Comments ( 24 )

Who was Adaigo supposed to be? The others I recognize but not her.

How about an Anon-a-miss story based on the anime series, Inuyashiki? Or one based in Valkyrie Drive Mermaid?

Adagio is based on the anime version of Witchblade

Thanks. It was the best read i've had on Fimfic

Well now. That's an interesting twist.

My vote's for Ember and Shining Spawn.

Okay, I remember that!! Sexy design!

Thank you for an awesome trilogy. If you ever decide to pick up the story again I will be waiting. Hope to see you soon.

10868775 I just started watching Valkyrie Drive, maybe not Anon-A-Miss, but I'll think about it.

10868986 Thank you

10869010 If I had to choose myself, yeah, I would too.

10869099 Damn right it is!

10869207 Glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you all for enjoying the trilogy, it different, but I loved every minute of it! Thank you for your support!

Trust me, valkyrie drive mermaid would definitely work as an equestria girls fic.

10869357 Funny thing is, you're not first one to suggest that to me. Once I've watched it all I'll consider it.

The humane 7 would certainly learn that friendship (with benefits) is magic!

The ember and spike story's sound fun.

i like to hear more on Ember, she's supposed to be Godzilla right? XD

Or Shining Spawn. must hurt to hear Flurry calling someone else 'dad'. I do have an idea for possible splinter idea.
"She always had been a fan of the dating game "Canter Hearts" She never would have guessed she wake up one day in the body of the bully rival who's only endings are either becoming an expelled outcast or killed in an accident and forgotten. She will not accept that fate, she'll undo her doom flags, for she is now Sunset Shimmer"

What's Spike suppose to be based on anyway? I know Shining's Spawn, Adiago's anime Witchblade, SciTwi is Blue Beetle, is Rainbow Dash supposed to be Batman Beyond?

Ember is Godzilla? so whats Spike dragon cop based on?

10869681 10870865 I'll answer those questions in order.

Ember is supposed to be Firebreather

Spike is the Savage Dragon

Twilight is Tech Jacket

Rainbow Dash is ShadowHawk

All seven of them are based on superheroes from the Image Comics universe, same place as Invincible, Spawn, and Witchblade, and a plethora of others. Spawn, Witchblade, Firebreather, Savage Dragon, and Invincible have either had a TV animated series made, or a movie. In Spawn's case he got an animated series and live action movie.

.. well i feel dumb. But also that sounds awesome

10871174 Don't worry about it, not many people know about the Image Comics heroes. DC and Marvel are the biggest and well-known of the comic book companies, the only reason I know about them is because I did research after watching Invincible on Amazon Prime, and from there I found out that Invincible, Spawn, Witchblade, Savage Dragon, and Firebreather all inhabit the same universe. Apparently, in the Invincible comic, there's a war where the heroes of Earth team up to fight against an alien empire, that includes the heroes I've listed above.

pft now, i cannot unsee that Shining Spawn went after Sombra king instead of Sunset, Spawn vs the Darkness. That be lit

10871238 It would be an interesting fight, as Spawn's suit gains power from sin, and the Darkness is more or less sin incarnate. It'd probably be a near endless battle between them, but my money is on Spawn, since all Spawn would have to do is keep fighting until the sun rose and then he could kill the host right after.

This trilogy was awesome.

Strange, but awesome.

And i, overall, don't have a opinion on the "reset all" due to how weird it is.

I need more Crossovers Fantasy with Sunset though (Fantasy, not SF).

What did you thought of all of my comments on all the "Books" of the Trilogy ? Please give a long answer if possible.

11015580 First of all, I love long comments, so it was fun reading yours. Second, yes, I recognize that there are things that I could've done differently, but I put in the effort to make this trilogy and it's my crazy mess that I like. So, I appreciate the criticism .
Going into the "Witchblade" project, I only had two goals with this. One: to be the first ever to write a Witchblade EqG crossover, which I accomplished 3 times over. And two: to hopefully inspire others to write more on this. I WANT people to make a better Witchblade than mine, 'cause it's an untapped resource, that's also why I did the Splinters Epilogue, to show the potential other heroes and crossovers that can be had. Don't get me wrong, I love my Witchblade works, but I want to see what other people can do.

I want to see a different version of Sunset wielding the Witchblade, hell, I made another version with Adagio wielding it instead, or, hey, Fluttershy! C'mon, the timid animal lover gets Witchblade and has a complete personality change when she dons the armor? That would be cool to read. But, that's for someone else to do, I've done what I've set out to do, and now I pass on the torch to whomever wants to dive into the World of Witchblade.

Thanks for your comments, and I'm happy that you read all three volumes. :twilightsmile:

Honestly, my only real problems were :

Applejack fucking Big Mac and the lack of reaction from those knowing, because holy shit this is wrong.

Sunset not having her vengeance, on her terms, against her "friends" and CHS students (they finally became her friends again, but i wanted to see a "everyone kneel and beg for forgiveness and help her").

Like seriously, after how much she suffered, i wanted some vengeance from Sunset against those fuckers.

On a lower level, the fact than so many died.

And i was disappointed with not having the Friendship Games.

Beside that and the universe reset (which i will not give a opinion on) i loved the story.

And if you know others Fantasy Crossovers (especially anime) with Sunset as the MC, please send me.

You should read Friendship Souls, SAPR and Student 32 : Sunset Shimmer IMO.

Another fic trilogy complete for me on this website. And you made me get invested in the Witchblade franchise itself so thank you for that!

Word/sentence structure is iffy in parts will have to say; had to mentally revise the text so the scenes and explanations and conversations flowed better. But that than that, the actual action-y parts were great. Man, Sunset is such a great character to utilized for this kind of stuff and you did well adapting existing EQG lore meshing with Witchblade lore!

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