• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen July 14th

Hazel Mee

There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a pony in the depths of a Friendship binge.


Laura's fiance has disappeared, the world has gone crazy, oh, and she's turned into a horse.

She meets some strange characters as she travels though what was eastern North America, trying to find her fiance. Is their love strong enough to overcome a change in species and who knows how many years of separation?

I'm marking this as Teen due to foul language, adult themes and violence.

Set in the Ponies After People verse.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 73 )

Neat. It's been a while since I sat down and read one of these side stories in one sitting. Couldn't put it down.
Imma link this in Starscribe's discord server.

I'm glad that you're enjoying it so far, and thank you for linking for me. :twilightsmile:

Well you're off to a good start, I'll keep an eye on this one.

Man, it's a pleasure to see such high quality writing in the PaP setting. Keep up the great work!

I can only agree - a great start!

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

Hopefully what I have planned for Catch Me will mesh well with what's already written in the PaP verse. I've read all of your stories and a bunch of the Side Stories, so... *fingers crossed*

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

I hope you'll enjoy what's coming. (And that I can write it at a reasonably quick pace...)

A pony waving one of their fore hooves at you is always going to be 'giving you the finger'. How rude! :fluttercry:

8395500 yeah, I'm trying my hoof at this kind of story too so I'm reading as much as I can.

Huh, an... hmm... 25AE story? Please, continue. :twilightsmile:

Not bad at all. Okay, I'm hooked.

Fun worldbuilding! Thanks for the update!

This story has a pony on a Ural bike.
This is awesome. There should be more stories like this one.

This is a well-written story, deserving of a far higher vote count :pinkiesmile: - though I imagine some people might be put off by the sexual references. They seem unnecessary, more annoying if anything. Though that's a matter of taste I guess. :trixieshiftright:

Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Perhaps I should set it to Mature instead of Teen?

Meanwhile, Chick prepared to make the promised breakfast; unwrapping a several very large white eggs

Meanwhile, Chick prepared to make the promised breakfast; unwrapping several very large white eggs

Her eyes went wide at the at the sight of the little one's incredibly cute face

Her eyes went wide at the sight of the little one's incredibly cute face

Thank you! I've made this fix. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for your story, as it has become my favorite Ponies after People side story.

I hope that someone thinks a practical way for Buttercup to travel to Beantown.

A fun chapter - thanks!
So many fun ways this could go.

You're welcome. Glad you're enjoying it so far. :twilightsmile:

Interesting, wonderful, nicely written story; Its only drawback is that it is not completed ((
It remains to be hoped that the author still will continue it.

P.s. I thought the "Ural" has a windshield in the kit, with modern models, at least. Well, in the wheelchair there is always an attached rubberized cloth of which you can cover things or a passenger.

Thank you. I'm glad you like the story so far... I do intend to finish it! I have the next chapter about 2/3rd finished but.. it's not quite right yet, and I've been distracted by other things.

I'd probably get the windscreen kit if I were to buy an Ural, but I thought it would be fun to have the ponies at Oak Point farms build a custom one for the bike. Something to drive poor Chick up the wall as somepony 'messes' with his beloved steed... while also sneaking a certain stow-away on board.

Yes, I agree, it was an interesting storyline.
However, we can assume that the glass was before the Event but lost for 35 years)
Will with interest wait for the new Chapter and I wish you the strength and desire to complete it!

She can probably make the spring convoy to Alexandria or if we miss it she can stay in Beantown and go in the fall.

That sentence inspired me to write the following brief essay.

Have you determined where the staging area in Boston is for the spring convoy to Alexandria? I would select a building with a large, enclosed area for the vehicles. The convoy administrators would arrange the convoy vehicles to be arranged in a line to check their roadworthiness, determine their position within the convoy, check the vehicle to vehicle communication network, and practice defending the convoy from attacks from hostile forces.

There should be nearby structures that can be used as convoy offices, vehicle maintenance garages, hotels, as well as secure, cargo storage rooms. You should also know what cargo is being transported east to Alexandria. Is there bottled maple syrup from New England or canned fruit from Florida? Does the convoy have a secure mail truck or trucks? Is this an independent package delivery company or a renewed United States Postal Service?

May I assume that wealthy ponies would not use ground transport and instead use Pegasus pulled aircraft for their cargo and as passengers? After all, if four Pegasus who are wearing heavy body armor can pull an un-aerodynamic, gold-plated cart carrying two, adult princess; then four Pegasus without heavy body armor could pull an unpowered, eighteen to seventy seat regional airliner, without engines and jet fuel.



Have you determined where the staging area in Boston is for the spring convoy to Alexandria?

I haven't yet. But it will probably be to the north end of the city, perhaps out in the suburbs.

You should also know what cargo is being transported east to Alexandria.

Mostly data, people, and compact & expensive 'luxury' foods that travel well... such as cheese, wine, liquor, salt.

Does the convoy have a secure mail truck or trucks?

The initial convoy from Beantown will be pretty small; three or fewer vehicles, as (at least in my vision of the PaP verse) the ponies don't produce a lot of bio-diesel. They use it sparingly and focus more on food production, both for immediate consumption and for sale & reserves. I don't want to give away too much but road vehicles (trucks, cars, and Chick's Ural) will not be the only means of transport that appear in the story.

May I assume that wealthy ponies would not use ground transport and instead use Pegasus pulled aircraft for their cargo and as passengers?

Only 35 years post Event things will be very primitive, so I don't think there would be much in the way of air transport aside from what the remaining humans have. Also 'wealthy' ponies wouldn't be quite the elite that we have in the world today. Wealth would be more about personal and familial security in the world than having the ability to go travelling on a whim.

four Pegasus without heavy body armor could pull an unpowered, eighteen to seventy seat regional airliner, without engines and jet fuel.

Sounds like an exciting sequence for a PaP story. :pinkiehappy:

Well, that was unexpected.
I guess now angsty teen dragons could have been born post event.

8D That's perfect!

(Poor kitty... That smirking monkey has earned a few revenge bites. :3 )

Oh, I'm sure a few could have hatched by now. (Assuming there are conveniently available over-powered, magic surging fillies around to pop them out of their shell. :facehoof:)

more mares Return
"Well, if anyone asks me they will be disappointed. I already have my Thomas."

:rainbowlaugh: I just realized. Laura is so screwwwwwed.

She better get used to polygyny, that's for sure. :facehoof:

Mistral chuckled. "Never seen a pegapus before, huh?"

Actually... I think I have.

"So, what are we going to do now?


Wolf Kick
"Yeah, to learn cloud punching."

Filly, listen to yourself. You're an unrealized genius. Wolf. Puncher. Wolf Puncher.

I'm sure somepony there does combat training so I'm signing up for that too. Mama would ground me if she found out

Sad thing is most of combat training, good combat training at least, teaches people how to defuse conflict and avoid fighting. A pony as fierce as her is in great danger of getting injured from her own natural uncontrolled talent, without honing it via training. She's gonna bite off more than she can chew eventually, after all. If I were that filly's Mama I'd be pushing her to get that training, for her own safety.

Buttercup glanced down a Laura poked her head out of the footwell and answered her unspoken question.

Buttercup glanced down as Laura poked her head out of the footwell and answered her unspoken question.

After a bit of a struggle with the pillows she got her hooves under herself and scrabbled up the sloped floor, over the seat, and clumsily she jumped down the damp road.

After a bit of a struggle with the pillows she got her hooves under herself and scrabbled up the sloped floor, over the seat, and clumsily she jumped down onto the damp road.

the weeks a solitude

of solitude

Well, in her defense; Mama Bun isn't combat trained and would only see her little yellow bird sticking her neck out. She'd much rather Buttercup picked a nice husband and settled down on the farm like a 'good' daughter. (Not gonna happen, Ma!)


I know, I just wish we could communicate to the Mama Buns out there how much safer it is to teach people stuff, instead of keeping them ignorant and vulnerable. I like when they call it "self defense training" because that alleviates a lot of the fears associated with combat. Nothing that can be done to alleviate the fears of letting her daughter move to Alexandria though! "Oh honey, why do you gotta go out there and take a dangerous, life-threatening job as a file clerk in Alexandria? Can't you just pick a nice husband and settle down on the farm?"

Dragon Kick, confirmed. :rainbowlaugh:

Lying curled up in the foot well of the sidecar was booooring! Buttercup felt amped up and twitchy as she killed time grooming her already pristine feathers. 'Dragonbane? Lizardslay? Scale Crusher? Wyvern Waster? Dragon Kick? Serpent Slayer?' So many great names! It was gonna be impossible to pick just one.

Laura laughed as shook his head and the corner of his beak quirked up in a smile.

« as shook his head », you are missing a he or a Gavi.

"Her name is Buttercup!"

Buttercup the Annihilator!

Huh. The drama in this would certainly keep a small town entertained for months.

Hmmmm... What're the chances that Thomas has gone full native, and has already got like... 4 wives? Only 2 of which are ponies, of course. :derpytongue2:

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