Zephyr Breeze made sure his breathing left no noise, keeping his location hidden as he lay on the roof of his house, staring at the dead trees that surrounded his new place of residence.
Any one of those trees could be a hiding spot for a dangerous assassin, or even worse, Discord.
Many plans went through his mind as he thought about what to do with all the dead vegetation, reaching the conclusion that trying to start a garden is the most reasonable path to take in order to both get rid of the danger that surrounded him, but also keep his image as a totally normal, not at all peculiar, Regular Pegasus from the Big City.
And with a plan in mind, Zephyr Breeze flew down from his roof, making nary a sound as his hooves touched the ground, and walked inside, intent on making himself presentable for the dinner that Marble invited him to.
Fluttershy could not keep quiet, every bump of the train caused the timid Pegasus to mumble and mutter, her worries for her brother only growing by the minute.
"Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash told her, "You need to calm down, I'm sure he's simply busy, It's been what? Four weeks since his last update? That's nothing! I can spend months without sending a letter!" She tried to comfort her Best Friend, which only caused the Yellow Pegasus to start muttering her worries faster.
"Hey Girls, Once we reach Manehatten I'll take us to meet my sister, she's the best, I'm sure you'd like her! She could help us investigate what happened to Fluttershy's baby brother." The Pink Beast said as she lay on her stomach, her voice slightly vibrating from the movement of the train.
"Although, Leaving a young foal all alone in Neigh-York city is kind of a bad idea, even I can see that." Pinkie Pie added as an afterthought, "Why did you do that?"
Rainbow Dash looked at Pinkie Pie in surprise before she spoke, "Pinkie Pie, Zephyr isn't a baby,"
"He's not? Then why would Fluttershy call him one?" Pinkie asked as she rolled her body as to lay on her back, Her head slipping off the bench and almost touching the floor, "Fluttershy, It's rude to call Ponies, Babies."
Fluttershy only started muttering louder as Rainbow Dash massaged her head.
Knocking on the door of the farm, Zephyr Breeze made sure he was standing with his back straight as to show a good upbringing, but not too straight as to look like a stuck-up.
He lowered where his nose was pointed so he would look like he is staring up at whoever will be speaking with him, even though he is most likely taller.
He made sure his hair was tied back in a neat bun, leaving the rest of his hair to sweep to the right.
He put on a practiced smile, wide enough to be seen, but not wide enough to seem happy, a respectful smile.
And he waited for one of the Pie Family Members to open the door.
Knocking on the door of the apartment, Pinkie Pie was bouncing up and down, excited to introduce two of her friends to her sister.
Her smile was wide and energetic, showing off her pearly white teeth.
Her mane was messy and pink as usual, floofing up into her signature Afro.
Her friends kept a respectable distance behind her, close enough to be seen by whoever will open the door, but not close enough to seem imposing.
And they waited for the second oldest Pie Sister to open the door.
"Zephyr Breeze, Please do come in and make yourself comfortable," Igneous Rock Pie said calmly as he opened the door to the aquamarine Pegasus, inviting him into his home.
Zephyr nodded in greeting to the older Stallion as he walked into his home, "Thank you for letting me join you for dinner," He told him as he took a look around the entrance to the Pie farmhouse.
"Don't thank me, young colt, Marble is the one you should be thanking," Igneous told him as he walked him to the dinner table, pulling out a chair for him.
Zephyr nodded in thanks and took his seat, the old Earth Pony taking a spot across him.
"So," The Stallion started as he looked Zephyr Breeze in the eyes, "How was your first night in Rockville?"
Zephyr made himself comfortable on the creaky wooden chair he was given before he answered the stallion.
"It was fine," He lied, "I expected it to be hard to fall asleep in the new bed, but I slept soundly with no problems," Zephyr hid the cringe he felt as he lied to his new neighbor.
"That's good to hear," Igneous nodded, "Remember," He told Zephyr, "If you ever need help, for whatever reason, feel free to come and ask," He extended his leg and pat Zephyr on his shoulder, his face was neutral while his eyes were smiling.
And Zephyr had to actively hold himself back from throwing the hoof off his shoulder, pulling on his arm towards him from across the table, and grabbing the nearest butter knife with his wings to stab the old pony in the eye.
"Thank you," Zephyr smiled with his mouth as his eyes remained neutral.
As the door to the apartment opened up, Pinkie Pie spent no time in leaping onto the pony who opened it, hugging her sister tightly.
"Pinkie Pie," Maudileena Daisy Pie said in a dull tone as she let her little sister hang off her neck.
"Maud, I missed you so much! Did you miss me? Who am I kidding of course you did! Here, I want you to meet Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, they need help finding Fluttershy's missing baby brother, and you're going to help us, Thank you!" Pinkie quickly told her as she walked and introduced her sister to her friends before hopping into her apartment.
"Ooh, how spacious, I'll be taking the couch!" She yelled as she pulled a blanket out of her Afro, laying herself on her sister's couch and immediately falling asleep.
Leaving Maud Pie to blankly stare at her sleeping sister before turning her head to look at the two other guests that came with her.
"Come in," She told them in her naturally dull tone of speaking before turning her back to them and walking back into her apartment.
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash spent a few seconds just staring at the open door, before looking at each other and then back at the apartment doorway.
And with a nod to their heads, the two Pegasi walked into Maud Pie's apartment.
I can see becoming a farmer could Help Zephyr with his Issues.
Hohoho, this has potential as well. I've read maybe one other story with Zephyr Breeze in it, but I do love the appeal of redeeming an apparently rotten pony like himself (or Blueblood). A start to another quality read this is. Mwoohoohoo.
Honestly surprised Luna isnt investigating his Nightmares. Poor sod should be a damn beacon to her. Unless she is and the author hasn't written it yet.
He’s only spent one night in the Old Cabin so far, but it’s only been about 4-weeks since the Restarts technically began and 2-ish weeks since they ended. So, I can’t say that Luna’s had ample opportunity to get notified of his dream issues.
I like the various plots working simultaneously. The dinner is sure to be interesting to see. Poor Z needs space, but getting that will give his mind too much unstructured space to wander. Our guy is in a pickle. Maybe he needs a hobby or a mentally stimulating activity to keep his focus?
Idk maybe learning about the process of rock farming would help him get some ideas? Or maybe the Pies / town could use a pegasus for something weather related? Not like they need lots of complicated weather for rocks. Or maybe a farm project? Hard to tell what useful stuff he learned over the years Restarting.
seeing rainbow react to a disinterested zephyr would be hilarious
Geez, zephyr could use some therapy, though I suppose with all he’s been through that might not help, heck, doubt anyone would even believe him