• Published 29th Dec 2018
  • 10,585 Views, 17 Comments

Bestial Deal - mrmidnight

Fluttershy finds something Rarity didn't want found

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Comments ( 17 )

As far as clop goes, the sex scenes were fairly hot, if a bit brief, relative to the rest of the story. It hits all the buttons for the main fetish, so that's a plus.

Story-wise, the Sparity angle felt... strange. Which is saying something compared to the rest of the story. Fluttershy felt very OOC for blackmailing Rarity. I get that this character dissonance is resolved at the end of the story with Discord, but while reading, it felt really off for her.
Personally, I could have seen Rarity being a closet kinkster with a beast streak, and approaching Fluttershy to indulge her.
The story was properly tagged, so I won't fault it for that. But while it may have appeal for others, blackmail does nothing for me.

The technical writing issues are what really plague this story. For example, right in the main story description:

Fluttershy was simply visiting Rarity when she found out that Oppal might've been sick but she finds something out that she never expected from her friend.

Opal only has one p.

What will she do with this new found knowledge?It's clear though Rarity in big trouble

Space: The final frontier.

It was just an average day In Equestria, Celestia’s Sun shining in the sky, the birds tweeting, away, and the Pegasus flying off doing whatever plans they might’ve had.

First and foremost: there were many many stray capital letters throughout this story. Too numerous to list.
There were many run-on sentences. If there are more than 2 commas in a single sentence, consider reworking it.
Pegasi is the plural for pegasus, which does not need to be capitalized.

Rarity felt something push? deeper into her this caused her to scream and groan hard as her pussy spread even farther than how Botch's Cock had done to her. than she realized that what was being stuck in her was, in fact botch's knot.

There are also many instances in this story of letters not capitalized that should be, as well as missing 's for possessive nouns.


Even if you don't have Microsoft Word, or another word processor application, Google Docs is free, and most browsers have built-in grammar and spell-checker. That would clear up many of the simple errors like missing apostrophes:


But the very best thing you can do for yourself and your writing is to get a proofreader and/or an editor. Just having a second set of eyes to read over your story will catch more than 90% of your errors that you, as the writer, don't register as you read your own words.

As you've said, you are a beginning writer. And I do see a lot of creative talent here. While Fluttershy did feel out of character to the one in the show; the characters as you did portray here do feel compelling. You do a great job of painting a scene with descriptive details.
While technical writing skill is your biggest issue, it is also the easiest one to overcome. It just takes practice and discipline to make yourself better. That, coupled with a decent proof-reader, and I can see you doing very well in the future.

Good story, though the punctuation and spelling could use some tweaking here and there

yeah I admit your right, Fluttershy did feel off and very OOC, I actually added that just so I could explain why she was like that, Discord being in there was actually I admitted a final addition I added in the end, I'm glad that it managed to hit the spots in your opinion which is nice. cause I admit this is the first time I've written a story like this, lol as for the Sparity, well it was apart of the commissioners request he wanted a story based off two images, and one of them involved spike in a hot tub with her so I was working with those but I could've made it flow better but I had about ten pages and didn't want to go over it,

Than the grammar, yeah I admit that's always been my problem, I do have Microsoft word though I use Grammarly which I'm coming to realize isn't much help i also admit this is semi a first draft that I wrote but i felt was pretty good, I should get a proofreader for future projects, also for the longest time I wrote short stories on a typewriter, (cause i'm that kind of dork lol) though in serious it was just to work on my writing, and thank you I appreciate your honest review.

Heh I'll check it out though I'm trying to push myself out of that for my own sake

that was a good story, id like to read the prequel where spike and rarity hook

If someone commissions mr to make a prequel lol i could do that or if i get a shit ton of requests

“It just sorts of happened, Rarity, it’s a picture of you having sex with Spike, Spike! He ’s a baby dragon! There’s no it just happened.” Her fist tightened up as she wanted to hear it.

The writers did say that they write spike like he is between 16-18, so he might be legal and dragons just age slowly. I mean Twilight was like five when she hatched him and she was old enough to live alone when nightmare moon happened so let's say she was 20 give or take. That would make him 15 or so at the beginning of the show and if we are going by counting the Hearth's Warmings five years have passed making him about 20.

Read the end of the story I make an explanation

Also was the request from the commissioner that Rarity would get blackmailed for Spike as if he was younger

Nevermind.. my B.

Lol its ok these things happen hope you enjoyed it man

This was interesting. I do honestly feel bad for Spike and Rarity in this. I know it is a Commish so it is what the person want. But still like it was said Spike and Rarity didn't do anything wrong, but Shy got her friend raped and Spike now best chance hated by Rarity for something that wasn't his fault. I know I am looking far to much into this but that is just where my mind was when I finished this story lol.

Hey no worries heh i promise you that spike and rarity relationship is ok in this world rarity would explain what happens. Though yeah fluttershy is kind of the villain but you never know karma could hit her like a ton of bricks

Lol true, Shy might love her pets. But I wonder how she would handle a pretty pissed off greed growth Spike. Wanting some payback on the mare that allowed another male to touch HIS MATE!!!!! lol. At least that is the ending I will tell myself lol.

heh true though hey I am taking commissions XD so maybe if someone commissions i could do a sequel fic

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