• Published 20th Jul 2019
  • 6,896 Views, 29 Comments

Generous, Where It Matters - Third Wheel

Spike spends some time alone with Gabby, and Twilight curiously (if a little guiltily) spies on them, wondering what caused the dragon's change of heart towards Rarity. She gets her answer, though not quite how she wished to.

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Comments ( 22 )
Neo DG #1 · Jul 20th, 2019 · · 4 ·

Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Take that Sparity. Almost ten years of this and gabby takes her place. You sir have made my day.

If I’m being honest, I get that you got this out fast, due to the episode airing today. But I’d much rather prefer a story that was done with care, with quantity and quality, rather than trying to beat the crowd. But still, this is a...interesting canon ship.

I can hear a ton of people screaming no when this episode aired

It's legit?

But its not official lol.

Comment posted by Avogadro deleted Jul 20th, 2019

In my case, it was more "*sigh* Raribot it is..." ("Twilight will not outlive her friends" plus Rainbow Dash almost certainly not reaching old age much less dying of it plus wanting to do something more interesting than just making them all alicorns, for those wondering)

guess you missed Spikes lines at the end "I'm here for My Rarity time" didn't you?

:duck: I learned to share my dragon... and he did come back even if Pinkie did make all the bats poop on us...


Nice! Good job!:moustache:

The first five paragraphs are everything I want in the setup for a short one-shot clopfic. I, the reader, start in a familiar and tranquil, sex-free setting. Then I’m eased towards the main event with a simple but clear pretense. A one-paragraph short meditation on morals raises the sexual tension quickly but not abruptly, moving the story towards the porn with rare elegance. I only have to wait an empty line, as in paragraph two my new expectation is immediately fulfilled. No unnecessary still descriptive breaks or any other fluff beyond paragraph one, which already did set up everything that is needed for this story’s sake. We’re already down to fuck. Surely, that’s all this story needs. Surely, from now on the characters will hump in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and cum, right? What else could possibly fit in 1k words?

A plot twist. On paragraph four of a 1k words clopfic. Which doesn’t even have a plot. You had my interest before, now you have my attention. I’m not used to unreliable narrators in short one-shots, nor to graceful head-hopping. I don’t know enough about books to spot other styles or figures, but I wouldn’t be surprised to discover more techniques I can’t catch. If that weren’t enough already, this paragraph also introduces a worldbuilding element that is relevant to the story and the porn, that establishes and justifies how and why this sex scene exists and how the many implied ones came to be. I’m hooked.

"What about Twilight? [...] Ever-Aaaahhh... gotten a ride with her?"
Spike shook his head. "Told you, she's only into mares. She likes to watch, but that's all."

This is storytelling that fuels the fetish. This establishes worldbuilding elements through an explicit sex scene. This expands on the character’s backstory while also further justifying and moving forward the dynamic of the current scene. A rookie author would have struggled to have a passage like this not break immersion, you’ve emphasized it and turned it into the fetish. This is awesome. This passage could not have happened any other way, the way it is is terrific. This is not filler, this is the quality content I didn’t know I wanted.

If I had to find one issue with this story, I’d struggle. After struggling, I’d settle on “lack of porn” as my complaint, but even that is not quite black and white. There is not much by way of traditional porn, and what there is gets over quickly. However, there’s non-conventional porn in living out a fantasy for the first five paragraphs, there’s implied or more porn in every flashback and the closing orgasm can firmly stand its ground. Bonus points for fitting so many voyeurism elements in 1k words, both in porn and not.

Something that stands out to me is the sharp contrast between this story’s concentrated synthesis and the never-ending sex scene in At her King's Service. The two stories are almost nothing alike, it’s hard for me to think they come from the same author. I get that there are necessary differences between a 1k and a 40k word stories, that one was guided by a commission and the other had to be published quickly. They are two very different works, maybe I’ll read the long one again at some point while keeping this one in mind. Maybe I’ll find something that escaped me the first time.

This story has been an unexpected, great surprise. I’ll definitely be looking forward to any new content.

we need more of this

My boi. You with this you just sunk my spike ships.
Can't be angry at you for this.
I like my new OTP.

Have a good day, sir.
... or night.

First, there was no need to post the same comment thrice. Second, Pinkie is talking about the how the basket works, it was of course a double entendre but not the only meaning. And saying that Spike no longer cares about Rarity is not something I ever did. Simply, as the episode explicitly showed, he's no longer obsessed with her. They're still obviously friends, and it's still possible they'll end up together. Third, you're a fucking dick for spoiling the leaked episodes, not everyone has seen those, and since you didn't bother to warn about the spoiler in your comment I'm deleting them for the sake of all those people who still haven't been spoiled.

They are not out. All that is out is Dutch versions that a site accidentally put out then removed, and fan-made subtitles. And Pinkie was talking about the basket, a joke about polygamy would never fly as the intended interpretation in a children's show, even if that was the secondary meaning of what she said.

Accurately translated, fan-made subtitles of Dutch videos which were removed from the site they were originally uploaded to because they were not supposed to go up. And no, they were not hugging. Rarity was smiling and Spike was giving her a thumbs up.

You should make a series of them two.

I would, if I had the time and motivation. I really enjoyed writing them in this story.

Now everyone who hasn't seen this coming, raise a hoof :I


Ye thought so^^

If you're talking about the "people will instantly make porn of these two", I wrote this way back during the early airings.

I guess opposites attract another.
Gabby being so great at everything and Spoke being... Spike... - it had to be done :rainbowwild:

I can imagine more of these coming out after Dragon Dropped hinted that Spike likes Gabby.
Great work.

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