• Published 22nd Oct 2022
  • 1,137 Views, 54 Comments

Restart: After it all. - Netap

With Discord finally defeated, Zephyr Breeze retires to a small town to hopefully live the rest of his life in peace.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Fluttershy was afraid of many things.

She was afraid of lightning and she was afraid of ghosts.
She was scared of Hydras and she was scared bones.
She was scared of loud knockings on her door, and she was scared of tapping on her window at night.

But one thing she will never be afraid of is her family.

Her father, one of the gentlest ponies she knew, a Pegasus who works almost all the time just so the vacations he has with his family would mean all the more to her.

Her Mother, the kindest pony she knew, a Mare who would spend hours knitting little sweaters just so her potted plants would have something festive to wear for the holidays.

And finally, the outlier of her family.

Her Brother, the loud one of her family. Whenever her parents would talk quietly, he would grab hold of the conversation and change the topic entirely.

Sometimes he was annoying, acting like he could do whatever he wanted because he was the only one in the family who had something to say and had the, excuse her language for a bit, balls to say it.

He also never put any effort into what he was doing, or whenever he did put in the effort, he quit after a few weeks. Moving on from one thing to the other, simply drifting through life.

Like a breeze.

But even so, Zephyr Breeze was her brother, and she would always love him. Because that is what a big sister should do.

So when she got a letter from her parents saying that Zephyr hasn't sent them any mail, she was worried.

Very worried.

"Quit looking glum Fluttershy, I'm sure it's nothing." A blue Pegasus with rainbow-colored hair told her best friend as she watched her drink an entire strawberry milkshake in three gulps.

Sitting at a table in Sugarcube Corner, Fluttershy was drinking her worries away.

Turning to look at her friend, not bothering to wipe off the milkshake mustache on her lip, Fluttershy spoke.
"Rainbow Dash, this is Zephyr we're talking about, He always answers the mail. It's one of the only things he's known to do. If he suddenly stopped answering letters, he could be in trouble. he could be injured, or, or maybe he's injured and in trouble?!" The Yellow Pegasus shook her head around, worry plastered on her face "Ooh I knew him living in Manehatten all alone was a bad idea."

Sighing to herself, Rainbow Dash decided to offer Fluttershy an Idea she would never in a million years think of doing.

"What if," She started, catching the attention of the Yellow Pegasus, "we go to Manehatten and visit him?"

This suggestion, Rainbow will later learn to regret, as the suggestion of going to Manehatten spoken at Sugarcube Corner, has awakened a beast which none can control.

Pinkie Pie.

"Oh are we going to Manehatten, just the three of us? Like a little get-together? You know I have a sister who's studying in Manehatten right now, maybe we can visit her when we're there? Why do you want to go to Manehatten in the first place? Does the reason matter? I like your new Shampoo Dashie it smells really good. You have a little thing up here Fluttershy," The energetic pink pony moved her hoof to scoop up the frosting on Fluttershy's face before eating it in one big bite.

Yes, Rainbow dash was already regretting her decision.

Sitting on the porch outside of his Cabin, Zephyr blew into a cup of tea.

He couldn't get back to sleep the night prior so he spent it cleaning his house, After finishing he made tea out of warm water, honey and sugar.

He really needs to buy actual tea.

As he was sipping on his cup of false tea, he spotted a figure walking up the hill toward his house.

Slowly finishing his tea, Zephyr took a deep breath and stood up, leaving the cup on the porch as he did.
Walking down the hill to see whoever it was that was coming over, Zephyr was surprised to see Marble Pie.

He knew he agreed to let her help him clean his house, but they didn't actually agree on a time, and he also kind of already finished cleaning the house.

Making what was going to happen next kind of awkward.

"But that was normal," Zephyr told himself, "I was Awkward before the whole... thing, Me being awkward now means that I'm fine. right?" He didn't know why he said that as a question, who was he asking?

Of course, he was fine, Discord was defeated.
And he will continue to be fine.
He spent years making sure that Discord would no longer hurt any pony.
He succeeded, sure the method of success was a disappointment, but he succeeded nonetheless.

Everything should be fine.

So why does Zephyr not feel fine?

Zephyr doesn't know how he got into this situation.

Trying to explain to Marble that she doesn't need to help him somehow ended up with him being invited to eat dinner with the Pie family.

"I'll see you there," The mare whispered before going back home.

And as he watched her trot back to the Rock Farm, a single thought flashed through Zephyr's mind.

"Dealing with Criminals and Monks was way easier than this."

Followed shortly by, "I wonder what her family will make for dinner?"

Author's Note:

Almost four months later, here we are.

Still zero down-votes on this story, I'm actually impressed.

See you in the next chapter three months from now :eeyup: