• Published 22nd Oct 2022
  • 1,137 Views, 54 Comments

Restart: After it all. - Netap

With Discord finally defeated, Zephyr Breeze retires to a small town to hopefully live the rest of his life in peace.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Surprisingly enough, the town of Rockville has an appliance store, It's located right in front of the hardware store.

And so with the bits deposited, Zephyr breeze thanks the cashier and takes his new appliances to his cabin.

Now he just has to install the new shower-head, place the fridge in its place, and change the pipes in the kitchen and bathroom. That's easy, just like building a bomb that doesn't explode.

Zephyr pauses to think about that metaphor before nodding to himself and carrying on home.

Bombs have some good metaphors.

"That should go there, this goes here, aaaaand Done!" Zephyr set down the wrench and looked at his newly installed shower-head.

Turning on the water to see if it works, Zephyr is happy to see that the water pressure hasn't blown up the pipes, sending metal shrapnel into his neck, bleeding him out.

And if Zephyr didn't die, then it's a job well done.

Now all that's left for Zephyr to do is buy some groceries for the newly installed fridge.

Wiping the sweat off his brow, Zephyr walks toward the door to his new home, intent on buying something to eat.
Perhaps bread and cheese.

After eating grilled cheese sandwiches for so long solely because it was the only thing he could make in the loop without buying groceries, Zephyr has managed to create the ultimate cheese sandwich. It had the ultimate springiness and softness of bread combined with the soft crunch of toast, melded all together with the fine touch of melted cheese, holding the two slices of bread together like bricks and mortar.

On his way down the path from his new house to the more suburban part of Rockville (As Suburban as a small town at the edge of civilization could be) Zephyr spots another pony walking the empty street in the opposite direction as him.

Seeing an opportunity to greet a new neighbor, Zephyr tries to walk towards them.

Luckily for him, or is it sadly in this case? The pony decides to go into one of the houses and slams the door behind them, leaving Zephyr alone in the street.

That is fine, Less Interaction means less Headaches, meaning less stress, meaning that Zephyr could relax.
And Relaxing and depressurizing is his goal, living all the way in Rockville, practically off the map, in the middle of nowhere.

If the Chaos Spirit ever manages to escape it's stone prison again it won't be able to find him, at least not as fast as it normally could.

Zephyr continues to walk at a steady pace towards the grocery store.

Cloudy Quartz is an important mare, she might be the single most important pony in Rockville, seeing as she's the closest thing to a mayor the tiny town is. Legally speaking, she's both the sheriff and the Mayor of the Hamlet.

That's right, Rockville is a Hamlet, the population of ponies living in it is too low to legally be classified as Village.

But as the most important pony in Rockville, Cloudy Quartz knows everything that's happening in Rockville.

From where her daughters are at all times, to when the train arrives at the station, to when the weather-ponies do their pegasus stuff with the clouds.

Point is, Cloudy Quartz knows everything about anything in Rockville, From the youngest foal to the oldest mare, from what allergies each pony has to which pony has a crush on who.

Cloudy Quartz knows everything about everything in Rockville, Everything except the newest inhabitant of the Hamlet, One Zephyr Breeze.

Most of the time when people move to Rockville, it's either because of the cheap land cost or, more commonly, to escape something.

Cloudy looked at the document about Zephyr Breeze she got from the Equestrian Population and Immigration Authority, or the PIA for short, and found some interesting facts about the young man.

A Younger of the element of Kindness, even if the gap is only one year in age. He was a classmate with Both the Element of Kindness but also the Element of Loyalty during his High-School days.

That's already a large flag to note, having connections to even one Element of Harmony could make someone a target for any manner of reasons, be they political or financial, but having a close connection with Two Element of Harmony? One of which being blood-related?

Cloudy Quartz knows how important the Element of Harmony are to the protection of Equestria, Her other job already told her enough about it, not even mentioning her own daughter being the Element of Laughter.

Looking at the rest of his file, She scoffed when she read that he dropped out of Mane Therapy school, understanding herself that Mane Therapy is nothing more than a fancy way to say Hair-dresser.

Moving on, After Dropping out of his college he lived for a few months in an apartment in Manehatten.
Only to according to all sources on the matter have an entire change in personality on the span of less than a week, shortly before winning the lottery and immediately after, he bought Flintstone Cabin, or the Old Cabin next to the farm as the other ponies in town like to call it.

The Point is that something happened to Zephyr Breeze during that week, something that caused him to leave everything behind him and move here to Rockville.

It doesn't help with the news of gangs getting busted and arrested keeps popping up.
It wouldn't be long before some of the ponies learn about Zephyr, About his connection to two of the most important national assets, and the large sum of money that he has.

That Stallion is either in danger, or is the Danger, hopefully he isn't both.

But none of that matters, being a mayor, sheriff, none of it matters right now.

Cloudy Quartz is going to visit the boy, not as a mayor or sheriff of Rockville, but as his neighbor who lives next door.

And if she manages to learn a thing or two to add to her list of things she knows about the stallion, then that just means she's lucky, doesn't it?

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)