• Published 13th May 2017
  • 2,325 Views, 81 Comments

Mistress' Magic - Damaged

Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, hurt a friend. The time has come to face herself, and Fluttershy, and ask for forgiveness. What she gets is a new teacher.

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Comments ( 17 )

Whoop. Sorry.

I don't mind it if people don't like Starlight. If the reason is actually good. The problem is, most of the time, it isn't. The just toss out the same old garbage. Her backstory is actually brilliant because it fits with how ponies actually are. They do develop psychological problems when they lose their connection to another creature. Ponies do not react well without some connection. Starlight had years for it to get worse. They forget that they are not human. Hasbro and DHX have done so well with this show. Is it so hard to believe that they did their research on how a pony actually reacts to things? Except it's enhanced a bit here because it's a thinking, sentient version of a pony.

They don't even give her a fair chance. Even after improving by leaps and bounds. Like that one person I remember once saying they avoid episodes with her in it.

Comment posted by Brony-wan-kenobi deleted Jan 11th, 2018
Comment posted by Brony-wan-kenobi deleted Jan 11th, 2018
Comment posted by Brony-wan-kenobi deleted Jan 11th, 2018

8662864 The next one (will be a sequel to this) will not have her in it. :scootangel:


Wow, first paragraph, three errors, this is going to be a treat. Starlight didn’t go back in time because of Sunburst, she went back in time because Twilight turned her village against her. Applebloom and Moondancer didn’t lose all their friends because they got a special talent. Applebloom abandoned Twist because Twist got her Cutie mark, and Moondancer didn’t have anything to do with Cutie marks, Twilight just ignored her and left her without even trying to contact her again. Which is exactly what happened to Starlight, Sunburst ignored her, ran off, and never contacted her again. I have to assume this is a typo or... something, because this makes it look like you don’t even watch the show. Though, since this is coming from the guy who said he was thinking of skipping an episode because Starlight was in it, something tells me you don’t actually watch episodes with her in it all that much. Let’s just rapid fire our way through the the rest of these, since I doubt it’ll even be worth my time to try and debate this.

Discord wasn’t turned to stone to punish him, it was literally the only way to stop him. Criminals don’t get off without punishment because the police had to tazer them to arrest them. Not even going to go into Sunset Shimmer, I could do a whole essay on her and why her role in RR is... flawed. Ah yes, Starlight whines that other people haven’t forgiven her. Are you sure you aren’t getting Sunset and Starlight mixed up? Because the only thing Starlight’s “whined” about is that she’s scared others will find out what she did, not that her friends haven’t forgiven her. At this point, I don’t think you’ve even watched enough of Starlight that anyone should take your arguments seriously.

Speaking of taking arguments seriously, here comes my favorite one. WHY WONT ANYONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?! Seriously? I think teaching kids the value of forgiveness is far more valuable than continuing to try and equate vengeance with justice. Starlight realized she was wrong, and stopped herself, earning Twilight’s trust by doing so. A nice change of pace from the magical brainwashing, emotional manipulation, and “magical influence” outs the show usually throws at us when it comes to character reformation. None of the “reformed” villains face any backlash from authority figures or punishments for their past deeds once they agreed to turn a new leaf, at worst they face self inflicted punishments, continued disdain for still being a jerk, and nasty stares from people she tried to use as brainwashed soldiers. The horror.

Let’s see, what else. Okay, you’re right about time travel, but are you seriously trying to use It’s About Time as some sort of counter example? The most logically bankrupt time travel story I’ve ever seen? It’s a self fulfilling “prophecy” that shouldn’t have even been able to be set in motion.

Starlight is replacing the Mane Six. What a rather drama baiting and highly opinionated statement. But let’s go ahead and take a moment to examine it. Since the season five premier, there have been 78 episodes. In all of those episodes, Starlight has made an appearance in 25 episodes. If we cut out episodes where she doesn’t speak, she appears in 22 episodes. Since her inclusion, she has appeared in only 22/78 episodes. But that doesn’t tell us how often the main six appear. So let’s take season seven, her most used season, and compare how often we see her compared to the rest of the main six. Let’s use episode appearances, or speaking roles to be more precise, as our form of counting.
Twilight:15/26 episodes
Starlight:11/26 episodes
Applejack:12/26 episodes
Fluttershy:9/26 episodes
Pinkie Pie:14/26 episodes
Rarity:10/26 episodes
Rainbow Dash:11/26
So, Starlight only has more appearances than two of the main six, and is in line with the rest. But even this is a pretty poor measure to use. After all Fluttershy had the fewest appearances of the season, but I have heard many people think she was great in it. She isn’t “replacing” them, she’s getting the same amount of focus as them. Unless, of course, you think anytime she appears on screen she’s replacing someone. I guess than I could see where your argument was coming from.

Ah yes, and of course you have to wrap it up with the “woah is me, the beleaguered victim” speech, where you appeal to the show’s virtues of harmony and friendship to defend you. Listen, asshole, you go around to people’s stories, not just this one, and make sure to let everyone know that it’s not worth reading just because Starlight’s in it, you don’t get to try and adopt some moral high ground. Constantly having to defend your beliefs from people who think having a different opinion is a bad thing? What’s that saying? “When you run into one asshole, that guy was an asshole. When you run into assholes all the time, your the asshole.” The fandom isn’t being ruined by Starlight haters. It being ruined by people like you. Attention whores who think the world revolves around them and don’t realize that just because you have an opinion, doesn’t mean you have to share it.

I won’t delete this either, I’m not going to be shamed into keeping quiet. Being blocked means nothing to me. Downvotes mean nothing to me. If you actually wanted to get me to apologize yourself, refusing to talk to me certainly wasn’t going to do it. Hell, this just makes any apology I give him look insincere, so I’m not really sure what you’re trying to accomplish. Brony-Wan are discussing this among ourselves, but even if we can work it out amongst ourselves, I’m not even going to bother trying to get unblocked. This is literally nobodies loss.

Comment posted by Brony-wan-kenobi deleted Jan 11th, 2018

Your not worth getting angry at. Take it however you want. I'm just going to move on.

I deleted my comments before more people can insult, belittle, or degrade my point of view and make me feel worthless

Deleteing your original comment, how mature. What, didn’t think people would buy the whole “that wasn’t me, it was my friend” bs again? Go ahead, move on to tell someone else their work isn’t good enough for you.
And again with the pity party, when I’m the only person who’s probably a big enough asshole to call you out what a jerk you’re being. Hell, the author even tried to make you feel welcome by letting you know the sequel won’t have Starlight in it. This fandom bends over backwards for people like you, but no matter what it isn’t good enough.

No, I'm taking them down because they have nothing to do with this story. If you want to turn it into some more go ahead. Like I said, I'm done with this shit.

So you say someone isn't worth your time and then spend what 3 pages tearing him down. Then when he takes down his comments you just shout at him more? I think you have issues

Kind of feel like you do. You see, those are opinions that people can disagree with. But I have to ask what was said that caused this entire tirade and was it worth it?

Never used those words. Only said that I don’t want to take the time to debate every point he raised since he doesn’t seem rational when it comes to Starlight, not just here but other places I’ve seen too.

Also, wow, he deleted all of his comments. His first comments were that he wasn’t going to read the story because Starlight was in it. Then a lot of stuff about how she’s a terrible character and hates her. Those were the ones he wrote that titan hades was responding to.

Honestly, there are other stories or threads I could point you to that would give you an idea of what he said, but that feels like harassment at that point. Suffice it to say, he really, really, really hates Starlight.

8663363 Okay, I'm going to block you and you know why?

Ah yes, and of course you have to wrap it up with the “woah is me, the beleaguered victim” speech, where you appeal to the show’s virtues of harmony and friendship to defend you. Listen, asshole, you go around to people’s stories, not just this one, and make sure to let everyone know that it’s not worth reading just because Starlight’s in it, you don’t get to try and adopt some moral high ground. Constantly having to defend your beliefs from people who think having a different opinion is a bad thing? What’s that saying? “When you run into one asshole, that guy was an asshole. When you run into assholes all the time, your the asshole.” The fandom isn’t being ruined by Starlight haters. It being ruined by people like you. Attention whores who think the world revolves around them and don’t realize that just because you have an opinion, doesn’t mean you have to share it.

That. Argue all you wish, and I am cool about it, but attacking a user is not on. If you want to be unblocked, I would suggest apologizing for that load of vitriol to Brony-wan-kenobi, and give me a DM on discord (I am in the fimfic server).

I am not going to delete that post, far from it, I don't want people to wonder why I have done this.

If all he did was say that then what's the problem? Why are people like you and titanhades70 making a stink about it? You could have rolled your eyes and ignored him since honestly it wasn't hurting anyone. Maybe he followed the author, gave his advice or whatever and just wanted to let him know he was skipping this one.

Was the author pissed? I didn't see anything about it in the comment.

How long ago did he make that statement? It looked like he hadn't been on this story until titanhades70 made that Starlight is the best ever comment which feel immature in its own way

This was rather nice but I would have preferred it if there was no switch with seed and if Twilight only male subs.

It’s good but it seemed like it was missing chapters. Twilight also came across as more a secondary character to act as a catalyst for Starlight and Sunburst’s relationship. Twilight’s training with Cadance was abrupt and a bit of a let down. Again, the story was good it is just that the title and description imply a different focus than what is present; at least for me it does.

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