• Member Since 16th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen April 15th

Gale the Anarchist

Admin of the Displaced Group.

Comments ( 36 )

Alright. I'm interested.

Interesting story, definitely looking forward to more. Bonus point for not making Anon-a-miss the set up for this premise.

Also, you should probably add the Crossover tag.

What dragon do you think Sunset should have?

I would say either a Light Fury or a Deadly Nadder.

This is interesting. Someone from Equestrian Girls being Displaced instead of a human from earth. Good call.

This isn't a Displaced fic, just a crossover, a la Warrior's Return.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

Don't tell me what my fic is or isn't when you can't see the plans/unpublished parts.

Its unfortunately a rather popular story on this site based on a crappy holiday comic. It basically involves everyone turning into assholes and abandoning Sunset. There are a ton of variations of it. The original being Anon-a-miss by Dainn.

I've got nothing against the original but I am sick of so many people using it as a backdrop for their stories.

Fun fact: 'viking' is an verb, the person doing it is a 'Vikingr'

Mate, you might want to look at the tags, it does say it's a Displaced fic.

fun fact: the oppinions of someone with little to no ability for common grammar means very little to me.

It's "A verb", not "An Verb"

Have a nice day.

I'm just calling it as I see it. If it's not someone with a prop or trinket that basically gives someone the powers of the character whom the item is based upon, that was acquired from some sketchy comic store or convention dealer, it generally isn't actually 'displaced' even if it has some of the same tropes. Read 'Dark Wanderings' or any number of Tatsourou's fics.

There are multiple displaced stories that don't use those tropes, really they're just a way to begin the story, or introduce the character and his/hers abilities. It doesn't need any of that to be a displaced story, really as long as it interacts with the displaced multiverse thing, or if the author says so then it counts as a displaced story.

you ironically misspelled opinions

This you say to one of the ADMINS OF DISPLACED. Clearly you haven't been following the group enough to know that we're trying to ABOLISH THOSE TRENDS.

Now kindly remove yourself from the comments section.

You don't have to be such an asshole. I simply made an inoffensive comment, then you started getting all high and mighty like I called your mother a whore or something. I was genuinely interested in your fic, but there's nothing worse than an author who gets hostile over what they perceived as a slight.

I like your story so far it looks and you're saying but is it based on the TV show or the movie?

primarily the Dreamworks adaptations with some elements from the books - mentions of characters (such as Grimbeard the Ghastly in the first chapter) as well as the use of certain Dragon breeds that I found interesting

It's not really the author's fault, it's more on what the author might have experienced in the past. Alot of people might have given the author trouble in the past.

He is right though; the item needed to be bought is not required. It can be a Displaced as long as Character A ends up in World B. A void dweller can be the cause of the displacement or some otherworldly being.

If however, there are no elements of the Displaced lore involved, it can be considered a Rogue Displaced. Yes, there is a group dedicated to those who don't want to follow the lore.

That was actually a part I’m having some troubles with. If you can think of an interesting partner and a reason why I’m all ears.

The Monsterous Nightmare could be used if Sunset knew about pyrokinesis in Equestria
Deadly Nadder for a 'female' dragon
The Light Fury; but I haven't seen Dragons 3 at all to know anything about her

what do you have for Sunset shimmer

Of course, that had also introduced Hiccup to the Twins. And may Thor have mercy on them all when Hiccup’s imaginative mind met the Twin’s natural affinity for chaos.

That.... Hoo boy.

Skrill. No one else has one.

I wonder what would happen if Sunset met Hiccup.

How this consider displaced? There's no merchant, no artifact, no cosplay. This is legit a crossover and love the premise. This isn't like the usual displaced fics, but you could say Sunset did get isekai'd .. again

Looking good so far. Though, I would look it over again. Some of the italics/bold formatting are a bit out of order at one point

I second this comment. This doesn't qualify as a Displaced story in the slightest, but as a regular crossover works wonderfully.

YES! Good to see this story got updated.

Not all Displaced require the merchant. Besides, people are allowed to put on their own spin on how someone is Displaced. From the story's description alone, Gale wants to choose who to cross-over, thus tokens, void, multiverse, might be mentioned.

I'm just asking when is the next chapter

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