Catch Me

by Hazel Mee

8 - Beantown, USA

Chick pressed hard with the scrub brush strapped to his hoof. Breakfast had left a solid residue of dried egg on all the plates and he was determined to leave them sparkling clean.

Buttercup sat next to him with a drying towel clutched in her hooves, wings twitching impatiently as she waited.

The next Scavenger to stop here would not thank them if they left a mess.

He dunked the plate into the bucket of soapy water. "We'll be in Beantown this afternoon. We should make good time on the interstate — if we don't run into more dragons."

Buttercup held out her hooves as he passed her the plate. "Great! I still gotta long way to go but I think Laura's pretty beat."

"Ummm…" Chick wasn't certain how, or if, he should bring this up. But he had to know. "I noticed that you and Laura were, ah, sharing her bed?"

Buttercup snickered as she flailed the towel over the plate, leaving more water than she was wiping off. "Yup. We're snuggle buddies."

He felt a flash of irritation at her smug tone as he scooped up the last plate from the bottom of the bucket where he'd placed it to soak. "You do know that she's already spoken for, oui?"

"Pfft. I know! She doesn't ever shut up about that stallion she's chasing. But, hey, you can't blame a filly for taking advantage of a warm and pretty body when she gets the chance." She snickered in a very self-satisfied manner.

He frowned and scrubbed harder. That was precisely what he was accusing her of. It was truly none of his business who Laura chose to share her sleeping bag with or the reasons why. But he couldn't help feeling annoyed that Buttercup was taking advantage of her trust. Laura didn't seem to realise that she'd Returned as an attractive mare or that her faithfulness made her even more appealing in a counter-intuitive way.

"Well, I'm just saying", he said while passing the plate to Buttercup, "Don't get your hopes up or hurt her."

"Aww… Are you jealous, Chicky?" Buttercup grinned in an infuriating way and prodded him with a wingtip. "You're really making a big deal outta nothing! It's just a friendly cuddle. Totes innocent, like when Mama smootches you on the cheek. I'm only gonna see you guys for another day or two before I haul tail to Alexandria and she ain't gonna cheat on her stallion with somepony like me." Her smile slid into a frown as she attacked the plate.

He grabbed another towel to dry the fur on his forelegs and felt a little lighter after getting that off of his chest. Relationship drama and arguments were the last things he needed on this already inconvenient trip!

They both glanced over their shoulders as the subject of their quiet conversation hopped past the little kitchen's doorway. After breakfast Buttercup had started teaching Laura how to gallop. The first exercise involved doing bunny hops. Crouch back a little onto the hind legs, raise the forelegs and hop forward onto them. Once they land, do a similar hop forward with the hind legs. Rinse and repeat. Laura hopped back and forth along the carpeted hall that ran down the centre of the building, her face screwed up in cute concentration as she stared down at her hooves.

Chick started when Buttercup nudged him and whispered, "Easy, big guy. She's taken remember?"

He huffed and rolled his eyes before hanging the towel up to dry. Grabbing the wash bucket's handle in his mouth he carried it outside.

The terrain became a little more tamed the further south they rode.

Canada had vast stretches of wild pine forest and rocky landscape but in this part of the US there were small towns and farms dotted along the Maine Turnpike. Once-productive fields were overgrown with lush meadows of wild grasses, bushes, and groves of trees slowly expanding. Perfect terrain for deer, so Chick kept his eyes open for any that might leap into the road. A collision at these speeds would surely kill the deer and destroy the Ural.

It wouldn't be many more years before wilderness reclaimed homes and businesses left to crumble and not much longer before the interstate vanished too. The thought made Chick nervous about his future.

The interstate was two lanes northbound and two south with a slice of wilderness separating them. It was so overgrown Chick rarely caught sight of the northbound lanes. Potholes and rough patches also kept him on his toes but the rugged motorcycle handled it easily even in one-wheel drive. He swerved to avoid a utility pole which had come down during last year's hurricane. He'd helped drag it out of the way but its cables lay over the road like a mess of scattered spaghetti. His tires made a rhythmic thumping as they rode over them. There was no fear of being electrocuted. Even if everyone Returned at once tomorrow — as humans even — it would take decades of labour to get the power grid back online.

Not stopping to look for Returnees in every town saved time. The convoy had come this way two days ago and their scouting party would have checked. It wasn't like he had room for more passengers.

Chick glanced at Laura. She was sitting upright in the sidecar with a bored expression and unfocused eyes. Small gusts snuck around Twinkle's windscreen to tug at her long sweep of silky orange mane.

He turned back to the road ahead before she noticed his gaze. Chick sympathised with her boredom even if he didn't share it. This was the best place in the world!

Kilometres rolling away beneath his tires. Beautiful landscape drifting past. Dramatic clouds on the horizon. Fresh air in his muzzle while the motorcycle thrummed between his thighs. Perfect. This was his zen-place for relaxing. Though it also forced him to remember unhappy times from his pre-Event life. Whenever he'd stormed out of an argument with his wife or felt grouchy after a rough workday, he'd hop on his beautiful BMW K1300GT and put a few hundred kilometres between himself and whatever was making his heart sore. She was always waiting to pounce when he reluctantly rode home — except that final time.

He sighed quietly and put it out of his mind. Past was past. He started to sink back into a mesmerised state of focused relaxation when Buttercup dropped down from the sky to fly alongside.

"I see smoke ahead!" she shouted over the wind and motorcycle's rumble.

Chick nodded and yelled back, "You have good eyes! That's where we'd headed! They must be cooking the last batch before winter!"

"It's gonna rain!"

He nodded to her, and she swooped back up into the sky, easily keeping pace and giving her wings a workout.

Those puffy thunderheads seemed a lot less pretty and picturesque.

They stopped once at the side of the highway to stretch their legs, answer Nature's Call, and refill the fuel tank. Also so a sweaty but satisfied Buttercup could take her turn in the passenger seat. Laura, not having the option of flying, curled up in the foot well like a cat settling into in a cozy bed. At least she would keep dry in there. They'd ridden under the clouds and the wind gusts were getting a little chilly. It seemed that Buttercup's prediction would be spot on.

They didn't have much further to go and Chick spotted the green 'EXIT 53' sign as a few isolated drops splatted against his windscreen. The storm warned them but thankfully held off the full assault. They were merely damp after spending fifteen minutes or so navigating Portland's side streets. He turned the Ural down one of the many tree-lined lanes in an industrial park and rode past the stack of three wood barrels that made up the business' sign before the Event. He turned down a narrow alley behind the building. It was nothing special; a typical single-story business park mall made of concrete block. It could have once been home to a local courier, a small manufacturer, or Chinese product importer. The chimney made of a motley of bricks pouring grey smoke into the threatening sky had been added post-Event, when the gas lines to the stills had dried up.

A pair of battered white cube vans were packed against the back wall and he smiled as he spotted Gavi's white VW Jetta parked just past them with its doors blazoned with the flag of Nouvelle Acadie; the blue, white, and red stripes of France with a yellow five-pointed star in the blue stripe.

"Chicklets! About bucking time!" yelled a large dark-blue earth pony who loitered outside the rear entrance to the distillery. He wore a wide-brimmed black hat and a black leather gun harness, though the gun wasn't currently mounted to its holder.

"Chicklets?" Buttercup squee'd quietly.

"Don't start", Chick grumbled as he swung into the parking space next to the Jetta. He cut off the motor and jammed on the parking brake before bothering to respond to the security guard.

"Hi, Steve. How is- Oh, fuck me hard!"

Everypony bolted from the motorcycle as the rain started to pour! Steve grinned and took two steps to get under the awning over the door. They were dripping wet and shivering by the time they'd covered the few metres of tarmac to crowd around the big stallion.

"God damn it", Chick cursed in French as he unbuckled his helmet and realised that he'd left all his rain gear stowed on the bike.

"Yeah, it's really pissin' down aint' it? Yeesh!" Steve tipped his hat and smiled in a far-too-familiar way at Laura and Buttercup. "Well, hello ladies. Welcome to the distillery. We run tours and tastings from noon 'til five if you'd consider letting a gentleman buy you a round?"

Chick snorted and cut off a grinning Buttercup's reply. "We're not staying. Where's Gavi?"

He didn't like the overbearing guard. Steve was a bully with few morals and while that made him an excellent guard, so long as he was paid, he wasn't much fun to live with. Chick's passengers would be better off avoiding him.

Especially Buttercup.

Steve snorted noisily and spat a loogie into the rain. "Where do you think he is? Inside where it's dry, probably getting pickled and talking Tun's ear off."

Chick nodded to him and opened the thick metal door for Laura and Buttercup.

Warm damp air, rich with the scent of fermenting grain, blew through their manes as they stepped inside. The warehouse was dim and the thin metal roof roared with the rain pounding it. Chick waited a few minutes after the door banged shut for his eyes to adjust.

He led Laura and Buttercup past dusty smelling grain sacks, bundled and tied with string so they could be shipped back to Beantown. Only a small pile of a dozen full ones remained. They clip-clopped down a short hall and into the working heart of the place. The roof drummed with the heavy rain pounding on it and the ponies hard at work had to shout over it and the muted roar of a large fire. Refrigerator-sized copper kettles lined the back wall of the room, their reddish metal gleaming dimly in the bright LED lights due to a coating of black soot. A half-dozen ponies of various tribes and colours were hard at work; feeding the fire, monitoring the distilling equipment, and shooting the breeze.

"Chick!" "Hey, it's Chick." "Yo!"

One of the pegasi whistled and flexed her crimson wings. Buttercup trilled back and spread hers while grinning like a loon.

"Hi, guys. It's good to see you again."

They spent a few minutes warming and drying themselves by the fire as Chick introduced the distillery crew to Laura and Buttercup. Hooves were tapped. Pleasantries exchanged. He could happily stay here until tomorrow but they were on a tight schedule even if it meant riding in the downpour. The convoy to Alexandria wouldn't wait for them.

One of the crew directed them to the Ageing Stack.

It was the largest room in the building and housed row upon row of wood barrels piled on study shelves. The toasty scent of oak and alcohol made Chick's nose twitch. They mostly produced alcohol and bio-diesel at the distillery but a certain percentage found its way in here to age before being shipped to markets all around the East Coast. Chick had a fondness for their bourbon and the temptation to stay grew a little stronger.

Gavi and Tun Mash were playing chess at one of the dining tables at the back of the room. Tun was appropriately named, being a rather obese and short earth pony. His pea green ears twitched, and he looked up from pondering his next move.

"Chick! About fuggin' time! You get my cheese?"

Chick laughed and called to him, "I have some good news and some bad news."

Tun squinted at him and frowned as Gavi's head turned completely around in an unsettling way so that he was looked over his own back to fix his bright yellow eyes on Chick and his passengers as they trotted over.

"Gavriel! Hello, you old crow."

"Good to see you too, Chicky. We were all getting worried when you didn't arrive at the warehouse." His voice was surprisingly high pitched for his size and had a raucous quality to it — like the crow Chick had blithely called him. He nodded his hooked beak at Laura and said, "I see you have an extra passenger. A newly Returned?"

"Yes. We should speak in English as neither of them know much French."

Chick waved Buttercup and Laura over. "Ladies, I would like you to meet Gavriel or Gavi for short. He's the griffin I told you about, the one who saved my bacon when I Returned."

Buttercup pronked over with wide-eyed enthusiasm and held out one of her hooves. "Wow! Nice to meet you, Gavi! I bet you're a real killer with those claws, eh?"

Gavi chuckled and tapped his large yellow fist against Buttercup's hoof. Even sitting he towered over all of them. "Yes, well I 'ave to be since no pony will go and 'unt for me, oui? I can not believe 'ow big you 'ave grown, Buttercup! You make me feel old! Last time I visit the farm you were très petit, smaller than a cabbage! You 'ave become a very pretty little lady."

Buttercup blushed and preened one of her wings as Laura reluctantly walked up to the table.

Chick could understand her hesitation. Gavi was not quite as large as Deck but he was very fierce-looking, despite having the heart of a kitten in that leonine body.

Chick smiled at her and said, "And this is Laura. We bumped into one another on my way to the farm and I'm giving her a lift to Beantown."

She bravely held out a hoof and said, "I'm pleased to meet you, Gavi", in a slightly raspy voice.

With introductions made, Chick broke the bad news that some of Tun's order had been left behind to accommodate Buttercup. He was not a happy brewmaster. Some of his ire was deflected from Chick and fizzled as the usually jovial Tun couldn't bring himself to chew out the young mare, not over cheese anyway. Anypony caught messing with the stills or stored barrels would be in for the tongue lashing of a lifetime! Gavi's crowing laughter echoed in the warehouse as Buttercup told the somewhat exaggerated tale of stowing away and fighting a pack of raccoons. Tun seemed to find her precociousness amusing though he made her swear not to get between him and his cheese ever again — and talked her into a discount on next year's supply. Chick assured him that what there was would be waiting for him in Beantown when Tun arrived in a month's time to spend the winter with his herd.

It was past time to get back on the road again. Chick bid farewell to everypony, assuring them that he was looking forward to partying with them on New Year's Eve. He wouldn't miss it! The distillery crew always invited the Scavs to their celebration and provided the best liquid cheer.

Chick shivered as they gathered outside under the awning. It was still dumping down and gusts of chill wind blew droplets of rain on them as thunder grumbled in the distance.

Gavi ruffled his wings while staring glumly at the heavy raindrops battering the deep and wide puddles between them and the vehicles. His beak quirked into a smile as he asked, "I 'ave room in the car if you ladies would like?"

"You bet!"

"Yes, please! Oh-", Laura turned to look a Chick with a concerned expression. "I-If that's alright?"

He chuckled and shooed her away with a hoof. "Of course it is. Even I would put up with Gavi's company to stay dry. Go on."

She gave him an unhappy smile of guilt and gratitude before dashing off at her fastest trot after the others. She ducked her head down and ears flat as the rain quickly soaked her pale coat, turning it dark grey on top. Chick sighed, slipped on his helmet, and plodded through the cold downpour to his beloved Ural.

No point in rushing since he was going to be soaked through by the time they arrived.

Laura shivered and chewed on her lower lip as the cold rain pounded on her bare back and head.

Both doors on the passenger-side of Gavi's car were thrown open. Buttercup sat on the front seat, her dripping wet wings half-extended, while Gavi's leonine backside stuck out of the rear door. He cursed quietly as he reorganised the pile of cargo that was spread over the back seat.

After a few minutes he stepped back and gestured with long claws. "'Op in! Do not worry that you make the seat wet."

She wasn't planning to! But it was nice having permission.

She clumsily leapt inside and almost tumbled right back out again! Gavi caught her gently in his hands, she didn't even feel a scratch from his sharp-looking claws, and he tucked her in before slamming the door closed. There was just enough space to fit her rump onto the end of the bench seat's cushion. Like Chick's trailer it was filled with a haphazard collection of packages, bags, and bundles of letters tied together with string. The front passenger seat only had a stack of plastic tubs in the footwell and Buttercup had plenty of room on the seat.

Gavi slammed the front door shut and ran around the car.

He seemed kind and behaved like a gentleman despite his imposing size. Rather like that dragon once they'd gotten to know him. But something about the way he smelled set Laura's nerves on edge. He was composed of two kinds of predator; a tawny and muscular lion body with the claws and hooked beak of a raptor. That might be it.

The driver's seat had added cushion bolsters that Gavi used to wedge himself in an upright position before yanking the door closed.

"Brrr…" He shook himself and muttered something long and complex in French that salted with Québécois curse words. "Pardon me, ladies. But that was sucky, non? Let me get the engine started so we may 'ave a little 'eat."

That would be very, very nice! Laura vainly wished for a nice clean and dry towel to sop up the water trickling down her face and neck. Her mane was plastered to her neck, and the less said about the squishy mass of soaked tail she was sitting on the better!

Rain running down her window blurred the view as she watched Chick struggle into his yellow poncho.

She shivered, hung her head, and felt a bit guilty. Here she sat bemoaning the lack of luxuries while he would be out there for the rest of the journey!

The car's engine squealed and groaned before turning over and shuddering into life, after a few moments it settled into a clattering lope. Buttercup groomed her wings while Laura reluctantly watched Chick struggle to start his motorcycle. He had to kick the pedal again and again and again before it finally turned over.

He climbed aboard and slowly backed out of the parking spot, beep-beeping once he was clear.

"'Ere we go then." Gavi put the car into reverse and twisted his head around in a smooth, robotic motion to peer out the rear window. His shoulders didn't move at all. It was rather creepy. He winked at Laura and said, "Do not worry about safety belts. They will not fit and nopony will be pulling us over for speeding, yes?"

The car rocked as its tires fell in and out of potholes, causing the pile of cargo to shift against Laura's side. She caught a bundle of letters as they slipped off of the top.

Gavi sighed and told her, "Sorry, please move things and make yourself comfortable, eh?"

She nodded as he turned his head forward.

The cargo shifted ominously a few more times before they drove onto the road and it smoothed out. Laura began moving things around and her ears twitched at the high pitched 'tick tick tick' of the car's turn signal. She wondered why on earth he'd bother, until she remembered Chick. She peered between boxes at what little of the rear window she could see. It was fogging up but she could make out the dark shape of his motorcycle tailing them. Gavi switched on the car's fan, though it only blew chilly air at first.

Laura was still shivering by the time they reached the motorway, drove straight through the toll gates and up the sliproad.

"So…" Buttercup asked Gavi, "Know any good stories about Chick?"

Gavi barked a few raucous laughs and shook his head. "Oh, more than a few. I tell you what. You give me the story of your travels and I spill a few of 'is less embarrassing adventures, oui?"

Buttercup grumbled, "Awww… I wanna hear the really embarrassing stuff!"

He clucked his tongue, which sounded oddly hollow coming from a beak. "Some things you just don't speak of around ladies. Now, do we 'ave a deal?"

"Okaaay." Buttercup poked her damp yellow face around the seat and told Laura, "You should start since Chick picked you up before he showed up at my farm."

"Alright, just a moment." Laura finished dragging a sack of something into the foot well and twisted around on the seat trying to find a comfortable position. She ended up with her forelegs resting on the heaped cargo with her rump lower down on the damp seat cushion.

"Hmmm… For me this all started when my fiance, Thomas, asked me to vacation in Canada with him. He wasn't my fiance at the time but we'd been dating for several months. We met in France while skiing at Val Thorens."

She settled into telling her story as the car's interior began to get toasty at last.

The last soulful notes of piano faded to silence beneath the constant roar of their tires on the road and rain hitting the windscreen.

Laura yawned, ducking her head down behind a crooked foreleg. If only it weren't so uncomfortable in the crowded backseat, she might doze off. Riding in a car was the most familiar thing she'd experienced since Returning and she felt very relaxed and, well, 'normal'.

Gavi pressed a button on the car's stereo and it ejected the most recent CD he'd treated them to. Soft jazz by an ensemble called Fourplay.

She heard Buttercup stir on the seat in front of her, sitting up and yawning loudly, smacking her lips.

Gavi chuckled while carefully tucking the CD into a sleeve of them that was mounted to his sun visor. "A little too relaxing for you?"

Buttercup grunted and asked, "You got anything a little more… I dunno, loud and fun?"

"Oh? You mean perhaps rock music? Led Zeppelin? AC/DC? The Rolling Stones?"

"Yeah! Yeah, one of those would be awesome!"

He clucked his tongue and shook his head. "Non, sorry. I like soft, soothing music and do not 'ave anything like that in my little collection 'ere. You 'ave the same taste as Chick." He snorted — a quiet thing compared with a pony snort — and said, "You would think running a café for years 'e would 'ave learned to love jazz, but non. You 'ave no requests then? 'Ow about a little Enya?"

"How about another story about you and Chick?" Buttercup asked while bouncing on her seat.

He groaned and quietly muttered something to himself. "You 'ave already 'eard everything I am comfortable telling you, little bird. 'Ow about you tell me another story, eh?"

"Has he ever dated?"

Laura wished she could un-speak that question! She wasn't even sure why she'd blurted it out, except, she was actually a tiny bit curious.

"Dated?!" Gavi turned his head sideways so he could cock a brown-feathered eyebrow at her.

Buttercup bounced even more energetically on her seat and Laura could hear the grin in her voice. "Yeah! Tell us a story about him dating somepony! But it's gotta be uber embarrassing so I can annoy him 'bout it!"

Gavi hummed to himself as he looked back at the road. After an awkward moment of silence he said, "Well, I 'ave nothing to tell you. 'E 'as never 'ad a marefriend so long as I 'ave known 'im."

There was something about his voice… Some pitch or hesitation or something, but Laura would swear he was telling a white lie. Her brows furrowed as that mote of curiosity grew a little brighter.

Buttercup gasped and asked, "What?! Never?"

"Non. Not as far as I know. 'E is not my… What is the word? 'Room friend'?"

"Room mate?" asked Laura.

"Yes, that is it. 'E is not my room mate. My 'ome and family are in Grand-Sault, where I will be 'eaded once I am finished 'ere. Chick rents a place in Beantown and I will not see 'im again until the spring. 'E may 'ave a 'erd of mares for all I know but 'e never mentions it so I don't think so."

"I guess he really is gay then", said Buttercup in a satisfied tone.

Gavi's cawing laugh filled the car, and it swerved a little before he got himself under control.

"'E is not gay."

Buttercup whined, "How do you know if-"

"'Is wife… she passed away before the Event. 'E is not gay. Now, somepony 'ad better start telling a story or I am playing the Enya."

"Hey! Wake up! We're nearly there", Buttercup said while shaking Laura's shoulder.

"Mmh… What?"

Laura leaned back from where she'd slumped over the cargo after dozing off. One of her hind legs was numb, and she wiggled into a more upright seating position while enduring a jaw-cracking yawn.

Buttercup stood up in her seat so she could look over the headrest. She grinned and repeated, "We're there! Almost."

"Mmmm… wonderful."

She stretched as much as the cramped conditions would allow and an electric shiver ran down her hide. Laura smacked her lips together and tried to work up a little spittle in her dry mouth. She must have just the worst breath! Ugh.

She squinted and peered out the window. The rain slacked to a drizzle, but it was still a very grey day and getting darker by the moment as the sun set. A very British view. She smiled but felt a little homesick. Gavi honked his horn twice and there was a high-pitched beep-beep in reply before a light blue car whipped by going the other way. A pair of small lorries following the car howled past.

Traffic! Oh my Lord! They'd arrived at civilisation at last!

She craned her stiff neck to look out the rear window and saw Chick was still back there, following them into Beantown with his motorcycle's bright headlamp switched on.

Laura turned around and couldn't help mirroring Buttercup's happy grin.

Gavi chuckled and pointed a claw. "That is where we are 'eaded. The Unicorn Tower. It is where all new ponies like you 'ave to go to when they arrive in town. Lucky for me it is also where I 'ave to make a delivery."

Laura tried to see, but it was on the left-hand side and she couldn't get a clear view with headrests and cargo in the way. Buttercup's impressed and breathy 'Coool' had Laura imaging some tall ivory tower, topped with a golden onion dome. The world had gone strangely magical so it very well might be!

The rusting metal armco barrier alongside the sliproad and dull concrete of the overpass they drove beneath brought her fantasies back down to earth. There was no way ponies would invest time into building a palace when there were hundreds of empty buildings to colonize.

Would they?

Gavi pointed to a sign, again on the wrong side of the car. She glimpsed 'Unicorn Park' in white letters and it was surrounded by colourful flickering lights, like a cloud of multi-hued fire flies. And cut grass. Someone had taken the time to trim the little hillock that the sign was on. They turned left onto a road just past the sign and it looked like that one patch of manicured grass was the only thing being maintained. Wild forest and familiar patches of wild scrub lined the road and surrounded abandoned red-brick office blocks on either side. She saw quite a few smashed in windows.

They swerved around a roundabout and into a parking lot.

Gavi pulled up beside a portico that stretched out into the lot. The parking brake made a metallic ratcheting sound as he pulled it up but he kept the engine running. "Welcome to Beantown, ladies." He opened his door and slid out, landing on all four, but quickly ducked his head back inside to say, "'Old on a moment and I will-"

Buttercup didn't hold anything! She dove out of her chair, bounced off of the driver's seat, and shot past Gavi as he ducked.

Laura laughed as he shook his head and the corner of his beak quirked up in a smile.

He walked around the car and opened her door as Chick slowly rode past. The ground looked so far away and Laura's leg was all tingling pins-and-needles.

Gavi held out a leathery yellow hand, careful of his sharp claws and asked, "Would you like a 'and?"

"Oh, thank you."

She placed a hoof in his grip, not feeling even a little afraid of him any more. Between them she managed to carefully but clumsily step down on to the slabs of paving stone beneath the portico's roof.

Chick pulled up in the parking space on the other side of the portico, coming to a squeaking stop beside a silver Tesla. The contrast between its sleek, futuristic lines and his Russian-industrial motorcycle was almost painful. He flipped a switch on the handle bars and it grumbled into silence.

He clambered down and walked over with stiff legs.

"Ooh… I'm going to be stiff in the morning." He slipped off his helmet and grinned as water dripped from the end of his matted chin fur. "Welcome to Beantown!" He glanced around and asked, "Where's Buttercup?"

Laura glanced at Gavi and he pointed up with a clawed finger.

"Heh, that figures." Chick stretched one of his hind legs and groaned as a joint popped loudly. "Well, I can't blame her for wanting to stretch after that. But we should get you ladies checked in and drop off our deliveries to the Tower, eh?"

He stiffly trotted to the edge of the portico and looked up into the sky. After a moment he whistled and yelled, "Buttercup! Come on!"

Laura looked around while they waited, and this Tower was not in fact a tower. It was clean and none of the cheerfully glowing windows were broken, but it was unmistakably a mid-range hotel made of red and beige brick. Not as impressive as her fantasy. The neatly maintained grounds, trimmed bushes, cute rings of pink flowers around the pillars supporting the portico's roof, and general cleanliness were a welcome relief after many days of travelling through ruins.

Oh, she hoped they had hot baths and a restaurant!


Laura asked Gavi, "Where is everyone?"

He smiled and shrugged. "I guess they are 'iding from the weather though not many ponies come out this way." He waved a hand at the building. "The Tower is a government office and 'alf-way 'ome for new arrivals. Most of the town live a short walk from 'ere."

"Butterrr- AH! Merde, don't do that!"

Laura glanced at Chick. He was scowling and looking straight up. A grinning yellow face peered down at them from the roof.

Buttercup giggled and swooped down to land with a clatter of hooves. "Gotcha! Nopony expects sneaky wings from above."

Chick rolled his eyes and then raised a hoof to protect his face as Buttercup shook like a dog.

"Yes, yes. Fine. Come on, let's get inside."

Someone had etched the name 'Unicorn Tower' in a florid script on the dark-tinted glass door

Buttercup cocked her head to one side and said, "It's not a tower. Is it? Thought those were more like silos?"

Chick chuckled and said, "No it isn't. But this whole neighbourhood was called Unicorn Park back in the day and some wise-ass unicorn decided to make his home in this hotel early on after the Event."

The edges of the door glowed green, and slid to one side revealing a turquoise unicorn stallion with a white and dark green striped mane. He wore a dark green jacket that matched his mane and the crisply pressed collar of a white shirt was buttoned tight around his slim neck.

"Oh, speak of the devil. Hey, Festi!""

The unicorn squinted and said, "You know that my name is Festigimbal, Mr. Whiskers, and I've repeatedly requested that you use it. I won't allow new residents to think that your brutish manners are acceptable."

Chick grinned impishly as Gavi tipped his head and said, "'Allo, Festigimbal. It is good to see you again."

Festigimbal nodded back and said, "Hello to you, Mr. Farber. I trust your journey was not too unpleasant?" He turned a tight, practised smile on Laura and Buttercup. "And you are?"

Laura opened her mouth to reply but Buttercup beat her to it.

"Hi! I'm Dragonbane and she's Laura."

"Dragonbane?" asked Gavi before making an odd awk sound at the back of his throat. The feathers on his head rose up in a crest.

Chick just groaned, closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Sure! New town, new name!"

Festigimbal sniffed and said, "I do not think our remaining resident dragon will appreciate such a brutish moniker."

Chick glared and said, "Her name is Buttercup! Now may we come inside, please?"

Festigimbal pursed his lips and for a moment Laura thought he might ask them to remove their damp and filthy selves from his nice, clean hotel. But he stepped aside and waved them inside.

"Please enter and be welcome at the Unicorn Tower. I hope you will enjoy your stay."

As they walked inside, Laura noticed that he had a white tower blazoned on his backside. It looked rather like the white chess rook.

Laura had stayed in some quite luxurious and expensive hotels and the Unicorn Tower's lobby was nothing special. Oh, it was nice enough. Clean and well maintained but the blue carpet with swirly white patterns was looking rather threadbare and one or two of the lights appeared to be burnt out.

Festigimbal called to a pair of all-black stallions who were lounging on beige chairs in the lobby's waiting area. "Scritch. Scratch. Fetch a pair of luggage carts and help these gentlemen unload."

They jumped up and galloped off through a door beside the reception desk.

There was something odd about them but Laura couldn't put her finger on it. Hoof. Whatever.

"Ladies, if you could follow me please? I will get you checked in and assign you your rooms."

Gavi and Chick waited by the door as they followed Festigimbal to the reception desk. It looked as though someone had neatly sliced the bottom half off, lowering its top down to where it was comfortable for a pony to use. Attached to the wall behind it was a polished mahogany board with rows of golden hooks, most with a golden necklace hanging from them. Little pendants of gold, silver, and gems hung glittering on each one.

A thick book and a pen floated up from the desk in Festigimbal's green magic and Laura couldn't help grinning a little at the pretty display of magic.

"Your names, please?" He glanced meaningfully at Buttercup, "Your real names."

"Fiiine! It's Buttercup. For now." She pouted and shot a glare across the lobby at Chick, who ignored her.

"And where did you Return, Miss Buttercup?"

"Oh, I didn't. I'm just passing through on my way to Alexandria. Do I still get a room?"

Festigimbal nodded and his pen whisked across the page, guided by a glow of magic. "Yes. We have several ponies waiting for the journey staying with us right now. We provide temporary lodging for all transients such as yourself as well as potential citizens."

Buttercup bounced happily and flapped her wings. "YES! We didn't miss it!"

"No, indeed." He smiled at Laura and asked, "And your name, please?"

"Laura Leanora Smith."

"L. E. A. N. O. R. A?" Laura nodded. "And where did you Return?"

"A small town in New Brunswick called Welsford."

He made a note of it and asked, "You're British?"

"Yes, I'm from London. I was on vacation when the Event happened."

"Ah. So there isn't much point in my next question but I shall ask, anyway. Do you have any local relatives you'd like us to check on? To see if they may have Returned?"

"Actually, I do!"

His eyebrows shot up in comical surprise. "Really?"

Laura told him a briefly of their vacation, Thomas' proposal just before the Event, and how he had rescued her from certain death. The two black stallions returned, each pushing an empty wooden trolley through the door beside the reception desk. They and the boys stepped outside as she finished her tale.

"My, that is heart-warming. I'm certain the mayor's staff will be overjoyed to help you reunite with your fiance. What did you say his name was?"

"Thomas Davies. Do you have a hospital?" Tom would almost certainly be working there.

Festigimbal nodded while writing down his name. "We do indeed and a very well-trained staff who are dedicated to maintaining the health of all of our citizens. Beantown-", he looked a little sour at saying the name, "-is one of the most comfortable and safe towns to make your home. But I'm sure the mayor and her staff will be pleased to tell you of the many benefits of choosing to make your second life here. Unfortunately, they have finished work for the day but somepony should be in tomorrow morning to interview you."

He winked as the book floated back onto the desk. "I imagine you'll be eager to stay once we locate your beau, yes?"

"Oh, yes!" Laura grinned happily, warmed through by the thought of seeing Thomas again. She felt her tail wagging and flushed in embarrassment at Buttercup and the hotel manager's knowing grins.

"Here are your room keys."

Festigimbal brought two of the necklaces down from the wall and his magic tingled on Laura's neck as he settled it around her. A bell on the desk chimed suddenly making Buttercup jump. A moment later a small black pegasus mare zoomed down the stairs into the lobby and skidded to a stop on the carpet.

"You rang?" she asked in a squeaky voice.

"Obviously", Festigimbal rolled his eyes and gestured at Laura and Buttercup. "Conduct our guests to rooms three-oh-five and three-oh-six."

"Yes, Sir." The little pegasus turned to Laura and Buttercup and asked, "Do you have any bags to be taken to your rooms?"

Laura noticed a gold-coloured name badge on her tight green jacket. "Thank you, Tiffany", she waved a hoof at the entrance. "But I'll have to fetch it from Chick's… Oh! Never mind."

She trotted towards the door as Chick lumbered inside carrying her rolled up sleeping bag in his mouth. Both Buttercup's and her saddlebags bulged at his sides and Buttercup's large pillows were piled on his back. You could hardly see him under all that!

He stepped aside as the twin black stallions pushed loaded trolleys through the door with Gavi following behind them.

Chick dropped the sleeping bag and said, "Sorry but your things are a little damp."

Laura grabbed one of the pillows and slid it off of his back. The tassels along its edge dripped water.

"Oh, that's fine. I imagine we'll be sleeping in beds tonight." She hoped so, anyway!

"Please leave them here and I'll have the cleaning staff look after them for you", chirped the friendly concierge as she tugged the other pillow from his back. She raised an eyebrow at the matted and filthy mass lurking beneath the pillows.

Laura bit her lip and reluctantly grabbed her filthy cardi between her hooves and tossed it on top of the pillows. She hoped that the hotel's cleaning staff could work miracles!

"They got no cutie marks!" yelped Buttercup.


The twin black ponies were standing beside the carts loaded with packages, letters, and unmarked sacks. Buttercup stared with no shame at their backsides, which Laura realised were completely blank. Just glossy black fur. That must have been what seemed off about them earlier though their blank expressions were also rather unsettling.

Gavi chuckled and said, "Non, of course not. These 'elpful fellows are drones." He clapped his hands and ordered the two stallions, "Take these carts to the mayor's office and leave them by 'er assistant's desk. You understand, yes?"

They nodded in unison and began pushing the carts out of the lobby and down one of the hallways to where the first-floor rooms would be.

"Well…", said Gavi as he turned to address them all, "Business is finished for today and I am 'ungry enough to eat a 'orse." He cackled and winked, "So to speak. Perhaps we meet for lunch tomorrow before I 'ead 'ome?"

Laura pushed the dozens of questions about the black 'drones' to the back of her mind. She glanced between Gavi and Chick and asked, "You're not staying?"

Chick shook his head as he hoofed over Buttercup's saddlebags to Tiffany, who already had Laura's colourful Dora the Explorer bags on her back. "No, we'll be staying at apartments nearby. There's a road just north of the hotel. Cross the highway and it's the first driveway on your left. I'm sure the mayor will want to talk with both of you in the morning and we have deliveries to finish, but we should we meet for lunch before Gavi leaves. Cherry Pie's restaurant is right there in the apartment complex and she is a wonderful baker."

Laura's tummy grumbled, reminding her that she'd only had a light snack of honey-soaked seed cakes and water while riding in the back of Gavi's car. Delicious, but not very filling. She glanced at Buttercup who just shrugged.

"We'll see you at lunch then", she assured Chick.

"Good. Have a pleasant evening."

"Merci. You too."

He smiled and nodded before following Gavi outside.

"If you'll follow me, please?"

Laura pulled her eyes away from the door as Festigimbal's magic slid it closed. Tiffany beaconed with a wing before tucking it awkwardly against the bulging saddlebags resting against her sides.

She led them to the stairs and said, "Sorry that we have to take the stairs but we don't have enough power to run the elevators today."

"It's fine", Laura had to keep an eye on her hooves as they climbed the stairs. Steps designed for human legs were a little awkward for her small and four-legged body. She hoped the elevators were running in the morning! Questions about those drones rose up again, and she risked a glance at the black mare's flank. She at least had a cutie mark. Two squiggly white lines which looked like the outline of a chalice or two human faces, depending on how you looked at it.

Plodding up the stairs brought home to her just how tired and achy she felt after the long journey to Beantown. Even Buttercup's normally high spirits seemed to be flagging as they followed Tiffany down a corridor lined with numbered doors.

A peach coloured mare with her green and blue mane tucked up inside of a towel stuck her head out as they passed by her door.

"Tif! Can we get a few more towels, please?"

Tiffany nodded and replied cheerfully, "They'll be sent right up, Mrs. Lee."

"Thank you, dear." The mare nodded to Laura and Buttercup before ducking back inside.

"Here we are", Tiffany said as she stopped in front of a door with the numbers '305' in brass letters that had been polished to a golden sheen. She gestured to the door lever with one of her wings and said, "Just touch it with your necklace to unlock and lock your room."

A brass disk much higher on the door covered where the lever handle must have been when humans stayed here.

Buttercup leaned in close and used a hoof to press the necklace against the handle. There was a mechanical click, and she pushed down on the lever. The heavy door swung open silently.


Laura waited in the hall as they went inside and switched on the lights. A moment later Tiffany emerged, still wearing Laura's saddlebags.

"Room three-oh-six for you, Miss Smith." She nodded to the opposite door.

"Thank you."

Her necklace's moonstone unlocked the door. The room was fairly standard fare for a mid-range hotel: beige and brown checker-board patterned carpet underhoof; an open door into a washroom and sliding closet doors next to the entrance; a couple of brown cushioned chairs by the window; a queen-sized bed that dominated the room, side tables and lamps on either side. It was so crisp and clean smelling! Tiffany flicked on the lights as Laura walked into the middle of the room and spun around, taking it all in. It felt so very, very normal that an almost painful wave of relief and nostalgia rolled through her. Having travelled extensively before meeting Thomas, Laura had spent many days in hotel rooms similar to this. Though she wasn't used to seeing them from the height of a child and she would have to jump up onto the mattress when it was time to go to bed.

Tiffany slipped off the saddlebags and left them by the closet doors. Her brilliant white smile contrasted sharply with her dark furred face. "Would you like to order a meal? Our chef is excellent and has been champing at the bit to prepare fancy food for guests rather than the usual fare for our pony staff."

"Umm…", Laura thought for a moment and asked, "I don't suppose they could make me Eggs Benedict?"

Tiffany's smile grew a little wider, "Breakfast for dinner? That sounds lovely. Oh, I'm certain he is up to the challenge. May I suggest a pot of mint tea and a slice of peach pie with cream for dessert?"

"Yes, please!" Laura's tummy gurgled its agreement.

"I'll just ask what Miss Buttercup would like and you should have your meals shortly. I'll also order hot water be brought up so you may bathe."

"Thank you so much!"

There was an awkward pause as Tiffany sat there, smiling and apparently waiting for something.


"Oh dear, I'm so sorry but I don't have anything to tip you with." The pearls in her saddlebags would be an exorbitantly generous tip!

Tiffany tittered and held out her forelegs. "How about a hug then?"

Laura blinked.

"Umm… Alright."

She did enjoy hugs and gingerly stepped between Tiffany's outstretched legs. The pegasus was warm and had a light scent of roses, making Laura worry that she must reek after going so long without a proper wash.

Tiffany didn't seem to mind. She hummed happily and squeezed Laura's shoulders before stepping back.

"Thank you. Your gratitude and happiness is the only coin you'll need while you are staying with us. Please relax and enjoy every amenity we offer here at the Unicorn Tower."

"I will. Thank you, Tiffany."

Tiffany left with a perky trot, closing the door behind her.

Now that she was alone Laura just wanted to jump up onto the bed, crawl under the comforter and sleep for a week! That little nap in the car had left her even more tired, but she was filthy and didn't want to make a mess. A bath! Oh, she was so giddy at the thought! She pranced over to the large jacuzzi tucked away in an alcove next to the bed. Small bottles of sweet smelling shampoo and several scrubbing brushes waited on its rim and someone had added a row of wood steps leading up to and down into the deep tub. Laura twisted a tap handle using that grippy-hoof magic, but no water came out. Wait. Hadn't Tiffany said something about having water brought up?

"Isn't this place awesome?"

Laura huffed impatiently. It would be much more awesome with running water! She turned around, her hooves clacking on the tiles around the bathing area as Buttercup flew across the room to peer through the window at the dark sky.

"This town… No! This city is huuuge", she breathed causing the window to fog up a little.

Laura couldn't help smiling at the filly's naivety. If only she could somehow transport her to London, back before the Event, and give her a guided tour of a truly large metropolis. Or even visit New York City which was much closer. But it didn't sound like a safe place to be a tourist any more… if it ever had been.

Laura hopped up into one of the comfy chairs by the window, turned around on the soft cushion a couple of times, and settled down with a contented sigh.

Buttercup flitted over to the other chair and settled in. She smiled a bit like a cat might, squinting her eyes closed into happy arcs.

After a few moments of quiet she tentatively asked, "Ummmmm… Can I eat dinner with you?"

Laura chuckled. "Yes, of course. I was going to leave my door unlocked in case you might sneak over in the middle of the night. Are you still feeling homesick?"

"Kinda… I'm really glad I didn't miss the trip to Alexandria, but it's gonna be lonely without you and Chick."

"Oh, I'm sure there will be ponies you can get to know along the way. Perhaps you'll be attending school with them. But I will miss you as well.

"Did you want to stay overnight?"

Buttercup nodded eagerly.

Laura laughed and said, "Alright. We'd better let Tiffany know we only need the one room."

"I'll scrub your back if you scrub mine?"


"You're gonna have a bath, right?"

Laura felt her lips tense in a frown as her ears rotated flat against her head.

Buttercup waved her hooves and quickly said, "It's easier having somepony else scrub your back, right? And my back is so itchy! And I have a hard time getting between my wings! You don't have to-" Her voice grew higher pitched and slightly frantic as she pleaded.

"Alright. Alright, you've convinced me."

Laura exhaled a resigned sigh as her vision of floating serenely in scented bubbles popped.

"You bathed with your siblings as well?"

Buttercup nodded with a pleased smile on her muzzle. "Yup! Sometimes Mama and Papa too but I'm getting too old for that. Like I said; it's a lot easier having somepony help you and Auntie Twinkle can't scrub everypony."

Laura chuckled and said, "I suppose only unicorns can use a brush on their own back, mmm?"

She wasn't keen on the idea but it did make sense. Unfortunately. It wasn't much more overly intimate than when they'd had to search one another for ticks and here they were, sitting around chatting while completely naked, and she hadn't even thought to be bothered by it. She was going native but still hoped her cardigan could be salvaged.

It might be the only thing Thomas would recognise.

There was a polite tapping on the half-open door.

"Come in", Laura called.

A small black unicorn stallion with bright yellow streaks in his mane entered, followed by one of those large all-black 'drone' ponies with a pair of bamboo trays balanced on his back. The black horn jutting out in front of the unicorn's puffy white chef's hat glowed green and a small folding table slipped out from under the bed.

With a click-clack the legs flipped down, and it settled onto the carpet.

"Good evening", the chef smiled pleasantly as he floated one of the trays off of the other pony's back and down onto the table. "Eggs Benedict for Miss Smith?"

Laura hopped down and trotted to the low table as the delicious scents of eggs, toast, Hollandaise sauce, and mint drew her like a magnet. A smaller tray with a silver tea pot, cup, and little pots of honey and milk came to rest on the table. With a flourish the chef lifted the silver dome off of her plate and the delicious scents magnified to mouthwatering levels.

Laura sat and leaned over the plate, sniffing delicately with her eyes closed. Mmmm…

"Miss Buttercup? If you return to your room I will-"

Buttercup plunked herself down at the other end of the table and said, "I'm gonna eat here."

"Of course."

The remaining tray floated gently down to the table and the silver dome lifted revealing a steaming bowl of yellow soup with little blobs of oil floating on the surface.

"Is that?" Laura swallowed a slight feeling of nausea.

"Chicken noodle soup", the chef announced as another dome lifted. "And grilled cheese sandwiches."

"Alright!" Buttercup's feathers somehow managed to grip the over-sized padded handle on the spoon and she dipped it into the bowl. Torn between envy and disgust, Laura watched her greedily scoop a spoonful of noodles with a small lump of white meat into her muzzle.

Too stunned to dig into her own meal, Laura asked, "I… I thought we didn't eat meat?"

Buttercup shrugged and licked her lips. "We can eat a little. Mistral kills one of her chickens and makes soup when somepony is hurt or depressed. It's kinda gross the first time you gotta eat it but somehow it always makes you feel better. But yeah…" She scooped up another spoonful and blew on it. "Eating a lotta meat will make you puke and puke and puke."

It sounded like she was speaking from bitter experience.

"Please, enjoy." The chef waved a hoof for Laura to dig in.

"Ummm…" Laura picked up a fork and tried carefully prying open the sauce-covered American muffin to peer inside. "There's no bacon in this, is there?"

"Oh, no", the chef assured her. "We only cook with meat if a pony requests it. That is made with thin slices of smoked mushroom."

Feeling an odd mix of relief and disappointment, she cut a portion off with the fork's edge and clumsily shovelled it into her muzzle. Laura wiggled and squealed a little in delight as the creamy, smoky, savoury flavour hit her tongue.


Her fork scraped on the plate as she eagerly cut another portion.

The chef and… Scratch? Scritch? They stood near the little table, watching them closely. The chef licked his lips and smiled, his intense green eyes twinkling in the room's warm yellow lights. The 'drone' loomed behind him with all the presence of a cow standing in a field.

Laura cocked a curious eyebrow while chewing. His warm smile didn't falter at all but he at least seemed to get the message that his hovering was a little distracting.

He nodded and wished them, "Bon appetite. Come along, Scritch."

When he turned to leave, Laura saw that his cutie mark was a yellow 'M' shape made of two curves. He had a McDonald's logo on his rump! For an instant she was tempted to get a closer look to see if there was a little 'TM'.

"I said, come along!"

A green glow formed around Scritch's chin and tore his placid gaze from Buttercup. She was noisily tearing a huge bite from one of her grilled sandwiches and long strings of melted cheese dangled from her muzzle.

Shaking her head, Laura turned her attention back to her meal.

"That's how they eat", said Buttercup around her mouthful.

"I'm sorry?"

"Changelings. They don't eat like we do." She dunked the end of her sandwich in the soup. "They work around town and eat the happy emotions that ponies feel 'cause a changeling did something nice for 'em. S'what Chick told me anyway."

Laura's loaded fork hesitated before her muzzle. "That's-", she wanted to say 'insane' but another obvious word presented itself. "Magic?"

Buttercup nodded emphatically. "Yup! They're really ugly and gross when they're not disguised as a regular pony. I gotta see that!"

They ate quietly, well, Laura was quiet. Buttercup made frequent happy sounds and seemed incapable of chewing with her mouth closed.

"So, that chef? He was a changeling?"

Buttercup nodded.

"And Tiffany?" Touching her hadn't felt different from any other pony Laura had met.

Buttercup shrugged.

Well, that did explain tipping with hugs. How queer everything is here, as Alice might remark. Though this post-apocalypse world was no Wonderland, the hotel service was wonderful regardless of the odd creatures responsible.

A knock at the door announced the arrival of their bath water.