• Member Since 7th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Dec 6th, 2022


Just a pegasister who likes art, fanfics, and perchance writing.



This story is a sequel to Ponies Go To Heaven

It has been three months since the events of Anon-A-Miss and Sunset running away to Los Pegasus with Jackie Vibrato. Despite the tears and the hardship, Sunset Shimmer has grown close to and given her trust to a new group of friends, joined their band the Pony Breakers, and has really thrived in her short time in Los Pegasus.

Unfortunately it seems she cannot just simply be allowed to forget Canterlot and the ex-friends that had abandoned her during the Anon-A-Miss incident. A stop over in Canterlot on their way to Manehattan shows just how much things have changed at the school since Sunset Shimmer left. And who is that (face it well all know it's human Twilight) snooping around the school's statue where the portal is?!

00000 ----- 00000

The third installment in the Guitars, Sugar, OCs and Magik universe! I'm so happy that the previous two stories have been received in a positive manner and while this may not be the last sequel in the main series, I can say with confidence knowing what I have planned... SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO APE.

Also, cover art done by me as per usual and yes, the other silhouette with Sunset Shimmer is Jackie's. And the theme this time is Nirvana with All Apologies, cover art based on the Unplugged Album.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 129 )

One question that still needs to be answered is what school if any did Sunset attend while she was away from CHS I find it hard to believe that she would be able to get by without a high school diploma.

7507216 Sorry, I thought I made it clear in the story.

But in between the events of Ponies Go to Heaven and the first Chapter of All Apologies, she transferred to Los Pegasus High School to finish out her last year of high school.

And hopefully I've established how shitty the Los Pegasus basic education system is so getting into high school there was even easier than Canterlot HIgh despite Sunset Shimmer just popping up one day from another dimension. :derpytongue2:

Also during the first two installments it all basically happened over holiday break, so no need to worry about school immediately or being kicked out. SHe only missed a couple days when she ran off to Los Pegasus.

I'm a bit worried by the "Dark" tag there, but oh well...

7507277 Welllll, it's kind of like a safety net I think. Mainly I put it there for Chrysalis...

Edit: I'm not saying there's going to be like, violent shit that would require me to label gore or whatever. But I feel what's ahead is going to be well... dark.

EditEdit: And hey, if what I'm thinking of isn't that dark I can always take the tag off. :derpytongue2:

7507286 Well we'll see, I guess! I quite like some darker themes but as far as Anon-A-Miss stories go, I like the lighter tone of yours!

7507313 Yeah, I mean there's still going to be light moments in Anon-A-Miss amongst all the drama buuuuuut with Chrysalis, I don't see myself writing her as anything less than malevolent for this.

Like I said in the description, in this sequel shit is going to go ape. XD

I do have to ask, why have you decided to split this all into several stories instead of a few arcs all in one story?

7507322 Sequel to "All Apologies": "Stairway to Heaven", where Sunset Shimmer runs away to Groenland and lives a peaceful and retired life far from all the dramas. XD

7507326 *shrugs* Just the way I'm doing it?

Plus all the songs I chose for each arc would get mashed up and I would only have one cover art. :derpytongue2:

I guess if I thought about it, if I tried doing it all in one, big thing I guess it might burn me out if that makes any sense. Like I need an end to get refreshed before tackling another arc. And I guess I see it as a difference between putting in a chapter that says "time skip" and having separate stories to have like, a definite marker of different moments of time in the Guitars, Sugar, OCs and Magik universe.

But I guess the bottom line is, it's just how I'm doing it. :derpytongue2:

7507333 Psh, Greenland? The least she could do is go to New Zealand where she ends up having to destroy the one ring. XD

Don't fret, it going to happen to any writer, and thank youl on the pair up, I could see it, the two were friends and had a specail bond the Miss Anon incident and aftermath and conqunces would of brought them together to comfort each other.

Her eyes may not be red just from being high as well, could of cried as well. Yeah Tree Hugger is real laid back and adapts but can be over welmed.
Losing Sunset, getting the truth and then losing Celestia and getting Chrissy as Prinicipal and what she said to them.....Yeah.

Thou DID NOT see Sunset running into one of her exes like that...OWWWWWWW! :twilightoops: :facehoof:
Oh this is so akward.... Can't wait for the next chapter!

7507991 Oh, you think it's awkward NOW? :rainbowwild:

And yeah I mean, I figured stories with OCs would get down voted but out of the three so far All Apologies is getting it the worst for some reason! I don't know if it's because of the OCs or TreeShy pairing or what. :applejackconfused:

7508263 So you ARE entertained. XD

Looking forward to next chapter, no idea why there are so many down votes.

7508687 Eh, who knows? Either way I have chapters to write. XP

wonder if I've earned that Dark tag yet.

You have

7509336 YAY. Now to worry if I need to put up a gore warning! :pinkiecrazy:

7509343 you didn't go into much detail, so I don't think you need to (yet)

7509354 WEll when it comes to hanky panky or violence I don't want to go into detail and stuff. I kind of want to just stick in T rated town. :derpytongue2:

Dam Crhissy is beyond cruel and that is animal cruelty. Thou have to ask what with Sunset slamming locking doors like that, and she shouldn't put her friend int he spot light liek that.
This si abig dream they have t play in that concert, I'm not saying Sunset doesn't have a right tos tay there but she shouldn't gone wit you're going to abandon me route.

Stilla good chapter and can't wait for more.

7509380 Ehhhh, trust me, I wondered how I was going to play this out.

But hopefully next chapter things will be a little more satisfactory.

Edit: Because confidentially... it's not quite what it seems.

Seriously, Sunset needs either meds for her emotional explosions, or serious counseling. She's done this a few times now, and it really needs to stop. she jumps to the worst conclusions for the absolute smallest reasons, all the while disregarding the facts. Fact: Jackie and her friends have done more than enough for her to know that they aren't just going to abandon her at the drop of a hat.

Fact: She's being selfish, and illogical. She's willing to the risk the careers of the people who have taken care of her out of some bizarre feeling of guilt. Jackie even said they could go back, and handle things (specifically the portal thief) after they were done.

ok, rant over. but i stand by my point, which is she needs therapy or something, because she's really messed up still.

7509447 A) it's still only been three months.

And B) Not everything is at it seems.

...That's bloody tears it! Where's my shotgun?! Ah there it is *loads ammo* *cocks shotgun* I got a witch to kill.

Great chapter by the way.

7509542 Thank you. XD

Next chapter is almost ready!

:rainbowlaugh: I love it! This s agreat chapter and can totally see Jackie do that. Heh, I see while Sunset may still be angry at the others, didn't mean she wanted them heart.
I'm sure when Pinkie sees Sunset she may gain enough strenght to hug her sobbing her apologizes.

7509906 Yeah, I'm finding that while Jackie's character tries to be cool, she can be spazzy. XD

But yeah, I'm glad you enjoyed the latest chapter and I hope it makes up for the whole fake out of Sunset Shimmer regressing with abandonment issues but I had to separate them and create SOME drama. XD

Okay this just got good.

Dark tag? ..... not yet but close. very well written though still this could be.....darker.

7511094 Really? Hmmm... like, how close am I to earning that dark tag?

And what exactly would push me to earning it?

It seems a bit too implausible that she knows about Pinkie's incident with Marble. Not only that, but this is starting to seem pretty farfetched. Like, eventually, one student's parents are gonna notice that he or she's suddenly depressed and scared of school. Eventually, word would get out, and I'm sure there'd be some reports to investigate. Even if it's the students vs. Chrysalis, the entire student body complaining about her abuse is sure to be taken seriously.

7512942 Ehhh, this was one of my initial worries when contemplating making Chrysalis a master manipulator, I wasn't sure how far I could go with it while keeping things plausible.

The way I'm trying to play it is that Chrysalis is able to do things but have deniability and/or ways to cover her back. Plus she wouldn't have to abuse the entire student body, just target those that would get out of line.

I suppose it's a problem of figuring out how to make her very unlikable to make the students of CHS and the humane 5 sympathetic again after everything they did with Anon-A-Miss and such.

Either way, it's what I went with. *shrugs*

Okay I don't know if to be angry at Chrysalis because of her manipulation or at the girls for not doing anything about it.

7513218 *shrugs* Dealer's choice. The problem I'm trying to convey is that the way Chrysalis does things there's really no way to prove that she said what she said and such.

7513699 Good point but still like the chapter.:pinkiehappy:

7514037 Well that's good.

I'm hoping you'll like the next one too. I'm trying to be more conscious of making Chrysalis totally evil without trying to push too much for it to be unbelievable. So enjoy what I hope is more acceptable evilness!

Ok, that's the second Anon-a-miss fic I've read where Flash Sentry was mistakenly called Brad. What's up with that?

7514290 To be honest I dunno where the joke originated from. On youtube I watched some famous Brony reviewers watch Rainbow Rocks and one of them called him Brad, so that's just always stuck with me for some reason.

If I had to guess, he's called Brad because he's so boringly stereotypical nice guy clearly just made to be a love interest, why not give him a generic name?

Again, that's just my theory. XD

I really hope she gets exposed, this will back lash onalot of the schol board and Tirek who may have words with her afterwards.....that would be delicious, sure she fears him greatly.

7515179 *grins* If you can see the direction I'm going to go with that yet... yeah, it should be pretty good.

7514290 it's sort of a character trope, a character being a Brad is like that one pretty boy obvious love interest in stories that every main character girl swoons over while ignoring the obvious boy next door love interest who's been the perfect guy all along.

7515910 Yeah, I can see that... except in this case there's NO ONE else and there's just Brad. :rainbowlaugh:

Aaahh i see now, yeah Principal Chrysalis would fess up thou Midnight may have to do a little more a example maybe.
While I'm glad Twilight doing this it may back fire a little as she lost control, I also wonder if she done all this one she learns the whole story.

..........Yeah she would, Principal Chrysalis is a tyrant and monster, and she going down hard. Wonder how many she drag withher thou, meaning those who had suppoted ehr or knew the truth and her connection toTirek.

But imagine Twilight be horrfied when she learns the whole story between Sunset and the school on the Miss Anon bit.
she be more udnerstanding but don't think she hate the Rainbooms be diappointed yes hate no.
that what I hope.

7518929 Oh, you think learning about Sunset's past with the Rainbooms will horrify her?

Juuuust wait until the next chapter. :pinkiecrazy:

Oh boy thinsg are going to get tense still want Principal Chrysalis to be exposed.

7519367 Ehhhhhhh, we'll see how you like the next chapter.

PREPARE FOR DRAMA! :trollestia:

Okay, Chrysalis is dead meat for what she just did to Sunset.

Sunny's friends (ALL of them) will see to that.

Calling it now.

7519595 Yup. Poor Sunset.

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