• Published 22nd Apr 2019
  • 3,793 Views, 126 Comments

Mother Moon, Joys of Parenthood - ShadowStar_IMHP

In another universe, Luna has been restored thanks to the Elements of Harmony. She wasn't alone, with her appeared a small 2-month-old royal purple alicorn filly. Nightmare Moon reborn as Luna's Daughter. These are short stories in that universe.

  • ...

It is Cadence's Destiny

Nightshade was enjoying her dream. It wasn’t special or anything just a simple dream about flying over silvery clouds in the moonlight. Landing on a cloud she looks down to the dream version of Equestria below. “Oh, my sleeping ponies. So snug in your beds.”

Her head snaps up something was wrong. There was something else in her dream. Her eyes widen watching a shadow grow from the north. “WHO’S THERE?!”

In the dark clouds two eyes open green with a purple glow. A horn appears black darker than the darkest night with a red tip. “CRYSTALS”

The dream turned nightmare shatters as nightshade scrambles from her blanket screaming in terror. She starts flying just as the door opens reveling Peppermint Heart her part zebra nanny. “Nightshade? You alright?”

Fear all nightshade knew was fear she didn’t wait, didn’t even noticed Peppermint as she zipped past him at top speed. Her horn lights up blasting the doors to her chambers open. Her instincts crying out for only one pony. Her scream awoke her, her throat already sore from her crying. The purple missile of terror flew past guards and servants heading for the royal court chamber.


Luna sat on the throne as night court continues. There wasn’t a large group, mostly poor that couldn’t get to see Celestia the day before, or couldn’t wait any longer for the next day court. At least it wasn’t any nobles who were trying to sneak something past her that Celestia already turned down.

Before her now were a Stallion and Mare both were earth ponies. The mare was a brown coat with a leaf green mane, the stallion was tan with a sandstone mane. “Your.. majesty, our farm was destroyed during the parasprites infestation. We have been waiting for the insurance company, but we need aid now. Without our farm, we can’t pay the mortgage.”

“We going to lose our home! I just found out I’m with foal. Please, Princess, help us.”

“I understand the Parasprites that infested Fillydelphia was devastating. Due to emergency measures ruling 52 all mortgages should have been put on hold. I will have someone investigate your claim right away. No one should go homeless double so when expecting. I will also personally pay for your farm recovery.”

“If I may ask what bank has your mortgage?”

“That will be Money and Capital.” The Mare replied.

“Count de Money’s bank, I should have known. I’m sure he would say it a missed file or a mistake of an underling.” Looking to her assistant Midnight Oil. “I want an investigation into the Money and Capital bank. Make sure they didn’t misfile any other mortgages that would have been covered by the emergency action. Make sure my ruling is followed. I want their home ready to welcome the new member of the family.”

“Oh thank you princess!” the couple smiles broadly at the princess of the night.

“It is my pleasure my litt... what is that noise?” Luna stood up just as the screaming Nightshade blasted the court hall doors open and flew into her hooves balling her eyes out. “Oh, dear... The night court is dismissed. Seems I have a family issue to tend to.”

Midnight oil Luna’s assistant nods. “As you wish Princess.” The unicorn aid headed to the couple. “If you follow me I get your information and send someone to see why you are being intimidated.”

Picking up nightshade till she could look her daughter in the face “Now my little Nightshade, what got you so upset?”

Nightshade’s teal eyes look into her own. “So... sombra....back.”

Fear ran down Luna’s spine. Wishing there were a pair of hooves she could charge into. “We need to tell Celestia.”


“Stupid Celestia.” Nightshade paced back and forth. Its been a day and already the Princess of the sun was messing things up. Sending Cadence and Shining Armor to the Crystal Empire was smart. Cadence cutie mark was the Crystal Heart after all.

It was the stupidity of not telling Cadence how to get to the Crystal Heart that was stupid. She knew why, oh she knew very well why. If Luna could fall for Sombra’s trap, so could Cadence. Nightshade knows that Celestia going to summon Twilight and her friends to do the hard part spiring Cadence.

This was unacceptable. Nightshade needed to do something... She curls up and closes her eyes technically it was nap time. Hopefully, she could find Cadence's dream.


The train ride was long and boring. Cadence even finished her latest romance novel ‘Fifty Shades of Grey mane’ and tossed it aside. “Ugh, really I don’t know why ponies like that story. The stallion a stalker and manipulator it gets the whole BDSM thing wrong. Not to mention it’s a clear rip off of those Twilight Belle stories.”

“Twilight Belle? Isn’t that the one where the young unicorn falls in love with the vampire pony?” Shining Armor asks putting down his novel. “So... how do we do that BDSM thing correctly?”

Cadence sighs “I tell you later Shiny. Right now I’m going to take a nap we still have a long way to go.”

“Alright dear, I go back to reading Pirates of the Caribbean.”

“They should have ended the books after the third one.” Cadence yawns and closes her eyes.

Soon she finds herself in the dungeon room of the Shades of Grey mane story. “Oh come on I can’t even get it out of my mind. Ugh... Okay well, I’m dreaming so... what did aunt Luna tell me...”

Before Cadence even remembers her lucid dreaming lessons the world shifts and she finds herself in a crystal throne room. “Okay, that wasn’t me. Who’s there?”

“I glad you are aware enough to tell you aren’t alone.” The figure of a purple alicorn fully grown with black mane and tail walks out from behind the crystal throne. “Cousin we need to talk.”

“Nightshade? Is that you? What’s going on.”

“What is going on is Celestia doesn’t trust you... No that’s not right... she afraid for you.”

“Okay, nightshade I know you pretending to be a grown-up in this dream but insulting Celestia not right.”

Nightshade rolls her eyes. “I’m not trying to insult her. It is just so easy... no no... I’m here for an important message. You know the Crystal Empire is back, so is Sombra.”

Cadence nods “Yes we are going to help protect those crystal ponies till Twilight and the gang can come and help defeat Sombra.”

“There a faster way, it just not easy. In the Crystal Castle... in this very room is a secret passage.” Nightshade horn lights up with dark magic, magic Cadence never seen before. A blast of this dark magic hits a crystal creating a shadow across the floor opening the passage down.

“That spell will be hard for you to cast Cadence. Like all magic, it draws on emotions, in this case, negative emotions. Hate, fear, helplessness, but it the only way to open the passage.” Nightshade starts walking down. Followed close behind by Cadence.

“I don’t understand, why didn’t Celestia tell me about this secret passage?”

“The answer to that is Nightmare Moon.”

“Hold on Nightmare Moon didn’t appear till after Sombra was banished.”

Nightshade smiles sadly and motions as an image of Luna and Shadow Striker appeared. “The Stallion is Shadow Striker, Luna’s husband for only one day. They came this way to stop Sombra. The goal was the Crystal Heart, a magical artifact almost as powerful as the Elements of Harmony. With it, they could have banished Sombra for good.”

“I know this part, Sombra magic blinded Luna causing her to kill Shadow Striker.”

“That was the start of Nightmare Moon, Luna’s guilt. Celestia is afraid you do the same thing. She’s afraid you will fall for the trap and lose yourself.”

Cadence looks down “Like I almost did during the Changelings’ invasion.”

“Do you understand why they are afraid. They love you and don’t want you to suffer as Luna did. If Sombra’s magic infects you, and you end up killing Shining Armor.”

“NEVER! I would never...”

“QUIET! Do you think Luna wanted to kill the only stallion she loved? THAT WE LOVED!”

Cadence backed away her ears flat against her head. “I’m... I’m sorry I forgot you were part of Luna at the time. This... oh god... this is when you were...”

“In one way yes... this was when my mind started to form separate from Luna’s. This was when I became another personality. It could be said I was born when Shadow Striker died.”

Nightshade looks at the dark doorway. “To get the crystal heart you need to face your greatest fear. I’m betting your magic of Love can overpower Sombra’s magic. Keep yourself focused on the love you feel from Shining even as you face what you dread the most.”

Cadence looks at the dream version of the doorway. “If... If I wait for Twilight to come? So is Celestia sending Twilight to recover the Crystal Heart? Wouldn’t Twilight suffer as well?”

Nightshade nods “Yes, but Twilight doesn’t have anyone she loves with all her heart. She has friends and will fear to lose them. But the devastating fear of seeing your lover... de...dead. No Twilight has not felt emotional love that deep. Her fear is something stupid like failing a test or something.”

“Fear of being a disappointment isn’t stupid. It’s a valid fear.”

“Yeah, yeah whatever. You get my point. Your heart loves Shining Armor as much as Luna loved Shadow Striker. Deep in your heart, you already fear to watch him die as he grows old and you remain young looking being an alicorn. That a fear Twilight would not have, Sombra’s magic wouldn’t strike her as deep.” Nightshade was standing tall ignoring the tears falling from her cheeks as she cries remembering the death of Shadow Striker.

Cadence moves over and nuzzles Nightshade. “So it shall be my choice. I face my fear of losing Shining Armor, or let Twilight face her fear.”

Nightshade nods and motions to Cadence cutie mark. “Your Cutie Mark is a near copy of the Crystal Heart. One way, or another your destiny is the Crystal Empire.”

“Thank you Nightshade for telling me.”

Nightshade looks up as the dream starts to fragment. “You are waking up. Whatever you choose Cadence, kick that smoky crystal addict moron flank for me.”

“And for Luna.”

“Yeah, yeah, her too.”

Cadence wakes up seeing Shining Armor looking worried. “You were crying, love. Are you okay?”

“Just a sad dream. I’m better now knowing you are with me.”


Twilight and the rest of the gang get off the train. Looking around they spot the massive glowing dome covering the crystal empire.

“Oh my, that impressive.” Rarity says seeing the shining crystals of the city.

“That it is, now that we know where the Crystal Empire is, we be able to expand these train tracks into the shield.” Cadence walks out of the train station beside her was Shining Armor.

“Cadence! We came as fast as we could. Celestia sent us to help you stop Sombra.” Twilight turns hearing Cadence’s voice.

Cadence smiles a slightly sad look to her face. Memories of a nightmare of seeing her dead body next to her brother’s flash in her mind the only sound her insane laughter. With a quick shake of her head, she banished the fear-induced nightmare. “It was hard but Shining Armor and I stopped him.”

“You should have seen it Twilight. Cadence seemed to know where the Crystal Heart was hidden and charged right in. She ordered me to stay outside to cast my shield spell, just in time too as the sky filled with darkness. The creepy clouds had green eyes... Just as my shield started to fail Cadence came charging past me and put this large Crystal Heart in the center of the tower. The blast of magic was so strong it broke the spell on the Crystal Ponies and destroyed what remained of Sombra. They are calling her the ‘Brave and Glorious Princess’”

“I rather just be called Cadence. Now let get inside the shield, I’m cold and craving those Crystal Berries, oh with pickles.”

Twilight’s eyebrow raises “Pickles?”

Author's Note:

How many of you think it should have been Cadence that got the Crystal Heart? It really is her Cutie Mark!

Comments ( 28 )

The Flurry Grows

I think you fund a much better soloution for the Crystal Empire, then we had in the show.

It's just amazing :twilightsmile:

Does the food cravings suggest that Flurry's coming before she does in the canon series?

Yeah that was the idea. We don’t know how long a pony pregnancy lasts. I was just having fun with the food cravings, so sure Flurry Heart might come earlier then expected.

Part of the joys of parenthood is I don’t have things planned out. They are just fun little ideas that pop into my head.

I looked it up once. Horse pregnancies last 12 months. Also, did you know you've been featured?!

Really it’s more likely Twi would be in a panic based fugue because Cadence’s successes means her failure to even take the test Celestia put upon her.

Yeah horse pregnancy last a long time. Those poor mares.

I been getting featured every post of a chapter, at least till I’m bumped off the list by other stories. Once it was just an hour before I was off the list.

I haven’t thought of that.

Same with my story, Fraternal. It's the only story that I've wrote that was ever featured.

So far every Mother Moon story got featured. I used to list the days but stopped after a time.

Looks like I’m off the list now.

Yeah canon version is so stupid

Comment posted by Silent Wing deleted Mar 7th, 2020

Twilight’s eyebrow raises “Pickles?”

well well well, it would seem Flurry Heart will be coming into play sooner then she did in the show.

Nightshade looks up as the dream starts to fragment. “You are waking up. Whatever you choose Cadence, kick that smoky crystal addict moron flank for me.”

I like this, I like how Nightshade gives Cadance all the information she needs to make a choice. :twilightsmile:

And I like how Cadance decides that she would much rather suffer her own greatest fear than let Twilight suffer hers. :twilightsmile:

Celestia might not be entirely happy with Cadance's initiative either :trixieshiftleft:

Not really canon but while slightly advanced Equestria is a feudal land. Any service of enough merit can earn you a minor nobility. Hold enemy forces at bay for a week. Your family is now noble. Save a prince from drowning. You are a noble. Save your nation from some enemy without reinforcements. Your family will be nobility as long as the current royal family line continues. Save the entire royal family. You now own all the lands around your home. Do all of this and be a part of an elite squad that can do something great that noone else can (like operate an ancient magic artifact). If you aren't inducted directly into the royal family you are a guardian of the realm.

Yeah not really canon. I read that one reason a person is granted knighthood to recognize some meritorious achievement, often for service to the Church or country. The modern female equivalent in English is Dame. Stopping NMM qualifies. It might be the idea that they would be needed again to save the world hasn’t entered Celestia’s or Luna’s minds. Definitely wouldn’t be in the public minds. So I wrote that Luna officially recognized the achievement of the Mane 6 by knighting them.

I used what was in the show. In canon they weren’t addressed as high ranking members of society. Even if they should have been Guardians of the realm it was not publicly recognized.

Publically or not this is their true rank by virtue of they are their monarch's go to solution when something threatens the realm. This is not a rank you obtain and never have to do anything again. This is a rank you get because, in an emergency, you are always the one leading the charge. The thing that truly sets this rank apart from all others is that, in an emergency, a GOTR can take charge of the entire nation and its military. An emergency like the complete disappearance of the entire royal family. But this is just how I interpret it. As I said in the original post you can leave things the way you put it. It is a nice gesture by Luna.

Comment posted by Bronzedragon deleted Dec 17th, 2020

Sorry to be the weevil in your cornmeal but horse gestation period is 330 to 345 days or 11 months give or take. also just for fun here are two things to never put on a fence post if the pasture contains a horse'
1 Your Mickey Ds burger it will vanish faster than you could think.
2 Your bottle of beer. They are thirsty rascals. One that my son and his friends were around would drink the beer and put the bottle back on the post.

Okay, I was close, and as for your other things
1. Not much of a fan of Mc. Donalds
2. I'm a teenager, and have no interest in drinking nor am planning to

Horses aren't picky on their burgers either.
and drinking does not mean getting plastered besides beer is an acquired taste. for humans anyway. And I don't think I remember being a teenager. :rainbowlaugh:

I prefer Lagers or Stouts beer better flavor to ales in my opinion.

I figure Equestria Ponies have a ten month pregnancy. The foals seem to be able to walk and even fly but not as soon as Earth equine after birth.

They also seem to develop word comprehension faster then humans.

All of these would work. Being pray animals means fast development and we have no data on sapient equines so It's whatever we want it to be.

The way I see it magic is the element that caused the evolutionary division.

Equis has monsters large enough to eat a pony whole so fast physical development is needed. Same could be with understanding verbal communication.

Having magic led to ponies eyes look more forward, unicorn manipulation, Pegasus flight and earth ponies tool use could all contribute to the larger brain and forward looking eyes.

Picking things up could be magical aiding in the development of the larger brain. But I have an idea that Equestrian ponies can manipulate their frogs extending them beyond the hard hooves and grip things like a universal gripper. That could also aid in germs if the hoof is used for walking the frog used for picking things up there less contamination from dirt on the frog. Thought that does depend on condition of the ground they walk on.


I like how she make cadence suffer from days of holding a shield up to point of collapse. The fact is anyone brave and skilled enough could have gotten it but this just cements her place even more. Hopefully Celestia will be good about it.

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