"Okay, Let's go check Zephyr's apartment for clues!" Rainbow Dash said as she stood on her back legs, her wings holding her up as she used her front legs to point at the door of Maud Pie's apartment.
"Yay! Detective time!" Pinkie Pie joined her friend in pointing dramatically at the door to her sister's apartment, "Come on Fluttershy, point with us!"
"Oh, umm, maybe later..." Fluttershy said with a meek smile, her eyes briefly looking at Pinkie Pie's sister, watching the Mare drink her morning cup of coffee.
"Don't forget your wallet," Maud Pie said blankly as her eyes turned to look at her sister.
"Oh! Thanks, Maudie!" Pinkie Pie smiled as she shoved her hoof into her mane, moving it around for a moment before she pulled out a small wallet, "Yep, still here. Thanks for reminding me,"
"Sure," Maud took a sip of her coffee as she watched her sister and her two friends leave her apartment, closing the door behind them as they loudly talked about which building they needed to get to.
"...They'll be back in the evening," Maud told herself before finishing her coffee and returning to her research papers.
That degree won't make itself.
Zephyr kept his face neutral as he noted mentally all the little things he needed to get for his new house.
"The herbs should be available in the Zebrican market," He noted in his mind as he closed the cupboard in his kitchen, his eyes moving to stare at the wall beside his window, "The Diamond Dog Triade should have some quality gear, I could easily get away with keeping a crossbow by pointing out the danger of living in the edge of Equestria..."
He walked out the back door of his cabin and leaned down to look below the wooden planks that made up the deck behind his cabin, his face briefly scrunching in discomfort before he wiped the emotion from his body, staring at the insect underneath his house.
"Getting an Exterminator means bringing someone from the outside over here, It'll be safer to make my own bug-repellent, The Kirin Yakuza over in Las Pegasus should have the ingredients I need," he noted to himself.
"I'll need to grab all these ingredients in a single trip, but passing through both Neigh York and Las Pegasus would take more than a day," He frowned at the idea before resigning himself to staying the night at a hotel, The less he has to leave his new cabin, the faster he can get to living the stress-free life he needed right now.
Because of course, he needed to live stress-free, he would have lost all his hair long ago if it wasn't for all the Time Resetting that he's been going through.
Zephyr Breeze opened his eyes and rolled out of his bed, He didn't wait as he flapped his wings and flew into his kitchen, a flick of his wing dropped two slices of bread into his leg and a weak kick tossed them directly into his toaster.
Without touching the floor he flew into the bathroom, his legs opening the medicine cabinet and taking out a box of dental floss, kicking the bathroom wall pushed him out of the bathroom and back into the kitchen, turning his body in midair, Zephyr caught the two slices of toast that jumped out of the toaster in his mouth, his hooves still not touching the floor as he gently let his wings carry him out of his apartment window and turn into his neighbor's balcony, they were still asleep.
Zephyr already knew that, so he grabbed the coat hanging from the clothesline and draped it over his body, turning his wings in as he let gravity take hold of his body for the first time since he woke up five minutes ago, the force of nature putting on the coat for him as he pulled his legs close to his body before spreading his wings back open, silently turning mid-fall back into a controlled flight, entering through the open window of a deaf Stallion in the apartment building below him, grabbing the hat and wallet left on the table before the Earth Pony could return to find his money and hat both missing.
Zephyr didn't wait to place the unassuming grey fedora over his head, with the coat also over his body he now looked like your average business pony.
He took the bits from the wallet and dropped them into his coat pockets, dropping the wallet into a trashcan behind him as he did one last turn midair and let his hooves finally touch the solid ground.
"Seven Minutes and Fifteen Seconds," He ignored the whistle of appreciation from the chimera only he could hear or see, "That's a new record Zephy-boo, You really got this part of waking up down, left right left right,"
Zephyr didn't listen to Discord, he was simply annoying him now, he had more important things to focus on.
Like trying to stop the end of the world.
Zephyr blinked as he found himself back in his cabin, his hoof resting against his cheek as he slapped himself to bring himself back to attention.
"Did I really live that same morning so many times I'm starting to daydream about it?" He mouthed the question silently to himself before deciding it was not worth it to think about it any longer.
He had some things he needed to pick up, he could worry about daydreaming of the time he had his skin turned into pasta and his flesh into meatballs some other time, that wasn't even that memorable of a death.
Even if the street cats started eating him while he was still semi-conscious.
Zephyr scowled as he once again slapped himself, "I really need to get those herbs,"
Walking back into his cabin, he grabbed a small bag and filled it with what he would need for his two-day long trip away from his house, before leaving through the front-door and coming chest to face with his much shorter neighbor.
"Oh, Marble Pie, I didn't expect to see you this early," He smiled at his neighbor, the quiet mare smiling at him, her legs fidgeting as if she was nervous about asking something, "I'd love to stay and chat a while, But I need to hurry for the train, I'll see you tomorrow," His smile turned apologetic as he locked the door behind him and stepped around the Earth Pony.
Marble turned her head to follow the Pegasus, her mind telling her she needed to be careful with the Pegasus-shaped ghost, but Marble knew she only had a limited time to figure out the living murder-mystery in front of her eyes.
And luckily for her, he was very pleasing to the eyes. Or at least her eyes in particular, Marble always liked tall stallions, not that she ever talked to any, but in the books she read all the tall stallions had-
Zephyr Breeze smiled gently as he sat on his train seat, his eyes staring past the Mare sitting in front of him.
Marble Pie stared at the blank eyes of a ghost, her mind lost in thought at ideas of what could have killed this Pegasus.
Zephyr Breeze and Marble Pie were on a train to Las Pegasus, And they won't be back in Rockville for at least 24 hours.
"So this is the place?" Rainbow Dash turned to look at her best friend, watching Fluttershy nod to indicate that they had indeed reached the correct building.
"Ooh, This building has a lot of floors, which one does your baby brother live on Fluttershy? If he lives on the top floor, would the ponies below look like ants? I always wanted to see the ponies below me like ants, because that meant I was big and tall, I was always shorter than my sisters, except Marble, she's not actually shorter than me, but her head is usually closer to the ground because she hunched over all shyly and such, like you kind of, she's technically also taller than me but she looks shorter and-" Rainbow Dash tuned out Pinkie Pie as she pushed open the doors to the apartment building and walked up to the-
"Elevator is out of service," Fluttershy read the sign in front of her, turning to look at the stairwell beside the elevator.
"Okay... Which floor is Zephyr's apartment again?" Rainbow turned to Fluttershy.
"Seventh floor," The Yellow Pegasus kindly told her friends, taking a deep breath to steady herself before she took her first step up the long flight leading to her brother's apartment.
"Don't worry Zephyr, I'm coming,"
the sooner fluttershy finds zephyr the sooner he can get real help
They had what
He isn’t going to get help if he doesn’t have anyone to relate to
Man, when they figure out what all he went through to try to save the world, their is going to be absolute chaos.
Tears, screaming, crying, gnashing of teeth!!
Zephyr has been irrevocably changed by discords actions, and I hurt so much seeing that no one is helping him/he's not attempting to get any help from some pony.
I look forward to seeing how this story develops
I forgot to set this story up for notifications. Whoops. All caught up now. ;p
So Marble thinks Zephyr is a ghost or something? Like, is this an “I see dead people” thing or does he just carry airs of one who’s crossed over and back? I’ll be sad for Fluttershy if they find his body in the apartment or something.
Marble has so little social skills, she thinks Zephyr is a ghost. It's not a Sixth Sense moment, she's just misunderstanding him.
Just like she's misunderstanding the messages her mom is trying to give her.
Marble is a very misunderstanding girl.
Next chapter when?
The fun times are over too fast. Can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter.