• Published 27th Jan 2018
  • 11,790 Views, 36 Comments

Diamond's in the Rough - Clopficsinthecomments

Diamond Gavel is the Chief Legal Officer of EquestriAero, a savvy business-pony who makes sure that everything actually works, and Jet Stream's right hand mare. But she goes through heats just like any other mare - she just hides it better.

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Comments ( 36 )

This mare really needs some sex, i'll say that much

Know what I'm reading tonight...

“And secondly… how do you think that would play in a courtroom in front of a jury of mares—‘I didn’t tell her I was her employer, so when I grabbed her teats it was OK?’… let alone the media! I have half a mind to destroy your damn company just to prove a point.” Diamond was fuming now, stamping her hoof as her growl became a snarl. “The only thing holding me back is that youdidn’tforce me… and if I started my career with a sexual harassment suit, I’d probably be making myself a pariah too.”

“Well you’ll give it to me. Otherwise I’ll make sure all the papers from Manehattan to Vanhoofer are sadlymisinformedabout just how well endowed EquestriAero’s CEO is.” Diamond held his gaze, not flinching.

I had actually liked her until those parts. Miserable, manipulative bitch. Though I guess 5% isn't really much of a loss.

Still over all I do find her interesting. I wouldn't mind reading more about her.

Edit: But then again he did bring this upon himself, I just remembered that he gave her false name. On one hand she did chose to sleep with some "random" guy without any coercion. But on the other said guy left out the fact that he was her potential boss knowing it would have an influence on how proper she acted. But still, threatening his company and livelihood over one mistake is over the line.

I like how this actually in a way harkens back to Jet's manipulation of Delta way back. Just goes to show he hasn't completely grown out of his ways.

Well I better get started cleaning up my stuff...Clopficsinthecommenys writes another story...god dammit

Eh, i feel like she was kinda justified and yet she was only proving her point that she could nail him to the wall for some sexual misconduct at the very least. Not sexual assault, but harrassment if he didn't drop it like she was telling him to. The big threat was more in "the court of public opinion" as once you get labeled a sexual predator then you become a social pariah even without a conviction. He's a pretty sleezy guy to be honest and with what he did to delta it shows a pattern, even if that is a little meta since Dimond doesn't know about that (yet).

It's not like she's making false rape allegations though. Lying to convince someone to willingly have sex with you and forcing yourself on someone are two different levels of fucked up and one is more easily forgotten.

Please make a sequel

orgasm denial... my weakness :twilightoops:

and i think i have a new waifu. Thank you oh so very much! :twilightsmile:

Comet and her need to bang

Wow I really enjoyed that. Ive been following your stuff since I first heard ScarletBlades reading of Rocket science. Your writing has just the right amount of scene building that that is a story with sex and not just another clopfic. I'd love to see that inner control streak of diamonds with Comets inner softy coming out. Mind you that move on Jets ponut... Hnnnggg

:derpytongue2: So, first Kindnicker, then Honeycrisp, and now Diamond Gavel? Next you'll tell me Apogee's school librarian will get a smutfic written about them.

Diamond and Comet seem fairly compatible, you know, when Diamond's inconvenient biology doesn't get in the way. Who knows, maybe they'll be able to start again with their relationship, what with Night Tracer's elevator intervention.

And bless that poor, drunk, and deluded Jet Stream in the flashback. The sex might have been pretty hot, but WOW did he get lucky that Diamond didn't actually make anything public. Even if he was drunk, that was just plain stupid of him. Which I guess describes Jet perfectly: he exchanged all his sense for smarts.

All-in-all, another winning clopfic by the illustrious Clopfic.

The cover art Shino did for the fic is absolutely stunning, too!

Also, during the flashback Diamond had of her first time meeting Jet, I think you broke this boldface formatting:

Just how the buck am I… how the buck does any mare fit THIS into them? Diamond wondered with incredulity as she felt her marehood clench and wink from just the thought of being penetrated by so much raw masculinity.

“D-diamond… I-I’m…” ‘Jed’ groaned again, his eyelids drooping slightly.

Diamond leaned into the begging stallion, smelling the taste of whiskey on his breath as she drew her muzzle to his.

It had been so long since she’d been kissed—she wanted this… needed this.

Unless you meant to make all of those lines full boldface. Then pay no attention to the crazy man in the corner!

Diamond... really needs to get laid :rainbowlaugh:

I'm actually surprised nothing even worse happened with her at work, that could have caused quite the disruption.
Then again, who knows, maybe the staff is (usually) professional enough to not pay it too much attention.

Comet was incredibly oblivious though. At least he backed down when he learned the truth - that's admirable, in my opinion. Then again, Tracer's presence might have had something to do with it as well.

Jet was able to shoot Comet down quickly as well after those innuendos, that was pure gold :rainbowlaugh:

And Tracer pretty much throwing Diamond out of the office... yep, that was beautiful too. I like how you nicely connected this with Replacement Parts - just a tiny little scene, but hey...

I also wonder how she reacted to Crisp's introduction. Did she deck or blast him as well? :rainbowlaugh:

Now, about that memory... wow. First off - Diamond has quite the memory.
... or that was just something truly worth remembering.
Either way, quite the vivid one!

So Jet was actually there the whole time, watching how Diamond would react, while she felt like she was being ignored?
Not cool.
Jet comes off as arrogant, or at least way too forward here. I remember you saying something about wanting it to be like that for his past self, so if that is the case, you've done a great job!
Dem teats though... yum! No wonder Jet was not able to last.

And when Diamond found out... hoo boy, that almost turned extremely dangerous. And Jet came off as quite desperate as well. How the tables have turned... nice touch.

Welp... Jet can easily say that Diamond is a fucking good lawyer, and he'll be right. Even if some won't get it because the history is just between the two of them.

So, that end... Diamond secretly craves Jet's D. Quite the dilemma for her.
I wonder if we'll ever see that happen.
... probably not, but it's a fun thought.

All in all? You really know how to bestow gifts. Great job!

So...how many caught your tie in to Delta’s Refuelling Procedure? I just about spat my coffee when I caught Diamond semi-flirting with Gypsum.:rainbowlaugh:
Actually, now that I think about it, this takes place at the same time as Delta’s Refuelling Procedure and Apogee Tries Replacement Parts.
If these three ever got it in their heads to get what they wanted from Jet at the same time...R.I.P. Jet Stream. At least he went with a smile on his face.

To say I like Diamond is an understatement. She’s a lovely character with loads of potential for development/growth. In more ways than just an occasional voyeur “watch the horny girl get some relief.”

Tracer is another character that caught my eye. She initially strikes me as a no nonsense character that lives security while on the clock. Meaning she won’t make the same mistakes that a normal security officer would, even HoS. I meet with security personal on occasion in my line of work, so I’ve seen them all, from the professional, to the lazy, to the type that think they have more power than they actually do. I’d like to see more of her, honestly.
And yes, I wouldn’t mind seeing more of her getting some relief. Bat ponies are hot!

Comet...I’m not sure how I feel about him. While he struck me as the “comic relief” in this...he also pretty much sums up ever bloody harasser I’ve had the misfortune of seeing at work. Like Tracer I’ve had to shut them down as well, and I have very little respect for them. And age isn’t the issue, I’m sorry. He’s 23 and he should know better. Bloody hell! I knew better while still in secondary, and that was over 20 years ago! Before sexual harassment got to be such an issue that it’s required in the states to have annual meetings about it.
I digress, and am letting person feelings cloud my statement.
He has potential...just maybe if he were put in his place. Perhaps Diamond could do it...but, to me, it would feel like a victory for Comet if she did become interested in him as more than a once a month. In fact, I feel that it would send out the wrong message that persistent harassment will get what you want, the mare in bed and drooling all over you. And that seems antithema to Diamond’s life ethic. She hides her teats because she doesn’t want to be considered the loose lay. If she were to sleep with Comet, that’s exactly what she would be, even if it were a serious relationship. How would the other mares that work with, and possibly look up to her, think knowing this situation between them has been going on for how long?

Hmmmm...my tone says I don’t like Comet. Not true. Comedy relief he’s good. As a prospective romantic partner for Diamond. No, I have to say he’s not good. Maybe for some other mare, just not for Diamond.

Another remarkable addition to the Space Ponyos stories :pinkiehappy:

As 8697315 and 8697542 mentioned, continuity in this story (and in Space Ponyos in general) is great. In this story alone I caught references to Apogee tries Replacement Parts (The Chief), Delta’s Refuelling Procedure (Gypsum Board), Any Landing (Diamond already knowing Apogee has a relationship with her father); not to mention the new addition of Comet and Night Tracer, which are based on some great Space Ponyos OCs’ art. Even Honeycrisp keeps coming around one way or the other. This story sets its roots deep in the established universe and builds from it with outstanding coherence and consistency that never cease to amaze me. As every new fic comes out, I stand in awe of how tightly bound together the whole universe feels and this one is a prime example of this “inter-stories continuity”.

I’m really liking Diamond, it’s awesome to see her up close after all the scenes in many other fics. This story makes her justice, shedding the light I didn’t know I needed on her background.

As for Comet, I have to think there’s something more than what comes through at first. If he really was just trying to annoy Diamond, I don’t think she’d have taken the time and effort to answer him every time, with the occasional witty rebuttal, unless she also was in on the joke. Comet definitely took things too far in the elevator, but my personal perception is of a common joke shared between the two, not something from a single side. I don’t have the experience 8697542 has, though, and I’m glad there are different opinions on the matter.

In regard to Jed, I wholeheartedly agree with 8697315: dick move. It’s way too close to taking advantage of her, more reminiscent of someone who doesn’t really care for their co-workers than a proper leader.

If I may try to do some math, this story’s outer frame appears to be taking place contemporary to Apogee tries replacement parts, which should take place in the same year of Any Landing, in which Apogee is said to be sixteen. The flashback takes place eight years before that. In this time, I can assume that Apogee is eight and I read that Jet has already broken up with Delta. If he’s still salty about the break and looking for distractions, I can understand—yet not justify—his actions. This is most definitely does not strike me as the same Jet who has written the lovestruck notes on his ex’s thesis in Any Landing chap. 3.

That cover art is great on its own and oh-so-great in the context of the story. Shino has outdone himself once again.

little Comet and his two asteroids

I laughed way harder than I should have :rainbowlaugh:

Well, and here I was about to drop a comment to end all comments, just to see that Pahn, Eight and Bleddyn are already way ahead of me.
Oh well...
Like I mentioned before, this one remains as my personal favorite of your works. It's quite rare finding stories with assertive, strong female characters that get the femdom just right, but this one exceeded at it.
Also, reading through it again, I think I should revise my previous statements about Comet. As Bleddyn pointed out quite nicely, he works well as a comedic relief, but he does come off as a tad bit too assertive for my personal tastes, and I personally don't think him getting together with Diamond would work well - not in the long run, at least.
Other than that, I quite like your portrayal of "young" Jet. He does come off as selfish and entitled in this one, but seeing how all this is in the past, I could very well see him getting "reformed" a few years down the road. I've been toying around with a story set in roughly that timeframe, and this Jet was quite the inspiration indeed.
As others have mentioned, the continuity with this one was excellent, and I liked the hints to your other stories you made within it.
And of course, as I've mentioned countless times by now, but damn. Those boobs had me go 💦
I'll be forever grateful if we should ever see another scene involving Diamond.
Buut in any case...
Great work once again Clops! I can't wait to see what else you have in store!

Just how the buck am I… how the buck doesanymare fit THIS into them?Diamond wondered with incredulity as she felt her marehood clench and wink from just the thought of being penetrated by so much raw masculinity.
“D-diamond… I-I’m…” ‘Jed’ groaned again, his eyelids drooping slightly.
Diamond leaned into the begging stallion, smelling the taste of whiskey on his breath as she drew her muzzle to his.
It had been so long since she’d been kissed—she wanted this…neededthis.

Um? Excessive bolding? Or is it meant to be bolded like that?

Jet is one extremely lucky guy for not getting in trouble from that type of behavior back then. He has changed a lot over the years, hasn't he?
I have to agree with the others about Comet. He works best as comedy relief from what we know of him. I also don't see him working out or being compatible with Diamond. Sounds like Comet also has a history of several failed office romances he can't resist getting into. I can possibly see some sex happening if Diamond somehow decides to change her mindset on sex with coworkers, but nothing that will last.

Like the story. Love Daimond's character, her brains and that body! Especially those TITS!

Tracer is nice, but Comet was a pain in the ass! If Daimond does go though with her plan, she is going to have to train him. I'm thinking what she did to 'Jed' with some face sitting and he can mount her after he behaves.:raritywink:

All in all: Story gets a 8/10.
Smut gets a 10/10!:moustache:


Comet is a Han Solo type rogue. It's tough to make em lovable right off the bat.

Diamonds teats were a damn fun concept, we were playing with the idea in a discord, when the concept of her shrinking them down during the day popped in my head, it is now one of my new kinks, lol!

I hear you. Anthro pic and some stories give the ladies big breast, but don't give mare 'teats' enough love. Good to see you hit all the 'fine' points the a mare!:moustache:

I would love nothing more than to write the happy ending!

But that's Shino's blog's domain! Unfortunately you'll have to enjoy the feels for a bit longer until we get the final word on how the story will pivot!

Seconded. They need some hot action (to do the plot justice ofc)

Diamond was my favorite character to come from Shino's art in the first place, but this story has certainly cemented her place. Tracer was pretty interesting, too. Can't say I like Comet though.

Not as satisfying as the other stories within the same universe. But a nice story overall. Loved getting to know Diamond Gavel and I'm left wanting to know more about her. I love her character being the stunningly hot career oriented mare. Her teat spell was fun to read about, and jet's reaction was great. Really wanted more of that. Little disappointed she shut down his offer right there. But that was pretty sneaky from Jet, not telling her who he was.

After so many months I think I can confidently say that most people do not want to see Diamond and Comet as a couple.

So are you planning to make a sequel for this, because if not just tell us so we don't have to keep waiting for something that will never come

Diamond X Comet? Gonna have to pass on that unless he gets a lot more character growth. He’s a fine side-character, and little else.

The fic was good! It was nice seeing a younger Diamond and Jet. She’s still hungry to prove herself and he is still a selfish douche, but that’s ok. Character development for them is incoming. Their growth into the people they are in nice. It did get a little unbelievable that they could have that much fun but have no one call the cops. The entire scene once things got heavy had this anxious tension for me, but was also kind of hot in its own way.

That's really great feedback! Thank you!

Wow! This one-shot is longer than Lily's futa schlong. I can't guarantee I'll make it to the end but I'll try.

The unicorn mare juggled the heavy nondescript bag

Comma after heavy.

Even with her stomach rumbling, Diamond’s first thought wasn’t on sneaking in to the kitchen to fix herself a meal. Diamond Gavel wasn’t that hungry. Dinner could wait. She’d been waiting all day to get a different kind of relief, after all.

I'm surprised you didn't go with "a different kind of meal" instead! :rainbowwild:

As one of the youngest chief legal counsels for a Fortune 500 company in all of Equestria, she had long since come to terms with the fact that squeezing little pleasures out of life would always come at the expense of either sleep or the progression of her career

I'm glad the Space Ponyo universe exists if only so I can be happy I don't have a "career", just a simple job.

she still didn’t look a day over her young age of 28.

This line... bugs me. That's probably because I'm old though and having narrator editorialize on 28 being 'young' is reminding me I'm not.

Diamond Gavel had found very early on in her life that stallions—and sometimes even other mares—tended to get distracted when their counterparts or colleagues had… ample body parts. Particularly if the body parts in question had some sexual association… like the teats of a mare, for instance.

In that department, Diamond had always been blessed.

Interesting. I come from a school of headcanon that states ponies don't sexualize the teats and then goes on to sexualize them. It doesn't make much sense but there you go. In any case, teats are good. We like teats here.

Not only could large teats cause distractions when giving presentations or meeting stakeholders for the first time, making them regard her as a bimbo or a piece of eye-candy instead of the serious business-mare she was… but the damn things were just heavy too!

There are breast-reduction surgeries I bet ponies have available to them in your fairly technologically advanced version of Equestria, particularly for somepony making as much money as Diamond. Setting that aside and simply accepting my porn premise without question, it is a huge honor to see a non-anthro/humanized application for this fetish. You deserve praise for that.

Still, it still made

You're killing me, Smalls! :twilightangry2:

Shifting in her recliner, Diamond let the magic spell fizzle, a soft moan escaping her lips as her overused horn finally found reprieve. She then watched as her teats expanded and grew back to their normal size, pressing against one another as they grew, her nipples similarly expanding in proportion to her teats as they pressed gently against the insides of her thighs… her mammaries had returned to their natural, melon-sized state.

That has got to be hell to live with. Man...

Then again, Roseluck has her own issues, especially with low ceilings. Heir-of-Rick syndrome is a harsh mistress.

She couldn’t help but notice that her usually nubbin-like nipples were stimulated and swollen

Nubbin-like? What does that mean? (looks it up) Oh... that's a word. Nevermind.

Erections and Confections

Why am I in no way surprised ponies created this?

She always had to make it painstakingly clear to those colts that all she wanted was a tumble in the hay with them (perhaps once a month at most) and that was all.

Heh. I never really figured stallions would be so clingy when writing Roseluck. Given the selection they have to choose from, I always assumed the "friends with bennies" market was chock full for a mare who really wanted a quick fuck. Then again, Rose is an Earth Pony and DG is a rich, successful unicorn. DG's SMV is definitely higher.

Unless you're a zeeb.

Just how did I get to this state? Diamond mused to herself, thinking back to how her day had arrived at such a bizarre conclusion.

A flashback? Really? Aight.

Diamond groaned as she pulled the covers back to her chin. She could feel that her body wasn’t happy at being roused from its slumber, ripped from an uncharacteristically vivid dream, based on the memory of what she had seen in Jet’s apartment weeks ago.

Is that an Airfoil Restraints reference? No thanks.

The brew had been used by the mares around Equestria for decades to suppress hormonal urges and as an effective form of birth control. The ancient magical apothecary’s mix prevented fertility and some of the more extreme hormonal overrides that could overwhelm a mare of breeding age, but it wasn’t a perfect panacea.

I see we both have the same idea for how birth control works. Roseluck gets hers from the pharmacist, packed in glass vials in a discreetly-marked box. The used bottles get rinsed out and sent back for recycling purposes in a massive, Santa Clause-sized bag about once a year and stored in her closet otherwise. Lily used to think she was a closet alchemist but learned the truth one horrible day and passed out.

Nopony had found a better solution though, aside from the natural solution of a stallion’s seed… though the artificially simulated fluids loaded into coolers (essentially dildos with tubing and reservoirs) or a changeling’s genetically inert ejaculate were a distant second.

Xenophilia is like that famous ancestor you constantly have to bring up in conversation. I wish I could say I liked that story but while I respect it for basically being the father of RGRE-HiE, I can't say I enjoyed it. The prose is great but the story is crap.

She loved the pulse function on her shower head, especially when she let it cascade against the base of her horn, relieving the tension built up there and lightly stimulating what could be a fairly sensitive body part for a unicorn.

That is some great imagery! Good man!

“Yiiiikes!” She yelped, the rude shutdown of her building arousal shocking her, as the ice cold water made everything ‘down there’ tighten and clench up.

Another one of those switches to modest narrator!

Shutting off the water, the cold, drippingwet mare

Add a space or hyphen. That's not a compound word.

Bravo sir. That is the laziest use of ellipses in the known universe. One set, one paragraph. :fluttershyouch:

Things just got worse at work though.

The narrator is approaching self-parody.

I actually really dig the way your narrator engages in a sort of free-wheeling conversational tone with the reader and it's something I'm working to incorporate into mine, but he's off the reservation at points in this story. At times, it looks like I'm reading someone's chat window.

Gypsum Board,

That's one hard board!

“Aww c’mon Di,” Comet chuckled, using a nickname that he knew she cared little for,

She can't be Lady Di. I already gave that name to Delta Vee.

“That’s it—you must be doing that new exercise trend all those ponies are talking about: the 30-minute Twerk-out!” Comet chuckled as he began shaking his own hips next to Diamond’s face.

Okay, that got a laugh from me! :rainbowlaugh: Like this guy. He's just a lovable troll.

“Damn Di—you gotta let me work out with you, hay, we could even work on sympathetic muscle groups… you know: you grind your butt and flank, I grind my hips and groin? Whaddya say?” Comet joked, wiggling his hips seductively.

This fucking guy. Comet is owning this scene!

“Sh-shut up Comet,” Diamond mumbled as she replied unconvincingly, scuffing a hoof cutely at the carpet. “Y-you can take your cute, juicy, nippable butt elsewhere.”

Comet’s eyebrows shot up, and the expectant nearby engineers blushed and coughed, looking away from the embarrassed legal chief.

Diamond didn’t bother saying hello to the thestral at first, a young 25-year old by the name of Night Tracer,

Fucking based! Please tell me she does something amazing! Come on Tracie! Deliver us something great, Best OC Not Named Littlepip!

Diamond just believed Tracer had little need for words, as she knew a great deal of what was going on without needing to chat… not unlike a poker player who knew what everyone else’s cards around the table were, all while she played her hand close to her chest.

Night Tracer has seen your dick. :rainbowlaugh:

Still, Diamond was about to perform the courtesy of saying hello to the silent mare, lifting her hoof and nodding politely. She stopped dead in her tracks, stunned. Comet, the roguish reprobate that she’d hoped to leave behind, had stepped casually into the cab with her.

This is quite a conundrum. Comet is doing a great job making me laugh but Tracer has seniority. Who do I root for? Screw it, I'm rooting for the Mistress of Mangoes herself.

It had only been five minutes in the dark environment and already she was losing her cool. Trickles of sweat were sliding down her forehead as the heat in the small, now unventilated cab continued to increase. She could already smell the sweat of the damn stallion standing so close to her, and what was worse… she liked it.

The only thing that could make this worse is if Manfred von Karma shows up and shoots one of them.

I'll continue this comment tomorrow.

Lol, I love how Tracer shows up and you're hiring and hollering with joy like a movie star just made a cameo!

She isn't a movie star but she should be.

Something something back for more.

face as red-hot as a rocket’s exhaust plume.

That's definitely one way to get past the cliched bit of mentioning a face blushing. Great analogy! :yay:

“It isn’t polite to stare, Comet.” The thestral scolded.

It is odd to see NT playing the role of cockblocker here, though that's only because the last time I saw her she was high off her ass on mangoes.

Comet had re-positioned himself so he was sitting back coyly against the sidewall of the elevator, his legs splayed apart with his tail flipped up across his nethers, keeping him just barely decent…

Something about the way you phrased this makes me giggle. :rainbowlaugh:

“It’s like a mix of mint leaf and musky marehood…”

Scented ponies is such a great headcanon. One of my all-time favorites weapons to deploy in clopfiction, perhaps only short of earplay.

Diamond clenched her eyes closed and grit her teeth. The worst of it was that she could smell the damn stupid jerk. She could almost taste the musky tang of his odor hanging in the warm air of the elevator cab… it made her want to actually taste… ‘other’ things.

Your estrus is really, really strong! I generally try to make estrus an accessory to the plot, necessary only to ensure reproduction, and not the entire plot but I get it. It's the inherent friction of overcoming flagging resistance that drives popular clopfiction.

That and Anon. At least these days I don't feel like Anon/human is completely overwhelming everything anymore so there's that.

A blur of black leather wings exploded between the two ponies, separating them. The calm and collected Night Tracer was going to put an end to this.

Show and tell.

Comet’s face went ashen white as the gears finally clicked in his head. He lifted a trembling hoof to his muzzle. “Oh… oh-Jeez… I didn’t… I mean… I… are you?” He looked with wide eyes over at the still angry, ashamed mare. “Oh Celestia… you are aren’t you? Crap Di… I didn’t know—I didn’t mean it…”

Here's a major issue I have with this kind of clopfic; if I'm to understand that estrus is so powerful it drives mares batshit crazy, how does every pony, male or female not understand what's happening? It's only surprising to us -- even though it really isn't in the meta sense -- because we're not a product of this world. These characters didn't just spring up out of the ground yesterday!

“…And let’s be honest Diamond, you should not have come into work today in the state you’re in.”

That's true enough and it establishes a degree of responsibility to her for when he eventually gives her one. Add a space between your ellipses.

She was cut off as a loud whirr and humm kicked in and the elevator light’s clicked back into existence making all three ponies blink and stumble as the elevator continued to rise through the shaft.

It wasn’t even half a moment later when the elevator reached its destination and the doors opened, revealing a surprised Jet Stream.

I mean you straight up told me Jet Stream was going to do the job but I thought maybe you were mistaken so you still pulled off the misdirection. Well played!

Comet adopted a subdued smile before glancing back at a blushing Diamond. “Oh… nothing much chief. One of the bird’s exhaust pipes is running pretty hot and leaky today.” He winked at Diamond. “I don’t think we’ll be able to fix it until we inject some coolant up her tailpipe… just a question of whether she’ll take the synthetic or the natural stuff.”

Solid gold line! Or perhaps in DG's case, 24 karats. :yay:

I don’t care how good of a thaumic specialist mechanic you are… you’re gone,”

I'd be very interested in reading a lore-heavy story of yours in this universe so I can understand exactly what this means.

Jet had walked away with Tracer, leaving a speechless Diamond behind.

You can't always get what you want. And what I wanted right then was another golden line from the Mistress of Mangoes. Alas, what could have been!

Shortly after the security chief found out, she showed up to essentially forcibly escort her from the building.

It's a shame the phrase "frog march" doesn't work with equines. This line still feels like it could be improved though. How about, "she showed up to politely but forcefully remove her from the premises". I don't like the word "essentially" here because it feels like a cop-out from having to describe the scene.

a simple card that read ‘Erections and Confections by Honeycrisp’ before advising her to ‘take care of things by tomorrow’ and pushing her out the door.

I've always joked with friends that I feel genuinely bad for the poor janitor who has to clean up after Roseluck's loads of ejaculate after a story, going so far as to find a plot reason to use hay for her to lay on for Loving Submission. I feel worst of all for the janitor who is going to have to clean all the upholstery this mare has come into contact with.

Remember the day’s events had put Diamond into a sour mood…


Sometimes that little thestral bugged the crap out of her: not only how she seemed to know everything about everypony in the company, but also how she assumed to know what was in everypony’s heart too.

She's read your porn.
She's picked your lock
She's seen your balls
She's licked your cock

It’s not that I wouldn’t like to take Comet up on his offer, have a few fun rolls in the hay with the young goof. It might get him to shut up, at least… he seems like the type who’s all talk and no walk.

Is she suggesting that given the chance he might not go through with rutting her? He'd have to be full-blown gay to not get with a mare with giant crotchboobs.


Another word of yours for me to steal.

She settled into her chair, letting her tired legs fall apart as she continued to magically push into herself, her field lightly entering into her tight tunnel, as she picked up the discarded dildo and thought back to that evening 8 years ago.

Oh no, another flashback! I'm being pulled in! :raritydespair:

Her professor, a clever old stallion with plenty of contacts, had suggested to her that the best option might be to apply with any of a number of up and coming companies, especially those in new and growing industries… it might be the only way for such a young, inexperienced lawyer as herself to get traction and break in.

Good backstory on this character.

Diamond hesitated, pondering the bartender’s offer… if she had discovered one major personal weakness through her time in university it was that had almost no tolerance for alcohol.

You're missing the word 'she' before had.

Bemused, Diamond didn’t take longer than a few moments before resolving to have a little fun.

bemused (bəˈmyo͞ozd)
puzzled, confused, or bewildered.

I'd use a different word, personally.

“M-my name is Diamond.” She reached a hoof out, by way of introduction.

She's really intimidated by this guy! Stuttering from the start is not a good sign if he's looking for a strong mare. This is a pretty nice use of a flashback though, showing us a picture of this mare's vulnerability but in different circumstances. I joked about the flashbacks but you're using them well.

“Je-… Jed.” He hesitated slightly, a strange expression crossing his features before he gripped her hoof over the table. He was staring deeply into her eyes. “You’re a beautiful young mare, Diamond.” His deep voice rumbled.

Oh, these two are going fuck like bunnies...

“Have you ever wondered, Diamond… maybe we’re not supposed to change everything. Maybe when we try to change things we end up screwing up what little we had.” He lifted his whiskey back to his mouth, taking a heavy sip.

I was going to give up huffing gasoline but then I read this. Thanks, Jet! :trollestia:

“I don’t believe that.” Diamond spoke from her heart, “I think all change leads to good, eventually. Hay, even our worst screw-ups almost always have slivers of good that come from them.”

Well said, Diamond. Very true.

Diamond breathed a little sigh of relief. “So, what do you do Jed? What are you trying to change?” Diamond smiled playfully from across the table, her tail swishing left and right behind her.

“I’m a business manager…

There's got to be a reason he's answering to Jed.

‘Jed’ twitched, one of his eyes shutting for a moment as he basked in the tantric pleasure of Diamond’s magical erotic massage.

Excellent use of the word "tantric'!

Okay, I need another break. I'll post part 3 tomorrow.

She's read your porn.
She's picked your lock
She's seen your balls
She's licked your cock


I love this idea.

Great comment as always! Again, so fun to re-experience an old fic from your eyes.

FYI, my headcanon on estrus is that it is a sort of social faux-pas. Mares take care of it (through 'action' or medication) or they stay in. Going out in public with it is so rare as to invoke joking disbelief. Like if you were walking around with a big bulge in your pants, and a friend asked if that was a 'phone in your pocket', because you'd obviously take the time to adjust yourself and not sport a massive boner in your sweatpants.

Comet assumed the same and was teasing Diamond thinking that she'd screwed up her perfume or something. Hence why he felt a bit bad about being almost predatory in taking advantage of her state.

This is also because one of my pre-readers at the time considered the act of a stallion 'taking advantage' of the situation to be a little bit... rapey? So I added in a bit so that Comet wasn't a disliked character.

For some reason, it didn't work, most people never really liked Comet's kind of annoying cockiness and attitude, and it always made me feel bad as he was another artist's contribution to the Ponyo-verse and I felt like I ruined his character somehow, even though I thought he was great comic relief.

Ah well.

Can't wait for the continuation of your comments!


FYI, my headcanon on estrus is that it is a sort of social faux-pas.

This is a completely reasonable headcanon regarding estrus. The fact she's such a professional suggests she's the kind of gal to work through illness just so she'll never miss a day of work. At times, for commenting in the moment, I'll be a touch overly critical.

For some reason, it didn't work, most people never really liked Comet's kind of annoying cockiness and attitude, and it always made me feel bad as he was another artist's contribution to the Ponyo-verse and I felt like I ruined his character somehow, even though I thought he was great comic relief.

I can't speak for everyone else out there but speaking for myself I actually really like Comet. I think if he was a female character people would have excused his bahavior without calling it "rapey".

Sexy times ahead. Let's see how she goes...

Before she gathered any unwanted attention from the nearly deserted bar, Diamond quickly hopped up on the bench seat, plopping her cute butt next to ‘Jed’, letting her tail flop across his lap.

Tailplay isn't a major weapon in my toolkit but it's a very neat accessory. I like having them smack each other's asses with them. :rainbowwild:

Her suspicion that he was fully erect was confirmed by an audible *THUMP* as something hit the underside of the table hard enough to make the bottle of scotch on top of it jump.

I don't know if this fetish has a name but I recall you used it in Apogee's Play Date as well. I do enjoy using a variation of this fetish with clothed futas.

“Oops,” Diamond chuckled coquettishly as she sat back ‘accidentally’, sitting in ‘Jed’s’ lap with her legs outside of his knees, plopping her tight butt into his lap.

You, sir, are a confirmed "ass man". If there's a description of any part of the female body that needs describing more than once, you better believe dat ass is either "pert", "tight" or "cute".

She felt her tight, young, steaming-wet marehood make contact with his groin,

Change tight to something else, anything else. The descriptors are becoming noticeably redundant in this scene.

‘Jed’ let out a soft whimper as she finished shifting over, a sticky thread of mare-juice connecting her cute, little butt to the top of his painfully erect cock-base.

Another description of her butt. We got it, bro. It's 'cute'!

tops of the young law-student’s thighs.

Lavender Unicorn is lavender.

His heavy penis was now as thick around as her hoof at its base and more than long enough to reach all the way across her lap… it really was a fat throbbing, veiny, black pipe...

Oh dear... :fluttershyouch: I know, not every clop scene can be good. I've had my share of clunkers too.

“W-woah.” Diamond breathed softly, momentarily stunned out of her teasing by the sheer amount of cock resting on her legs. “Y-you are a b-big boy, aren’t you?”

4U! :rainbowlaugh:


Just how the buck am I… how the buck does any mare fit THIS into them? Diamond wondered with incredulity as she felt her marehood clench and wink from just the thought of being penetrated by so much raw masculinity.

One day Apogee will have to teach you the "Wounded Pigeon Technique"!


But seriously, that scene was amazing. Frequent Flyer for life!

stiffened almost unbelievably larger

This is just a matter of taste but I'm not a huge fan of narrator uncertainty, at least in the third-person. It's probably because my narrator is so omniscient like you've pointed out but if it were within my control, I'd forbid the use of the uncertain qualifier during sex scenes entirely. When you got dicks and pussies and plapping all around, now is the time when the little details become infinitely important to nail down. How about just 'unbelievably larger' or 'somehow larger' if you're really trying to rally the reader's libido through the use of escalation?

Diamond wasn’t a fan of the forcing hoof: she already had as much stallion-meat that she could possibly admit shoved into her… but she obeyed ‘Jed’s’ command and began to suckle him, letting her tongue coax the underside of his glans as blast after blast of sticky batter shot into her, making her cheeks puff out as they filled with stallion-essence.

I'll grant this scene this, that's a pretty damn good bit of dick-sucking right there. I could learn a thing or two from you when it comes to writing this kind of scene.

There was nothing that she could do at this point to prevent them from getting a full show, so she naughtily smiled with a wink at the elderly, blushing mare… inadvertently letting a trickle of thick cum fall from her mouth down the thick, black, convulsing shaft.

Oh shit, that's a great image! Very nice! :pinkiehappy:

Jed quickly reached down with his hooves, steadying the adventurous young mare by gripping her tight ass with his powerful grasp, kneading the taut muscles just under the surface of her skin.


‘Jed’ had a brief moment where he could look down at the beautiful body of the young mare now riding him, cow-girl style. He was treated to a heavenly vision: her cute muzzle and slender neck tracing down past an adorably fluffy chest… down to a slender, athletically-toned belly… and finally to a pair of sexy, small teats with excitedly aroused nipples perched over a winking marehood which was dripping a waterfall of hot mare-cum onto his balls beneath.

That was a really sweet description of Jet sizing up the mare he's been fucking. Killer paragraph!

“Well then… maybe you’d like to see a little more of them?” Diamond grinned naughtily, enjoying the look of confusion that spread over his face.

I'm glad I stayed with this scene. It's really found its stride!

What were once two tight bumps of tender flesh grew quickly… becoming thick mounds… then plump orange-sized orbs, squishing against the base of his cock as they trapped him between their heavy weight…until finally becoming eye-poppingly large melon sized tits, big enough to totally wrap around his huge base.

Arrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair: Why did you have to say "totally!?"


All it took was one word to crush that paragraph's momentum. What a shame. Also, that's like the fifth or sixth time you've mentioned his huge base. If you keep playing it up, all his base will are belong to us.

“B-buck, yes!” Diamond groaned again, the stallion’s groping making her wink with a hearty squirt, her marehood still pressed up against the twitching base of ‘Jed’s’ cock,

Having to place those inverted commas around 'Jed' every time his name is mentioned must have been a pain in the ass.

She gripped the end of his stallionhood like a joystick, pulling it back against herself with grinding tilts, trying to press it more closely against her throbbing, burning clitoris.

She may want to get that checked. But I see Apogee has some competition for high score playing LUNA Lander.

The raw excitement of the situation, the rugged masculinity of her partner… her love-bud was now almost constantly exposed… and she was dragging the sensitive, pink, wet, fleshy bulb tantalizingly up and down his textured, veiny cock.

Noice clit action there, my dude! Just when this scene start losing me, it picks me back up.

Once again, Diamond’s gasp was cut off by the aggressive stallion pressing forward into another deep french kiss.

Oh, come on. French kiss? This isn't season 1 of MLP, friend. You don't get to make mistakes like that! Your ancestors are watching!:twilightangry2:

Jed saw an opportunity and bent his head down, taking the tip of Diamond’s sparking horn in his mouth, carefully nipping at the sparking end and flicking it with his tongue. The taste and smell of gunpowder filled his nostrils as the mare beneath him began spasming and groaning, thrashing in his lap.

I thought I was the only one who did this sort of thing with horns! I headcanon warm sparks that float down from a unicorn horn and tickle the skin of anyone who comes into contact with them. Salaam alaikum, my brother! :twilightsmile:

“Damn, little girl… you run hotter than my ex,” ‘Jed’ said, a little wistfully.

I hate this guy now.

Before he could react, Diamond snap-lit her horn and let the magical field slide down his flare… over her pumping hooves… past his medial ring and between the cleavage of her teats… over his swollen hanging balls… and to his eye-widening horrified wonder… even lower.

Yeah, he deserves what's coming.


“Hmm… not so cocky now, are we?” Diamond leaned in to ‘Jed’, putting her whispering muzzle closer to his ear. “Do you like it when I play with your asshole, ‘little colt’?”

‘Jed’ could only moan, his rear legs kicking out with tension as he continued to be stroked off while Diamond magically prodded his sensitive pucker. “MMnnngg… pl-please!”

This seems a lot like non-con to me, setting aside the fact I don't feel any remorse for him at all.

“Hm? What’s that?” Diamond whispered, giving little licks to the stallion’s ear as she leaned in close, letting her hot breath wash over his twitching inner-ear fluff. “Did you want to… cum?”

It's interesting to keep seeing earplay that's female to male in your works. Not that I'm complaining. I'll have some cute, fuzzy mare lick my ears anyday! :pinkiecrazy:

This guy definitely stays hydrated!

And all I can think of is Denim_Blue picking fun at my clop scenes on the google docs... Ahh DB. I miss him... :pinkiesad2:

“Jet Stream of EquestriAero?” She snarled, already knowing the answer as her magical field levitated her glasses and one of the cotton napkins over to her.

“Uh… yes? And like I said Diamond, you did great. I’d love to have you join our team.” Jet looked confused.

“Well… I’d love to have you join my freakin’ lawsuit… you gigantic bucking moron,” Diamond snarled as she cleaned heavy, goopy gobs of Jet’s essence off of her face and shirt—itself basically transparent from the amount of liquid that had been dumped on it.


She flipped the grody napkin into his face, where it landed with a wet *THWAP*, making Jet sputter as he extracted it from his features.

:rainbowlaugh: You said 'grody'! :rainbowlaugh:

“Yes. If you’re willing to pay me exactly what I want, let me choose my own team… and give me a 5% stake in EquestriAero.” Diamond Gavel was cold as ice - this wasn’t personal anymore… this was business.

Holy shit, that is a King's ransom!

Diamond nodded, reaching out her hoof. “Not the best of starts… but I suppose everything has to start somewhere.”

That's certainly my feeling about the first sex scene I ever wrote.

If you liked the fic, leave a comment and hit the like button! It means a lot!

I gave you an upvote. The sex scene was... extremely uneven. One paragraph was brilliant and the next was ehhhhhhhhhhhh... and the next one was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!? Still, all and all a likable story.

As always a huge shout out to my editors,xRei, P-Berry, and Number Eight!

They did a pretty good job on this. I only found a few goofups. I hope Shinodage enjoyed this. I certainly did for the bangup job on the blowjob alone!

As always, I love the feedback!

It's been years since I've last read through this scene, an looking back on i here's definitely a few clunkers that stand out that I like to hope I wouldn't do today.

Repetitive adjectives, unnecessary qualifiers, and some other little bits.

I do get a touch of fondness, too. The old me really wanted nothing more than to get to a singular scene that had piqued my interest.

In this case I can clearly remember wants to have diamond throttling jets big cock as it lay wedged between her expanded teats.

I may have even been 'too passionate' about getting there!

That said, glad at least part of it checked the box for you! Sorry to keep making you slog through my older suf o get caught up on the canon for the newer fics!

“Ev-everything just got out of hoof. I’ve had a rough week… ran into my ex… and I was drinking myself stupid like an idiot. I didn’t mean for that to happen. I hope you can see just how bad I need a right-hand mare... before I screw everything up.” Jet looked deeply into Diamond’s eyes, pleading.

Did just drink himself silly and forgot the interview, until she goes to meet him and he lies about his identity to get laid or did he intentionaly let her wait and wait and wait ?

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