raw about it - I’ll be waiting,” Sunset said, taking her time with each word.

kill bill energy

“Posh Paramount and Filibuster recruited us early on, to invest in the project, to keep ponies quiet, to make sure their cry for revolution went unheard by Twilight, Luna, Cadance, or any of their supporters,” Upper Crust said, “But Posh, she became impatient with the slow progress. Hurried along by that warmongering dragon empress, and that spineless changeling who feared their secret would soon be exposed, they all planned to strike earlier than we had planned. Twilight discovered this treachery, and….you may recall how things ended up for them. But we here were able to escape Twilight’s notice, and have worked tirelessly to do things right this time.”

Neighsay levels of racism

“Matchstick grew impatient, waiting in vain for Celestia to return. So he stole the project for himself, and plotted to sell it to a Manehattan criminal organization. The deal went wrong, however, and Matchstick was killed in the process. The project itself has switched hooves countless times, but has finally found its way back home, here to Canterlot. We will succeed where Celestia did not. With Matchstick’s plans, we have a chance to develop the means to harness its power, and control it.”

...do they need the same tools that Celestia went searching for? Or are they doing their own thing

“Yes. Perhaps he was delayed,” Jet Set mused, before glancing back toward Sunset.

oh he dead dead

Gilded Lily swatted the bar out of Wallflower’s hoof, knocking it into a broken sewer grate.

I hate her already

“We’re getting that briefcase, alright. But there’s no way in hell we’re giving it to those blood-sucking suits up there,” Sunset said.

time for a teamup with rainbow and blondie

Fancy Pants’ throat erupted with blood, as the curses slipped out of his lips, muddled and muddied and murky. He choked and clawed at the air and crashed to his knees, glaring up at Jet Set with red eyes bleeding tears.

why do I feel like this chapter was more violent than usual lol

And Jet Set spared him a parting glance, catching him just in time to see that last slip of air squeeze out of his lungs.

this guy is a problem

nice achilles reference from the movie troy lol

“We knew what they were planning,” Eight Ball said, “We could’ve told somepony, but Chief didn’t want to stir up any kind of incident.”

are we ever going to see him again?

“I’m not following his orders anymore,” Eight Ball said, “I’m helping you because maybe the three of you have what it takes to make a difference.”

every time someone says something like this in this story they end up betraying someone lol

It had been Starlight’s plan to find Star Swirl the Bearded, the only pony who might have any knowledge as to the whereabouts of Princess Celestia. The old wizard had retreated into exile, though Eight Ball had been able to track him down to a spiked plateau buried deep in the Elestellian Range in the Crystal Mountains.

she should've gone to him from the very beginning

“If you consider arrogance and stupidity to be a sickness, then yes, I suppose you could count the alicorns among the infirmed, ” Discord said.


“Can I dwell on what I can’t remember? I was to hold a castle in the Highlands once, and there was a young lord the king had pledged me to marry, but I could not find that castle today. I could not tell you the color of his eyes, his hair, or how sweet his voice may have sounded. Then there was Canterlot, yes. But I could not tell you the names of its streets, or the color of its roofs, or of the songs that were always playing in the markets. Who gave me the crown, Starlight? What foods did I like to eat? The names fade. The faces sooner. Perhaps Celestia will make me see reason. She always has before.”

hoping this is elaborated on

“A hard sacrifice - the few to save the many, it grieves me to say. Some madness made them want to live right on the dragon’s doorstep. If they’re wise, they’ll flee north. Or they can burn with the rest of the south, for all I care. They’re already dead, the way I see it. It’s the Lowlands that concern me, not the squalling southron sons of whores.”

what is his deal

“They’re coming to murder us all,” he had told her, “They say they take no prisoners. Anypony fool enough to surrender will make them a nice supper.”

neighsay would love all this anti dragon propaganda

“ Miss Silver!” hissed Saffron Masala, sticking her head through the door, “May I come in?”

did not expect this teamup

“I’m not supposed to let my friends get hurt to protect me,” Silver said, “I want to go home.”

I'm liking her more and more in this story, but I hope she gets more of a role than just being the damsel in distress

“No,” Salt agreed, “But we already have one dumb blonde.”


“ Who are you ponies ?” Malthos asked, possibly for the eighth time, “This farce will come to an end soon, do you hear me?! M-My father will have all your heads on spikes!”

the changelings are really not put in a good light for most of this story. like all of them are backstabbers or cowards, all except for Ocellus. Not sure I'm a fan of writing them AND the dragons both as stereotypical villainous monoliths.

“Surgeon makes them bleat so hard they shit themselves,” Chack told them all. She did not like the way Chack looked at her. It reminded her of Hask. He had tried to speak with her once, though Juno pretended not to hear. For some reason Chack thought a mailed hoof to the face would help her hearing. Sometimes Chack would help the Surgeon, and sometimes the Surgeon just liked to watch on from nearby, watch the prisoner squeal and scream until they died.

this girl cannot catch a break

“I remember when Star Swirl was still beardless,” Discord laughed, “Even then, he was a withered curmudgeon, who better excelled at scolding the youth and yelling at clouds than at banishing beasts or slaying foes. Though ponies will still say otherwise.”

the dialogue is always my favorite thing about this story

“The armor looks good on you,” Featherglass said, “That sword of yours, too. I only hope you don't have to use it.”

whelp. Terramar is marked for death now

“Your son is wise beyond his years,” Featherglass said, “Once the empire is dealt with, the changelings will be the only enemy left in the north. And Twilight will gladly help you defeat them and rescue Silver.”

what is featherglass's goal here? I have a hard time believing he's making these plans just to help them out

“You will do no such thing,” Coriander laughed, “You are in Canterlot. Not Manehattan. I have friends of my own. And perhaps the Debutante will be wise enough to see that she might not need poor old Crozer looming over her any longer, not when a sweeter deal awaits her and her alone.”

when did this guy turn into a badass loll

Star Swirl scowled. He had accepted the yak girl as a gift from the Crystal Empire some moons ago. Prince Rutger had feared for her safety, and she would be safer here with him in his lonely little cottage than in Yakyakistan, where the former prince had been assassinated. The girl made better company than Gibbs or the foolish boy Quasar, that was true, and her cooking was far better than anything he could conjure up himself. Still, she was too fond of rumors, and paid too much attention to the happenings of the nearby villages.

ok so we've gotten all of the young six except gallus and smolder, hoping they make an appearance too at some point

Not my hair, she had meant to scream, Mom loves my hair.


“I thought Hask really meant to take you with us,” Tails said, “I didn’t know….I should have known, and I’m sorry.”

I hope he's being fr because she rly needs some friends

“They told me I must be experienced,” Poundcake had told her, “I’d much rather be out there digging. I’m as strong as an aurochs, y’know.”

New favorite side character

“Either would be more pleasant than stomaching you any longer,” Coda said, rising from his seat.


Coda trotted off, leaving her in the dark once more.

nvm fuck him

“ Mi Amore Cadenza, ” the prisoner said, bitterly, “My friends call me Cadance.”


“Lady Lavender,” Twilight said, raising an eyebrow, “What an unexpected pleasure.”

I was beginning to think we were never going to see her again

“There have been some skirmishes here and there, but a proper war in the north has yet to begin,” Lavender continued, “The same cannot be said for the dragons, who are the true enemy. With your leave, I wish to treat with your brother, the prince, and convince him to join us and defeat our common foe. I trust you know how persuasive I can be.”

ok I have trouble believing Twilight would put any trust in Lavender at all. My best guess is she trusts that Lavender is self-interested enough to do it with the hopes of taking the position in the north that the other guy who joined broadwing has. But like why did Twilight just stop trying to kill her after it didn't work out the first time. She's like "oh well I guess that's it then." Kind of ooc for this story's version of Twilight imo.

Another betrayer. Twilight had lost count of them by now. She trusted the ponies in this room even less.

this too - if she's so paranoid about everyone why doesn't she actually DO something about it? Twilight needs to be taking more of an active role instead of just being surprised when everyone around her starts turning on her.

“Shining did not balk at me imprisoning his wife. But he will when I take his daughter.”

twilight is going off the deep end.

“So this is the place where our princess wastes away?” Lady Azimuth said aloud. By the door, Venger seemed alarmed by the remark, “Goodness, would it kill you to open a window? There’s more sunlight in the castle dungeons.”

we need more of her

When they returned, Juno led them right out through the northern gate, while the castle slept on soundly.

barely an inconvenience

“Careful, wizard. I am weakened, but not powerless to rip your throat out as I’ve always wanted,” Luna warned.

luna is a certified edgelord now

“But she was restless, still. Celestia took to searching for the shards she had seen in her visions . I discovered them for her. Ancient relics, the first three seeds of the Tree of Harmony. Each seed was a gift from Gaia above. Two to the chief angels, Aetheria and Draco, and the third to us mortal beings, to wield as we see fit. Aetheria’s shard was the essence of all light and purity, and would protect against all evil - what we now call the Crystal Heart. Draco’s shard was the essence of all darkness, corruption, and selfishness - shaped like a dagger, a weapon of war. And last is the Orb, shaped like a sphere, that glows green. Celestia already had the Crystal Heart, and she had her servants searching for the dagger. As for the Orb….The Orb is the most powerful of the three, it is the balance of light and dark, it is the nature of mortal beings. It had never left Canterlot, not for tens of thousands of years. But nopony could wield it - its power was too great. Only a particular tool could harness the Orb’s power, and Celestia tasked me and her scientists to produce it.”

I am 99% sure that this is what's in the briefcase

“As long as they remain on the side of the sea where they belong, I would not worry,” Star Swirl said, sipping from his wine.

guessing this is the king that luna was talking about earlier?

Except for one.

w h a t

Then the first cracks of thunder sounded, and the horns glowed brighter still, until they each burst into furious fumes of magic, and the air was set on fire.

holy cliffhanger. this was my favorite chapter since the gala one.

Excellent work as always, though I have trouble believing that any of the people Twilight assassinated were behind Celestia's death. It just seems so out of character. Then again, so was Twilight killing them... Would it be possible for you to create a brief recap chapter to sum up the events of the timeline so far? This story's been going on so long I've lost all track of quite of few of the characters and their roles.

Yea I've been thinking about doing a recap at some point either in an author's note or as a comment. Not sure where the best place to put that is, but that will definitely appear somehow in the next five chapters. I totally get that with the time between chapters and the length it ends up being a lot to keep track of. I had even thought about doing an entire chapter that was literally just a prequel explaining all of the events that led up to the beginning Rejects 1, but I don't think I'll ever do that until after the main story is completely finished. But yea count on a recap of some sort showing up soon. Thanks again for your support, means a lot! <3

This one was good but yeah next chapter better have a ton of wallflower's group in it because them going two chapters without an appearance is insane. Good work though update soon plz

"I wish no ill upon you or your friends," Snowfall said, "But I have a duty to my princess. There is still one pony left in Equestria to whom loyalty means something."

Yeah, and she's been dicking around in Manehattan for the past 200k words.

My first thought was that Luna's words meant she was intended Twilight to be the first target of her roaring rampage of revenge.
However, I suspect that Twilight might instead be the first ally she intends to recruit against the Erased, oblivious of course to the Everything that's been going on.

“I hadn’t thought you’d give up the act so soon,” Pharynx laughed, “....My dear, you should know that changelings do not suffer illusions. Or am I incorrect, Ocellus? ”

Very much surprised Pharynx was the first to find out. You'd think any changeling could sense the disguise on another ling, it at least her emotions.

Generally my critiques from before continue to hold true. I still cannot develop the cognitive dissonance required to believe that this miserable setting, with these bastardous characters, also created the events of the show; that these craven murderers didn't take a sledgehammer to the petrified Legion of Doom at the first opportunity and mix their fragments in with the cement foundation for Canterlot's newest orphan-juicing facility.

But I do not want to repeat myself too much. Rather, I'd like to talk about tone.
I will happily admit that we're getting deeper into the realm of my personal opinion. Still, I should hope it is not my opinion alone.

I wish to stress: I was not forcing myself to read this. My fatigue does not come from unenjoyment or lack of stamina.
Still, even though I couldn't pull myself away, this was an exhausting read.

"It's going to get worse before it gets worse" is the prevailing tone.
The misery and malice in everything is suffocating. Every good thing that happens is a bad thing in disguise. Of all the kind strangers that shelter our heroes, half intended to betray them from the start, half simply wish to exploit them until a better offer falls into their lap, and a third half get iced before we even get to know them. Nopony gets any time to lick their wounds or come to admire each other. There's an attempted rape every other chapter, and an abusive family behind every other mare. Ponies have been socked in the jaw for speaking or not speaking more times than I can count.

I have noted before that by all appearances, this Equestria you've made has always been a terrible place -- that it'll require more than just dethroning Twilight to make it live up to her teachings.
But at this point, I don't care enough about this Equestria anymore to be invested in seeing it saved. Now I kinda wanna see Twilight finally give up and burn it down herself, just to spite this super-intimidating threat from overseas.
Like. Buck it. It was good when she murdered those guys actually. Not because she was right to do so, but because statistically, if you were to put a random named character to death, you'd probably take down an unrepentant murderer with a body count in the double digits.

This ubiquitous oppressiveness may well be intentional, but I cannot recommend it. Without any spots of brightness and happiness to contrast the constant darkness, you paint the kind of picture I can get by turning my monitor off, and the story becomes unfortunately only moderately more engaging than doing so.
When you brought out the Surgeon, there was no shock. All I could think was, "Yeah, that tracks."

I'll track this for the sake of the next update, but I cannot promise that I will read it as soon as it comes out.

I am a reader from another country and am looking forward to the next story!

Woohoo! Another new chapter on my favorite ongoing story!

Finished reading, and WOW what an update! I was wondering if Mayor Mare was still kicking after all of this, thought maybe Twilight had disposed of her after the events of the first story. Seems she's still alive...what a shame.

Trixie bit her lip. She was not sure if it was jealousy, hatred, or some other kind of obsession she felt, but whatever it was, Twilight Sparkle was on her mind too much for her own liking.

twixie moment

Must, Twilight thought, He dares say “must” to me.


When the door closed behind them Twilight poured herself the last of the wine. Imbeciles, she thought to herself, I am surrounded by imbeciles and traitors. If only she had the means to do everything herself.

in her failqueen era

Rarity gasped and spun around, only to catch Bone Marrow’s wrench to the face. She fell backwards onto the cold stone, too terrified this time to even scream. The cold took her first, and then the dark.

the whole rarity part actually got my heart racing

“First you scold me about my honor, now you tempt me to abandon it,” Broadwing growled, waving her off.


“Private Gallus,” Wedge grunted, alarmed to see him on duty outside the throne room, when such a role was typically reserved only for a member of the Nine. The Nine are stretched thin, he recalled, but this was no less strange. “What are you doing here?”

finally! now where is smolder

“I’m Poundcake,” Poundcake replied at once.

he folded instantly

“ NO !” Chisel cried, but by then the mares were already carrying Chisel away, knives in their mouths and hooves and wings. And the Surgeon’s stallion screamed all the way back to the tent they took him to, and Trixie had to turn away, not wanting to match an image to the shrieking.

at last some justice

“We need to get out of the city, fast,” Salt said, “My friends, we have a wedding to crash.”

good work as always!

Hey, sorry for being late with a proper response to this! 

Your criticisms are interesting and for sure got me thinking, and though I agree with you on some things, I feel as though I should defend myself on some stuff. You wrote a lot so I will too, but I’ll try to be as brief as possible. I don't usually do extensive replies like this to criticism. I am trying to come at this in good faith and do not mean to be disrespectful at all in how I respond, but obv I've devoted a lot of time to writing the story and so I feel like I should give it a shot and address some points you brought up.

Your comments, while occasionally touching on interesting questions about to what extent AU fanfiction is allowed to stray from the source material, most of the time feels sensationalist, misconstruing, and not very substantive beyond “the tone is too dark and I don’t like that,” a sentiment that is fine to have, but does not necessitate the passive-aggressive tone you take at points in your comments, nor the essay-length comments. The evidence you cite is grossly exaggerated in order to get your point across, and I’ll go over your claims now. 

The claim there is a “rape every other chapter” is insane. I can count the number of *attempted* sexual assaults in the story on my hand, and the number of *actually-depicted rapes* is ZERO. I have never and probably will never write a graphic on-screen rape scene. The two attempted assaults take place in 1x03 with Stewball and Starlight, and 2x02 with Juno and Hask. If you’re wondering why those scenes were included, here’s my explanation. The Stewball scene is meant to communicate the degree of danger that Starlight and the other prisoners are in at Hellhatch.  But mainly, that scene has more to do with Sunset, whose murder of Stewball is meant to challenge Starlight’s conviction in never using violence as a means to protect herself and/or others. This conflict between the two endures from their first meeting to the current path in the story. As for Juno and Hask - Juno’s character has to do with thrusting someone young and naive in an unforgiving world without anybody to hold your hand. The first ponies she meets after leaving home ending up being Hask is supposed to shake her entire worldview, even more so after the death of her parents. She is a child witnessing the world at its worst. And she is going to have to either embrace the kind of evil she’s been exposed to, in Sunset, Hask, and the Surgeon, or set herself on a better path. That assault scene is meant to be heavy, and is thematically significant for her character. You can say that the Hask scene was not necessary to achieve this and that would be fine, you might even be right. But no, I really do not agree that there is a “rape every other chapter,” or that rape is something I treat lightly in the story. 

The claim “abusive family behind every mare” is also very strange. Lightning Dust is the *only* example of this! Again, you can say “I don’t like that you included child abuse in this story,” and that’s fine. But this claim is blowing that issue up to crazy proportions. 

Another thing - I really do not think the story supports the idea that every leading character is a psychotic bastard or an "unrepentant murderer." Here are all the POV characters whose statements and actions do not support your claim: Starlight, Wallflower, Trixie, Cadance, Rainbow, Broadwing, Moon Dancer, Rarity, Bandolier, Juno, Orion, Trixie, Bon Bon, Shining Armor, Snowfall, Silver Stream, Lightning Dust.

And here are all the POV characters who do support your claim: kinda Twilight, for sure Sunset, in a way Vertigo, and maybe Alias if I’m being really charitable. All of whom are villainous to some degree and NOT meant to be role models! Twilight and Sunset act differently from how they are in the show because they are not the exact same characters as they are in the show. This is an AU, in which certain aspects of them are different. Certain conditions for how they came to be who they are exist in this story that did not exist in MLP.

On the claim “These three in particular (Twi, Sunset, Mayor) feel like you hollowed them out and stretched their skins onto the characters you actually needed because Equestria didn't have the good leader fallen into paranoid despotism, amoral vengeance-seeker, and corrupt territorial mayor you needed.” This is strange. Of course these versions of the characters did not exist in the show, they are versions created for this story. You are attacking the premise for being what it is instead of for how it is executed. 

On the claim “I didn’t come here for these meandering sections that take half the story to involve any characters I recognize and mostly just interrupt the scenes involving these ‘Rejects’ that actually interested me in the first place.” It’s fine to feel that way, but disregarding parts of the story just because they involve OCs isn’t being fair to the story on its own merit, especially when there are tons of valid story complaints you could have made against those characters like Blondie or Kickstart, who I struggle a lot with.

On the claim “What of the Pillars or the Young 6?” Both these groups were always going to be included, but not until the time was right to throw them into the mix. Was the expectation that I spend time going over how every character from the show reacts to the events of the story? I didn’t include them early on because they were not relevant to the story yet. 

On the claim “nopony gets any time to lick their wounds,” I actually agree with. The story is just so large in scope I end up not focusing on smaller moments like that in order to make sure everything fits in. This is not an easy story to execute, and I have to cut a lot out that I would otherwise include for the sake of not having 40k+ wordcounts per chapter. 

I think it’s fine to not like stories with darker tones. With this being the case for you, I’m not sure why you made yourself read it. My guess is Sunset and Twilight in particular are two characters you like a lot and you really did not like how I wrote them in this story. I'm not sure that warrants your comments, but if so that's fair I guess. A constructive takeaway I got from your comments is to include more “let’s breath a little” moments, so I will try to do more of that in the future, though again, there are constraints with how large and spread out the story has gotten, and I wholeheartedly accept that this is a huge flaw of the story I wish I did more to fix. But, again, thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.

I love this story man, but I need a summary of what's going on where. There's too many plot-lines and characters to keep track of!

Finally updated! I want to review the previous article, before a lot of characters have forgotten, looking forward to the follow-up!

Yeah I def have too many storylines going on, it’s a big reason why it takes so long to update now and it’s an issue I need to work on. I’m thinking about what the best way to try and handle summarizing everything could be, like maybe adding stuff in the author’s note of each chapter just briefly touching on where everyone is and what they’re up to, but lmk if you would prefer another way! Thanks for reading man, means a lot

Pretty much the only reason I'm still using thus site, :D

I don't know how you manage to keep this story so well organized, but you manage. Great work!

I'm really looking forward to the next story, will Starlight and Twilight fight again? What kind of secret is Celestia guarding? Will the world be all right?

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