• Member Since 9th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.


Tragedy strikes the Sparkle estate one winter evening and Twilight finds herself cold, alone, and far from home.

Fortunately she stumbles across two fillies who may have more in common with her than she realizes. With no place else to go, nopony else to turn to, and no clear way back home, Twilight decides to stay with the fillies and their caretaker while she tries to piece together the mysteries of what happened to her family and why.

Bonds will be forged.

Secrets will be unraveled.

And a great journey will be undertaken.

Additional tags: Sad, Slice of Life (I don't care if it contradicts the Adventure tag, things are gonna get Slice-of-Life-y)

Chapters (136)
Comments ( 1304 )


18 likes and already on feature box?


Damn I didn't even see that. :rainbowderp:

Also I have no idea what to make of that gif…

good story I need more,
some how I can see scroll being the princess ex-student from a while ago

I swear if you make Twilight forgive the ponies who took her parents away...:twilightangry2:

Peace, man… peace. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. :trixieshiftright:

There's still a whole lot of story between then and now.

Ture, I just don't like it when characters that do evil on their accord get a slap on the wrist.

Well, If you really want to see my stance on villains that commit horribles acts of their own accord, I suggest reading my other story Sparkle.

I currently reading the vriues of harmony and am loveing it this is also a great work.

Also filly twilight is so adorable :pinkiehappy:

Sweet, thanks for the read!:twilightsmile:

And isn't she though? :pinkiehappy:

Aww... Trixie and Twilight playing cards...

Someone make art of the two fillies playing go fish! That would be adorbs!

i called it!!
Twilight had a surge!

do proceed with this... you have my support and attention.:twilightsmile:

so we got a mind reader, and elemental and a dark magic user..... yea this is going to be fun,
was hope for twilight to have some unknown or all the above type but dark fit well.
keep up the good work

Thanks, I will! :twilightsmile:

Honestly I can't wait to get to the adventure portion of the story. That's gonna be fun to write.

Twilight the Dark Mage. Interesting.

well I can see twilight some how end up more or less like a warlock or a lich, sunset end up as a wow shaman style magic she weld a hammer and Trixie um not sure

Mind Magic (in this story) is probably the most subtle of the branches, but it can be pretty broken if you know what you're doing.

well I for one cant wait for moar chapters

I doubt twilight killed her parents their deaths gave me a bit to much of a organized feel to how she has been and likely her surge with teleportation covered any tracks of magic

25 bits says that Twilight is done reading both books, with exhaustively detailed notes, and perfect memorization of the material, by the morning of the 4th day.

Any takers?

A fool's bet if I've ever seen one, and Mama didn't raise no fool...

Too bad for her, she raised me instead and I'll take the bet anyways.

50 bits its done by day 3 oh and it will have been read front to back to front twice with full notes and summaries and her with the ability to recite any paragraph word for word in the book from memory with page number included

So, if she is done by day 3, I pay you 50 bits, but then you pay me back 25? Because the conditions of my bet will still be fulfilled if you win.

Huh. Going in a different direction than I expected from reading the chapter title.

Still approve of the direction.

So, are we expected to agree with Celestia here? Or is seeing her actions as absolutely abhorrent and hoping to see her dethroned by story's end the intended reaction?

So, another "the end justifies the means" Celestia... I really hope this comes all back to not just bite, but rip into her flank. "With great power comes great responsibility". I hate it when those in power abuse it, even for the "greater good".

I intentionally left it up to interpretation so it depends.

Do you think her actions are justified? Or do you think she's a tyrant?

wow old sunbutt cause of do as I say not as I do type of ruler....

i have feeling that luna and twilight going to end up the best of friends one day.....

Holding absolute power is tyrannical in and of itself. And even setting that aside, nothing could justify the actions she's done here. Frankly, her being dethroned is too good for her; this Celestia needs to die.

Celestia refused to allow Dark Magic to be seen in any kind of positive light, lest history repeat itself.

Funny because actions and mindsets such as yours are only going to help propagate such a cycle.

Definitely an interesting way to take it, and not at all what I would have expected from this chapter. I'm interested to see where you go with this, if we do end up seeing Celestia and her perspective more. Particularly because right now I tentatively agree with Celestia's reasoning and actions. It's all pretty logical from her standpoint, but it also by its very nature feels sinister and can easily slide into irrational tyranny. It's not straight benevolent Celestia, nor is it straight tyrant Celestia, and I like that.

Not surprising considering that she's ruled Equestria uncontested for a millennium.

Indeed. People (and ponies I guess) aren't meant to live - let alone rule - as long as Celestia has because eventually life will tear you down mentally, no matter how benevolent you are. That's what I'm trying to convey with this depiction of Celestia.

Geez, I can't see this coming back to bite you on the ass at all, Princess. :rainbowlaugh:

Ahh interesting take on Celestia here. :twilightsmile:

What happened with the talk of Scroll with Sunset?

It's coming, don't worry.

So, we're at the morning of the fourth day or later and Twilight hasn't quite finished her books... Where's my money at?

On a more serious note. First, I still think the most interesting thread we've got going so far is Celestia and her mind manipulations. I'll still give her the benefit of the doubt on being a good ruler, but traumatizing Sunny means she's automatically on my bad-pone list.

Second, something I hope we'll see soon is more development of Trixie and how she'll fit into all of this. Sunset has some deep seated issues from her time as a student, Twilight has the whole murder-mystery and Dark magic thing to her, while Trixie has... needing a thesaurus? Trixie doesn't need to have some kind of deeper problem, but I'm really curious as to how she ended up living with Scroll as well as how she'll end up supporting the others whether or not she has some kind of secret.

Believe me, I already have plans for Trixie's situation and trust me when I say it's just as bad, if not worse than, Twilight and Sunset's situations.

Unfortunately you'll have to wait a bit longer for Trixie's tale (and all their tales sans Twilight really, so far I've only dropped hints here and there) but it'll happen.

Just make sure to keep an eye out for those red flags (I've already raised some regarding Trixie)! :twilightsmile:

... In which Ma Zedong officially wins his 25 bits because of a traumatized Twilight and is now starting to feel kinda bad about it.

With every chapter you deliver a more and more interesting story, and you just keep delivering. No notable errors, solid and interesting characters, and delivered on an almost-daily basis. Major kudos on that, most authors on this site only get two out of those three things accomplished at most.

Thanks for the high praise! :twilightsmile:

I'm trying to work out the story as I go and I think writing (or at least trying to write) at least one chapter a day really helps keep the story fresh in my mind.

And thus the plot thinks

... she's related to Ancient Scroll, isn't she?

Hmm good news Shining Armor isn't dead...

Bad news he's in the hands of a nefarious organization that has no qualms about kidnapping foals for its own purposes and using torture even if it does apparently has standards if only to not draw attention to itself.

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