This story is a sequel to All Apologies
After the epic battle against Chrysalis during the Friendship Games a couple weeks ago, Sunset, Jackie, and the rest are trying to settle down and get ready for Spring Break. But all is not completely well, for despite their victory many haven't quite grasped peace of mind just yet. Can they all come together for Spring Break at the Los Pegasus beaches to put their troubles behind them, have fun, repair friendships and perhaps start new relationships?
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This is officially going to be the last sequel in the Anon-A-Miss arc for my Guitars, Sugar, OCs, and Magik universe. I was torn between ending it in a Red Hot Chili Peppers song Scar Tissue, but considering how this starts and the over all tone this is bound to have, I feel Sublime's What I Got is more appropriate.
Oh yeah and there is kind of sexy times but I'm not getting explicit, just putting the warning up there just in case.
So is Sunset going to finally fall for Jackie I mean they already share a bed together so why not have them go on a official date?
7531695 *snorts* It'll be amusing to see how this plays out between them. Because right now Jackie is hella confused.
Thank you for your comment on my own Anon-a-miss story I look forward to what you think of later chapters of it. I am currently waiting for Icecreammac to finish editing the next one so that should be up hopefully in a few days. I have something special planed for the end of the story that will give rise to a sequel.....I hope.
Can't wait to see how this one plays out. I bet Jackie is going to be like 'well heck what do we do now sunshine?'
7531705 No worries.
And oooo, intrigue! I can't wait to see.
This is why I WISH this wonderful characters were real I would have loved to see the look on bobbies face after Jackie told him 'we had sex'.
7531765 I know, right? XD
Nice start, I wasn't expecting that, at least not for the first chapter. Would have been funnier if Bobby had walked in on them or if someone from CHS or CP came early as a surprise, meet Bobby along the way and walked in on them.
Is there going to be a rival for Sunset's or Jackie's affections popping up at some point? Get the feeling that might happen.
Well good start. Now let's see you keep it up.
7531916 What, you think theren's a chance someone won't walk in on them in the future?
And we'll just have to see if rivalries pop uuuuup. XD
7532075 Fingers crossed. XD
I guess the delay's my fault XD
Great chapter, good to see Jackie back in her rut. How long til she gets a key to the door?
7546283 .... giggity.
I'm not sure i like the pairing don't get me wrong. Just how it happened, I mean they slept together but was it the heat of the moment or will they become a couple.
I don't know, honestly while I'm a huge sci Twi and Sunset shipper, I don't see it happening here not just because of Jackie the way they met and how things went down. least they be friends, at least she has some things in common witht he Rainbooms, they all fubar Sunset one way or another.
7546550 *shrugs* It is what it is. Hope you like the story anyway.
Why. Just why. Good chapter.
7547778 That could be asked to ANYTHING that just happened in Chapter 2.
Oh it was worth it. Now I can't wait for the next one! Can't they all just agree they were both bitches and be done with it?
7573634 Oh if only things could be that easy.
Then we'd have world peace!
7573638 Hi! I'm a bitch with a short temper! Let's be friends!
Wow. Your series is really good. How long have you been working on 'em? Also, what happened to Sci-Twi?
Huh for some reason when I got to Jackie and Rainbow's fight my mind just went to this one time one of cousins caught and put a bunch of spiders into one jar and watched them kill each other.
Also that one Family Guy episode at the end in which Stewie tested Peter and Brian's friendship via a simulation in which they didn't remember anything and became friends easily. He tried it with the women and just a few minutes in they were already fighting.
Also Red Vs Blue when Tex returns and meets Sister..... Wait where was I going with this?
Anyway if my psychic powers, or more accurately my odd ability to peek into mind, haven't left me I'm guessing that Rainbow and Adagio might be potential rivals for Sunset's affections? Or at the very least the latter will just mess with them.
Rainbow might have feelings for Sunset or she just feels really guilty for turning her back on her.
Anyway I'm looking forward to how this goes down.
7573659 Hi there! I too am a bitch with a short temper and I would LOVE to be friends!
7573776 Eh, I started writing all this around August 1st, long time fanfiction reader, first time writer that day. As for sci-twi I never really liked that nickname and it just seemed like it would be awkward to use in real conversations. So sci-twi is nicknamed Sparky in the B,S,O,G universe.
7573874 Well, not as accurate as guessing Pokemon Tears Ending but you're on the right track.
This is quite possibly going to be the longest fanfic in the Anon-A-Miss arc with all the topics I want to get to/cover. Hope it'll all be good.
7574325 Hmmkay
I love the bit about the. "don't look at her boobs Don't look at her boobs bit!
That was hilarious, but dam Adagio you evil evil evil woman! I love it!
Stanza would be proud of Adagio.
7575311 YAY XD
7574875 who could blame her?
Adagio was hilarious! She clearly does not need to be the villain in order to get under Sunset's skin
I love how she tried so hard not to look at Celestia's boobs and was mesmerized by her fabulous body. I bet every guy on the beach is envious of Discord for having such a woman by his side. Are you going to make Discord and Celestia a couple by any chance? I hope you do.
7575897 Neeeeyope! Even though she only appeared in one movie, THERE WAS SO MUCH MATERIAL TO WORK WITH. I loved her character and villain or not, the innuendos and mischief never rest!
7575921 Celestia definitely has the BAM in my universe. XD
But I don't quite know what to do with Discord and Celestia's relationship, right now it's some kind of weird thing where they have the strangest friendship, especially now after Celestia is no longer the principal at CHS.
7576102 well it wouldn't be Discord if their friendship was anything but weird. Maybe as the story goes on it'll come to you, I certainly don't mind seeing both of them showing up together throughout the story, maybe Jackie could return the favor and help Celestia admit her feelings to Discord. My inner DiscordXCelestia was gushing seeing them together at the beach. Sorry for rambling I just couldn't help myself
7576211 Eh, maybe? I just don't see them hooking up. At least not yet.
I kind of like the strange relationship they have right now but I'm not discounting that I couldn't change my mind in the future.
Adagio is just getting better and better
7576441 Lol, glad you're having as much fun! XD
Be Gentle...Oh you poor por fool, that was the worst thng you could said.
Wonder she going to go after Fluttershy?
7576527 Dunno, Adagio is kinda busy with the whole Jackie and Sunset thing.
She has... plans. *twiddles mustache fiendishly*
Hmm right now I can picture Sunset confronting both Jackie and Adagio and all three ending in bed, like in Family Guy when Louis confront Bill Clinton.
7576816 While that is certainly not beyond Adagio's skill level, for some reason a threesome might make things worse instead of better.
Forget to mention this but I can picture Jackie, Bobby and even Sonata actually saying out loud not to look at Celestia's boobs. The last two at the very least saying something about them to her face.
Who says I meant for that to happen right now when things are all tense? Maybe down the line, when things have cleared up, Sunset senses this weird attraction Jackie has for Adagio and confronts them about it. And things take their natural course. Wink wink. Just like what my very corrupted mind thinks happened between Jackie and the sirens.
Kind of seeing Sonata saying things that might make things worst though before all of this is settled.
Adagio, you naughty siren! Keep it up! Sunset's reactions are priceless!
7576984 All fun ideas. I guess we wait to see what the future holds. XD
7577596 I have to admit I have a lot of fun with the sirens. Wish they would come back in EQG.
Oh god, Rainbow Dash you sneak!
Oh and good for Jackie and Sunset
Dammit, Rainbow!
"You're such a dork."
Ah yes, the highest of compliments in a relationship.
Welp the Gaunlets are thrown down.....Or more like thrown in Jackie's face.
Hurry hurry hurry! Step right up and place your bets! Place your bets! Who will win? The jock bitch with the pole up her ass, or the high school dropout bitch with marginal intelligence? Two bitches bitching it out on the beach! Who will win? Put your money where your mouth is!
The high school dropout bitch wins but she looks terrible!
I couldn't resist!
7586545 SON OF A BITCH! I bet on the wrong bitch!
And hey! Jackie's tattoo looked cool in the 90s!
.... well, at least she looks cool in her mind.
7586575 She desperately needs a mirror.
And come back in a matter of days to see if the jock bitch will call for a rematch!
And I hope Adagio keeps flirting with Jackie because her reactions are hilarious!