I read, I stalk, I Write, and one day one of my stories will be featured. That is all
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I'll have to keep my eye on this!
7810996 I'm glad you liked it

The concept is good, but the constant spelling and grammatical errors are very jarring. You might consider a proofreader.
7811516 I have tried I think because of the holidays there isn't a lot of people on
just letting you know I have someone finally on it.
Watching this with very great interest.
7842290 glad to hear it
7842321 I like the set up, the consensual nature of it and how you wrote it. Well done.
Where is the next chapter o,o
I''m kidding, wonderful job :)
7936189 it's coming life has been getting in way
Ok man that was a twist at the end. Honestly expected r to scream Apple Jack's name but Rarity wow!!
I'm really enjoying this. I am waiting anxiously for the next chapter.

Wish we could see an update
Pity this story died