• Published 22nd Oct 2022
  • 1,137 Views, 54 Comments

Restart: After it all. - Netap

With Discord finally defeated, Zephyr Breeze retires to a small town to hopefully live the rest of his life in peace.

  • ...

Chapter 9

"We need a plan," Rainbow Dash started as she sat at Maud Pie's Kitchen Table, her chin resting in her hooves as she held her elbows on the table.

"We need to search Zephyr's apartment, it definitely needs to have some sort of clue," Rainbow Dash continued as she looked at the three other ponies in the room.
Or more accurately, at the two waking ponies and the Pinkie Pie sleeping on the couch.

"Do you know where his apartment is?" Maud asked the two Pegasus in her dull tone of voice.

"I do." Fluttershy answered meekly, "I helped him pick the place, It was close to his school so I figured it was a good place to stay in while getting his education,"

"So we know where to start, that's something," Rainbow Dash nodded at her best friend, "We'll check his apartment for any clues and go on from there,"

"Yes..." Fluttershy mumbled meekly as her mind wandered to what might be happening to her brother.

"Let's grab some Zs," Rainbow said after nobody added to the conversation, "You wouldn't happen to have a guest room, would you?" She asked Maud.

The second oldest Pie sibling nodded her head before motioning for the duo to follow her, passing by the snoring Pinkie Pie as she led the two Pegasus to the guest bedroom.

All the while, Fluttershy couldn't help but imagine how scared and frightened her baby brother might be.

"He must be horrified..."

Zephyr Breeze kept a warm smile on his face as he looked at the bowl placed in front of him.
The meal reminded him of one of his past attempts at defeating Discord.

He managed to track down a monastery of Monks training in a certain martial art used to disable magical creatures. The Idea he had was that if he learned the martial art, all he'd have to do is simply use it to disable Discord from using his Magic, and stop the end of the world.

Suffice to say, that plan ultimately failed, but that's not what the bowl placed in front of him is reminding him of.

It was during one of his attempts to learn the Martial Art, that he decided to gain access to a secret training manual hidden in an inner chamber of the monastery.
He didn't have the time to climb the ranks naturally, so instead he cheated his way in.

By seducing one of the disciples, Zephyr gained access to the inner portions of the monastery. It was there that his plan came to fruition.
By entering the inner monastery and slipping away from the disciple, Zephyr Breeze managed to find and read the manual he was looking for.

The Monks tied him to a bamboo pole and placed him under a freezing Waterfall, where he soon died.

But that is irrelevant.
What is relevant to this story, Zephyr noted, was that the Monks used rock salt in their food, sourced locally from the mountain they were living in.

The Bowl Zephyr was looking at could only be described as the Equestrian attempt of the idea.

It was a rock in a bowl of soup...

"Why aren't you eating anything?" A voice called out to him. Zephyr turned his eyes to look at the eldest daughter of the Pie family, glaring at him for not touching his food.

"I'm just looking at it, I never tried something like this before," Zephyr lied with a straight face, nary a twitch of a facial muscle to indicate he was lying.

As far as most of the Pie Family was concerned, Zephyr Breeze hadn't spoken a lie since he entered their house.

And Zephyr will make sure to keep it that way.

Cloudy Quartz swiped another imaginary checkmark off her list of suspicions as she kept the Pegasus Stallion in the corner of her eyes.

She did not look directly at him, lest she acquire his suspicion, but she also couldn't ignore him for the entire dinner, lest her family start asking questions.

So with a subtle flick of her ear, she sent a message to her daughter.

"Maybe start eating before the broth gets cold, Or are you implying that you're too good for rock soup?" Not that daughter, The Smart One.

"..." Marble Pie barely nodded her head to acknowledge that the message was received.

Marble Pie didn't understand what her mother was trying to tell her, always keeping their short talks cryptically, but with Zephyr Breeze introduced to the mix, Marble was starting to understand the depths of what her mother's job were.

So when Marble caught her mother's subtle tick, she knew she needed to figure out Zephyr Breeze before the end of the month.

Who killed him? How did he come back? Why hide his death and reanimation? Is he a ghost or a zombie? So many questions that Marble needed answered.

"Good on you for catching on dear," Cloudy Quartz imagined her saying to her daughter, "You'll figure out what this Zephyr boy's past in the criminal underworld is, and I'll give you a good word when I'm next in Canterlot,"

"You'll make S.M.I.L.E yet,"

Fluttershy tossed and turned as she tried to catch some sleep, but she couldn't relax.

Her mind kept going to Zephyr and how horrified he must be.

"Again, I want to thank you for inviting me to join you, I'll be sure to repay you someday," Zephyr said as he finished drinking his soup, leaving the large chunk of rock salt in the empty bowl.

"There is no need to repay us," Igneous Rock Pie told him with a calm smile, "Marble invited you, and any friend of Marble is a friend of ours,"

Zephyr smiled at the old Stallion, his eyes briefly looking past him to the window above the sink.

"If something were to attack, the quickest way out would be to roll backward off this chair and head to the door, However, that is where the ambush is stationed in most cases. This window is looking out to the back of the house, on the opposite side of the door, It will be less guarded... The Window isn't big enough to pass through without hitting the wall, so my flight will be temporarily compromised... Survival depends on how many assailants there are and how skilled they-"

"Are you even listening to us?!" Limestone Pie raised her voice as she glared at Zephyr Breeze.

Zephyr blinked at being called out suddenly "It seems I spaced out," He thought to himself.

"I'm sorry," Zephyr told the family as they looked between Limestone and him "I was affixed by the small cactus next to the windowsill, I must ask, where did you buy it?"

Igneous turned his head to look at the small potted cactus placed on the windowsill, "That? I can show you two days from now if you're free," The Earth Pony smiled at the young Pegasus, glad to see him not match any City Boy stereotypes.

"I'll be happy to," Zephyr smiled.

And Zephyr hated it.

Author's Note:

It's been a bit over four months so here's your update.

See you all again in another four months :)