• Published 24th Jul 2020
  • 4,146 Views, 160 Comments

We Are Each Other - Dusk Melody

Princess Celestia. Queen Chrysalis. Hated enemies. More alike than each would care to admit. This is their journey.

Comments ( 23 )


Cadance was a lot of fun to write. We wrote her the way we did on purpose, because Cadance is quite level headed in the show, and I wanted to do justice to my favourite Princess and best alicorn.

Wow. Just wow. Thank you for such a wonderful story. I’m just sad it had to end. Looking forward to whatever is next.

I'm sure we all know what's coming next... However, it is time to review this... I think that this is a good fiction and well done as well... I give it a 9/10.

This is a master piece!!

It is over the first story i followed since its release to its end.
Excellent work. Thank you for this story!


Thank you so much! Zervon Tora and I are so pleased you all enjoyed this story.

As for what is coming next, without going into too much spoiler detail, I can confirm it will be an Equestria Girls story entitled Strawberry Moon set in our To Be Everfree and The Gloomies continuity. It will feature teenage pregnancy, depression and mental illness, as well as the usual BDSM kinky fun and cuddles.

I hope you give it a look when it's released.

Well.. this was a long and dutiful ride, im glad yo finally see it done.
This story definitely gets an 8/10

Thanks for the fic!

This was much better than i had anticipated at the beginning.
Very well written as well.

Anticipation intensifies

So it took me a bit to get to the end, but I'd like to write out some final thoughts.

First off, very well done, Dusk. I really enjoyed the story.

I went into this expecting a Chrysalis redemption story. And while Chrysalis certainly wasn't without flaws, it was both surprising and quite pleasant to realize that it was Celestia, not Chrysalis, that needed redemption. This subversion of expectation became the incredible twist that drove the entire story.

Especially important to this was that the transition was slow and agonizingly painful for Celestia. It wasn't easy, and therefore it wasn't cheap. We saw, in the painful beginnings of their relationship, that Celestia was willing to hurt Chrysalis in order to make herself feel better. Of course, this led to even more of a guilt spiral, and didn't work at all.

Interestingly enough, Chrysalis wanted to be hurt. This felt like a significant departure from canon Chrysalis, but I found myself not minding in the slightest, because you really set the groundwork for a Chrysalis motivated by a need to keep her people alive and healthy. So while Celestia was looking for unhealthy ways to resolve her fury, Chrysalis was looking for unhealthy ways to absolve her guilt. Enter the toxic relationship, which was really well done.

One of the more interesting things to me was the way you used Celestia's willingness to interact with Chrysalis sexually in her true form as a sort of barometer for the health of their relationship. Celestia is unwilling at first to have sex with Chrysalis in her Changeling form, but as the story progresses, and Celestia starts to force herself to try, we see the beginnings of change. It may be an obvious metaphor, but I thought it was a good one, especially with how it played into this final chapter.

As usual with your work, Dusk, I once again am deeply impressed with the worldbuilding. Maybe it's just shameless fanservice, but seeing how events interconnect and tie together is always fun for me. Watching Mapper's origins, and Dusk's literal conception, were fun little bits of story for me.

This point leads me to a question; what does this story mean for the future of the Wilyverse? Obviously this story is a bit of a retroactive continuity change, but it brings up all sorts of interesting implications. By the time we reach the Wildfire stories, I assume Celestia and Chrysalis still together. Given Dusk (the character, not the author, lol) is now married to the son of a rabid Changeling hater, that suggests some really fascinating room for stories about racism and intolerance. I know these things are common themes for your stories, so I'm a bit excited to see you tackle them again in the future, possibly informed by these events.

Anyways, I hope all this makes sense and wasn't too rambling. Congrats on the end of the story, and I can't wait to read what comes next.

Gave a like cuz it seems interesting, but wont read because Chryselestia isnt really my thing. Looks good tho.

Yeah. so the fact that a computer screen is mentioned at all is still a LONG ways away from making sense technologically.


One, this bit was played for a bit of fun. Two, who says in my story they can't have computers? I say they can, and I'm consistent with the technology I present in my story.

Unlike the show itself, that has gramophones, haz mat suits, cannons, guns, steam trains, airships, skyscrapers and taxis, as well as state of the art hospitals and so on.

oh yeah. I never thought about that.

and Yeah. it is your story, and an au so you can do whatever you want.

although I should point out that cannons have existed LONG before computers were invented.

Nah man I was referring to the show/canon. This story actually follows through with technology consistency sort of sans a couple things. However I love this story.

Huh would've thought that sunset would be the dom. Weird.

Quite an enjoyable little story, I love the details you put into the BDSM lifestyle.

The story was quite nice. How they just do casual and sexy stuff with each other was good to watch. Granted, it gets a bit tedious at times, leading me wondering when will the important stuff progress, but it didn't overstay its welcome most of the time. And the ending was more romantic than expected, which is very sweet, I like it.
Good job I guess, hope you had fun writing, just as much as we had fun reading it.

I'm sorry it wasn't good enough

You know the thing about the best writers? They never think their writing is "good enough". They always strive to improve themselves so that they may be better, just like what you just say here.
So there's no need to apologize, because no writing is ever "good enough" for everyone. It's already the best Chrysalis and Celestia long romance that I've ever read. Granted, I actually haven't seen a lot of their long term romences, but yours is already pretty nice.
Keep up the good work, and keep on being yourself, but better~

I enjoyed the story but two things really confuse me It seemed like Celestia and Luna's personalities were switched during the whole story or at least most of it.

Why have Chrysalis disguised I understand overall what it's supposed to mean but people know the changeling are here and people must assume either Chrysalis is locked up or somehow restrained. So from an outside perspective this pony Celestia new is being abused for no reason. And some of the abuse wouldn't really matter to a changeling like looking slutty that wouldn't be humiliating for chrysalis someone who probably had to do lots of jobs like this. And some of the presser scenes petty for someone who's supposed to be a spy

Too saccharine for my tastes, but I enjoy this nonetheless. :twilightsmile:

Maybe my writing will help you to pull through whatever you're going right now. Do not give in!

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