• Published 22nd Apr 2017
  • 1,836 Views, 31 Comments

Bathophobia - Ice Star

[Poetry] As Twilight and her friends prepare for the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the real Cadance tries to hold her fragile mind together in the caves beneath Canterlot.

  • ...

Blink and Wake Up

But as the time she can no longer count
just ticks on by
and the cold walls of crystal
have their venom seep into her
and lucidity is an occasional recollection
of something that may or may not have been
as her trance wears on
and the sitting spell continues
with all this weight
of worry and exhaustion
and magic that fades without the love it was borne by, in the most difficult of times
and even stars fade from her eyes

Her voice is regained with water
but there is no one to speak to
and the few times she cried out
in this crystal-spiked den
only her ears rung with shattered forms of her image,
but all of them are but reflections splattered across the crystalline chunks

And when nearby echoes that can't be more than a dream fade
there is an instant
when crystal shatters
and a bit of magic sparks within her
at the sight of—


Comments ( 26 )

Well... this was... short... I must admit, there wasn't really time for me to become invested, yet I still liked it. The syntax was interesting, though the choice was appropriate for the situation.

Stoner/Hippy Cadance... interesting, I like it.

Edit: the hippy marries the soldier? ...alrighty then.

Fun. Strange, but fun.

Creepy. I like it.

Short and scary

Wow I'm late

I'd say it's spooky
That's been over done.

So instead I'll say good job I enjoyed this

Good job
I enjoyed this

this is a good story, some kind of strange and psych and confusing, but it is really good ^^

Fear not, the dark, my friend. And let the feast begin.

8112991 If you liked the style, but want a longer story, I'd suggest you try Autophobia which tackles a similar concept with way more words. However, it features Celestia and way more historical drama. If those don't appeal to you, then the other stories like this that I wrote (yes, there are more) aren't likely to be entertaining.

Thank you! I'm glad that the storytelling was effective.

8113374 2spoopy4u?

8113400 It's still more original than Blink haha.

8114651 Well, I am following you for a reason. I think I have a few of your stories on my, 'List of Things to Eventually Read,' but that's a very long list. I'll have to add Autophobia to it (that's what I'm going to do right now).

bathophobia is the fear of taking baths, right?

8115805 Not quite. It is the fear of depths - mostly lakes and caves.

I thought it meant a fear of baths o.O

Most -phobia words aren't literal in meaning.

When one is locked within the jaws of deep dark chambers, such deep dark chambers will inevitably try to swallow.

Yep. Playing with these kinds of atmospheres has always been a sort of morbid experiment to me, and I really enjoy it. Thank you for reading by the way, this piece is one I'm pretty proud of, no matter how little recognition it has. If you liked it, you might find the companion story 'Autophobia' to your liking too.


I'll add Autophobia to my read-later list, then. :3

I hope you like it when you get around to it!

Well, what can I say? Sanity cannot understand any insanity/phobia? While, likely, it's an accurate representation of Cadence, I couldn't make heads or tails of it. All I could figure is that her mind is fractured, even though she might(?) be already wed and/or just sleeping...

No, really, I didn't understand a single thing. Is she out of caverns, is she "thinking back", is she broken, is she sane and only dreams of the caves, is she currently under Cabterlot? All I know is that Cady suffers currently(. Doesn't matter if she's imprisoned, or free but sufferes from the phobia. I want to hug her so bad.

Thanks for reading! The titular phobia is the one to describe the fear of caves and such. Cady is currently in the caves; the last chapter is when Twi rescues and finds her. Everything else is mental decay (while in the caves), flashbacks (magic talks, talks with Shiny, etc.), or her recalling a detail and missing somepony. Hope that clears things up!

Huh, I see. Was an interesting story. That said, how did you even mage that? Did you suffer a phobia as well? I wouldn't be able to write it so. Now I would, since you did it first, and I know what to go for... I read descriptions before, I wouldn't be able to come up with such "together thoughts", or the lapses in between. Keep creating. Maybe write a story where Cady's family helps her after that nightmare?

I don't have a sequel planned to this one, but there is another (clearer) story with the same kind of phobia gimmick with Celestia I wrote, called Autophobia. I did more wordplay and expansion with that one. This was a more atmospheric piece.

I actually don't have this phobia at all! Or any of the fears I wrote about in the '-phobia' stories. In general, I do not write about fears that I actually have. I'm not sure why. I've also never really been around caves, though bathophobia can also be attributed to the literal fear of depth (think of oceans, lakes, caves, etc.). I'm not really fond of the ocean, but I'm not afraid of it.

I'm afraid of houseflies, though. Not all insects, just houseflies. And, uh, bees, wasps, hornets. Those kinds. I can't find what the fear of bees specifically is called, but there is a fear of bee stings!

You also need to make the disticntion between a PHOBIA, which is irrational overpowering fear, and just plain fear of our everyday selves. I'm afraind of some things, such as pain, or drowning... But I do not lose control when faced with it. You could say that I also am afraid of everything with a stinger.

Hmm, well, I found it. Search for "phobia of bees", and you get this as a result... As a first one, no less.

Oh, I know the difference, I just have a habit of switching over to 'fear' when the context of 'phobia' is established. I have a phobia of houseflies and nasty bees and wasps, then. Especially considering how I react to them. I have not written of any phobia/fear I actually have except maybe one. A recurring character in my works is possesses one for surgery (being a patient, not the concept itself).

Ah, gotta be tough for you. I don't have any phobias whatsoever. Well, not that I KNOW to have any. Anyway. good luck and keep writing.

Thanks! I hope you like my other stories. :heart:

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