No pony loves Dying, least of all Zephyr Breeze.
But sometimes things happen to you that you simply don't like happening.
One such a time when that happened was when Zephyr Breeze had to gather information about a corrupt politician so he could pass the information to a mob boss so he could get the key to a safe that another mob boss wanted.
All so the other mob boss could give him the address of an informant that knows something that Zephyr needs to know so he might have a clue on how to beat Discord.
Many of his loops were like that, using the information he learned in previous Restarts in order to bargain for new information to use in the next Restart. All to get any bit closer to finding a way to beat Discord.
Back to the corrupt politician information.
The way Zephyr managed to gain that information was simple, yet deadly.
You see, The politician in question was said to be disloyal to his wife, Zephyr thought that one of the safest ways to get the information he needed was to get the wife in on the deal, she tells him the information and the Politician doesn't know.
Usually, an Idea like that would work wonders if you had the time to build a connection of trust with the Politician or his wife, getting closer to the knowledge you needed slowly as time goes by.
Zephyr didn't have that time. Each loop was 14 days or 336 hours.
So Zephyr did the next best thing, something he had to learn quickly in order to get important or powerful ponies to speak with him and give him the time of day.
Zephyr seduced her.
And oh what a time she had. The mare spilled the beans on her husband, of course she would, he didn't love her like this suave and charming, mysterious Pegasus did.
If only Zephyr could return her feelings on the matter. Truth be told, she wasn't really his type nor did he find any romantic interest in her.
She was gorgeous, don't get him wrong, but what he did, Sleeping with a married mare? It was simply business for Zephyr now.
Never before the chaos spirit entered Zephyr's life did Zephyr Breeze feel like the star of a crime movie or a secret agent novel.
He hated it. Playing with the feelings of mares for just a scrap of information? Killing ponies just because a Don told him to, all to cement his "Loyalty to the Family"
He kept telling himself that it was all to save Equestria, that he was killing and sleeping with them so he could one day defeat Discord.
The Politician found out about his Wife sleeping with Zephyr and hired hit-men to kill him.
Zephyr died, obviously, he was only a single Pony and he hadn't spent enough loops training in any form of fighting yet.
But as he bled out on the ground, beaten and bruised, He knew he was fine, he got the info he needed, and so the next Reset would move him closer towards the answer of how to beat Discord.
He hated it.
He hated how he had to sleep with mares without loving them, how he had to kill ponies to prove his loyalty.
but worst of all.
He hated how good it made him feel.
And seeing the Pegasus's cold dead corpse in the alleyway, Discord couldn't help but frown in disappointment before snapping his talons and Resetting the time-loop.
After stocking his fridge with newly bought groceries, Zephyr decided to call it a day.
The sun was still outside, slowly setting, and the stars haven't appeared yet.
But Zephyr was tired, and maybe for the first time in who knows how long, he could sleep early.
No longer does he need to spend every single minute of his days plotting and planning his next move, going over what he knows and what he needs.
He can just go to sleep now.
As Zephyr started walking to his new Bedroom - *Knock Knock Knock* -He stopped all of his movements.
Some pony was at his door and he doesn't know who.
Did the Lao-Chen find out about the tips he left the police?
Did the Towns ponies not know he bought the house and are going to lynch him for entering this property?
Or worse of all.
Discord is on the other side of the door, a high definition camera and a filming crew on hand so as to film his expression when he throws a large barrel of Fuck Yous at him and tells him that the time-loop hasn't actually ended and he needs to restart once more.
Slowly inching towards the door, Zephyr slows his breathing to try and hear who is on the other side.
"-op glaring Limestone, we want to make a good impression on the new neighbor" An older Stallion is heard on the other side of the door.
"Dad, I really don't think it matte-" That was when Zephyr opened the door.
In front of him stood four Earth Ponies, A Stallion and three mares, presumably the older pair of ponies were the parents of the younger pair.
The Stallion and one of the younger mares, the older one of the pair if looks are anything to go by were talking to each other while the mother and other daughter each carried what looked to be a basket on their backs.
Seeing that it's only a group of four on the other side of the door, Zephyr relaxes, though luckily none of them seemed to notice him tense in the first place.
"How may I help you?" Zephyr asks as he catches the attention of the four, a small smile plastered on his face.
The Stallion looks him up and down before starting "Hello, I am Igneous Rock Pie, Head of the Pie Family Rock Farm down the road, And My Wife and I decided to come and say hello," He looks over to the older mare as he says so, before taking a look at the baskets she and the younger mare were carrying "And we even brought a house-warming gift"
Zephyr takes another look at the four before perking himself up.
While out of his mouth, he said "Oh Excuse me, Please come in, make yourself comfortable, I hope you like water as that is all I really have to offer you right now, but please, come in" as he moved aside from the door in order to make room for the family of four.
In his mind, he was thinking something along the lines of, "Oh Crap Oh Shit, I don't have anything to offer them, I can't make my first impression on my new neighbors look bad, I don't get any second chances now, I need this to be perfect, Was inviting them to come in the right choice? Oh crap Oh crap, Why did no pony tell me that making a good first impression on a farming family is tougher than that of a crime family"
"We thank you for the invitation and kindly accept your offer" Igneous Rock Pie says as he moves past Zephyr into the cabin, taking the hat off his head and placing it on the coat rack in the entrance as he does so.
"Thank you for the hospitality, I believe we should talk more once we're all inside" The mother of the family said before she looked behind her to the two younger mares, "Come on Marble, Limestone, we can do our introductions inside" She said before she too entered the cabin.
The younger of the two mares, one who seemed to be around Zephyr's age hummed something before she also walked into the house, but not before stopping next to zephyr and giving him a small bow, as if thanking him for letting them in.
Leaving only Zephyr and the last Mare outside, one who seemed to be older than Zephyr by maybe three or four years.
She glared at Zephyr as if he already did something to piss her off.
"I thought you were going to be old" was all she said before she walked past him and into the cabin, leaving Zephyr outside alone with a single thought bouncing in his head.
"What the fuck do I do now?"
This was good. Really good!!
Can't wait for more!!
I wonder who he will get with??
well mentally he is limestone
Yeah,h cause we have no idea how long he was in that time loop