• Published 5th Feb 2019
  • 3,748 Views, 33 Comments

Let's Make a Deal - Knight of Crows

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New Day, New Deal

Morningstar POV

The interrogation turned into a friendly conversation after a little while. Celestis still asked about a few other deals I've made like when I fixed an old thestral queen's infertility problem in exchange for some favors that still haven't been cashed in, and that one time I helped an old Apple family ancestor through a famine. She invited Luna in after a while and not even the guard's made a move to stop her. I felt... Content if that's even the right word... I'm no longer a wanted man, I might finally have a home and somethimg to live for other than just living. She continued looking through until one name she skipped over caught her attention, to say she wasn't expecting Discord was an understatement. Long story short he wasn't always a draconequus, Discord isn't even his real name, he was once an orphaned child thanks to a corrupt guard back then and I gave him the power to drive that guard beyond the point of insanity. This was one of the few deals that could be violated and punished greatly, I specifically told him to drive him mad, not torture and kill him, if he had managed to control his bloodlust he wouldn't have become deformed and insane like he is now. Now I doubt he even remembers his previous life.

Eventually I was released and offered a room, I accepted because I really wanted to enjoy this. Before she went back to her duties, Celestia returned my book to me and ordered a maid to bring me something to eat. After receiving the book I sat down on the bed and looked through recent deals, I'll have to meet back up with a few of them, especially since two of them are in this city. Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis actually made a deal with me that resulted in them dating and eventually marrying each other, neither knew the other was interested. I was disappointed honestly, I was also interested in Fleur, but whatever, if I'm really desperate I could probably literally make a marefriend with the right deal.

Reading a few other names I saw another that caught my attention, I used another ability I got from a griffon hunter a few centuries ago to let me see her. I actually forgot she lived in Canterlot as well, her name is Twilight Velvet, like the thestral queen, she had an infertility problem and I'd say the results are satisfactory. How could they not be when her and technically my children are the captain of the guard and an element bearer, not that her husband or kids even know of my involvement with their birth. I wonder how Celestia will react when she learns that her student technically has another dad and that she also sort of has me to thank for her sister's return. After a while I set the book down under the mattress and stepped into the bathroom for a shower, as I was finishing up I heard the bedroom door open, probably the servant bringing food.

Nothing else really happened for the rest of the day, I overheard a guard talking about some kind of drug bust happening the next day so that's something I'll have to look into and warn Shining about, loose lips sink ships after all. I'll deal with that tomorrow.

*Knock knock knock* *door open*

'Huh? When did I fall asleep?' I thought.

"Sir Morningstar? The princess wishes to speak with you." A female voice said.

"Which one? Nevermind. Be out in a minute." I responded between yawns. I heard the door close and eventually got up. I conjured a small mirror that has quite a few features. It's sort of a mini wardrobe that also lets me change certain aspects of my appearance, I can't change my face, skin, height, weight, but most if not everything else can be changed. I really just dyed my hair silver, changed my eyes to red, and wore a coat like Izayah's from Durarara, but with more black and red. I don't know why, but I felt like dressing up as a passable edge lord. Exiting my room the guards and the servant were shocked at my appearance, so much so that the guards demanded I tell them where Morningstar is as the servant stood there like a deer in headlights.

"What? You don't recognize me? It's Morningstar, I'm just trying a new look. Now, miss, would you kindly guide me to the princess?" I asked.

"Um, yes, right away!" She responded. The guards tried to stop it, but I just paralyzed them for a minute. After arriving at the throne room the servant took her leave as I entered. Celestia and Luna were both here and looked at me alarmed.

"Who are you?" Celestia asked cautiously.

"I AM EDGE ITSELF! Okay in all seriousness I am Morningstar, just trying out a new look. We can make a Deal if you need proof." I offered. They both calmed down after hearing mention of the Deal.

"That won't be necessary then." Luna said.

"Okay then what'd you need? Not that I mind being summoned."

"I would like you to meet my student. She should be here soon." Celestia said.

"Huh? Funny enough, I was actually thinking about her the yesterday, I wonder how she'll react when she meets me."

"Do you have a history with her family?"

"You never read through the whole book did you? Believe it or not, Twilight Velvet used to be infertile until I came along, as far as I know and until now it was just between me and her. Her brownies are the best if you've never had them." I answered. Celestia and Luna were surprised to say the least.

"I must have misheard you, did you say-" Celestia started.

"I am technically the father of your guard captain, student, and technically your niece's soon to be father in law? Yes. I had actually forgotten about that until I was skimming through my book and found her name. It was the same for that thestral queen a long time ago as well if you'll recall, even though it wasn't part of the deal she did want me to be the father so another Deal had to be made for that as well, great woman she was. Because of reasons I don't think I need to say I didn't record that other Deal nor was I able to do too much to raise the kid, though he turned out great, a hero and a damn good king in his time. I really should visit their graves some time. But that's enough of that. When can I officially expect to meet my technical daughter for the first time?" Just as she was about to answer the throne room doors opened back up.

"Princess, I came as soon as I could! Is there another test? I brough all my notes a" Twilight tried to keep going, but Luna sealed her mouth shut.

"Twilight, there is no test. You were summoned because we wanted you to meet somepony." Luna gestured to me. "This is Morningstar. He has been in Equestria for almost as long as my sister and I have been on the throne, he even had a hand in some parts of history." She introduced as she unsealed Twilight's mouth as she took notice of me.

"Wait! Really??!! Oh my gosh I already have so many questions! What are you? How long specifically have you been in Equestria? How are there no records of you?" She went on uninterrupted as the princesses shared a look of amusement. After a point I had to do something, so I decided to have a bit of fun with my 'daughter'.

"Oh my precious Twily, It warms my heart to see you all grown up! Night Light and Velvet certainly did the job better than I could have!" I said as I hugged her just enough to ensure she had a little difficulty breathing. "Now tell me you've found a nice stallion by now. I would hate to hear my daughter has nopony to snuggle with during the cold nights ahead!" The princesses now look even more amused, actually they're trying to hold back their laughter.

"What? What are you going on about? How do you know my parents? Who are you exactly?" Oh you just had to press those buttons didn't you?

"Ask your mother." I said quickly.

"What does she ha-"

"Ask your mother what the name 'Morningstar' means to her."


"Bye!" *Shattered glass falling*. I've always wanted to do that. Forget smoke bombs, disappearing with shards of glass falling in your place is more fun. I flicked her in the back of her head before leaving the throne room. I'll indulge her later, right now I should speak with my 'son'.

Finding Shining wasn't too difficult, I didn't even need the Farsight or whatever it's real name is. I just looked around until I saw him in the training field with what I'm assuming are recruits doing laps.

"Captain! A moment of your time please?" He turned to face me then back to everyone else.

"Alright, everypony take a breather! I'll be right back." They responded 'sir'. We moved away from them and he looked at me serious. "I'm only giving you my time because the princesses seem to trust you to an extent, I can't say the same though. Try anything funny and you'll answer to me! Understand?" He asked threateningly.

"You're right not to trust me, after all, I just as much a Devil as I am a merchant among other things. Now it would be in your best interest to never threaten me again. I evaded you all for a LONG time with minimal effort, not to mention I've had just as long to make all sorts of Deals, any number of which I might not have recorded, any number of which could have given me power that makes Discord and the princesses look like complete and utter weaklings. For all you know, I might have Discord's magic, I might have my own perfect counter to the Elements. Don't threaten me again boy, I'm more than capable of making you miserable within the boundaries of the law, and more than capable of doing so without the law finding out if it is illegal." I warned

"Out with it!" He said impatiently.

"I heard from a blabbermouth guard last night that there was going to be a sting operation today, something about drugs, a lot of them."

"Sounds like a breach in security, if what you say is true then I'll need to correct this issue."

"What would you say if I could get you all the drugs, the money, and the criminals?" It's time for another one.

"I'd call you crazy and tell you to stay out of business that doesn't concern you."

"Let's make a Deal, shall we? I get you everything I promised unless I feel another Deal needs to be made, and in exchange you include me on any other cases that interest me, sound fair?" I offered a handshake to seal the Deal.

Temptation is evident on his face, he might just accept it.

Comments ( 15 )

Yes this is back

Its alive!!!
Lol he's their baby daddy! Wonder how this is going to play out!
Thanks for the update!

IT LIVES:pinkiehappy: Also I am so looking forward to Twilight and Shining Armor's reactions when they find out their connection to Morningstar.

i hope you are not overworking yourself for our sake

Not really no. I at least try to keep my promises though, it took a week give or take a few days to write this chapter so I think the pace is reasonable.

Thank for the update glad its not dead thank u:pinkiehappy:

The interrogation turned into a friendly conversation after a little while. Celestis still asked about a few other deals I've made like when I fixed an old thestral queen's infertility problem in exchange for some favors that still haven't been cashed in, and that one time I helped an old Apple family ancestor through a famine. She invited Luna in after a while and not even the guard's made a move to stop her. I felt... Content if that's even the right word... I'm no longer a wanted man, I might finally have a home and somethimg to live for other than just living. She continued looking through until one name she skipped over caught her attention, to say she wasn't expecting Discord was an understatement. Long story short he wasn't always a draconequus, Discord isn't even his real name, he was once an orphaned child thanks to a corrupt guard back then and I gave him the power to drive that guard beyond the point of insanity. This was one of the few deals that could be violated and punished greatly, I specifically told him to drive him mad, not torture and kill him, if he had managed to control his bloodlust he wouldn't have become deformed and insane like he is now. Now I doubt he even remembers his previous life.

Are we going to get some drama with discord in the future

I have no idea when. Sorry.

amazing story. love to read where you go with this.

I look forward to the next chapter!

Update sometime this century please, thaaaanks

When can this story be updated

No idea, when I'm not too distracted by other things (which is very often), I'm focusing on the KH story.

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