• Member Since 19th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Tuesday


A writer who has no idea what he's doing


A year ago, no pony thought there was much to celebrate on Hearth's Warming. They were under the rule of a dicatator, under times of war, and their savior was dead. Now, times have changed on the small planet of equines: the war is over, freedom is restored, and Twilight Sparkle is alive once more.

Hearth's Warming is here again, and the Equestrians can celebrate it with good friends, family, and a song in their hearts. However, there are still some souls that could need help, and what is Hearth's Warming, but a time to help those in need?

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 16 )

Ah saw some of Rainbow’s fantasies about Fluttershy, and let me tell you that gal can get saucy.”

"Sit down, Applejack. We're going to need details. Copious details."

Strings sighed, “A song...in your heart? Heh, long time since I had thought about that.”

What's he doing here?

“Yeah, but, what if I just want the one girl. I just one kind of fish and just one particular fish,”

Is that actually something the original Strings wrote?

“REETIE!” growled Clarity, throwing her paws up.

*Falls to the floor, clutching heart*...I am awaited in Valhalla...

Very nice. Love the Kilalaaa references.
I hope my ideas for a Fall of Starfleet tie-in where Strings is one of the main villains doesn't clash with this. Maybe I can redeem him?
Thanks, this has made my day much more magic. :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::raritywink:
My uni pre-major has just been handed in so I'll be working on those character studies.
You keep living up to your name, Legendbringer.


Don't worry, it wouldn't clash. Bet you could probably redeem him and he just hasn't said the rest of his story.

You can take any crap from Mykan and make it gold. :)

That cover art is adorable! Where'd you find it!
Wait, who's Strings?

Comment posted by ImOnTheFifthPeak deleted Sep 28th, 2020
Comment posted by ImOnTheFifthPeak deleted Sep 28th, 2020

Well, this does put a new light on things.

Dear god, Rhymey and Ball-And-Chain actually have a child now?
I dread to imagine what looking in on them would be like!

My name is Helper Soul and...you look so much like her.”

Hmm, wonder what Friendship is Failure story did this guy come from?

Oh yeah, by the way:

Your father was in danger of getting hit by a falling steel beam and I b=pushed him out of the way, getting hit by the girder in place of him.

Correct "b=pushed" to just "pushed".

So this is what Team Ombra is up to, huh (probably got it wrong, but oh well).

Well, wish I could say more, but do not really have much to say. Except that the next chapter I assume will be about Celestia. Wonder what Friendship is Failure story you will tackle next: the one with the astronomer or the one with Talon-Ted? There might be more, but honestly, I never cared about the Dark King's stories anyway.

Well, that is all.

P.S. : Read some of your past fanfics, and I wonder, was Twilight Sparkle the one who presided over her friends' weddings?

P.P.S. : Wonder if this story is connected to End of Hatred in anyway. I mean, you do know that Count Logan appears in a Friendship is Failure story...


So, I moved on and became a professional nurse aid and never been happier

Ah, I remember you saying once that your mother was a nurse. Do you help her as an aide as well?

Finally, for the holidays, do not know whether you might like it or not, but here it is: Christmas Songs in Different Styles.

Also, disregard any desperate messages I send. Though I wonder if End of Hatred will still be updated. The party just got started, and I need to know if Twilight and co. survived the Thanos snap. Heh, just joking, though I did read a fanfic where half of the Equestria Girls were Thanos-snapped into dust, including Fluttershy and SciTwi.


Hmm, wonder what Friendship is Failure story did this guy come from?

Amending Hearth's Warming

Read some of your past fanfics, and I wonder, was Twilight Sparkle the one who presided over her friends' weddings?

Yes she was. That was why it was her hardest duty.

Wonder if this story is connected to End of Hatred in anyway. I mean, you do know that Count Logan appears in a Friendship is Failure story...

More like a fun "What is the cast of my big fic doing right now."

Ah, I remember you saying once that your mother was a nurse. Do you help her as an aide as well?

No, I mainly help people

Though I wonder if End of Hatred will still be updated. The party just got started, and I need to know if Twilight and co

When Christmas comes, all current fics pause and the characters are given time off. I then do this for a bit.

Comment posted by ImOnTheFifthPeak deleted Sep 28th, 2020

To some people, Christmas/Hearth's Warming is "Just another day"

That's why you should always think and pray for others, not just yourself.

That's...kind of the point.

Kind of takes apart the morals of FiF to realise how easy it is to look past the gloom and see something better.
It really does emphasise the fact that it's not an absence of good that they're problem but a refusal to see the good.

Uh boy. Spike and Flash are at it again.
'Boys.' :twilightblush:

Thank Celestia there's a Fancypants in the world. :yay::yay::yay:
Only he could make something out of Talon...

Well, okay, probably not only him but he can always make a situation significantly better.

Well done, wise words and a very merry Christmas, Legendbringer. :raritywink:

Ah, Christmas fic on Christmas! But then, what else did I expect?

So it looks like Talon Ted:s name is still... Talon Ted. Eh, whatever, I will just head Canon Ted as raising falcons while trying out for the auditions.

Also did not know Ragamuffin the Assassin without the Ability to Feel Pain was Kudos' sister. Then again, due to the subject matter of your fic and admittedly, some less than stellar spelling (spotted a few in this fic, in fact), I kind of skipped over some Parts. Did Ragamuffin get parole or what? I mean, she did try to kill the Mane Six Minus One under the order of Grand Ruler (and talking about GR, what is the GR doing anyway?)

Also, I wonder, in-universe, did Twilight pass the story off to Legend Bringer to publish? That would be some weird paradox, considering that in the fanfic, Legend Bringer is confirmed to actually be the one who holds the pen.

Finally, since you mention a parson, I wonder, what kind of religion exists in Equestria? And what are their views on certain issues? (for example, officiating a marriage between the divorced Starla and Buddy Rose? Or just Lyra and Bon Bon's relationship in general.)

Finally, last of all, the grandest of questions to ask...

Does Rose have a cousin named Buddy Holly?

Well, merry Christmas to you, you Maker of Epics! (though Grammarly would be nice)

P. S. : Remind me again how Fluttershy and Dash can have a child?

Such a heartwarming ending... Thank you for this lovely story.

I feel bad for the kid no way are either of them good parents

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