• Published 7th Oct 2020
  • 990 Views, 12 Comments

Emancipation - Halira

Tempest Shadow has what should be a fullfilling life. However, one thing keeps her feeling doubts about her life, and she intends to change it.

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A Meeting With Celestia

There were a million uncomfortable conversations a pony could have with their monarch. Tempest Shadow wondered how many of those conversations involved the pony in question stating they didn't want to be a pony anymore, or be a citizen of Equestria anymore. If she had to have hazarded a guess, she'd say that the conversation would likely be a first in Equestria.

Well, she always wanted to be special.

She sat outside the throne room, trying not to let her nervousness show. Why she should be nervous, she did not know. This was her decision, and going to see Celestia was merely a formality. Whether the sun monarch approved or disapproved, it had no bearing on what she intended to do. Twilight Sparkle supported her, and the Princess of Friendship promised that she would do the necessary spells. That was all that was important. It was true Celestia could deny her return to Earth, but that would cause a public uproar that Celestia could not afford.

Other parishioners sat in the hall, waiting to see the princess. She spotted a few that were obviously nobles, but the majority seemed to be of more humble origin. She wondered what kinds of things brought each of them here today. Coming to the princess for aid usually was the last resort, after everything else had been tried. Ponies did not wish to waste the princess's time on trivial matters… at least the ordinary ponies didn't want to waste her time. The nobles likely made a career out of wasting the princess's time, just to make themselves feel important. How many of the common ponies here felt that their destinies were on the line, and came today trying to make sure they could lead happy lives? Tempest felt empathy for them, as her future was very much on the line.

The doors to the throne room opened, and the senechal stepped forward. "Tempest Shadow, you may now come before the princess."

She stood up and self-consciously checked her frock to make sure it was covering her flank, then followed after the senechal. The throne room was empty, save for a few guards, herself, the senechal, the unicorn that recorded her majesty's decrees, and Celestia herself.

The doors closed behind her, and she began walking forward, still following the senechal. The throne room felt oppressively large, and the walk to where she would stand before Celestia seemed much longer than it should have. The sun monarch calmly regarded her as she approached, her body appearing unnaturally still in contrast to her ethereally waving mane and tail. Off to the side sat Raven Inkwell, the recorder, looking on with a bored expression.

The senechal stopped just short of the steps that led up to the thrones, and bowed. "My princess, I present to you Tempest Shadow, who comes requesting to relinquish her citizenship, and also wishes for your blessing." The senechal turned and looked at Tempest. "You may now stand before the princess."

Tempest restrained her reflex to gulp, and stepped forward, bowing as she took her place. "Princess Celestia."

"Please raise your head, Tempest Shadow.," Celestia said kindly. "Tell me what brings you before me instead of seeking an audience with my sister."

Tempest did as commanded and looked at her monarch. Celestia's voice may have been kind, but her expression betrayed nothing, and seemed to be waiting for her to say her business.

Tempest again forced herself not to show nervousness. "Princess Celestia, I want to make it clear that I harbor no animosity or ill will towards you or Equestria. However, I do believe my destiny lies elsewhere. I have spent most of the last nine years on Earth, and wish to make it my permanent home. I wish to become a citizen of the United States, but to do that, I need to give up my citizenship here. I ask for your kind blessing and my release."

Celestia continued to gaze down upon her with the same unreadable expression. "Many ponies have requested leave to move to Earth to find new opportunities and are enticed by the opportunity to experience a strange new world, and I have never been one to stand in the way of their dreams. However, I was told there was a second request you didn't mention now. It is that other part of your request that gives me pause. Is that other part what causes you to seek citizenship elsewhere? I am not denying you, just trying to understand your reasons for it, and to make sure you have fully considered what you are asking."

The urge to gulp finally got the better of her. "Hasn't Princess Luna or Twilight Sparkle told you about my reasons?"

"They have, but my sister refused to give a recommendation one way or another. She has already formally released you from her service, as you requested, and wishes me to give a response unbiased by her opinions. Twilight said she wanted me to speak to you before she voiced her own opinions. I would hear your reasons from you. They can't tell me your heart like you can."

Tempest downcast her eyes. "I wish to have a fresh start. My horn is broken, and cannot be healed by known spells. Besides-" The second part was always the hardest to say aloud. "-I have no mark on my flank. I am long past being a foal who is just slow to earn their mark, and must accept the possibility that it may never come."

The monarch's face finally softened. "I wasn’t aware that you lacked a mark until your request came. The spell you seek to have cast on you doesn't work if a pony has their mark, so I knew when I saw the request that you must not have one. I know that it can be very hard to have a blank flank, and understand your pain. I earned my own mark much later than others, and remember the frustration I felt. Still-"

"I feel broken twice over," Tempest interrupted, as tears welled up in her eyes. "A broken horn and a mark that never came. I sometimes wonder if they are tied together or if I'm just that cursed. Yes, I can survive with those things, and lead a productive life, but why should I ignore other options? Why can't I take charge of my own destiny and make myself something that isn't physically broken, and doesn't have to sit around hoping that her purpose will someday materialize on her flank? I know my purpose, but destiny mocks me. I want to go forward without permission from some stupid mark."

"You are being unfair to yourself if you think your mark is that necessary. You are not a slave to your mark or lack thereof, nopony is," Celestia said gently. "Many ponies pursue careers that have nothing to do with their mark. I am sure very few even know you are blank-flanked."

Tempest cried openly as she met the princess's eyes. "I know it's blank. It plays on my mind. I do a good job. I have ponies that I care deeply for, even love. Yet, even with that, it sucks the satisfaction I should have away. I let myself feel proud of my work, and the job I do. I let myself be open to caring about others. Then I look at my flank and see that destiny doesn't seem to care, and it forces me to question my life, because what if I should be something else? I'm sick of questioning. I'm sick of it not being satisfied. I want to feel satisfaction and love without any lingering doubts. I want to be free, and becoming human is my emancipation."

Celestia gave Tempest a forlorn look. "And there is nothing I can say to dissuade you from this path?"

"No, there is not," Tempest replied, stomping a hoof to punctuate herself.

The alicorn sighed. "Very well, you shall have my blessing. I just needed to be sure you were truly committed to this path. It cannot be undone once it has been done, and is a drastic change. However, this action is unprecedented among ponies. It may inspire others to ask for the same, and I will be forced to tell them why you could have it done, and they cannot."

Tempest bit her lip. Celestia was saying that she would be forced to tell ponies that Tempest was a blank-flank and reveal her secret shame to all who asked. "I understand, and it won't matter anymore who knows once I'm human. This part of my life will be over."

Celestia nodded. "I will only tell ponies seeking the same, nopony else."

"Thank you, princess."

The monarch stood up and spread her wings. "With that decided, I hereby revoke your citizenship from Equestria. You are welcome to remain here long enough to have the spell done, and you may make visits in the future as any other visitor from Earth, but you are no longer one of my ponies. I understand that the pony you serve on Earth will one day come to Equestria to live; at that time, you may request to have your citizenship restored, and we will consider your request then, even if you are human."

Tempest bowed her head. "It has been an honor being a citizen of Equestria, and I wish all who live here the best."

Celestia smiled. "And I hope you find joy and happiness on Earth, Tempest Shadow. You may go now; Twilight will be waiting for you outside."

Tempest allowed herself to be escorted from the throne room, and found that Princess Twilight was indeed waiting outside the room for her.

The younger alicorn walked forward with a kind smile. "Are you ready? I have a private room set aside to do the spell, and Rarity is standing by to take your human measurements, so you don't return to Earth as a naked human."

And so quickly it was happening, but Tempest smiled back without hesitation. "I'm ready. I don't have a shred of doubt. It's time to finally feel free."

Comments ( 12 )

Tempest cried openly as she met the princess's eyes. "But I[/] know it's blank.

It seems like you have a broken italic here, cause the rest of the story after this point (and obvious brackets) is all italicized.

Thanks for the catch. Now fixed.

No problem, it was a good read and is an interesting concept.

So we see what led Tempest into choosing to become human. It makes it sad to see a pony make this choice and I wonder what her mark would have been if her horn hadn’t gotten broken because it sounds like she may have been a decent mage.

I don't think I've ever read a fic where Tempest is a blank flank before.

Interesting to see Tempest handled as someone suffering a form of dysphoria. Well done.

Although, not sure if it is parishioners or petitioners.

*reads story*

“The story is part of the Pandemic AU, but does not require prior knowledge of that universe.”


I'm sorry you felt that way. What was not able to be understood with the context given in the story? I know readers of the AU might get some additional things from this story than non-readers, but I had hoped that the basic concepts of what was happening and why were clearly understandable, even without in-depth background. If there is a detail that makes these confusing, I would like to know, so I can see about a revision.

We need more "ponies want to transform into humans" stories. Humans to ponies is so cliche and overdone at this point.

Heh i was wondering where she was during the Pandemic event

I haven't ever seen a rehumanization done on a equestrian pony but Well there's a first time for everything!

Very nice post. Such a amazing story ever. I would like to say just thanks for the sharing with us. Tell FATZ

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