"The clever are not so much looking for loneliness as they avoid the fuss created by fools." - Arthur Schopenhauer
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Tis a fetish fic sonny!
It is?
Yep! Have you read the warning at the beginning?
At least it was intended to be a short fetish fic anyways.
You Rock
Being a fetish story, I was reluctant to read it as the only other fetish I read is Vore, but I was surprised by how well-written the story was overall. I got a good laugh out of it because of the overall cartoony feel of the story made it feel like something that can come out of the show while still being a good stand-alone story. Something I haven't seen yet in a fetish story I've read before. Overall, it was an interesting read and if I ever want to read a face-sitting story again, I'll definitely come to this one. And maybe check out your other work.
Is it terrible that I would have loved to have Cadence doing that to me, especially with a fat flank?
Uh... no.